Join The Para<|> Os Progress Buy Stock In Edenton Development Corp. Volume XXL—Number 31. 3L-g— ■■ - 11 ■■■ Malone’s 5 And 10c Store Total Loss In Worst Fire In Years Considerable Damage Is Also Done In Elliott Company Store MARINES HELP Malone Plans to Reopen With All New Stock And Fixtures One of the most disastrous fires in Edenton in recent years occurred shortly after 6 o’clock Friday after noon when the W. E. Malone 5 and 10-cent store was gutted, with the result that the entire stock of mer chandise and fixtures were a total loss. The building, which is owned by John Bond, was also badly damaged. Great quantities of smoke spread into the Elliott Company store, as well as the Hughes-Parker Hardware store, with considerable damage done to the merchandise in the Elliott store. Very little damage, however, was done in the hardware store. The fire was discovered about 6:15 o’clock by Mrs. Irma Allsbrook, who passed the store and noticed smoke coming from the front ventilators and then saw the store filled with smoke and flames in the rear. Mr. Malone was at home eating supper at the time. Origin of the fire is somewhat of a rstery hut Mr. Malone is of the „• ,inion that it started under the floor in the rear of the store by electric wires and due to the draft, soon spread to the elevator shaft. His ren-! son is that the joists under the floor where the electric wires go under the building were burned to some extent. While the floor itself was not burned due to the suction of the flames to ward the elevator. The actual loss caused by the fire was not determined earlv this week, but Mr. Malone informed The Herald that his loss of stock and fixtures will reach nearly $30,000. Os course, the building was also badly damaged but an estimate of the loss was not made. Mr. Malone expressed his apprecia tion for the work done by Edenton, the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field for sending men and equipment, as well as others who of fered their services during and after the fire, as well as the many expres sions of sympathy on the part of many friends. The entire stock of the store has been sold to a Norfolk salvage con cern and was moved Tuesday. Mr. Malone stated that he plans at once to make necessary repairs and reno vations to the building and will, as soon as possible, reopen his store with an entire new stock of merchandise and fixtures. Revival Begins At Center Hill Aug. Bth Preacher For Meetings The Rev. C. R. Pierce | Os Greensboro Revival meetings are scheduled to be gin at the Center Hill Baptist Church Sunday, August 8, and continue through Sunday, August 15. The Rev. C. R. Pierce of Greens boro will he the speaker for the series of meetings which will he held each evening at 8 o’clock. The Rev. L. C. Chandler, pastor of the church, extends a cordial in vita-. tion to the public to attend all or any of the services. 4-H Pullet Show And Sale Set For Aug 25thj Chowan 4-H pullets were vaccinated for fowl pox by Assistant County Agent Robert Marsh on Thursday of last week. Most of the pullets are I ooking very well and the 13 contest- i i nts are looking forward to the 4-H /ullet show and sale which will be,' held on Wednesday, August 25, at 1 , P. M., at the Edenton armory. Edenton Jaycees Hosts For District Meeting Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Com merce was host for the quarterly meeting of the Tenth District which was held in the Edenton armory Wed-11 nesday night. |i A very interesting meeting was held ( ' which included Jaycees from Elizabeth i City, Hertford, Windsor, Williamston,'] Plymouth, Columbia and Ahoskie. i THE CHOWAN HERALD Civic Caiendai Town Council will meet in the Municipal Building Tuesday night, August 10, at 8 o’clock. Chowan County Commissioners will hold their September meet ing Thursday, September 2, in stead of Monday, September 6 due to the observance of Labor Day on the latter date. A revival meeting will begin at the Center Hill Baptist Church Sunday, August 8 and continue through Sunday, August 15. Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. G. Willis at Merry Hill. A revival meeting is scheduled (Continued on Page Eight' Lightning Strikes Tobacco Barn On Farm Os A. C. Boyce Community Is Target of Electrical Storm on Monday Night Edenton and Chowan County were the targets for a rather severe elec trical storm Monday night but fortu nately not much damage was done. The most costly damage occurred on !the Strawberry Hill farm of A. C. Boyce, where a bam filled with to bacco was burned. It is believed that the building was hit by lightning. Many leaves, limbs and wires were torn down by the strong wind as tor rents of rain fell to put a halt to all activities in town. Col. Peyton Speaker At Lions Meeting Club Directors Vote to Sponsor Highway Saf ety Program Although there was no set program arranged for the meeting of the Eden ton Lions Club Monday evening, there were several developments which proved of great interest to the mem bers present. The highlight of the meeting was a brief talk by the new commanding of ficer of the Edenton Marine Corps Air | Station, Colonel Montford K. Peyton. “I have been most favorably impress ed with the genuine hospitality, as well as the spirit of friendly coopera tion which I have found in this enm 'munity,” said Colonel Peyton. “You have one of the finest towns that T Ihave been privileged to live in and T lam certain that Mrs. Peyton and the Ichildren have the same feeling,” con tinued the speaker, who was the guest | of Major Louis Ferguson, a member of the club. “During my travels in this and other countries, I have come to have a greater realization of and appreciation! for the splendid work which the Lions are doing, especially among the phys-1 ically handicapped. T note with inter est your activity in behalf of the es tablishment of a swimming pool. I pledge to you and all citizens of your i good community my fullest coopera tion in your laudable undertakings, /both religious and civil,” concluded Colonel Peyton. i President Earl Harrell extended a I cordial welcome to Colonel Peyton and assured him, that the Edenton Lions would be happy to render their full cooperation to him and his command. I Dr. A. M. Stanton, chairman of the /Red Cross blood program, urged all Lions who could do so to give blood. “This blood is badly needed. The quart you give may save someone’s life,” said Dr. Stanton. “Over half of the blood donated the last time came from Marines at the local Air Station and we hope our civilian population (Continued on Page Eight) ; ROTARIANS MEET TONIGHT Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet i this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock |in the Parish House. The program will be in charge of John A. Holmes, who is taking the place of Dr. W. I. I Hart. President Gilliam Wood urges a full attendance. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 5,1954. ———■—— Jurymen Drawn For Superior Court Term Beginning Sept 13th Judge Q. K. Nimmocks Os Fayetteville Sched uled to Preside Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday drew 50 names from the jury box, who will be sum moned by Sheriff J. A. Bunch for jury duty at the September term of Cho wan County Superior Court. The term will begin Monday morning, Septem ber 13, with Judge Q. K. Nimmocks, Jr., of Fayetteville presiding. Those chosen for jury duty include the following: V. E. Jordan, Robert White Good win, M. F. Bass, David Lee Hollowell, Jimmie C. Keeter, J. Lester Griffin, R. D. Dixon, Jr., J. Paul Holoman, Jack Stallings, M. J. Evans, John A. Hobbs, M. F. White, J. Paul Bunch, R. C. Lane, Johnnie Chappell, John M. Elliott, Jr., Elisha B. White, Edward Wozelka, Noah Goodwin, Jr., Mack Hendrix, George H. Privott, Elton Boswell, L. P. Chappell, Thomas H. Shepard, C. C. Nixon, Carlton Privott, Lonnie R. Harrell, Elwood D. Harrell, 1 P. C. Ashley, Jr., J. T. Parrish, For-, res Ervin Lane, J. C. Nixon, O. N. Jordan, Harry A. Perry, Gilbert Har rell, Eugene Jemigan, C. Trotman Leary, K. W. Smith, L. W. Privott, I W. D. Elliott, Leon W. Byrum, John I Thomas Layon, J. S. Bunch, J. Roy Winslow, Alma Byrum, J. E. Ashley, • C. A. Bass, G. O. Chappell, Dallas ■ Jethro, Jr., H. E. Lane. New Pastor Is Sent To Catholic Church ! i 1 1 The Rev. Francis Smith t Assumes New Duties , At St. Ann’s ; I ’ The Reverend Francis M. Smith, re- 1 jcently appointed a director of the Dio- 1 ! of Raleigh Missionary Apostolate. 