Hints For Keeping An Orderly Home ) by GENEVIEVE M. KYER Negro Subject Matter Specialist We are in the midst of the farm er season, and there are so many ings to do. Do you think this old Idage is true? '‘Man works from n Woman’s work is never ne^F We are really up against it, because 0 do so many things. We help with e farm work. We wash, iron, pre re and serve food. We attend to the by. We try to do a little sewing, few of us try to attend club meet gs while others fall by the wayside id say, “I just don’t have time.” It 1 adds up that we work approxi ately twelve to fifteen hours a day. e never finish. We just stop and , to bed. In most organizations the average rson works eight hours a day, for hours a week, and some have one lf day off each week. You deserve id should consider these hours and v to plan your work time on the rm in order to have some free time do sortie of the things you want to Try not to let your house work get ray from you, because it keeps you irvous, upset, and takes something vay from your personality. It will ake you feel mighty good to leave e house, go out to help on the farm, id return at the end of the day and nd your house clean and orderly. For. at reason, call the family together night and discuss your problems ith them and ask what can each ember of the family do to make the ark easier. Work out a simple plan ith them. Let each person contribute 3 share in helping to make house ■eping duties easier and at the same ONG-TIME OiniOOK FOR ACRICUITURE GOOD, INURES TAR HEEL ECONOMIST I Dr. H. B. James, Head, Department Agricultural Economics, N. C. tate College, Raleigh, said today lat “the long-time outlook for agri llture is good compared with its atus during the past century.” He spoke on “The Agricultural Eco otnic Outlook” at the Ninth Annual onvention of the American Plant ood Council, at The Homestead in ot Springs, Va. m.’F described agriculture ns nUmstry occupying an enviable po tion “with its customers . . . increas ig and its competitors . . . decrees-- ig.” “I do not mean that the future will ea bed of roses for agriculture,” he dded. “But I am Optimistic about re long-run prospects for farm poo le. Their level of living is much igher than it was a generation ago, nd I feel sure they are not going to Ilow it to return to prewar levels. “On the positive side of the lodger, -e have a growing population, a re action in the number of people en aged in farming, new technology, a such broader knowledge of problems nd how to solve them, increased out ut per unit of labor, and much valu ble experience in working together nd in working with government in an ffort to solve production, marketing, nd pricing problems. These are far ms we must not take lightly; they re important. “On the negative side of the ledger, e are plagued with many, problems'.'! urpluses are now giving us trouble nd may continue to do so for a feu ears, maybe a whole decade. I do ot foresee a shortage of food and iber for at least another generation, nd I have no reason to believe we •ould he short then unless some di aster befell us. We have many small arms with low incomes. Many of riese people will have to get out of griculture to raise their levels of liv lg materially. Agriculture is beconi lg a smaller proportion of the total opulation and consequently will lose ome of its political power. Agricul ure’s public relation program with William | . Pennl v g Blended I Whiskey jj 86 Proof IM SRAIOHT WHISKEYS M THB HOMO All 4 YEARS OR MOKE OiO. 35% STRAJOHT wiiirrr. w% neutkal shuts, obiiub ROM WAN. time help to keep the house clean and orderly, especially during the busy farming season. Plan something for everyone to do and have confidence that they will do their share of the work. Ask each member of the family to hang his own clothes and put away shoes, hats, books, papers, magazines, and any other articles that have been used be fore the room gets a scattered appear ance. (Ask an older person to take care of the smaller ones.) Ask each person to make his own bed before ; he goes to school or work. Ask each one to keep the floor clean and dust once a week. Plan nutritious meals for the fami ly, and save time by cooking two meals at the same time. Plan to do your laundry work once a week in stead of once a month, it will be eas ier on you and your washing machine. Scrape, stack, wash dishes, and allow them to drain dry. Sewing and mend ing may be done by the 4-H Club girl or during the slack season. As a rule it is necessary for every member of the family to be out on the farm at the same time. Generally one person is in charge of doing all household tasks while the farm jobs are being done by others. A family exchange system may be worked out where the housekeeper would ex change places with the person doing ■ . farm jobs for, perhaps, a week or two. i When different jobs are changed ' about, no job will become too tire- ' some. i You may know of other simple short ' cuts which you can put into practice, but above all, try to keep your house ( clean and orderly during the farming . season. ; the urban public has not been good | ■ and may cause us trouble eventually . ■ r unless it is improved. The export market for agricultural products in l ] i the future is uncertain, although I un-), derstand a well-organized, concerted . effort is being made to improve the 1 ; export situation. | “On balance, I am optimistic about the long-run future of agriculture. I i expect us to learn more about pro- ; duction, more about marketing, more 1 about handling surpluses, more about prices, more about economic system WWWWVWvWWWWWWWWWWVWW\/VWVWW^^^WWVWWWVVWWVW They tore down the “Big 3” low-price cars and proved Plymouth your best buy! The hottest news to come out of Detroit in a long, long time-that's what we have to tell youl We'll give you documented proof that Plymouth is your best buy. We'll show you what Plymouth engineers found when they actually tore down brand-new models of each of the “Big 3" cars in the lowest-price field. I headquarters for vajue^jg|r Get this 8-page book from us today! PDO It’s your buying guide to real best-buy value. Bead it before you buy ANY car. CHOWAN MOTOR CO., INC. Water and Commerce Streets Edenton THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. N. C.. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1054. ...... -v- - .