Join The Parade Q£ Progress Buy Stock In Edenton Development Corp. THE CHOWAN HERALD Volume XXl.—Number 33. Meeting Called To Organize For Civil Defenseln Edenton Gibson Brickie Points Out Need For Spotting w Operations Gibson Brickie, director of civilian defense for Chowan County, has called a meeting to be held at the \ r F r JT Club Tuesday night, September 14, at 8 o’clock, at which time he hopes many will be present. He points out that there is an urgent need for a spotting post in Edenton, so that at the meeting a civil defense organiza tion will be perfected. Lieut. Gordon R. Jackey of Durham, who heads up mobile training teams, ( will attend the meeting and will ex plain the need for spotting and its operation. He will also show a very timely film which emphasizes the need for this precaution. Mr. Brickie says the local set-up will be on a stand-by status and not on a 24-hour basis, but that the or ganization will operate during stated exercises about once or twice a month and will last about four hours. About i four times a year the exercise will be in the form of simulated attacks last- I ing three days. Mr. Brickie hopes the people of this community will become civil defense . minded. "There are Russian bases not more than 4,000 miles from stra tegic targets in Southeastern United States," he says, “and we are in a. dangerous position. Every would-be! aggressor knows he can’t get by un less he defeats us first, for already in two world wars the tide of aggres sion has been turned by the weight of our industrial production. The next time an aggressor will try to elimin ate us first by striking at our pro duction plants and the people whoi man them. Today the Russians pos sess long range bombers capable of’ striking anywhere in the United,' States. A single plane carrying atomic bomb can now wipe out an en- . tire city.” Mr. Brickie says volunteer pien .and ( women are urgently needed to provide, teams of trained people ready to op- ’ erate a local filter center, so that he 1 is appealing to all citizens to turn out in large numbers at the meeting. Fire Commission Will Meet Friday Afternoon i W. E. Bond, chairman of the Cho-| X wan County Fire Commission, has called a meeting of the group for Fri- < day afternoon, August 20, at 3 o’clock 1 in the Court House. This is the first ’’ meeting of the Commission, and he is . urging every member to attend. Members, besides Mr. Bond, are: 1 John A. Kramer, Clarence Harrell, A. i M. Forehand, McCoy Spivey, J. Edwin j’ Bufflap, J. A. Webb, Jr., Carey Evans, '< J. I. Boyce, Jordan Yates, Ward Hos- 1 kins, J. Gibson Perry and T. A. Berry- < man. < 4 Y POST OFFICE OfFICIAtS CLAIM CHANCE Os IML SCHEDULES HI UPHOVE RATie THAN IMPAIR SERVICt AT EDENTON OFFICE T. J. Cheek, Superintendent of Opera tions, Lays Facts Before Congressman Herbert Bonner Following Receipt of Objections According to local Post Office offi- : f cials, the new mail schedule which went into effect Monday morning will . not impair the service, and T. J. : Cheek, superintendent-at-large of op- i erations in the Third Division, of Greensboro, says the change will im prove the service and reduce terrific < waste. Following receipt of a number of protests regarding the change, Con- : gressman Herbert Bonner, after an investigation, received the following letter from Mr. Cheek: “In response to your letter of Aug- ■ ust 9, 1954, and various letters turned j over to me by your secretary, Henry C. Oglesby, the following is offered as reasons for these recommended changes and improvements in service : which we hope will be the end result. “First let me assure you that all of : these changes were recommended with two purposes in mind: (1) To im prove the service and (2) To reduce the terrific waste occasioned by the Improper routing of the highway post offices and the overlapping wasteful star route structure. “Most of the complaints from the citizens of Edenton and Hertford may he summarized as follows: "1. They ai* losing certain re ceipts and dispatches in the middle of .the day: | Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 19,1954. W “A NEW MASONIC TEMPLE IN EDENTON MHKT ' ' ■ "7^ ||jl iwggjßm . 9Bk§ S fagm • n. . Above is pictured the new Masonic temple of Unaninity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., located on Water Street. The interior of the temple is nearly completed, so that Wednesday night, September 29, at 8 o’clock has been desig. nated for the dedication ceremony, which will attract officers of the Grand Lodge, as well as many Masons from the entire eastern section of the State. Tentative plans also call for the observance of open house for the general public Sunday, October 3, and later a banquet at which wives of Masons and members of the Eastern Star will be guests. The temple is very beautiful inside and is one of the most modern Masonic temples east of Raleigh.— (Florian Arthur Phpto). Edenton’s National Guard Unit Is Now At Fort McClellan I Four Officers and 71 En listed Men In Field Training Four officers and 71 enlisted men of ( Eden ton’s Heavy Mortar Company, j 119th Infantry of the 30th Division, North Carolina National Guard, are now at Fort McClellan, Anniston, 'Alabama, for two weeks of field train ing. The bulk of the group left Sun day morning and all are scheduled toj I return home Sunday, August 29. The. company is in charge of Captain Cecil [Fry, commanding officer. At camp an instructional team from the 82nd Airborne Division will assist in training the local National Guard members with the 4.2 mortar and during the second week the company] will be in bivouac as in action combat. | A feature of this year’s encamp-1 ment will be a religious service con ducted by Evangelist Billy Graham for the entire 30th Division. Mr. Graham 'will speak Saturday night in the open * amphitheater at Camp McClellan, j At last year’s encampment the’, Edenton company’s softball team won| the regimental softball championship,! | , winning out in competition with 20. 