Board Os Equalization Will Meet March 15th . . ■ . t Commissioners To Meet Ir% Court House at v 10 O’clock Chowan County Commissioners will meet as a Board of Equalization and Review Monday, March 15, at 10 o’clock in the Court House. The purpose of this meeting is to hear complaints relative to equaliza tion of property, so that any doubt as to unfair equalization should be presented at that meeting, which is the only time the Commissioners can change the valuation of property. Plans Progressing For Swimming Pool (Continued F-om Page One) able one, they will offer another lo cation for the swimming pool. The drive for raising funds is be ing held up temporarily pehding a rul ing by the Revenue Department in Washington as to whether people who donate toward erection of the pool can claim deduction on their contri butions. The tax ememption applica tion for the corporation is now in pro cess and as soon as it is ruled on, the fund raising drive will get under way. J. H. Conger, Sr., was appointed chair man for the drive. It was announced that the certifi cate of corporation for Hicks Memor ial Swimming Pool, Tnc., has been ap proved by the Secretary of State, and that it is now" in the hands of the organization. Board members attending the meet ing Monday night were A1 Phillips, E. J. Hobbs, Jesse Harrell, Muriel By rum, Luther Parks, George Twiddy, Mrs. Jerry Frve, Mrs. Lena Leary and Mayor L. H. Haskett. Ma*or .T. N. Hollenbeck Entertains RotarianS| Maior J. N. Hollenbeck, stationed at the Edenton Marine Corns Auxiliary Landing Field, was the principal speaker at last week’s Rotary meet ing, when he entertained the Rotar ians with colored slides taken when he was stationed in Korea and Japan. The pictures included interesting' scenes of life on the islands, terrain, parks shrines, all of which he as the nictures were shown. He was introduced by Jack Mooney, who had charge of the pro gram. During the meeting Prsident John Kramer appointed Marvin Wilson. Gerald James and Gilliam Wood to in vestigate the possibilities of joining in staging a sports award banquet. BIRTHDAY DIMMER Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Byrum had a joint birthday dinner at their home on , East King Street Sunday in honor of j Mrs. Byrum’s birthday on March 1: i her daughter, Mrs. Gladys King, of Hobbsville, whose birthday was March 2 and her son. Herbert, Jr., whose ' birthday is on March 4th. 1 All of Mrs. Byrum’s brothers at tended the dinner, including Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Per ry, all of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Perry of Tyner, and besides, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane and family, Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon King and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bass and family. The group thoroughly enjoy ed the occasion. HERE'S YOUR NEW WASHER @GET EXTRA CAPACITY WITH A GE WASHER Yours For Only $12995 Sold On Easy Terms SEE IT TODAY AT Quinn furniture C ompanyl EDENTON, N. C. | OVIC CALENDAR I (Continued from Page One) ciation will meet in the Elemen tary School library Tuesday night, March 9, at 8 o’clock. The Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Baptist Church will meet ' Tuesday night at the church at 7:30 o’clock. Revival services now in prog ress at the Presbyterian Church, will end March 10. Chowan County’s Red Cross 1 Fund Raising Drive scheduled to 1 begin today (Thursday). Eastern Star cake sale at * Quinn’s Furniture Company Sat ' urday morning, starting at 10 - o’clock. Talent show at Rocky Hock 5 school Friday night, March 5, at 1 1 8 o’clock. Northeastern Cancer Clinic at Elizabeth City Health Center Fri day afternoon beginning at 1 o’clock. VFW Auxiliary meets tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW home. Chowan County Commissioners will meet as a Board of Equaliza tion and Review Monday morning, March 15, at 10 o’clock, i The Chowan Ruritan Club will 1 sponsor a box supper in the Cho wan High .School auditorium Fri day night, March 12. at 7:30 o’clock. Spring term of Chowan Super ior Court will convene Monday morning, March 29, at 10 o’clock. