SECTION TWO—: Tl 11 rn. 1 , Begins Thursday, July 22nd At 9 O’clock nfilKl VlfirS PRICES slashed to the VERY BONE f 0,..,— ,1—> Closed All Day Wednesday Open H ■ B|^B ■ HI JBjß| (■ mm hi m*m \ 4 ~ We Have Plenty Os Extra Sales People To Serve You Promptly! ■ .• . _'; d §Our Entire SALE...SALE IO U REN T ’ S Stock C - Our Entire Stock I All Brand New Summer ■” OF - Hats I CIT IT C " Wffi Brand New S* J/ I b U 11 b - W SUMMER /2 I REDUCED TO CLEAR V £*Y ]9 Here is a special feature of our Sale. Men’s Summer Suits at a give-away f :1 g M M H M JE9BK J price. In wool, da-cron, cord, and many other famous fabrics. Just the suit MS / '4. iS'M m U ■ Mr -£PJS 1 /II for you in style and comfort. Tailored especially for Belk-Tyler Stores, these ■XwgifNl mmg ( .‘k f ■?'■ » IMS £ JfT // I are good buys; cuts down cleaning and pressing bills. Short, reg., long, stout. I | lljf ••-./ *|> 'J'M LADIES! Wonderful bargains in lovely Summer Dress- I 1Q Q Qo |a 1 • ," J §*J •m’ ' es A large assortment of sizes and many styles to /V iit | HU/ JL tl/ I M_W • S ■ lap I < dtv B l ' / f, ! a ' S 4° OSe{ ™ m - Broa r dCl and man^others 0, N Fashionable I Y J for smart, «fmfortable n wear—And prices just for— ifel i/"l ’-I |ii:r;, u[ O //TB? I $22.50 Sale SI6.77%HMfMi *W .. ..... g- wi | $34.50 Sale $23.77^^| I\\ V l” t0 SALE “ [) V- —_— (TO |J| i | I SUITS and SPORT COATS I—, ' l _ r ,. __ _ taH flfcr--- [ ■ All of our wool suits with their own —jEm:>V ;i JP \ allies to CAII C* W 1 ** ** iSkmhM . i :fIES _ ; H outstanding features at 1/3 off! A good M rM* /m . >M,-i ms Msi j $14.95 J|> I •••fsa* m ■:■ I S3 o i^w,„;. L ss?,rßsuE'a:d Ifo OTT Jl./ I '~m W w f iESESis I'l H Longs. Practical styles and colors for M Ml JL \ r 4 v Dressy Dresses and House Dresses !? iV I MEN’S ALL NYLON I I SHOP JALE KSL An assortment of new dresses WERE NOW F\o T?CC OAPFC pricol L/l\LOu jUV/Nj 0 . ~~T if Jt Hr quality, style and wear. Many *» i& 1.0 / ! 1 SALE .. . SALE ; §Z'r4tßs3E m sizes and fabrics. Come up to OQ O O >”7 \ f Stretches to fit any foot length or shape ... a \ jfV am our 2nd floor and see them! yO.JO " /ft / VJ Made of Dupont Nylon. A good buy at this low I>OVS I>OXer fC-A' \ I M 5/ price. In grey, Blue, Tan and White. A \ \ . \ \ fvßltm JANTZEN AND 1^ "^" B "A • SHORTS I / \ UM BRILLIANT FASHION ALL WOMEN’S SPRING AND SUMMER 4/C DaiF li 2 e‘l toY A % \ S | A \\H SWIM SUITS SKIRTS P SSS47c \\>^ Vlf WERE SALE WERE NOW SALE . SALE-MEN’S BROADCLOTH j V 8 AfiW $ s.9s—Sale—s 4.00 »i no Cl 47 PAJAMAS iSi«nT 3 L!i E M\f S 6.9s— Sale-$ 5.00 iklM' J 8.95-Sale-S 6.00 CO QQ «1 Q7 S’ i S^tc.t' ,, K i miri£s. , ' 010r ’ ;f “ l J IwmS S 9.95 Sale $ 7.0 fl 'P'Z.VO ... .SI.VI . I n'o'rin *2 95 sale 1 9 oo 3 * 98 ••• • $2.97 pair | SWIM SUITS... 77c & >1.17 '• j - —Sale SUPER SALE 11 Sport Shirt t^9|| ' §lß.93— Sale —$13.00 B||f MEN’S BRAND NEW g I olhls. Vat-dyed and sanforize^^l|^^^^^^^^^^^^| Summer Sports Wear | HP if $1»27 * /^P • JANTZEN I ISJiUV'I A-\ I I BOYS’ SUMMER DRESS TAY RiY B p A IVT T Q “*■ ® JA I “ ivA. 1 ■ if- ■>! J A wide selection of first class Men’s Pants ... In cord, wTinkle-re- B t ll ( A 1^ J«• A** H 01 T) COLONY i Sistant Cotton, Rayon, Acetate Rayon and many others. In many dis- |9 WERE SALE T J IM 1 lillllJßiiil ~iJ 1 ferent sizes and styles. Fabrics for these pants came from famous B SALE 81,97 nni rtO CUHDTC pi Imills .. . have first class workmanship .. . plentiful pocket space .. . B 53.98 SALE - _ _ _52.97 IwLUu “ VlrUll I 0 B rj^ aMjM3 plus many more wonderful features that make these good buys! B $4 98 SALE S 3 97 xMfflX/ 1 AND 8 WmSW/ $2 e 9B el 07 $5 e 95 e c/i Q7 I SALE-Boys’ yj& PEDDLE PUSHERS I IMF N °"„ 1 T.„ I l| Polo Shirts ■ *Bn : ' 1- ifflUfl N0W..87 NOW s*t-»7 ■ , W . l9 _ SAL& _ > Jill Now ....$2.87 NOW 98 .. s3*B7 NOW. 5 .. so*B7 I f BOTS-SUMMER EATON m *4.98 t 9 Suits and Sport Coats 1 gill:!; belk-tyler’s : Identon | at y 3 off I Page Four THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1954.