'other companies. This year the local! boys will make a bid to retain the I championship. (Continued on Page 3-A, Section One) j i itnort CfcAn ftciri nonononAri r-- folk area will be injured. “As to the first complaint, any re ceipt or dispatch which does not ar rive at a given point in time to make delivery the same day is of little value. For example, there are sev eral complaints that they are losing dispatches both to Norfolk and Ra leigh in the middle of the day. If a letter were mailed from either Hert ford or Edenton at 12:15 P. M. going to Raleigh or at 3:20 P. M. going to Norfolk this mail would not be deliv-j ered until the following morning. Un der proposals as agreed with your sec-| 'retary, any letter mailed from Nor folk, Virginia, for either Edenton or Hertford at 6:80 P. M. will be deliv ered at both points before 7 A. M. the following morning. Mails deposited during the night hours may be con nected by Suffolk to both Edenton and. Hertford for afternoon delivery as we propose to eytend Star Route 18113, | Suffolk to Edenton, to Hertford to. give the latter city that advantage.. I hi turn we propose to hold this route at Hertford late enough to give them a late dispatch to Suffolk and Nor folk and to points north and west. “For years these citizens have been receiving their preferential mails in the morning and the parcel post mails in the afternoon. Under our proposal all classes of mail and most of the i quantity involved that is received in I (Continued oii Page 3-A, Section One) Dedication Services For Masonic Temple WiH Be Held Sept 29 Open House Planned For General Public Sun day, October 3 With the new Masonic temple about to be completed on Water Street by, Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. &i 'A. M„ Wednesday night, September 29, has been officially designated as| the date for the dedication of the new building. ! j Robert L. Pugh, Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina, has inform ed the local lodge that he has called J !an emergent communication of the| Grand Lodge of North Carolina to be' held in the new temple Wednesday [ night, September 29, at 8 o’clock for I the purpose of dedicating the new' temple. | I Aside from the Grand Lodge officers, who will be in charge of the dedica-! tion ceremonies, many prominent Masons from the entire eastern part of the State are expected to be guests |of the Edenton lodge for the special occasion. Supper will be served in the spa cious banquet hall of the new temple lat 6:30 o’clock, with the emergent j communication of the Grand > Lodge scheduled to begin at 8 o’clock. I Unanimity Lodge also plans to ob- I serve open house for the general pub lic on Sunday, October 3, when the .temple will be open for inspection, and [when it is hoped many people in Eden ton and Chowan County will visit the new and attractive home of Unanim ity Lodge. In the very near future a ibanquet will be held for Masons, their' 'wives and members of the Eastern' jStar. 30 Boys Report For Football Practice Bill Reports as New Coach at Eden ton School Bill Billings, new football coach at Edenton High School, held the first football practice of the season Monday morning, when about 30 boys reported to try for berths on the 1954 edition of the Edenton Aces. Billings will be [assisted by Alton Brooks, athletic di-j rector of the school. Early drills will be devoted primar-: ily to getting the boys in condition byl setting-up exercises and getting the "feel” of the pigskin. Six veterans of last year’s squad were lost by graduation, these being Ralph Hall, Gerald Lassiter, Clifford I Overman, Ted Wright, Bobby White ,man and Robert Twiddy. | A few new recruits have answered .the call and boys who saw action last [season and will be out for vari ous positions include: Chan Wilson, Sid'Campen, Bobby Pratt, Ray Roger son, Cecil Miller, Robert Kennan, Charles Knox, Ralph Chappell, Wayne Keeter, Asa Dail, Lin Bond, Bill Har dison, johnny Speight, Sherwood Har rell, Tay Byrum, Stuart Holland, Jerry jDownum, Bill Bass, Jimmy Harrison, Robert Earl Edwards, Milon Stilley, [John Whitson, Fred Wood, Sonny Wright and Billy Bunch. Development Corp. Stockholders Will i Meet Monday Night - Garment Industry Sends Plans and Specifica tions For Building There will be a meeting of the pres 'ent stockholders of the Edenton De velopment Corporation and other in- . terested citizens at the Court House . t Monday night at 8 o’clock. This will not be an organizational meeting for the corporation but will ( be a report to the stockholders and [ 'other interested citizens by the pres-1 ent temporary committee. 1 A garment industry has sent plans < and specifications to the committee in 1 order that they might secure esti- * [mates on the cost of the building. I I This firm seems very much interested j iin Edenton and a large attendance at « .this meeting is urgently requested. 1 Following is a list of new stock- 1 .holders in the Edenton Development .1 Corporation: s ! Catherine Ward, James P. Ricks, Jr., W. W. Byrum, Luther C. Parks, t W. W. Perry, Mrs. Beulah P. Boswell, '<■ Elton Boswell, John M. Beatty, John s J. Ross, The Norfolk & Carolina Tele- .« phone & Telegraph Company, W. H. Gardner, John A. Kramer, Larry