Overman Advises j Dusting Cotton Good Crop Is Setting Ac cording to County Agent ; t“Some cotton growers may fool j ound about dusting but the boll . weevil means business,” says County ■ Agent C, W. Overman. Field surveys i on Monday shows a marked differ- < ence between dusted, partially dusted and undusted fields. “Continue dust- i ing,” Overman advises. i There is a very marked difference 1 in the punctured square count in reg ularly dusted, partially dusted and un- 1 dusted fields. On Monday the follow ing differences were observed: Seven fields dusted every seven days for the last three weeks or more averaged 3 per cent punctured squares. Five < fields being dusted but not dusted for 1 the last week or two averaged 18 per ' cent punctured squares. Five fields ! which have not been dusted averaged 42 per cent punctured squares. The 1 above fields were scattered over Cho- 1 wan County and each area showed ■ about the same. 1 Cotton is blooming well in the top,” ' says Overman. “A good crop is set- ' ting even though the plants general- 1 ly are smaller than usual. The boll!' weevil will puncture young bolls up ' to half grown and ruin them. Con- 1 tinue dusting this week and next at least. The. use of cotton dust contain- 1 ing sulphur and DDT in these late ' dustings will help greatly in keeping the red spider and boll worm in ' check.” 1 i I Freezing Peaches j By MARTHA STILLEY Virginia Electric & Power Co. 1 Home Economist < Freezing fruits brings a new taste , thrill into your life! One of the great- , est pleasures of owning a Food Freez inz Unit comes from the enjoyment of , fresh, delicious fruits, out of season. ] Virginia produces some of the best va rieties of peaches for freezing, so let’s plan to freeze a quantity of these peaches for future use. , The yellow fleshed freestone are: J. H. Hale Excellent Ripening season—August 12-25. Golden Jubilee Excellent-—Ripen iw season—July 15-August 1. — Excellent—Ripening sea- Wn—July 9-28. Elberta—Fair Ripening season—d August 8-21. The white fleshed freestone are: | Hiley—Very good—Ripening season, —August 12-25. I Georgia Belle—Good—Ripening sea son—August 2-14. Select tree-ripened fruit at just the right stage for eating. Sort very carefully: remove those that are over ripe and bruised. (The good parts of these may be made into frozen puree.) reel peaches for freezing rather than blanching as blanching has a tendency to soften the outside texture of the peach. Pit, slice and package. Peaches may be packaged in sugar syrup or in dry sugar. For syrup pack: Make sugar syrup ahead of time. (3 cups sugar to 1 cups hot water.) When it is cool add hi teaspoon ascorbic acid to prevent darkening of fruit. Th's amount makes about 5’4 cups of syrup—you need about 2 3 cup of syrup for each pint of peaches. Slice peaches directly into containers and pour cold syrup over to cover, allowing ’•.■-inch space at *»•> for expansion. A piece of crumpled cellophane paper on top of peaches will help keep them submerged under the syrup. Seal as directed for spe cific container used. For Dry Sugar Pack: Place peeled peaches in a large bowl, add dry sugar in the proportion of one part sugar to four parts peaches. Add ’4 tea spoon ascorbic acid which has been dissolved in 2 teaspoons cold water. (This is enough for 3 pints of fruit.) Turn peaches over and over in bowl i with a wooden spoon until sugar is j < > o O ( > < \ \ LEIGH HUNT O o o “Man’s greatest victory is 3! \\ to be at peace with him - 3! Wsdf” o o (> 31 WE are authoritative but 3 3 self-effacing; well ordered 31 3! dignity is evident in the cere- we superintend. 31 Tvmwwmim ■ ■u _ j 41' Tl||||Bill]|U 41 A i B ■ B 8 J I 141 P 1; 41 A I i kl w Jy iiiiJijM) _ "!* j a l_ Li V-"- „ K55555H dissolved. Package and seal at once. The containers for packaging peach es must be moisture-vaporproof, firm and rigidly constructed. Cartons with cellophane or plastic liners or heavily waxed cups with snap in lids or freez er jars are good. Label packages with name of fruit, variety, and date frozen. One bushel or about 48 pounds will yield approximately 24 quart cartons of peaches. Peaches should be allowed to thaw in the carton, and are best used when still a little icy. The quart cartons will take about one hour to thaw at room temperature or five or six hours on the refrigerator shelf. They make excellent desserts when served alone, or may be used in short cakes, upside-down cake, pie, pud dings, fruit whip, cobbler or ice cream. Tobacco Supports Set At 47.9 Cents For 1954 Tn North Carolina flue-cured tobac co from the 1954 crop will be support ed at an average loan rate of 47.9 cents per pound, says If. D. Godfrey, state ASC administrative officer. This average loan rate of 47.9 cents is