BESBELK - TYLER’S ' 3U* _ ___ —OF EDENTON FEBRUARY I Dig l#3y S * FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY mar" FOLKS... Don't Miss These Bargains... Vou Will Find Hnndreds of Items That We W Not Have Room to Advertise! Prices Are Lower Savings Are Bigger Selections Wider! Ww *r You Will Save a Sizeable Sum Because Every Value Is Tops !!! ire V£iwH||| ~ Slightly Irregular ONE TABLE TVJVT OXIS Women’s N Y LOJN b _ T " il wHW£r New Spring shades f* d jj # t " in values to $1.35 ... Hfl ■ W *IL They are 61 and 60 A JL » gauge, 12 and 16 denier nylons. Values to $9.95. Natural S3^&Sf tane *' Sw “ ,bri " 2 pair for $ J (J(J SI.OO - SECONDS GOOD ONES | ONE TABLE CHILDREN’S Y L 0 N S Red Rider H f 4 pair SHOES i *l«> SI.OO Special Purchase fe ” ~ FOR SI.OO DAYS Fine McCrary women’s w lMvl nn C New S P ring i liiyions iFWFIRY r $1.35 Sellers ... 51 gauge, iLfILLIII L; 15 denier and 60 gauge and _ , ' . „ ~ .|£ id Hpniprt Pearls, Pins, Ear-hobs, novel-.: ‘ _ ties ... All new Spring styles! @* 10 ° snoof ms v Gltt iS’ SI.OO SALE SI.OO " spring /A Grey Enameled DISH PANS \rfMß A regular 69c seller . . . large |s| size, heavy grey enamel! [ siToo f SI.OO DAYS SALE Fine Imported * LINENS B 54 x 70 table cloths, napkins, scarfs, W towel sets, rollcovers, vanity sets and [ g x >QO l W v ' riftT A 10-Quart Galvanized |L,s4 PAILS IBv fT‘l A* TABS Don’t miss this one, folks ... it is iW A a #l/1 hmm. at a give-away price! 1 2 for SI.OO M |K SALE SI.OO SALE Cosmetics IJVSw Ik Dorothy Perkins, Coty face pow- KV..MS Yw Mm ders, lotions, sachets, cologne sticks, \\ \Jr fm liquid make-up, bath powder, talcum HilS ‘Ajg and gift sets . . . values up to $1.50 Jb?m ii.oo 2 for sl -°° IKi DOLLAR DAYS « [ ""==* THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 19£4. ■ MEN’S FULL CUT SANFORIZED Work Shirts Sizes 14% to 17 .. . deep blue fine Rl® | mll B chambray shirts I fl ■■ a,ar ,on ’

2 Sizes Small, Medium and Large . . . These are irregu- fWy' lars that were made for the Navy. M en ’s Good Quality A 1 A A WORK SOCKS