Chowan County Fair Begins Monday, Sept. 13 THli', CHOWAN HERALD Volume XXL —Number 36. vsssi 5 School Enrollments In Edenton Eclipse Last Year’s Figures < 978 Were Enrolled In White School Up to Friday Morning OPENING EXERCISES Colored Enrollment 919 Which Is 27 Above Last Year With schools in the Edenton admin istrative unit opening Wednesday of last week, increased enrollment was reported in all schools. The total en rollment in Edenton as of Friday was 978, an increase of 61 over last year when the first day’s enrollment was 917. In the Edenton Elementary School, grades 1 through 6, the enrollment Friday was 598, an increase of 38 over last year, while in the Junior-Senior High School the enrollment for the seventh and eighth grades was 154, thus making the enrollment in the ele mentary grades as of Friday 752. In the Edenton Junior-Senior High School there were 226 enrolled in grades 9 through 12, so that the total enrollment in this school was 380. Tn the colored schools there was a gain in the elementary classes of 35, with 679 enrolled as against 644 last ar, but in the high school the en ment was 240 this year as against last year, a loss of eight, but an erall increase in the school of 27. D. f. Walker reports a shortage of class rooms in the school which has neces sitated children in the secnd grade at tending school in shifts. One section goes to school in the morning and goes home at 12 o’clock, while another sec tion goes to school at 12 and remains until school is out. Two sections, chil dren who are transported by bus. re main in classes all day. At the St. John’s school 68 students enrolled as compared with 62 last year, and at least 10 more are ex pected to enroll. At the opening exercises in the Edenton Elementary School the devo tional was led by the Rev. Gordon Bennett, rector of St. Paul’s-Episcopal Church and Principal Ernest A. Swain and Superintendent John A. Holmes participated. At the Edenton Junior-Senior High School the Rov. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Baptist Church, led the devo tional. Ray Rogerson. president of the Student body, presided, during! which he welcomed new students and presented Principal Gerald James, who concluded the opening exercises. Federation Os Woman’s Clubs Holds Meeting In Murfreesboro Sept. 14th The annual meeting of the North Carolina Federation of Woman’s Clubs for District 16 will be held in Mur freesboro on Tuesday, September 14, with Mrs. E. I’. Brown presiding. Mrs. R. F. Dent of Spruce Pine, second vice president, and Mrs. W. J. P. Earn hardt, corresponding secretary for the State Federation, will also be pres ent. The official meeting starts at 10:00 A. M„ with a coffee hour prior to that. It is hoped many women of the Edenton Woman’s Club will attend. EDENTON ACES OPEN GRIDIRON SEASON FRIDAY NKIHT AGAINST ROANOKE RAPIDS William Billings, New Coach at Edenton School, Gradually Rounding Team Into Shape For First Test Under Pressure The 1954 edition of the Edenton Aces will raise the football curtain for the season Friday night on Hicks Field, at 8 o’clock when they are scheduled to meet Roanoke Rapids : gh School. v . The Aces have a new coach this ,-ar, William Billings, who has been taking the entire squad through after noon and night practice sessions in order to round out a team. Some fans say the Aces will be the best team at the Edenton school in four or five years, but Coach Billings was reluctant to make any predictions, electing to wait and see how the boys perform under pressure of a regular game. Roanoke Rapids usually fields a rugged gridiron aggregation, so that the Aces are expected to be given a real test in their opening game. In the neighborhood of 30 boys have ® fCdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 9,1954. Pfe - —■ ■ S ..1.1 ~.,11 -■ ■ ■ — Civic Calendai Chowan County Fair will be held on the American Legion , property on the Windsor highway September 13 to September 18. Nickels for Know-How election will be held in Chowan County Friday, October 15. Revival services in progress at Yeopim Baptist Church and will end next Sunday night, Septem ber 12. An emergent communication of Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A, M, will be held tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Court House for the purpose of confer ring the third degree. Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will meet Tuesday night, Septem ber 14, at the church at 8 o’clock. A seminar for the Women’s So ciety of Christian Service of the Elizabeth City District will be held in the Edenton Methodist Church all day Thursday, Septem ber 16. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Cluhs for the 16th District will be held in Murfreesboro Tuesday, September 14. “General Motors Preview of (Continued on Pago Four) Guest Speaker At Baptist Church On Sunday. Sept, 12 Dr. J. Leo Green Will Substitute For the Rev. R. N. Carroll For both services Sunday, Septem ber 12, at the Baptist Church, the guest preacher will he Dr. J. Leo i Green, professor of Old Testament In terpretation at the Southeastern Bnp ! tist Theological Seminary in Wakel ' Forest, N. C. The hour for the morn ing worship service is 11 o’clock and ‘the evening service will he at 7:30! o’clock. Dr. Green is very much in demand J <s a preacher and lecturer because of j his background of preparation and his'j ! speaking qualities. He is also well ' known throughout the Southern Bap-j ! tist Convention and is very active in 1 filling pulpits, speaking engagements and in other phases of the convention j program. { It is a very impressive fact that lie and the other members of the sem inary faculty are in some church of the Southern Baptist Convention prac tically every Sunday filling the pulpit or for some special engagement. This points out an outstanding service which the seminary is rendering the convention other than preparing min isters and other special church work ers for full time work in our churches. The regular sendees of the day and week will be observed and the public is cordially invited to attend each ser vice of the church. been reporting for practice in an ef fort to secure berths on the Aces’’ squad, and Coach Billings is of the belief he can round out a creditable team. He stated Tuesday afternoon that the probable lineup starting against Roanoke Rapids will be Sid Campen, left end; Robert Kennan, left tackle: Wayne Keeter, left guard: Bill Hardison, center: Lyn Bond, right guard; Cecil Miller, right tackle; Chan Wilson, right end; Tay Byrum, quar terback; Earl Whitson, right halfback; Milon Stilley, left halfback and Stuart Holland, fullback. Os course, he will have reserves waiting to see action, which includes Jimmv Harrison, Jack Smith, Johnny Speight, Jerry Downum, Wayne Em i minizer, Asa Dail, Melvin Harrell, Clarence Lupton, Larry Tynch, Alvin Waff, Billy Bunch, Sonny Wright, Ray Rogerson and William Futch. Preview Os Progress Stage Show Appears In Edenton Sept 16th Purpose to Create Inter est Among Students In Field of Science Gerald James, principal of the I ‘Edenton Junior-Senior High School,' has announced that a stage show, “General Motors Preview of Prog ress,” will be presented in the Eden ton Elementary School auditorium on Thursday morning, September 16, at 10:30 o’clock. This preview of progress is made available to high schools throughout the country which have as many as 300 students in grades 7 through 12 in an effort to encourage students in the study of science. The show is en tirely non-commercial and is present ed free of charge. Preview of Progress is a dramatic, educational, non-commercial stage show written specifically as a high school assembly program. There are seven units of previews operating in. various parts of the United States and ' 10 units have been built for presen tation throughout the rest of the world. During the past seven years eight million children and adults have seen this presentation. The theme of the presentation is that there are unlimited opportunities awaiting young people if they have a sincere desire for accomplishment. By using original experiments in the fas cinating field of popular science to develop this theme, it is felt that young | people are entertained, enlightened land inspired. The sequence of the experiments is las follows: Color change, bottle with I a temper, synthetic rubber, energy | conversion, cold stove, communications and jet propulsion. 11 The show is sponsored by General j Motors Corporation and a cordial in -1 vitation is extended to all students | and adults to attend. There is no t charge. District Governor Os Lions Scheduled To j Visit Edenton Club Ed Hallford Will Speak ; At Club’s Meeting on Monday Night Members of the Edenton Lions Club lare looking forward with keen inter est to the annual visitation of their District Governor of District 31 -F at their meeting next Monday night. Ed Hallford, the new governor of this district, will have his own pro gram for the meeting and is reputed to be a most interesting speaker and entertainer. “We are especially anxious that ev ery member of our club he present for this special occasion”, said Earl Har rell, president of the local club. Appeal .Made For Junior Hostesses More Young Ladies Are Needed at Edenton USO Club Mrs. Sarah Marriner, director of the USO Club, has resumed her duties af ter her vacation and, together with Mrs. R. P. Badham, assistant director, emphasizes the urgent need for junior hostesses at the club. Interest in the Edenton USO Club is increasing with attendance gradually picking up. The club is open every week day, with entertainment provided every Thursday night, when refreshments are served by various church groups. Chaplain Veltman is in charge of the programs at the club. Those in charge of the USO are ap pealing for more young ladies to offer their services as junior hostesses. Demonstration Clubs Call Off Meetings During Fair Week Miss Hattie Singletary, Chowan j County home agent, announces that all home demonstration club meetings have been postponed during Fair Week as most of the members will be J busy at the Fair. Edenton Allocated $13,965.76 By Funds From Powell Billj Total of $5,390,870.20 Ini Cash Distributed In | State j Recently the State Highway Com ! mission announced specific amounts of Powell Bill funds allocated to indi vidual municipalities for improve ments of non-highway system streets. A total of $5,390,987.20 in cash aid ; jfrom the State will be distributed to ! 