1 has taken up his residence at St. Ann’s] Church in Edenton. As director of the) iApostolate, he will serve as pastor of, St. Ann’s, and he will also have in llisl i> care the Catholic missions and church-' jes in Columbia, Plymouth, William • ston. Windsor, and Ahoskie. Assist ing him in his work will be the Rev-] erends James Keenan and John Rich ardson. Father Smith, Philadelphia bom.' has been associated with the Catholic j Diocese of Raleigh for the last ten | I years. After he completed his studies I I at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmits burg, Md., and after his ordination to the priesthood in Charlotte, N. 0., he 1 served as assistant pastor in White ville, Wake Forest, Durham and Greensboro. He has also served as l ]chaplain to the Catholic students at Woman’s College of L T NC at Greens -1 boro, and at Duke University. He is • at the moment also Diocesean chap lain to the various Newman Clubs on ] ? the various campuses throughout thej ■ State and Moderator of Parish Discus-] ' sion Groups. i i • r ' TAX COLLECTIONS li I 'J Sheriff J. A. Runch reported to the: County Commissioners Monday tha j I during July, 1953, taxes collected amounted to $462.84. This amount! brings total 1953 taxes collected to date to $169,923.54. j The 1953 tax levy is $184,515.05, so 1 j that unpaid 1953 taxes amount to $14,- i 591.51. 1 I . William Perry Praised For Work As Home !' Service Chairman For Red Cross Chapter ji Outstanding Service Recognized By Cherry Point I Commanding Officer, Who Writes to Home j Service Director of American Red Cross William Perry has been congratulat ed for his work as home service chair man for the Chowan County Chapter • of the American Red Cross. In a recent letter from Brig. Gen. A. W. Kreiser, commanding officer of ■ the Marine Corps Air Station at Cher i ry Point, to the Home Service Direc tor of the American Red Cross, Gen eral Kreiser had this to say: “I wish to express my appreciation for the outstanding services rendered by Mr. William Perry, Home Service ( Chairman, Chowan County Chapter, American Red Cross, State* of North Carolina, to the members of Marine Aircraft Group-14, an organization of this command, based at the Auxiliary Landing Field, Edenton, North Caro lina. 750 Service Men | Attend USB Clubs Over Each Week-end Clubs Open Each Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday Nights Edenton dSO’s are now in opera tion Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day from 5 P. M., to 11 P. M., with active programing, and tentative plans! are to have the units open as lounges I Friday, Saturday and Sunday provid-1 ed senior hostesses can be obtained. The change in days of operation be came effective August 1. The USO’s will be closed Mondays. | The reason for the change is that it j was felt by the USO committee after investigating the situation that a greater number of servicemen would make use of the facilities during the middle of the week as many are away on the week-ends. Since the opening of the clubs July 15th attendance has been good with Mrs. R. P. Badham, staff-aide, report ing an average of 500 boys each week end at the Hotel USO, and Miss Hat tie Jerkin, staff-aide, reporting ap-j proximately 150 each week-end at the | Brown-Carver Library USO. Both (dubs have had dancing, games, tele vision and refreshments for entertain ment, as well as a number of junior hostesses present. Edenton Woman Held On Charge Os Forgery Mrs. Ethel P. Spence Ad mits Writing Checks I For $145 Mrs. Ethel P. Spence was arrested .Friday charged with forging foui 1 /checks totaling $145. The checks were! (drawn on three wives of Marines, Mrs.) I Jane Wolver, Mrs. Norma Welch and; ,Mrs. Virginia Drivers, with the checks, , cashed at the Jack and Jill store, Belk- • ,Tyler’s and Colonial Store. | The checks were written in June and , ‘July and the Edenton police conduct jed an intensive investigation before ■ the arrest was made. Chief of Police 1 ; George T. Dail said Mrs. Spence gave] as her