SECTION ONE- Weekly Devotional ji Column By James Mackenzie V. /|. A few days ago I had a talk with a| student <'l' a seminary in Virginia: that has consistently and bitterly op-j posed the work of Billy Graham and|i other evangelists. So smug wore the , authorities at the school that they in- , vited Billy to visit the campus and ad-j; dress the student body, expecting to make a fool of him in a questioning j i period after the message. But there j( was no questioning period. So im-|, pressed were those present with the j sincerity and humility of this conse crated servant of Christ that the j scheduled questioning period became' a prayer period, arid the seminary has |, been a different place since then.:] “Even the professors have become concerned about, their souls’ salya-J; tion,” the student told .me. Well, 11, thought, if Billy Graham, can do that, he can do anything! What is the secret of Billy Gra-, ham’s success —or. rather, why doesj God use Billy Graham? Secular au-| thorities have tried to explain it by j saying it is the way he holds his Bible, ( or his voice, or his advance publicity. < Os course, it is none of these—God doesn’t bless the mechanics of meth ods. Billy Graham is being used of God today because: 1. He is God’s man at God’s time ! in God’s place In times of stress and j crisis, God always raises up a man to call His creatures back to faith in j Him. Such men were Noah, Abra- ] ham. Joseph. Moses, Joshua, Samuel. ] Isaiah and the prophets, John the Baptist, John Huss, Martin Luther John Calvin. John Wesley and D. L. Moody. Following in this godly line, Billy Graham is merely God’s chosen ] prophet to call us back to faith in i Him in these days of crisis and stress. 1 2. He is filled with the Holy Spirit. 1 By that I mean that he is God-con trolled. He is so consecrated to Christ I and His cause that the Holy Spirit * who indwells every born-again saint, * and whose office it is to magnify * Christ, has complete control of Billy Graham. Billy Graham is motivated j - by one purpose only, and that to do !, the.will of God. Arid after all. the , work of God, is done “not by might. | nor by power, but bv :mv. Spirit, saith , the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). j J. He preaches the Bible as the’ > verbally inspired, inerrant. living Word of God. It is through the Bible, and only through the Bible, that God the Ho]y Spirit convicts men of sin, righteousness, and judgment to "nine, ami points them to saving faith in the l ord Jesus Christ. There is no Chris- CAIM) OF TH ANKS 1 im t."l-' : ur 'hi- means to express my sincere thanks and appreciation' to my friends.; fu- tin 1 -many > rds. flowers. exto, s-ions n r sympathy and kind deeds red while 1 was a patient in 'he hospital. These , pr- seiqns of low have greatly lighten ed mv burden. MRS. T.FNA BFI.I. p Ward’s Shoe Repair SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT! Complete Line of Polishes i Any Leather Repair Work WEST EDEN STREET PHONE 46-W | Baseball G ame! I iln Edenton Hicks Field 2:45 P. M. Sunday, July 25th Edenton Sluggers Vs. Newport News Royals Don’t Miss These Fine Games Page Two ;tian truth outside of the Holy Bible. I ! Billy Graham is used of God because he is faithful to the written Word of God. His messages are saturated with quotations from the sacred page (—usually preceded by the words, “The Bible says ...” When a person lis tens to Billy Graham he knows he is hearing the Word of God, not just the (word of Billy Graham. | 4. Finally, he is undergirded with ■prayer—and this is the reason Billy himself counts as most important, |One of the secrets to revival is pray er—much prayer—agonizing in pray er. God never uses a man unless he is ja man of prayer. It is only His faith fulness in this, and the faithfulness of j thousands of prayer-warriors through out the world, that constitute, the real (strength of Billy Graham, I May Goil coritiniie to bless him, and j I give him many more souls for