Weekly Devotional I Column By James Mackenzie - r ~,! r-BffTlf^ of the most outspoken preaoh- to grace the American pul pit was the renowned Methodist evan gelist, Sam Jones. Speaking in Sig ourney, lowa, years ago, he roasted those "who sign saloon petitions. Here ig a report of his lecture taken from a Sigourney paper: “This nice little lowa town, with a farming region around it makes it one of the garden spots of the world; hut with all your blessing you can’t get along without three saloons to de bauch your village and ruin your hoys, because you ‘need the money’.” Here Mr. Jones inquired of the sur prised audience, “How much is the 11- eense fee here?” Someone answered, S3OO each.” “Nine-hundred dollars al together,” said Mr. Jones. “What is your population?” Answer, “2,000.” The speaker then made a little light ning calculation, and resumed, “The liquor dealers walked up to you and said, ‘if you will let us damn the peo ple of this town we will give you forty cents apiece.’ Say, what would a 200- pound hog bring?” Answer, “$12.” “So,” replied Mr. Jones, “hogs sl2 apiece and people forty cents a head. Say, brother, don’t you wish you were a hog? You and your family wouldn't bring enough in this town to buy a suckling pig! This is a little lower down than I have ever found them. For the pitiful sum of forty cents apiece you turn over your boys to be debauched, the hearts of your mothers to be crushed and the town ruined— all for forty cents. This is cheap; but I suppose it is all you are worth, eh? “I want to say that there is not a man of you who signed that petition to bring saloons to your town, but de serves that every body you have in your home shall fill a drunkard’s grave, and your daughters live in the embrace of drunken husbands. What did you sign it for? If you did not want your boys to drink, or your daughters to marry a drunkard, what did you do it for? Stand up and talk back. You surely did not sign hoping your boy would not drink, but that your neighbor’s would! * T hy don’t you say, ‘To tell you the h„*st truth I did it for the forty cents.’ If the devil doesn’t get you for that, it is just because he doesn’t want you, and every man that signed that ’ liquor petition, the devil will get the' last man of you—but thank God, he j won’t get much. If you fellows don’t! feel like hogs, vou don’t feel natural. I That’s all.” So much for Sam Jones, and Sig- P B ! BI ™‘ K • 4 i i \ | 4/n tills’ I | weeks' I FREE FEATURES |oceWykw| during 100th | Anniversary Celebration ||| I “The Great n I Lelage” Barnum & Bailey STUNT ACT NORFOLK sfl CHAMBER of COMMERCE fl 200 PLUME ST . NORFOLK. VA pr;: wßtSßmmmmm GREAT OAK iibi ■ d WHISKEY | «|Mt»XMiINM«Mi I 1 AusUngfWeKolsj OUR DEMOCRACY b y M.t -AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE ~ j WHEN YOU GROW UP?" M I : This familiar question often brings from youngsters REPLIES REFLECTING TNE THEIR HEROES OF THE MOMENT. : i Choosing a career is part of < THE PROCESS OF GROWING UP » / ( Jjtop* : AMP WISE PARENTS ENCOURAGE ' THE NATURAL BENTS ANPMATURING ASPIRATIONS OFTHEIR.CHILDREN. J ~ ' ( They also instill such fcISSw 1 FUNDAMENTALS AS SPIRITUAL VALUES, 1 HARO WORK AND THRIFT, SO THAT, \ WHATEVER THE LIFE WORK CHOSEN, THERE IS A GOOP oumey, lowa. Let’s apply what he ; says to Chowan County. Why do you 1 men vote for liquor? Do you do it with the hope that your boy will not drink, but that your neighbor’s boy will ? May God have mercy upon you if you have sunk that low. Do you do it so our county will receive in creased revenue from the liquor tax? I wish you could see, as I do every day, the poverty, sorrow, and broken homes in our county that can be traced directly to liquor and the satanic hold .it gets upon men. Sit through the | next session of court if you will, and i you will see that practically every, crime committed in Chowan County ' can be traced directly to liquor. Do | 9 •• V • */&&.■+■ ■ y • • • v 1. You get the car that’s styled for tomorrow tvf rV/ri ■ - ■- 4 $ 2306 88 * and for delivered only locally! In Buick today you find the fresh modern beauty that will pattern the styling of other cars yet to come. That’s a major reason for Buick’s soaring success this year. But note the low delivered price shown here —that’s the clincher. No other car at so low a price gives you this advanced styling plus Buick’s great room, comfort, ride and V 8 power. •2-door, 6-possenger SPECIAL Sedan, Model 430, illustrated. | Optional equipment, accessories, state and local texes, if any, _/* S < ~. • > oddifionol. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due / jS j &&w k to shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. I||| ■ Even the factory-installed extras you may want are bargains. M .■Vw!5|......■•.