the minimum level previously an nounced by the U. S. Department of j Agriculture. The average loan rate' remains at this figure since it is high er than 90 per cent of parity as of July 1, 1954. Under the “forward [pricing” provisions of existing legis lation, Godfrey explains, a minimum loan rate is announced in advance of the marketing season, and then if the formula as applied on July 1 would call for a higher rate, the higher rate is used. Loans covering the 1954 crop will be made available by the Commodity Credit Corporation. The loans will be made on the basis of official standard grades at a specified rate for each grade. Loan rates by grades range from 574 per one hundred pounds for tobacco grades down to sl3 per one hundred pounds for certain “non descript” grades. CCC loans will be made available to eligible producers through the Flue cured Tobacco Stabilization Corpora tion. An eligible producer is one for whom a within-quota marketing card has been issued by the appropriate ASC County Committee. During the period, 1946-53, 1,044,613,000 pounds of various kinds of tobacco valued at approximately $382,238,000 have been pledged gy growers as collateral for CCC non-recourse loans. Godfrey reports that ASC Commit tees are just about 100 per cent through checking acreages of flue-cur ed tobacco in this state and that the 'producers eligible for price support are now being determined by ASC I County Officers. IScciusiviEi PORCELAIN FINISH Inside and Out! FRIGIDAISE I yj H sp* W Lifetime Porcelain finish where you need it the most! Resists rust, stains and scuff ing. Soap, bleaches, steam can't harm it. Stays wh'ite, new-looking for yearsl • Live-Water Action j • Float-Over Rinsing • Rapidry Spin • Select-O-Dial lets you • wash any way you like ■jfe .» Sealed Unimatic Mechanism oiled for life t V $299.95 Ralph £ Parrish, Inc. “Your Frigidaire Dealer” S. BROAD ST. PHONE 178 EDENTON, N. C. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1954, Miss Kay Lee Wells To Wed Billy Gray Leary Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babry of Jonesville announce the engagement of their daughter, Kay Lee Wells, to Billy Gray Leary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Leary, of Edenton. The wedding is planned for August 15th. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Richard A. Winslow, Jr., of 101 Cromwell Parkway, Norfolk, Va., en tertained at a party Saturday after noon, July 17. in honor of the third , birthday anniversary of her small i daughter, Miss Falita Winston. The decorations and refreshments were carried out in a color scheme of pink and blue. Games were enjoyed by those pres ent and the honor guest was the re cipient of many lovely gifts which had been placed in a basket trimmed in | pink and blue. The traditional birth day cake, ice cream and punch were then served. The guests in addition to Mrs. Win ston and her daughter were: Harriett 1 Cohen, Scotty Friedman, Michall Grif fin, Judy James, Douglas and Johnny Lee Garrett, Brenda Neuer, Gail Saun ders, Michall Terpletaub, Neal and ! Susan Weiner and Bobby Winston. Also present were Miss Marjorie Da vidson, Mrs. Bervelle James, Mrs. Vic tor Terpletaub, Mrs. James T. Weston and Mrs. Richard A. Winston, Sr. Little Miss Faleta Winston is the only granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Walter Davidson of near Edenton and of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albert Winston of Goldsboro. CARD OF THANKS We are taking this means to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many cards, flowers, expres sions of sympathy and other deeds of kindness during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Clara L. Bunch. THE FAMILY p I Before You Travel ... | . . . Anywhere To Anywhere | INSURE AND BE SURE I WITH CONTINENTAL NEW TRIP INSURANCE I SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS AND PREMIUM RATES | Sold Only In Amounts Shown Below For Periods Indicated | ssjioo | SIO,OOO | $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 i Prin. Sum | Prin. Sum | Prin. Sum Prin. Sum Prin. Sum X ; Days Plus SSOO | Plus SIOOO I Plus SISOO Plus S2OOO Plus $2500 1 1 Injury I Injury j Injury Injury Injury X | Expense | Expense | Expense Expense Expense & j „ | Premium | Premium | Premium Premium Premium |' ■ 1 3 | STOO I $ 2.00 j $ 3.00 I $ 4.00 [ $ 5.00 | : ; I 5 I 1.65’ j 325 j 4.85 | 6.45’ | 8.05 f I~i i - ’ 2.00” 1 ”4.00 6.00 8.00 ! 10.00 if 10 | 2.65 | 5.25 yj 7.85 i 10,45 I 13.05 | I 14 3.20 | 6.33 ’9.50 1 12115 15.80 f I ' 17 3.65 j 7.20 J _lo.7s__|_ 14.30 | 17.85 _ I I 21 | 4.10 8.10 ! 12.10 I ” 16.10 V 20.10 1 ~24 4.45 ' 8.75 ! 13.05 ; 17.35 | 21.65 | ~~27 ] J4.80' _ 9.40 I 14,00 | 18.60 | . 23.20 $ 31 5.20 10.15 15.10 ! 