his hire. And. as vim and I, come to the place Where we realize that each of |iis is God’s person for some particu jlar task, and yield to the Holy Spirit, ,and remain true to the Bible and tv prayer, may He bless each of us and j use us as soul-winners. Funeral Held For Mrs. George P. Folk ——- ■ ■ Funeral services Were held Thurs-1 day afternoon of last week for Mrs. George P. Folk, who died suddenly | Wednesday night at her home at “Hayes.” The service was held at old St. Paul’s Episcopal Church with the rec tor, the Rev. Gordon Bennett, officiat ing and burial was made in Beaver ] Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Philip McMullan, R. N. Hines, J. N. Pruden, George I. Dail, J. H. Conger, David Warren, Ep Debnam and J. W. Davis. PALLBEARERS Pallbearers for Mrs. Clara W. Bunch, whose funeral was held Friday afternoon, were Kermit Perry, Edgar Pearce, Gibson Perry, Henry Bunch, Lester Harrell and Clarence Bunch. Those who served as pallbearers for Roy L. Spry Friday afternoon were: Active, E. M. Parker, Kermit Layton, Leon Leary, J. L. Chestnutt, Watson Bell and Jimmy Manning. Honorary, John Matchener. Dr. R. H. Vaughan, ' J. Clarence Leary, George Alma By ram. H. C. Jackson, George Hoskins, Wood Privott, S. C. Mills, Allison Minshow, R. E, Leary. W. O. Elliott, > H. A. Campon, Frank Holmes. Skin- J nor White, Fd Parker and Charlie ‘ S wanner. — ( ( SUNSHINE CHEEZITS fi-OLNCE PACKAGE 19c P & Q SUPER MARKET i —. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY. JULY 22, 1954. li, SCIENCE AD I law RECEDING HAIRLINES By Science Features There’s no use losing any sleep worrying about losing your hair— for so far there is nothing that can be done about getting bald. Whether or not people lose their hair is determined priniarjly by their genes and not by their own effort. " I The most frequent type of bald* ness is inherited from parents ' f and like al flj \ f./j most everything / else is influ fk enced by sex; j [QI r men are much more affected A*/, Asa Jf than women. Baldness, may also develop the scalp or as a f result of serious infections such as fineumonia or influenza. Frequent y, in these cases, the hair returns i when health becomes normal. Gray hairs are not symptomatic of baldness but merely lack the special pigment for hair coloration. I Most men lose about 60 hairs a day, but, as the typical head con tains 100,000 strands, it does not make much difference if the healthy scalp produces replace ments. i The first chemical clue to the cause of baldness was recently dis covered at the University of Penn sylvania Medical School. Scientists found that sebum, an oily sub stance secreted by the scalp, con tains hair-killing compounds. It was previously regarded as an agent that only lubricated the scalp. The body’s sex hormones are said to regulate the amount and quality of sebum produced. Experiments are under way to determine what substances explain why hair grows in most cases and what can be done to prevent thin ning in others. A prescription for preventing baldness may be a long way off hot medical research ers feel time progress is being REPORT AT CHERRY POINT Two Edenton Marines, Sgt. Paul J. Champagne, husband of the former Miss Verina D. Edenson of 204 First Street, and Cpl. Melvin L. Sinner, husband of the former Miss Lillie M. Goodwin, have reported to the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point for: duty with the 2nd Marine Aircraft | Wing. ! Commissioners’ Proceedings The County Commissioners met Wednesday, July 7. 1854. with all members present, including \V. W. By rum. chairman. J. I!. IVele. .1. A. Peele, C. J, Hollowell and W. F. Bond. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved and the fol lowing bills ordered paid: Shaoriclt Elliott, care of Court House grounds. $7.60: Fdvthe Nixon, salary janitross Court House. $50.00; George C. Hoskins treasurer tor trans fer of funds deposited this day bv ARC store in the general county fund to that of the capital outlay Fund, T. ' 52600 to .513,000 SPARE OR FULL TIME ALL YEAR ROUND CASH BUSINESS operating and servicing Guaran teed Dispenser accounts, latest non- j competitive equipment in this and 1 surrounding counties. Established ■ routes earning to SIOO weekly can • be serviced in spare time. NO SELLING IMMEDIATE INCOME Fair priced steady income routes i require a cash investment of $595 i to $4,950 depending on number of accounts you can service, fully se cured by valuable inventory. If route work appeals to you and the investment is available, WRITE for confidential application giving one character reference (further details tri be given at a personal interview in your citv) to: DODSON EN TERPRISES. 7016 Euclid Ave., Dept., NW 16, Cleveland, Ohio. >. .... ..'■'l t*2.10 Z 35 86 Proof 1M tnUMHI maxm M IMS MOMCT MI4TUUO(NOMOIS.i»inMW ■Bor, MS nbiom sntrai dsieub MOM MAM T |C. Byram, payment in full for prop erty purchased, $16,000.00; Clock Ser vice Company, repairing and overhaul ing Court House clock, $85.00; John A. Hobbs, labor repairing county home property, $158.50; Marguerite W. l Jones, salary, tax lister, $29.64; Bill I Peer, cleaning out and repairing gut ters at jail, $14.00; Brown-Carver Li brary. State Aid, $100.00; Pasquotank-' Perquimans-Camden-Chowan District Health Department, $250.00: Twiddy Insurance and Real Estate Co., June rent, Deputy Tax Collector, N. C. De partment of Revenue, $15.00; Federal Reserve Rank of Richmond, Federal: Income Tax withhold County Employ ees, for May, 1954, $300.80; Shepaj-d- Pruden Library. State Aid to Public! Libraries, $200.00; Herman F. White, bill for care of prisoners, $655.72; Town of Fdenton. bill, lights and wa ter, $66.55; Edward & Broughton Co.,' bill, $23.20: M. L. Bunch, bill and service. $148.95; Mitchell Printing Co., bill. $16.29: Edenton Ice Co., Tno.. bill, $1.90: Twiddy Insurance & Real Es tate Co., rent for July, Joseph Rogers, I X. C. Revenue Department. $15.00; j Coastal Office Equipment Cri.. $2.75; State of X. C. Department of Con-} serration and Development, $204.17;, .T. A. Bunch. Sheriff, salary and bills, f $1,437.85; K. W Spires bills and sal ' nry, $29.3.80: Bvrum Hardware Co.,| Inc., bill, $5.35; The Norfolk & Caro lina Telephone & Telegraph Co., bill. Clerk Superior Court’s office, $13.30; J. B. Small, Colored County Agent, $6,00: Eloise B. Jordan, tax work.' $106.87; Marguerite Jones, tax work, $10.50: W. P. Jones, salary tax su pervisor. $24237; Burroughs, bill. 69c; The Chowan Herald, bill, $2.3.55; P. S. McMullan, 2 years auto expense for tax work. $300.00: Eastern Office Equinment Co., bill. $1.60: Herbert Small. Juno rent. $50.00- Mrs. 'Lois H. Ashley, postage, box rent, welfare office, $10.00: Dr. Martin Wisely, chairman welfare board, $55,00: Mrs. E. X. Elliott, member welfare board, $55.00; John W. Graham. $50.00: Mrs. Carolyn C. McMullan, travel, $42.98; Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Tele graph Co., June service welfare de nartment. $5.25; Basniglit Grocery, hill authorized by welfare department, | $13.00: Chowan Hospital. Tno., nay- j merit in full, account of Georgia Top nin. $31.00; Chowan Hosnital, Tnc., hill for indigent persons. $277.50; Lassiter, Grocery, bill, .authorized by welfare department, $5.00; Leggett & Davis, | hill. $6.00: The Eastern North Caro lina Sanatorium, for Lloyd Morring to July Ist. $30.75; Southeastern Radio Supply Co., bill. $21.00; May & Hales, Tnc.. hill. $14.91: R. C. Holland, Agt., j unearned premium policy No. 2016, 1 Juno 26, 1954, to February 19. 