396 eligible towns and cities. Highway Chairman A. H. Graham ; said this was the largest amount ever i distributed since the Powell Bill Act I was passed in 1951. The first year of the Powell Bill in 1951, a total of $4,543,096.20 was ■ divided among 286 towns. The next year in 1952, a total of $4,948,842.30 was shared by 388 towns. Then last . year, 1953, a total of $5,244,303.40 was i divided among 394 Tar Heel towns, ij .Graham pointed to the increased i * gasoline revenue which upped the I'Powell Bill figure this year. The ■ fund comes from a half-cent per gal-I : lon of the regular six-cent State gaso s line tax collected in the recently end-1 i ed fiscal year. The seventh cent of gasoline tax goes to retire the sec -5 ondary road bonds. 5 Checks will be mailed to the par i ticipating towns in mid-September, i Graham said. Allocations are based - on population determined by the 1950 > federal census and on the municipali ; ty’s relative mileage of non-highway 1 system streets. As of last July 1, the participating 3 municipalities had 5,784 miles of non- U system streets. Their total popula f tion, according to the census, was 1.- 3 522,143. Allocations were figured to the I. nenny by the Highway Commission’s Division of Statistics and Planning, s 1 headed Ivy James S. Burch. The per j f-:> "ita rate of payment was fixed this 5 i year at $1.77: and the mileage rate was $166. Half of the fund is divid ed according to population, the other half by non-system street mileage. Payments will range from $3.31 for Falkland in Pitt County to $396,015 for Charlotte, The allocation for Edenton will he $13,905.76. Two New Projects ! Adopted By Jaycees j Efforts Directed to Pub | lie Safety and Clean er Town t Members of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce are now di • recting their efforts to two projects, I one having to do with public safety I and the other civic improvement. 1 In the interest of public safety, the -jJaycees have adopted a campaign to ■ j sell Scotch-lite tape for automobile bumpers, which is being used exten sively throughout the country. With I this tape attached to a bumper, an. automobile is far more visible at night by other approaching cars, which should tend to reduce accidents. , Tn order to help keep the town clean 1 and more attractive, the Jaycees have I agreed to donate five or six swinging door trash cans, which will lie placed at various places so that trash can he » conveniently placed in the trash cans rather than strewn on the street. The Jaycees recently completed their magazine sale as the result of which they made a contribution of , $l5O to the Edenton swimming pool fund. Important Meeting: Os Ed Bond Post Tonight John A. Holmes, commander of Ed Bond Post of the American Legion and E. J. Hobbs, Jr., manager of the Cho . wan County Fair which is sponsored by the Legion, request all Legionnaires to meet at the Legion hut tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. At this meet ing final preparations will be made for the fair which begins Monday, Sep tember 13, so that it is very impor tant that all members attend. Chowan Trio Will Be On Television Sept. 15 Miss Clara Mason, assistant home ■j agent, Shirley Harrell and Jackie j Morris, State Farm and Home Elec ' trie Demonstration winners, will give a television prograrp on Wednesday, , September 15, over the Greenville station. | The proggam will be televised at 6:45 P. M. Funds To Fight Polio Are Now Very Low | Says Local Chairman | Hertford Champs | Hertford’s Indians won the fourth game of a seven-game se ries in Hertford Thursday night and thereby became the Albe marle League champions for the 1954 season. The Indians were ahead in the series 3-1 Wednesday of last week but on Wednesday night Elizabeth City won a wild game in Eliza beth City by a score of 11 to 10, making the count 3 to 2 in favor of the Indians. However, on Thursday night the Indians wound up the series by defeating Elizabeth City on the Hertford diamond 12 to 2. For a long time at the begin ning of the season Hertford occu pied the cellar position in the lea gue, but gradually improved to finish in third place. The Indians • defeated Colerain in the semi-final playoffs and then went on to de feat Elizabeth City, winner over Rocky Hock for the league cham pionship. It was the first time in many years that the Edenton Colonials i did not participate in the play offs, winding up the regular sea son in the cellar position. Meeting Sept 14 To Organize Civil i Defense In County * Director Gibson Brickie Urges Many People j To Attend , Gibson Brickie.director of civilian defense for Chowan County, again re minds citizens, that a meeting will be held in the armory next Tuesday night September 14, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of perfecting a civil defense organization in Chowan County. , Present at the meeting will be I Lieut. Gordon R. Jackev of Durham. I director of mobile training teams in i North Carolina. Lieut. Lackey will , stress the important need for civil defense organization and will present slides to impress those who attend. Mr. Brickie hopes many interested people will attend the meeting. Second Nurses’ Aide Class To Be Held Here On Monday night. September 13. at 8 o’clock in the Hospital Dining Room a second group of women will , begin training as Nurses' Aides under the direction of Mrs. Quicksall. There is a great need for this vol-j lunteer Rod Cross service in our com-j I munitv and anyone interested in tak- j 1 ing this course, are asked to contact: Mrs. George Hoskins or Mrs. Martin; Wisely. j ' LIONS MEET MONDAY NIGHT ! Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night at 7 o’clock. This! week’s meeting was called off due to the observance of Labor Day, so that ; President Earl Harrell urges every, member to attend. HEARING SCHEDULES ON PUN TO EXTEND COMMERCIAL FISHING IN YEOPIM RIVER If Permitted Nets Will Be Allowed to Be Set Over Tw o Miles From the Mouth of the River In Popular Sports Fishing Area Hugh Robertson, protective super visor for Wildlife Resources Commis sion in the First District, has been notified that at a meeting of the Wild life Resources Commission held Au gust 30 the question of moving the . line between commercial and inland 1 fishing waters to Deep Water Point in Yeopim River was presented for con sideration. The plan includes com mercial fishing. About 2*4 miles up the river from the mouth at Albe marle Sound. Since there appears to be some dis agreement on this question, it appear ed to the Commission that it might be advisable to hold a public hearing $2.00 Per Year. Only S4O Contributed In Chowan In Emerg ency Drive NO SOLICITATION Chairman J. E. Bufflap Will Accept Any Con tributions As polio-fighting funds throughout the nation reached a dangerously low ebb, J. Edwin Bufflap, chairman of the Chowan County Chapter of the Nat ional Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis, points out that the shortage is serious, so that it was necessary to hold an emergency March of Dimes drive to raise at least $20,000,000 due to that much shortage for 1954 needs. This unusual emergency collection comes as the polio season reaches its height. More money is needed to pay for a double load—record polio patient care and the polio prevention program with its thrilling hope of the future. Today 51 polio chapters in North Carolina are in debt to the Central Carolina Convalescent (Polio) Hospi tal at Greensboro more than SIOO,OOO and cannot pay until the people give the money in this Emergency March of Dimes. Chairman Bufflap points out that polio takes no vacation. Patients need help now. The prevention pro gram must not be halted. Mr. Bufflap explained why polio funds for 1954 are so short. The 1954 March of Dimes drive, he said, rais led $55,000,000 hut this was $20,000,000 1 j short of the $75,000,000 known to be needed last January for all programs | including new polio prevention efforts 'such as the vaccine trials and the in i creased supplies of gamma globulin. ! High National polio incidence now in dicates that even $75,000,000 may ne t Lie enough. • I The largest single amount expend i ed in the polio program last year was ■ for care of patients: $ This ■ i item could total $3.3.500,000 in 1954. if incidence remains high. ' j To pay for the nationwide polio vac ' | . cine trials—in which 625.000 children I received injections and 1.800,000 par ticipated —and to purchase double the ' I number of doses of gamma globulin . used last year for short-term prop c jtion. up to $26,500,000 is needed. The I effectiveness of the vaccine now is ] being evaluated by a professional staff of about 150 at the University of Mich. |ignn. The remainder of the needed j polio funds—sl9,Boo,ooo —is for con- I tinned research, professional edurn |tion. medical and community services, i public information, administration and ! all other costs of the polio fight. “We cannot abandon polio patients who need our help,” Mr. Bufflap said. “Nor can ive Strangle the programs of polio prevention and research that j have brought its so far toward the defeat of polio. Everyone now must j help keep this faith.” For the emergency March of Dimes .in Chowan County, no solicitation is 'being made. Mr. Bufflap stated that ! Edenton and Chowan County respond ! ed generously in the January March Jof Dimes, but that he will be delight ed to receive any contributions in the ! emergency drive. Up to Tuesday of this week he has received S4O in con tributions from Chowan County peo : pie who wanted to share in the emer gency drive. before final action is taken. Laison committees of the Depart ment of Conservation and Develop ment and 'Wildlife Resources Commis sion are having a public hearing on a matter pertaining to netting in Cur rituck Sound on Monday morning, September 27, which is scheduled to be held at 10 o’clock in the school house at Poplar Branch. The Wildlife Commission has sug gested that the Yeopim River ques tion be added to the agenda for this public hearing, at which time any ob jections on the part of sports fisher men should be presented.

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