Volume XXl.—Number 9. New Home Agentsjl Approved Monday By Commissioners, Miss Hattie Singjetary j Will Succeed Mrs. Imo- I gene Cachrane startsTapril 1 Miss Clara Mason New Assistant Agent as of March 16th In an afternoon session Monday Chowan County Commissioners ap proved a new home agent and a new assistant home agent. Present at the meeting were County Agent C. W. Overman, Mrs. Esther G. Willis, dis trict home demonstration agent, and Miss Hattie Singletary and Miss Clara Mason. Miss Singletary was approved as home agent to succeed Mrs. Imogenej Cochrane, whose wedding to George Alma Byrum is scheduled to take place in April. Mrs. Cochrane will resign on April 1, at which time Miss Singletary will take over her new du ties unless some complications develop. Miss Singletary is a native of Bla den County, a graduate of Flora Mac Donald College and has had varied ex perience. She has been employed at Statesville for two years as assistant home agent and will come to Chowan very well recommended. Miss Mason will fill the position of assistant home agent and for the re mainder of the fiscal year will work jointly with Chowan and Perquimans 4-H Clubs. The position has been va-1 cant for some time, and it is hoped at the beginning of the fiscal year each county will be able to employ a full time assistant. Miss Mason is a native of Hyde County and u graduate of East Caro lina College. She was highly recom mended by Mrs. Willis as well as oth er Extension officials. She is sched -led to report for duty March 16 to v de her time between Chowan and r ' r> juimans counties. , ■ J he Commissioners were vary fav orably impressed with the two young ladies, and they, too, in turn expressed their pleasure to be able to work in Chowan County. Plans Progressing For Swimming Pool Fund Drive Is Delayed Pending Ruling on Contributions Plans for the new proposed swim ming pool in Edenton are progressing with the adoption of the by-laws for the organization by the board of trus tees at a meeting held Monday night in the Municipal Building. A site for the swimming pool has already been offered by the Town of Edenton, located between the Armory and Park Avenue, but at the present time the board can make no move as to accepting or rejecting the offer un til an engineer arrives here to look the situation over and see if the spot is suitable for building a swimming pool. Jesse Harrell, president of Hicks Memorial Swimming Pool Corpora tion, presided at the meeting and ap pointed a building committee compos ed of R. N. Hines, chairman, Geddes Potter, J. Clarence Leary, Sr., and J. H. Conger, Sr. Mr. Hines stated that he has con tacted an engineer to come to Eden ton and give his opinion as to whether the proposed site will be satisfactory for the pool. The Town heads say that if the present site is not a suit (Continued on Page Five) Edenton PTA Will Meet Tuesday Night “Functions of the Elementary School,” will be the topic of the pro gram for the Edenton Parent-Teacher meeting to b held Tuesday night, March 9, in the Elementary School Li brary, beginning at 8 o’clock. Ernest Swain, principal of the Ele mentary School, will be in charge of the program. He will present a pro gram similar to the one presented a year ago concerning the Junior-Senior High School, expressing the needs and desires of the school. DAR CHAPTER MEETS MAR. 10 The Edenton Tea Party Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution will -hold its March meeting in the James Iredell house on East Church Street Wednesday afternoon, March 10 at 3:30 o’clock. All members of the chapter are urged to attend. THE CHOWAN HERALD Opera Singer | Bt ( t ' * : 1 ] I JOHN SHEARIN Among the singers in the opera Carmen, which will he presented ’ tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Elementary School auditorium will be John Shearin of Weldon. "Carmen” Presented Tonight At 8 O’clock In School Auditorium Opera In English Spon sored By Edenton P. T. A. 1 Tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School audi torium the opera Carmen, in