SECTION TWO — “ i Real light weight and ■ J H ■ low and Green. Shir- VM»TI j comfortable. These sturdy ■ H HA H H H dy, made for longer X!■ chairs wIU Inst for you for H - \ vffiyhCH years... And at this money ■ H ity plastic. Tnr3caa\r\r!^rif $4.44 j EDENTON I 93c s- la;; Remember... day in and day out you will Save at Belk-Tyler’s in Eden ton Shop our 2 big floors Park on our FREE Parking Lot. You will 4 mM'ijrFjT Xj/ hTi M find many, many other spring items that are not advertised. Use our Lay -1 Jr \. /pV TfPv /jk VTnJAI Awa > Plan, a little down will save your selection for you. — A Sensational Fabric “SCOOP” SALE ' 1,000 YARDS NEW Dress Goods iiM Chambrays ISXSI&&* Mmm Woven Dots ss 3®«4s Tissue Ginghams ss »“»• «i" Mil Organdys “.‘“fe 1 ”' And f>Qr Others U*/V sale: Ladies Slips SALE! /jsh An Amazing Low Price Mi V/flj . Here are good quality slips M 3 i jjffu in cotton and rayon. A grand § / J /i I 111 | bargain ... A good buy! Siz- I w es from small to large. Knee t * deep in lace ... See them! W HAT A BUY! |f\ ONE TABLE GOOD QUALITY im> LADIES BRAS One table Ladies’ Bras in broad cloth. A large range of sizes and a 1111 l . real value! SALE! p ■ * HERE’S A REAL VALUE! m X, • HOBNAIL SPREADS f*r c gg In beautiful colors: Orchid, Blue, >— v !i .... C'. SjV§ 1 \ Rose, Chinese Red, Green and jgL ~~'XL'X. <-~> * Maize! A fine decoration . . . with W^§; $4.44 |__SPE C T A L ! g> JHHr 7v\ ONE TABLE FINE QUALITY O LINENS I ** '' ■• *• A variety of linens at this money-saving | hot roll covers and a score of others . . . I V ;■>'■ ,"i teppll There is no better quality than that which I •>? w*. f .WSSP*r you’ll find in these! mk* $ 1.00 HANDMADE Ilf AITS REAR £ P IMCIAL PHIUPftNCS ■♦i” i white nd putrid wMh iqoMte «mbrckUrad 4p» in*. Imjr pdteli «m> illy nd prinfMagfr pat i by ddßfal hands, iffh endearing H*m hi cf ar 2 ai S ,, teil*li2Ss >w price. Areal gift rataa. Page Four THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954. SALE SALE ALL-METAL VENETIAN BLINDS WITH EVERY FEATURE YOU WANT! FAMOUS 1 . » /lirlume ©1 |§§SS BUNDS Np§ No wonder Airlume ia XC ‘**r-i| S i ri»X America’s most popular ■- MslA all-metal blind—it gives jf&T* pjtaA you every important sea s 1 l ture and yet the price is > f THU "-Cl- amazingly low. Come in fet today . . . see and choose fc he these lovely Airlume All , p: Metal Venetians in gleam- A I.J ■ w—. ...--yrtasES* Scrv. ing DuPont Plastic for gK every window in your home. !<»V\ ( feR * 20% Smaller Hoad. f.clo.«d | " n!l „ pi . •'''y 9 Self-Adjusting Tilter V/lA * Extra-FtoiM* Steel Slats, DuPont Plastic Finish • One-Piece Metal Bottom Pail / • Exclusive Keyhole Card De ( v,e *' S * a>> ® ,movo Fasy UPSIZES 24-INCHES TO 36-INCHES WIDE M*** AND 64-INCHES LONG JS $2.44 COLUMBIA PAINT |’ll Ready mixed House Taint, Floor 4 \M/ Enamel, Flat Wall Paint. Low in C — price but good in quality. A wide selection of colors! fill fojsSEsS&r B sl.B7gal.« ! ffl®. A REAL BARGAIN “SIZZLER”! ALUMINUM WARE mktf AT SUCH A LOW PRICE! M So good and yet so reas- %[ »W/g enable! Fine quality Alum- «L inum Ware at this low-low 7 2J price. Cake savers, Freach C* ■ IllSl /£*■%■ ' ft-vers and Saucepans ■ IJuI /A , , ; sk\ just a few of the real buys*!/ ■ •\M W L J you’ll find. T 1, £ %Pyrex Sets Here is a set of good quality ware! Four bowls in oven ware green .. . You’ll find it vA worth your time to check on these! In many colors and styles ™/ aJj 'c^S*B3Ss§^'^ for every occasion. _ TENNIS SHOES 'MEfr Real spring wear can m be found in these reason-TI QQ Q V*| QC -S able tennis shoes. Per- ]K I Tfl At *l,l ,4L feet for play and sports- r * c '*'- W •iJlfc-WU — -'^4^'' wear. Vt ~~~' * Drapery Material Lovely new patterns to accent Spring furnishings. Light tones and flowered patterns. New chintz in fashionable colors. 79ct051.79 i A Real Knockout Value DraUeryFabrics fffflyMl | Just what you wanted! High price ma- [ | !j terial at this low price .. . Many patterns i - KrSr® to choose from—Stripes, plain, flowered. j jp! 2 lll ll^l