-■•wx-t^^^^B : ~ such as heater & defroster . . . only $31.70. ~Vyfo sV • WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUIIO THEM ; K -i' - - ■ " v -~ '■■ ■~ " -■■'■-■ ■— S * I ‘"' ‘ '" " : ' ® CHAS. H. JENKINS MOTOR COMPANY Inc. 105 to 109 E. Queen Street PHONE 147 Menton, N. C. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON* N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1954. you think that the liquor traffic is sufficient to pay for all this? If you NOTICE To VFW Members The VFW Post home will be open every Friday and Sat urday nights for the benefit of j members and their guests. o look at the 3-way bonus you get in the car that’s sweeping the nation! Promoted Cpl. Edward Hunter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Ryan, Route 3, Eden ton, adds another stripe upon being promoted to his present rank while serving with the Ist Marine Aircraft Wing which is operating in Korea and Japan. do, you are deliberately deluding your self, and only yourself. Were there no such thing as liquor, the money that is spent for it would be spent for food, and clothing, and rent, and decent furniture, and real-estate and construction, and automobiles, and ed ucation of children, and the county would derive just as much revenue as before from the increased spending for these items. You know I write the truth. Make no mistake about it—you who support the liquor traffic in Chowan County are guilty of supporting the greatest foe of progress, happiness. Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache When kidney function slows down, many folks complain of nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, heauacnes and dizziness. Don’t suffer longer with these discomforts If reduced kidney function is getting you down —due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don’t neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan’s Pills —a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. While often otherwise caused, it’s amazing how many times Doan’s give happy relief from these discomforts —help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills todayl Doans Pills 2. You get the car that’s a sure high resale value £ V . Os this you can be sure: the new Buick you buy today will look modern next year, too—because that broad panoramic windshield will be appearing on other cars as a 1955 feature. So with the new Buick you buy now, you’ll stay right up in the style parade for years to come— and command a higher resale price when you trade it in. industry and a high standard of liv ing in America today, and the most destructive weapon in the arsenal of Satan. Mrs. Hattie N. Byrd Dies Near Windsor Mrs. Hattie N. Byrd, 88, died Thurs day shortly after noon at the home of a daughter, Mrs. H. S. Baker, Route 3, Windsor, after an illness of three months. She was a native of Chowan County, the widow of the late John W. Byrd. Surviving are three sons, W. H. : Byrd and C. S. Byrd of South Norfolk ! and W. R. Byrd of Colerain; three now'is'the time for . “LOBSTER-BURGERS” Ever eat a “Lobster-Burger” ? Now is the time for delicious and unusual shellfish dishes. See easy ways to prepare such tempting meals as Chi nese shrimp, tomato crab bake and others in the helpful article in August 15th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Magazine In Colorgravure With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Local Newsdealer 1 jif country ! | Jgl GENTLEMAN ] | BOURBON 1 | |gP| YEARS | cO®® 1 ~ H Lk. oouCHinrs SOW, ht, Mlniiß <|H tRTABLtSHEO 1840 . § • I# 355 EE BOTTLED BY J. A. DOUGHERTY’S SONS, INC. DISTILLERS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. S 3 . VASV..W.' ■ ■ .s v «w, < : .>v.v.;.v , N, W v ...v.yAy.-Ay. fjg 3. You get a bigger allowance , from our volume business I • . ■ j ! Regardless of price class, Buick today is outselling all other cars in America except two of the ”low-price three." That’s fact. So with this tremendous sales volume, we can offer you a higher trade-in allow ance when you buy a new Buick. Come in, see and drive Buick the beautiful buy. Then see for yourself how’ our volume business means a far bigger allowance for you. : i i _ i I SECTION TWO- daughters, Mrs. C. E. Lassiter and Mrs. J. P. Newbem of South Nor folk and Mrs. H. S. Baker of Wind sor. Ten grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held at Cape hart’s Baptist Church Friday after noon at 4 o’clock. The pastor, the Rev. E. G. Willis, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Paul Burke, pastor of the Ross Baptist Church, of which Mrs. j Byrd was a member. Burial was in 1 the Capehart’s Church cemetery. I Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. —H. W. Beecher. ICE-COLD WATERMELONS aT Edenton Ice Co. Page Seven