English, will be presented. The opera is spon ‘ sored by the Edenton Parent Teachers ■ Association, and it is helped a large [! number will turn out to hear it. 1 Among those who will take part is John Shearin of Weldon, who sings the role of Zuniga, Captain of Drag ons. Mr. Shearin is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and J while at college he performed many. I leading roles with the Carolina Play i makers, and created the role of I j “Tsali” in “Unto These Hills”, the out j door drama performed each year at I Cherokee. With the Army Special l Services he appeared as “Jud Fry” in “Oklahoma” and toured the Far East for 14 months as leading bass-bari tone with a light opera repertory com pany. While in Japan he made a • group of recordings for the Nippon - Columbia Company. He also appear • ed in concert and club appearances in • New York City and surrounding towns. ;l Mr. Shearin studied with Walter IGolde and Sydney Dietch in New , j York. Red Men Wiener ! Roast March 15th , j Wives and Pocahontas ! Members Especially Invited i Chowan Tribe of Red Men will stage a weiner roast in its hall Monday • night, March 15, starting at 7:30; ■ o’clock. For the affair all Red Men ■ and their wives and members of the ’ Degree of Pocahontas and their hus • bands are cordially invited. Walter Bond, sachem of the tribe, appointed Ernest Lee, Frank Hughes and Horace White as a committee in charge of the affair. : Comdr. William Privott Released From Navy Commander W. S. Privott has re -1 turned to his home in Edenton, after , completing his second tour of duty • i with the United States Navy. J Commander Privott was released ■ from active duty on February 28,, 1 1954. For the past sixteen months ■ he has been stationed at the Naval ; Air Station in Atlantic City, New Jer • sey, where} as Administrative Offi 1, cer, he served on the staff to the j Commander of all Naval Air Bases in the Fourth Naval District. SUFFERS SLIGHT STROKE i Friends will regret to learn thgt ! W. A. Munden was stricken with a i light stroke Saturday. One side of i his body and his speech was somewhat ’ affected, but otherwise his condition is encouraging. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 4,1954. 128 Pints Os Blood . Donated In Edenton At Bloodmobile Visit Dr. A. M. Stanton Will, Be New Chairman of Blood Program On Friday of last week 128 pints of i blood was donated when the Red Cross bloodmobile appeared at the Edenton armory. The quota was 150 pints and exactly that number volunteered, al though 22 were rejected. Os the 128 who were accepted, 68 were Marines and 60 civilians. Jesse Harrell, chairman of the Cho wan County Red Cross blood program, desires to extend his appreciation to the general public for its cooperation while he has been chairman. He is succeeded as chairman by Dr. A. M. Stanton, who will direct the next blood donation program. Those who contributed a pint of blood Friday were: Prentice Raymer, W. J. P. Earn hardt, Racco J. Alexander, E. L. Jaw orski, Robert Trenholm, Joseph Hara sti, Robert Hollings, Anthony J. Ber-. I nardi, John J. Hainsworth, Terrance Stevens, George M. Sneed, Thomas C.J Lopez, Dana L. Shires, Rodger W. Guilford, John E. Groxy, Jack A. Barr, Roger, E. Gibbons, Harry W. Carlin, Preston Cayton, L. R. Sutton, James H. Edwards, Bruce B. Holland, Barry Rumberger, Edmond E. Auge, Delbert C. Haws, Marvin S. Sobel, Adam B. Weidenhammer, Richard T. Avery, Leon B. Hicks, Lowella Walker, Joan Miller, Mrs. Rufus G. White, L. B. Alexander, Malcolm P. Ball, Homer A. Potter, Roy I. Phillips, Mrs. Grace Swanner, Charlie Swanner, Robert H. Pearce, Harold D. Pipke, Gary H. Duchesne, Charles A. Black, Willie L. Adams, Ronald W. Wiles, Louis L. Ku linski, Dallas W. Snelson, John F. Dooley, James Montague, Harry Leis (Continued on Page Three) Worlil D?»y Os Praver Service Friday Night In St Paul’s Church ; Mrs. William Gordon of Spray Will Be Prin | cipal Speaker ■i Friday night in St. Paul’s Episco pal Church the World Day of Prayer will be observed. The service, start : ing at 8 