1955,1 $41.30; J. N. Pruden, hill, $105.05;: FDENTON. N. C W ck Dav Shows Contusions From 3:30 t Saturday Continuous From 1:30 j Sunday 2:15, 4:15 and 8:45 Thursday and Friday, July 22-23 Frederic March and Myrna Loy in “THE BEST YEARS OF OPR 1 IVES" Features 3:00-6:10 and 9:20 DR. L. HOLLEY Saturday. July 21—- Marlon Brando in “THE WILD ONE” Also 5 Cartoons J. H. ASBELL. JR. Sunday and Monday, July 2 i-26 Doris Day and Robert Cummings in “LUCKY ME" CincmaScope and Stereophonic Sound NO ADVANCE IN PRICES GERALD JAMES | Tuesday and Wednesday. July 27-28 Double Feature Rock Hudson in “GUN FURY” —also— George Murphy in “TALK ABOUT A STRANGER” MS” EDENTON, N. C. o- - Friday and Saturday. I July 23-24 Gam’ Cooper in “HIGH NOON” MRS. W. W. SMITH I-waydriveS THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. Admission 10c Per Person Children Under 12 Free o Friday and Saturday, July 23-24 “ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET DR. JEKYL & MR. HYDE” D. H. BERRYMAN - Sunday, July 25 Richard Todd in “ROBIN HOOD” L. C. BRIGGS O— Monday and Tuesday, July 26-27 Walter Brennan in “THE GREEN PROMISE” o Wednesday and Thursday, July 28-29 Rosalind Russell in “NEVER WAVE AT A WAC” Note: If your name appears in this ad, bring it to the Taylor Theatre box office and receive a j free pass to see one of the pictures 'Miss Hattie Singletary, home agent, telephone services, $9.20; C. W. Over man, telephone services, $12.75; W. A. Hollowell, bill, $8.20. The Board of Education held a joint meeting with the County Commission (ers for the purpose of appointing a | member on the ABC Board. R. E. Forehand. Sr., was unanimously elect- Jed to serve as a member on the ABC Board for a period of three years. On motion of J. R. Peele, dulv sec onded by C. J. Hollowell the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopt ed: „ WHEREAS, the Chowan County (budget for the fiscal year 1954-1955 ( was formerly approved at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held (on June 24, 1954 providing the follow ing tax levies: Bonds (debt service!--—-—-—$ -23 .•General County -20 Capital Outlay . .—------ -20 Charity - •!" Health - - _ .lO Schools -00 i Social Security 07 > Total tax rate per SIOO.OO. based | on a countv-wide valuation of I $11,000,000 —.— $1.53 t AND WHEREAS, the said budget was accordingly published in The Cho .wan Herald according to law: there ifore, be it I RESOLVED that the aforesaid bud get, be and the same is hereby rati fied and adopted. On motion of W. E. Bond, duly sec onded by J. R. Peele, that the Coun ty Commissioners recommend that a Committee he formed, composing a member of the Board of County Com missioners, a member of the Town Council, a member of tile Fire Depart ment, and a representative from each of the Townships in the County, to study and decide upon a suitable plan for fire protection for rural residents. It is understood that a chairman of this committee will be appointed by the Committee. Chairman W. W. By rum appointed W. E. Bond to serve on this committee representing the Coun ty Commissioners. The following reports were accept s —“——— WOODWORKER WANTED Preferably With Boat Building Experience on Small Outboard Boats i Steady Year-Around Job To Right Man Write I’. O. Box 511 Edenton or See Marvin Wilson, Attorney, Edenton V. Come compare this new KELVINATOR You’ll want to trade for this 1954 Kelvinator right now. Get bonus allowance on your old ltM Msdsl MAD-110 refrigerator ... enjoy 11 cu. feet of cold space „ niwstrated ... 53 lbs. frozen storage ... “Roll-Out” shelf , _ ... Butter Chest... new Sea Tone color. And Convenient Terms best of all, you get finest automatic defrosting ribr minimum Sn paynml at no extra cost in any 1954 Kelvinator! •*>*•■» appiM la Edenton Furniture Co. ed and ordered filed: Sheriff; Cho wan County Welfare Board; Hattie Singletary, Home Agent; Clara Mas-, on. Assistant Home Agent; C. W. Ov erman, County Agent; R. S. Marsh, Assistant County Agent; J. B. Small, Negro County Agent; Onnie S. Charl ton, Negro Home Agent; Inventory of Equipment in (white) County Agent and Home Agent offices. There being no further business the Board voted to adjourn the meeting. M. L. BUNCH, Clerk to Board. iako'e siilf HALO rj*i SHAMPOO tSß Sold In Edenton By Mitchener’s Pharmacy PHONE 100 1515 HiPill won' I I /4v I '— | I 100 PROOF LIQUEUR

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