reason for forging the checks I I was thfit she was trying to get money' to pay for an operation on the eye of, her five-year-old son. i In Recorder’s Court Tuesday morn ring Mrs. Spence entered a plea of guilty and was held for trial in the September term of Chowan Superior I Court. Bond was fixed at SSOO. j 126 Receive Old Age Assistance In Julyj During July 126 persons in Chowan j County received old age assistance j when $4,132 was distributed. There were also 12 aid to dependent children ( (cases receiving $443, together withlll2 1 (blind aid cases receiving $451 and 13 [aid to permanently and totally dis-' iaided cases receiving $440. General/ j assistance in the amount of $52.23 was: j given in six cases. ■ Other financial assistance included i /three hospitalized in the county, sllsj land two hospitalized outside the coun-r ty, $37.03. 1 Service cases included one adult pa-! 1 rolee under supervision, one investi-] jgation made for the local Draft Board,! 1 five child labor certificates issued and: 1 16 children receiving individual ser- j, ! vice. ■ | “Mr. Perry’s outstanding ability ■land resourcefulness in dealing with •/the personal problems of the personnel |of that organization are worthy of . note. His professional knowledge and ’ tactful manner enabled him to process ■ these problems with dispatch. His cheerfulness and sincerity have en ■ hanced the morale of the officers and men of Marine Aircraft Group-14. i “Mr. Perry’s performance of duty I .has been exemplary and reflects cred ■ it upon himself and the American Red , Cross.” Later Dr. A. F. Downum, chairman of the Chowan County chapter re ceived the following letter from K. C. Lattimer, director of field service. “We are very proud of the fine ser-j (Continued on Page Two) |Fire Commission For County Is Completed With Bond Chairman | Meeting Changed Due to Labor Day falling on Monday, September 6, the Chowan County Commissioners voted at their meeting Monday to hold the September meeting on Thursday morning, September 2. Notice should be taken of this J stepped up meeting in order to ■ present bills or other important business in time for the meeting. No Change Made In Clubs’ Standings In Albemarle League Only Seven More Games Remain In Regular Schedule STANDING OF CLUBS Colerain 21 10 .678 Elizabeth City 19 12 .613 jElrtford 14 17 .452 /Rocky Hock 13 19 .407 Edenton 10 19 .345 With only seven more games sched uled in the regular Albemarle League, no change in the standings occurred during the past week. Colerain con tinues to hold, a slight edge over Eliz abeth City for the lead, Hertford gain jing a slight advantage over Rocky for third position. Edenton remains |in the cellar position although a few | points in percentage have been added. I Fans were interested to note that Gashouse Parker, former manager of tlie Edenton Colonials, is now playing [with Rocky Hock and that Albert Lassiter, has been added to the Co lonials’ pitching staff. , i The final league game is Scheduled for Friday, August 13, when Eden- j j ton and Rocky -Hock, will cross bats j and Elizabeth City plays at Hertford, j (Continued on Page Four) S?!o Os Stock In Development Corp. | Stands At $35, Oi j Report of Stock Sales j men Listed As Still Incomplete J ! According to reports Wednesday! morning in the neighborhood of $35,-1 1000 worth of stock has been purchased in the Edenton Development Corpora- ] tion, recently incorporated for the (purpose of attracting new industry to j ! Edenton and Chowan County. | The report of the stock salesmen is (still incomplete, and it is hoped enough people will purchase stock to (reach the minimum goal of SIOO,OOO. i In addition to those listed last week j ] the following have purchased stock in ! (the corporation during the week: I Dr. Martin Wisely. .Dr. Roland H. I Vaughan. T. B. Williford. Dr. Rieli (ard Hardin. Dr. Frank Wood, J. I, iChestnutt, Louis E. Francis, Mrs. i (Louis E. Francis. Johnetta H. White., ! Jess M. Wilson, Caswell Edmundson, ] • Thelma M. Edmundson. Michael Ed- • jmundson, Tom H. Shepard. W. J. P. j (Earnhardt, Mrs. Carrie M. Earnhardt.' ;J. C. Parks, P. S. McMullan. J. H.: Bunch, Chowan Motor Co., O. B. Per ry, Nell White Perry. G. M. Belch. 