o’clock, is for all churches in the community, and it is hoped many members will cooperate by at tending. The principal speaker for the ser vice will be Mrs. William Gordon of Spray, N. C. The offering received will be sent to the World Day of Prayer headquarters to be used in furthering interdenominational mis ’ sionary work of all denominations at home and abroad. N.J. George Elected Varsity Club Prexy Officers Elected at Club Meeting Held Last Week At a meeting of the Varsity Club held last week N. J. George, a mem ber of the Edenton school faculty, was : elected president for the current year. Mr. George was the first president of the club and succeeds A1 Phillips. Other officers elected were Cecil Fry, vice president: Parker Helms, secretary: and Ben Perry, treasurer. After the election of officers, the Varsity Club voted to have a Sports Award Assembly. It was decided to forego the banquet so that the club could apply their efforts toward the realization of a swimming pool. The banquet will again be held next year. No definite date was set for the Sports Award Assembly. A1 Phillips was appointed as the club’s representative to the swim ming pool council. Joe Thorud was aooointed as representative to the 'Teen Age Council. A planning com mittee composed of the president, vice nresident, secretary, Joe Conger, Jr., and Bill Cozart was appointed.. Pa— Q>n»noi* - » V V, 10(1, ** -v - A V-r 4-V.r. fTsovT-***-* "Hy) I*l tUTI O Vnv Olinneii nr-'M V A L -14 fVIO 1 C'L <>’•*'>w XT?c? aV acl •*» ' • * ■ ■ >v ' Pm. 10 cxVlocV ?. f}y n 7* Jurors Selected To Serve At Next Term Os Superior Court Judge Leo Carr of Bur lington Scheduled to Preside At Monday’s meeting of the Chowan County Commissioners 50 jurors were picked from the jury box to serve at the next term of Chowan Superior Court which is scheduled to convene Monday, March 29. This will be a mixed term with Judge Leo Carr of Burlington sched uled to preside. Those selected for jury duty are as follows: Sanford W. Bass, Jesse Copeland, J. O. Layden, Nolan Toppin, George S. Twiddy, A. S. Hollowell, L. R. Sut ton, E Z. Evans, Ellsworth Blanchard, George W. Bennett, Henry W. Brab ble, J. Lyn Perry, Richard A. Hollo well, John F. Perry, L. M. Harrell, J. C. Winslow, Maynard H. Chappell, Troy Toppin, W. A. Harrell, L. G. Ward, Lloyd Overton, Jr., Vivian O. Copeland, G. W. Davidson, Lee Small, M. E. Parker, J. Carroll Byrum, Jr., I William T. Forehand, Haywood L. Boyce, Henry Allen Bunch, J. C. Hen idrix, Cecil H. Hollowed, Frank Miller, E. F. Parks, Earl Bunch, Bristoe Per ry, John E. Perry, Jr., Thurrell G. Bunch, Charlie T. Dixon, H. J. Chap ped, Herman Lane, Charles B. Hardi son, Claude Perry, James Baker, T. C. ' Byrum, Jr., Leonard J. Bass, B. W. Evans. Robert C. Hassell, T. C. Jack ’ son, Paul Ober and L. C. Baker. i Final Contributions For March Os Dimes Amount To $2,576.84 j Campaign Ended And ! Sponsors Grateful For ■ Support Reports have been completed for the I 1954 March of Dimes and according to ! Bid Perry, contributions amount to $2,576.84. This year's March of . Dimes was sponsored by William H. ! Coffield Post, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Chowanoke Coun cil, No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, with | Mr. Perry and Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap 'acting as co-chairmen. Both of the chairmen and members ‘ of their respective organizations are ■ delighted over the success of the cam -1 paign, for which a goal of $2,500 was I sought at the outset. The chairmen • want to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who in any way helped in the drive, those who so - licited as wed as those who made con- I tributions. • Mr. Perry in closing the campaign, , submitted the following report of con . tributions:: - ndustry slll.OO Business Houses 623.30 White Residents 453.09 Edenton Elementary School— 158.95 Pocahontas Card Party 10.00 Road Block and Bucket Collec tions 428.44 i Junior-Senior High School 50.0 Q i Colored Business and Residents 64.00 } Colored High School —— 70.42 