20.05 i 25.00 45 I 6.50 ! 12.70 18.90 j 25.10 I 31.30 f ”60’ 7.85 13.35 22785 1 30.35 1 37.85 f ”90 . j 9.85 i 19.30 28.75 ! 38.20 ' 47.65 | 120 1150 [ 22.55 ' 33.60 I 44.65 I 55.70 I ~ 150” ~12.65 24780 I 36795 1 49.10 ! 61.25 | 180 I 13.40 ~~! 20.30 ! 39.20 ! 52.10 65.00 | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL I j Twiddy’s Insurance & Real Estate Co. I Phone 413 Edenton, N. C. | 1 Special Bargains Ons | Seat Covers | If* H*r*l . . . Our Ortot v3 Vuu ' l •n«*-o-y*«r S*et Cover 4«Ut X . tE^tSC^* 15 Hurry! Soy* M,OO nowl V i WIZARD Country Club Plattiet | Wa* $28.95 INSTALLED 9.95 | Add bright, colorful beauty to your car with theta Wizard Country I Club Plastics our finest! Designed for modem, car-f tattering | beauty . . . built to retain its gay colors for many leatons. Have (ham Installed FREE at this special Carnival price! Neater t lava on other Western Auto Seel Covers. " | 204 S. BROAD STREET EDENTON, N. C. | ♦ooo»»»»eeo»oo»e»o»<»»»eeeee<»>»»»<»<»’fr»e-»»>'<»e«»SH»»»»<»eo» Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ! Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Clara L. Bunch, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Caro- ' lina, on or before the 29th day of July, 1 1955, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , I This July 29th, 1954. HORACE E. BUNCH, Administrator of Clara I>. Bunch Estate. , Ju1y29,Aug5,12,19,2G,5ept2p j ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of W. P. Sinclair, deceas ed, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of . said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Ryland. North Caro lina, on or before the 9th day of July, | 1955, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons . indebted to said estate will please . make immediate payment. This July 9, 1954. ELIZABETH J. SINCLAIR, , Administratrix of W. P. Sinclair Estate. W. A. HOLLOWELL, | Attorney. Juiy15,22,29,Aug5,12,19c , ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE i Having qualified as Administrator CTA of the estate of Inez White, de • ceased, late of Chowan County, North i Carolina, this is to notify all persons l having claims against the estate of i said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hobbsville, North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of June, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 30, 1954. W. M. HOLLOWELL, Administrator CTA of Inez White Estate. W. A. HOLLOWELL, Attorney. Ju1y8,15,22,29,Aug5,12c NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Priscilla Long and Husband, Leander Long, Petitioners vs. Mary Paxton and Husband, William Paxton, John Richard Paxton, Ag nes Sawyer and Husband, William Sawyer, Florence Riddick and Hus band, Ed Riddick, Claudia Etheridge and Husband, Lewis Etheridge, Cor nelia Harris, Adeline McClenney and Husband, Wheeler McClenney, Lue thel Taylor and Husband, Tom Tay lor, William Edward Wills and Wife, Emily Wills, John Walters Wills, 1 BOOST PULL-POWER . 3 J Belt pulley optional v / €t additional cost. NOW, you can instantly.. • • Boost pull-power up to 45 per cent to match the load, on the go. • Change tractor speed on the go. • Choice of two speeds in every gear. 10 for ward, 2 reverse. • Use completely independent power take-off to start and stop pto driven machines, on the go. Test and compare... and prove to yourself that the Farmall Super M-TA gives you the most efficient drawbar and power-take-off performance ever available for 4-plow, 4-row farming. ASK for a demonstration today! DUSTING SEASON IS HERE WE HAVE IN STOCK DUSTERS TO FIT ALL MAKE TRACTORS. BYRUM IMPLEMENT % BUCK CU. “YOUR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER” Phone 299 Edenton, N. C. | STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY I THIS WHISKEY IS 5 YEARS OLD • 86 PROOF .* NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, N. Y. -SECTION ONE-: 1 and Wife, Maria Wills, Carrie Wills Brown and Husband, Sonnybrown Brown and John Wills, Defendants. To John Richard Paxton, Claudia Etheridge and Lewis Etheridge, Ade line McClenney and Wheeler McClen ney, Luethel Taylor and Tom Taylor, William Edward Wills and Emily Wills, John Walters Wills and Maria Wills Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above en titled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as fol lows: Petitioners seek actual partition oi the land described in the Petition be ing certain land heretofore owned by Abram Paxton. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 19th day of August, 1954, and upon your failure to do so the parties seek ing service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 17th day of July, 1954. LENA M. LEARY, Assistant Clerk of Superior Court. Ju1y22,29,Aug5,12c Page Three