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F„ & A. M., will observe Past Mas ter’s Night at its meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. Boy Scouts will conduct a scrap paper drive Saturday from 9 A. M., to 4 P. M. The opera Carmen, in English, and sponsored by the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association, will be presented tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Elementary School auditorium. Art exhibit sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club being planned for some time in April. World Day of Prayer for all churches will be held in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Friday night, , March 5, at 8 o’clock. Membership drive now in pro gress by the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary. Chowanoke Council, No. 54, De gree of Pocahontas will stage annual Easter dance Saturday night, April 17. VFW Post meets in VFW home Tuesday night of next week. Edenton Lions Club meets next Monday night at 7 o’clock. Edenton Rotary Club meets this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. TOWN COUNCIL MEETS MARCH 9 Town Council will meet in regular monthly session Tuesday night, March 9, in the Municipal Building. The meeting will begin at 8 o’clock. nwWibms ! Help Your Cough j When colds, measles or flu leave you with a cough get Crcomulsion quick because it soothes raw throat and chest membranes, loosens and helps expel germy phlegm, mildly relaxes systemic tension and aids nature fight the cause of irritation. You'll like its results better than other medicine or druggist refunds your money. No narcotics. Pleasant to take. CREOML'LSJOM nliuvu Coughs, Chut Colds, Acute Bronchitis THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1954. [Hospital Patients]; I Patients admitted to Chowan Hos pital during the week February 22-28 were: White Thesphelous Barrow, Mrs. Linzy Snell, Miss Sharon Turner, i Wiley Webb, Mrs. Josephine Powell, | Mrs. Mary Flsetwood and baby boy, j Hoyt Davenport, Mrs. Lillie Perry, Mrs. Betty Byrum, Mrs. Flora Carter | and baby boy, Mrs. Vivian Evans, Mrs. 1 Constance Patrick, William Long, Charles Hollowell, Mrs. Maria Crum mey and baby girl, Mrs. Mabel Evans, I SPECIAL LOW PRICE—DEL MONTE SLICED ftCI / PINEAPPLE.. ~2aas7c MONTE j ARMOUR STAR TASTY DEL MONTE GOLDEN SLICED 11 POTTED MEAT 2 17c PEACHES ... . No 33c | TOMATO 1 ARMOUR STAR PERKY VIENNA DEL MONTE CANNED ALL M ■ SAUSAGE .... & 19c GREEN LIMAS . 29c 1 A v#* g 1 ARMOUR STAR LEAN DEL MONTE BUFFET SIZE K g jfM I I I ■ CORNED BEEF . 12 c° 49c TOMATO SAUCED 9c | vf|| Wvl 1 ARMOUR STAR CORNED DEL MONTE GREEN AND WHITE ■ BEEF HASH .. . ,6 <£ z 31c ASPARAGUS . . No cr 35c I ARMOUR STAR DELICIOUS DEL MONTE TENDER GOLDEN E 14-OZ. A TREET '&£■ 47c CREAM CORN 2 N &r 35c I bottle £fg I ARMOUR STAR Meal in a Jiffy DEL MONTE CANNED BARTLETT / £ CHILI with BEANS Cm 1 27 c PEARS .... • • Can 31c J f ■ OIM. laA fA MONTE I M. r f EARLY GARDEN M CARROTS ” 2 «110 19c IPEA 3j f GRAPES emperor lb. 10c i I LETTUCE sts. 2 -19 c\ * WC I \ CELERY s 2 m* 15c BANANAS 2 i*. 23c Knifliffl armours / repr DASH I STOCK YOUR FREEZER—YOUR CHOICE V A SOMERDALE FROZEN FOODS 1 DOG \ FOOD 11 Mrs. Jeanette Dowd and baby boy, 'Mrs. Annie Graham, Mrs. Cary Cas per and baby boy. ! Negro Lorretta Roulac, Phyllis Madrey, Arizona Flemming, Eure Adolph, Lee Harrell and baby boy, i Katie Savage and baby girl. I Patients discharged during tho same period were; l White—Mrs. Nixon and baby girl, 'Mrs. Mary Sawyer, Miss Zene Elliott, | Mrs. Bertha Thompson, Mrs. Lula Jordan, Joe Swain, Miss Sharon Tur ! ner, Mrs. Mabel Evans, Mrs. ' ine Riddick and baby girl, Miss Esta Bodwell, Mrs. Rita Bestick and baby boy, Mark Hathaway, Ben Thatch,! Thesphelous Barrow, Hoyt Davenport,' Wiley Webb, Mrs. Mabel Evans, Mrs. Mary Fleetwood and baby boy, Mrs. Flora Carter and baby boy. Negro—Marie Dillard and baby girl, Cornelius Dail, Joseph Harrell, Thelma Vaughan, Loretta Roulac and baby boy, Lucy Sharp, Mamie Wil-; liams, Adolph Eure, Libby Billups and baby boy, Martha Evans, Rosa Har- * rell and baby boy, Joe Holly, Katie Savage and baby girl. Visiting ministers for the week of March 1-7 are: White, the Rev. Gor don Bennett; Negro, the Rev. E. S. Parker. Experience is like the stem lights !of a ship which illuminate only the! 1 tracks it has passed. —Cooleridge. - SECTION ONE- - N '/-Al A.* -A- V/ A AT V The vine is bringing forth its fruit; the beams of right have healing in their light. —Mary Baker Eddy. I Kirightsof thsl I Round Talile I a-Hv new TAYLDR-WA CAKOHER- MU FEflfl ft •« in COLOR ! 1 4 DAYS BEGINNING MARCH 14 Taylor Theatre : ' Edenton, N. C. Page Five