Chowan High School 105.23 | Rocky Hock School 15.00 White County Business tltid Residents —263.49 White Oak School 3^.65 St. John’s School —— 4.7§ Colored County Residents - 38.07 ’ | Coin Collections 92.58 J Marine Corps Air Station 49.87 Total $2,576.84 i Eire Chief R. K. Hall Is - Honorary Member Ohio . Fire Chiefs’ Association Edenton’s veteran fire chief, R. K. Hall was signally honored late last week when he received a membership ■ card making him an honorary member of the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association. The membership card was presented Ito Mr. Hall by Fire Chief James P. 1 1 Flynn of Cleveland. Ohio, and is the ■ i first such membership to be awarded 1 1 in North Carolina. >1 Cap’n Dick Hall has the reputation ■I of being: the oldest active fire chief > in the United States, and he is very ~ proud of his honorary membership in j the Ohio Association, i The Ohio firemen learned of Mr. Hall’s renutation in a newsnaper ar ticle which prompted the action. I PTRLE CI.ASS MEETS i » Woman’s BMe Class of . ’ "*->n Bantist. Obr'vh will meet ’ TV - ' -ie-ht at 7-to n’riook at the' » ■'’••• .* ’ 'll member- urged ttrj 1954 Red Cross Fund Raising Campaign Is Slated Start Today 1 j In an effort to raise funds for the troop, members of the Eden ton Boy Scouts, Troop No. 156, will sponsor a scrap paper drive i Saturday, March 6, starting at 9 o’clock in the morning and con tinuing until 4 o’clock in the af ternoon. The drive will be in charge of Jack Habit, Scoutmas ter of the troop. During the day the Scouts will collect any paper given to them if placed at convenient places. 263 Now Enrolled In Hospital Auxiliary i In Current Drive - With Campaign Still In complete, More Mem bers Expected As a result of a membership drive conducted by the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary, 263 members had been en-, rolled up to early this week. The drive j has not been completed, so that other | members enrolled will appear in The ■ Herald next week. Members up to early this week are I as follows: VFW Club, Mrs. George Hoskins, | Mrs. J. J. Long, Mrs. J. G. Camnen, j j Mrs. H. B. Jones, Mrs. Walter M. Wil- 1 1 1 kins. Mrs M. W. Jackson, Mrs. Mar-1 * tin Wisely, Mrs. Ernest Leary, Mrs. I Albert Byrum, Mrs. Mary L. Brown- j ing, Mrs. Jimmie Earnhardt, Mrs. j John Bond, Mrs. Boyd Harless, Mrs. j Sam Ross, Jessie Byrum, Mrs. Ernest | e Lee, Mrs. R. A. Mansfield, Mrs. o George Privott, Mrs. T. B. Smith, Mrs. Oj Percy Smith, Mrs. L. S. Byrum, Mrs. f M. L. Bunch, Mrs. West Leary, Mrs. i [Jm. L. Flynn, Mrs. Henry Goodwin, f Mrs. Wallace Goodwin, Miss Agnesi - Chappell, Mrs. R. P. Badham, Mrs. j h John Wheeler, Mrs. Junius Davis, I p Miss Margaret Pruden, Mrs. D. M.! I Warren, Mrs. L. P. Williams, Mrs. j s David Q. Holton, Mrs. J. M. Price, Mrs. I e George I. Dail, Mrs. J. A. Powell, Mrs J _. R. D. Dixon, Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. i s j Fred Wood, Mrs. J. E. Wood, Miss Lou-' n ( ise Coke, Miss Zene Elliott, Mrs. J. s i H. Conger, Mrs. John Lee Spruill, Mrs. „jW. B. Rosevear, Mrs. J. A. Moore, Miss Elizabeth Moore, Mrs. John Mitchener, Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Mrs. Le land Plant, Mrs. Oscar Elliott, Mrs.! , Hector Lupton, Mrs. Earl Edwards,; ’ Mrs. Italph Parrish, Mrs. W- J- Ber-, (Continued on Page Three) ’ Masons Will Observe " Past Masters' Night o| --- “j Old-Timers Will Fill Va- S| rious Stations and Places 9l 5] Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & s A. M„ Will hold a stated eommunioa - 11 tiori tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in 8' the Court House. | At this meeting the lodge will ob- T" serve Past Master’s Night, when C. T. 1 j Griffin, iniffiediate past master, Will be presented a past master's jewel afl4 3ipast masters, according to seniority J will fill the various Stations and places I for the meeting. j 1 W. M. Rhoads, master of the lodge,, i urges all members to be present and J extends a cordial invitation to visiting j t; Masons to attend. p ! r Eastern Star Will Hold