1 Paul L. Partin, W. D. Harris, E. J. i Boyce, Belk-Tyler Co., A. L. Hawkins, ' William S. Elliott, R. P. Baer 11, Yates j Parrish, Mr and Mrs. C. Y. Parrish, j Raymond Mansfield, L. H. Haskett, I H. .1. Cuthrell and Mrs. Myrtle P. i Cuthrell. Albemarle League Schedule For Week | Thursday, August 5 Colerain at ' Rocky Hock; Edenton at Hertford. Friday, August 6—Elizabeth City at Edenton; Hertford at Colerain. Monday, August 9 Edenton at Elizabeth City; Colerain at Hertford, r Tuesday, August 10—Rocky Hock at' Colerain; Hertford at Edenton. i Wednesday, August 11—Hertford at : Rocky Hock; Elizabeth City at Cole- 1 'rain. •' $2.00 Per Year. Nine More Are Appoint ed From All Sections Os County 12 MEMBERS i Chairman Plans to Call Meeting- of Group at An Early Date Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday appointed nine more members to serve on the Cho wan County Fire Commission which is charged with the responsibility to make a thorough study of fire protec tion in the county and to subsequently submit recommendations to the Coun ty Commissioners to the end that the - best possible fire protection is provid ' ed at the minimum cost. The nine appointed Monday repre ; sents a cross section of the county and includes Clarence Harrell, John Kramer, Carey Evans, J. I. Boyce, A. M. Forehand, T. A. Berryman, McCoy Spivey, J. A. Webb, Jr., and Ward Hoskins. j Three other members who were previously appointed complete the commission of 12 members. The other - three are W. E. Bond, representing the • County Commissioners; W. J. Yates, ; representing the Edenton Fire Depart ment, and J. Edwin Bufflap, repre senting Town Council. ,' W. E. Bond was named chairman of I the Commission by the County Com ., missioners and he plans to call a . meeting at an early date for the pur . pose of organization and begin a study . of the problem of fire protection in . the rural section of the county. •' The newly formed Fire Commission is the outgrowth of a recent request made by Town Council to the County • Commissioners for an appropriation of $3,020 to cover the approximate cost of Edenton firemen answering calls in the county. This arrangement is now in operation, and may continue to be, but it Was the opinion of the County (Commissioners that a group represent-’ ling every section of the county might (possibly advance a better program. Revival At Anderson Church August 8-13 Rev. Freeman C. Heath Os Elizabeth City Will Be the Speaker The Rev. C. H. Beale, pastor of the Anderson Methodist Church of the I Chowan Charge, announces that a re vival meeting will begin in the church Sunday night, August 8, at 7:45 • o’clock and will close Friday, August !13th. ! The visiting minister will be the jßev. C. Freeman Heath. Superinten dent of the Elizabeth City District of |the Methodist Church. Floyd White will be in charge of the singing. A cordial invitation is extended to everyhodv to attend the services. Pure Bred Swine Sale Scheduled August 20 , Assistant County Agent Robert S. Marsh reports there will be a pure bred swine sale at the Hertford Live ! stock Market on Friday, August 20 at 1:00 P. M. This is the annual sum mer sale which is sponsored by the (Albemarle Pure Bred Swine Breeders’ • Association. Farmers of the Albe marle and surrounding area will have an opportunity to purchase pure bred hoars, bred gilts, and open gilts at this sale. j A total of 30 hogs will be offered for sale on this day. A weight guess ling contest will be held with free priz es offered. 4-H and FFA livestock judging teams will compete for prizes. i AUXILIARY MEETS TONIGHT The Ladies’ Auxiliary of William H. Coffield Post, No. 9280, Veterans lof Foreign Wars, will meet tonight ! (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW | home. Mrs. Ellie Mae Parrish, presi dent, urges every member to attend. COUPONS ORDERED PAID West Byrum, chairman of the Cho :wan County Commissioners, was au thorized Monday morning to pay i $127.81 on the county’s debt. The amount represents school building coupons which fall due on Septem ber 1. v

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