j i Cake Sale Saturday, Members of the Edenton Chapter of the Eastern Star will conduct a , cake sale at the Quinn Furniture Com- I pany Saturday morning, starting at 10 o’clock. Cakes, pies, cookies, etc., will be for sale and the ladies prom ise a goodly number of items to choose: from. ROTARY CLUB MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet to day (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will be presented by the Rev. Terrill Lytle, who is conducting revival services at the Presbyterian Church. President "I John KraTuer urges a 100 per cent meeting. Year Chairman N. J. George Names Group of Can vassers For Drive GOALIs $3,500 Dr. A. F. Downum, Chap ter Chairman Re leases Figures N. J. George, chairman for the 1954 Red Cross Fund Raising Drive in Cho wan County, has announced that the campaign will get under way today (Thursday) in the hope that it can be completed by Thursday of next week. The county’s quota is $3,500. In preparation for the canvass for contributions, Mr. George has an nounced the following officers and canvassers for the drive: Co-chairman, Joe Thorud; treasurer, R. E. Leary; Mrs. Tom Cross, Jr., and Jack Habit, co-chairmen for the busi ness district; commanding officer at Marine Air Station, with the following area chairmen: Mrs. Richard Hardin, Westover Heights; Mrs. L. A. Patterson, West Queen and Broad Street to the Sound; Mrs. Albert Lassiter, East Queen Street to the Mill Village and Sound; Mrs. Guy Hobbs and Mrs. Les ter Forehand, East Queen Street to ■ Broad and the armory; Mrs. Thurston (Stallings and Mrs. Clyde Hollowell, | North Edenton; Mrs. N. J. George, Morris Circle; Mrs. Ben Perry. Albe marle Court; A1 Phillips, Mill Village; Mrs. Imogene Cochrane, white resi dents in the county; J. B. Small, col ored residents in the county; D. F. Walker, colored high school; Ernest I Swain, Edenton Elementary School. I In commenting upon the county’s (drive for funds, Dr. A. F. Downum, chapter chairman, points out that in J 1953 Campaign approximately 81,400 (was collected in the county. Os this .'amount 51 per cent, or $726.47 was ' retained in the county chapter for all purposes. The pro rata share of the ! blood program expense was $817.25 | and total expenditures of the chapter ) for 1953 were $1,296 against an in (Continued o.n Page Eight) I Aces Puli Curtain On | Basketball Season Win Final Game From Tarboro: Girls Again On Short End ; Coach Alton Brooks’ Edenton Aces , pulled down the curtain for the eur ' rent basketball season Friday night in the school gymnasium when they defeated Tarboro 54-34. Ray Rogerson paced the Aces with 16 points, followed by Lyn Bond with 10. For the visitors, who used about a dozen players, T. Sasser led with 8 j points, followed by Smith with 5. In the first game the Edenton girls lost to Tarboro by a score of 63-49. , I Faye Haste led the Edenton girls with 21 points, followed by Evelyn Bunch with 18 and Lois Priyott with 10. Fof the visitors Adler led with 29 points, followed by Ange with 28. For the season the Aces have won §ix games and lost 13, while the girls have been unable to claim the long 1 efid of a score in a single game. % Talent Show Friday Night At Rocky Hock Sponsored by the Oak Grove Home . De.Wnstratiob Club, a talent show will I be in the Rocky Hock Cen , tral Schodl Friday night, March 6, at ; 8 o’clock. A small admission will he I charged. On the program will be talent from ' Suffolk, Roducco, Gatesville, Hobbs iville, as well as some local talent. The is cordially invited to attend i and enjoy an evening of good enter- I tainment. Civic Calendar Edenton Tea Party Chapter, Daughters of the American Revo lution will meet Wednesday after noon, March 10, at 3:30 o’clock in the James Iredell house. Town Council will hold its March meeting in the Municipal Building Tuesday night, March 9, at’ 8 o’clock. ’ Red Men will stage a weiner roast in their hall Monday night, Mhtck 15, at 7JO o’clock. Edenttar Parent-Teacher Asso (Continued «m Page Five)

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