SECTION ONE- SOCIETY NEWS Attend House Party A/C Frank Hughes and A/C Rip Osterhuber, stationed at Spence Air Base at Moultrie, Ga., spent a few days as guests of Mr. Hughes’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes. Over the week-end the air cadets and Miss Linda Downum and Miss Joanne Schriver of New York City attended a house party at Nags Head. ■ "O Teaching At Roanoke Rapids Miss Faye Dail left for Roanoke Rapids, where she has accepted a po sition teaching Junior Home Eco nomics. Return Home Mrs. Aubrey C. Turboville and son have returned after spending several weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Samarin. in New Bright on. Pa. Returns From Insurance School Aubrey C. Turboville has returned after spending several weeks attend ing the Farm Bureau Public Relations and Material Damage School in Co lumbus, Ohio. o Raleigh Visitors Mrs, D. G. Alderman of Rose Hill, N. C., and daughter. Miss Frances Al derman, of Raleigh are spending sev eral days visiting Mrs. Alderman’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott. Will Visit Mother Mrs. William M. Ritter of Red Jac ket, West Virginia, will arrive Sunday to spend the week with her mother, Mrs. C. D. Sawyer. o Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Clifton G. Bunch of Alexandria, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Yates Jordan and daughter of Eliza beth City spent the week-end visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. K. White. ——o Move To Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ward and son have moved to Moultrie, Ga., where Mr. Ward will be engaged in farm ing. Return From Nova Scotia Mr. and Mrs. Geddes Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Byrum have return ed after a two week trip to Nova Scotia. Returns From Tour Jerry Smith, son of Mrs. W. B. ltosevear. has returned after spend- 1 ing several months touring the coun-| tries abroad. o Visit In South Carolina Oscar Griffin and mother, Mrs. J'. j W. Griffin have returned after -pend ing, the week with Mr. and Mr- .1. V : Hammett in Sumter S. C. o Visit In Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forehand visit ed friends in Franklin. Ya.. Sunday. ; Pa ‘ On Vacation The Rev. and. Mrs. R. X. Carroll are spending their -vacation visiting rela tives in Tennessee: o Week-end Guests J. P. R: ■ of South Georgia Col-, lags v' '• d Mr. ami Mrs, Med!in. Belch of Wesfoyer, Heights over the week-end. o Suffolk Visitors Mr. *od Mrs. Ben Askew and fa.mi-,/ ly of Suffolk, Ya.. snent the week-end/ visiting Mrs, Askew’s parents. Mr. and] Mrs, T. C. Byrum. Teaching In Chapel Hill Miss Mary MacDonald Holmes left ; Monday for Cbapel Hill. N. C., where < she has accepted a teaching position. ] ——-0~- —- Visit In Danville Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Price spent the Week-end visiting relatives in Dan ville, Va. —u Returns From Kansas Donald Thomas returned home Sun day after spending a week visiting , relatives in Kansas. o South Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Pill Garrett, son Rnb by and daughter Nancy Carroll of South Norfolk spent the week-end as ( guests of Mr. Garrett’s mother. Mrs. John Garrett. o Week-end Guest Miss Eula Garrett of South Norfolk spent the week-end visiting her mo ther, Mrs. John Garrett. o Deep Creek Visitors Raymond Garrett and two sons. Ray and Wilson, of Deep Creek, Va., spent Labor Day in Edenton as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap. Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Are In Position To Give 3 to 4 Day Delivery All Work Guaranteed! ORPIN'S 1 Page Eight ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED j , Mr. and Mrs. O. B. B, ch announce r the engagement of tiieir daughter,! , Miss Shirley Bunch, to Jasper L. i Holmes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas per L. Holmes. Mr. Holmes is now! [ serving in the U. S. Air Force and aj , late fall wedding is planned. Auxiliary Will Sponsor Classes In Motherhood Sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary, a! ■ series of mothers’ classes will he held i in the VFW building beginning Wed nesday night, September 15, at 8 o’clock. The purpose of these elass -1 es is to better prepare expectant mo thers for motherhood. The classes wifl be taught by Miss. Hulda Wood and Mrs. Opal Wood,' public health nurses, and Mrs. Georgia Quicksall, supervisor of nurses at Cho- J wan Hospital. WOMAN’S CLUB MEETS The Edenton Woman’s Club held its first meeting of the current season Wednesday afternoon at 1 'clock in the Parish House, with the president. Mrs. Richard H. Goodwin, presiding. Considerable interest prevailed re garding the fall program and the new , yearbook was distributed. POCAHONTAS MEETS FRIDAY Chowanoke Council, No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet in the Red Men hall Friday night at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Haywood Phthisic. Pocahontas, urges every member of the Council to ; make a special effort to attend. State Adds New Road To Highway System Maurice L. Bunch. Clerk of the : County Commissioners, was notified by Ina L. Ferrell, secretary of the ] State Highway & Public Works Com- ] mission, that a recent meeting the : commission approved another addition to the county highway system. : The road added is known locally as 1 the Woodard Lane road and begins at a point on an unpaved county road : eight miles east of Edenton and 2 1 - i miles east of N. C. Highway 32 and 1 runs in a southerly direction 1.8 miles < to the Albemarle Sound. j WEEK-END IIWCMIS] f \e Ole \ irginny Sliced Bacon, lb 63c f I ) TO 6 LB. AVERAGE* t ! fbrreifs Smoked Picnics, lb, 39c ji I • | Luter’s Sausage Meat, 1-lb. bag 49c | { Lean Homemade Sausage Meat, lb. o9c | I WHOLE OR HALF 1’ | Luter’s Smithfield Smoked Shoulders, lb._ 69c || | Center Cut Pork Chops, lb, 67c f | " 3 » Pork Loin Roast, lb. ,_. 59c f | Tender Round Steak, lb._ 69c § i. Fresh Dressed Hens, lb. „ 45c | l Fresh Green Collards 3 lbs. 25c § | Local Green Field Peas 3 lbs. 35c 1 j Firm Sweet Potatoes 5 lbs. 35c j I Red Delicious Apples 3 lbs. 39c I I I Fresh Cucumbers 3 for 19c | j Firm White Potatoes.... 10-lb. bag 39c | I Green Cabbage 4 lbs. 23c | II -LB. BOX I Sunshine Honey Sugar Graham Crackers 33c | Vel Detergent, large size, box -31 c I Oxydol, large size, box, 29c I t Washo Bleach 2-qt. bottle 25c | ;; Easy Monday Liquid Starch.._2-qt. bottle 35c < > Swansdown White Cake Mix, box 35c 1 1 | Swansdown Devil Food Mix, 1%-lb. box_ _ _3sc x 1 * ~ | NO ORDER TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE 11 DAIL’S GROCERY <> < > North Edenton ;: FREE DELIVERY EVERY DAY \ \ : PHONE 71 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ' 1 A IHK CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., TTtURSDAV SEPTEMBER 9, 1954. | News About Clubs i In Chowan County , i By HATTIE SINGLETARY .. Home Demonstration Agent 'I ‘‘Heigh-Ho-Come to the Fair,” The [ Chowan County Fair, September 13-18. ! Come Monday to enter your best ex hibits. Come during the week to en joy the fair. Check vour premium list today and I see what you can enter this year, j If your choice is cut flowers you’ll j certainly want them to stay attractive as long as possible. You have prob -4 ably tried remedies from aspirin to hydrochloric acid with varying de grees of success. John Harris, in charge of Extension Horticulture, has compiled a. list of simple, easy reeom- 1 mendations on keening cut flowers. | 1. Cut you: flowers with a sliarpi knife in lrte afternoon, i 2. Be svre. "’u.v container in which, j you are to . ;:: '."',: ' l :,:' the flowers Js 1 thoroughly scoured, even sterilized, I because scum (bacteria) clog up the I stems and cut down on water ab sorption. 3. Copper containers work good be- ! cause they .give off small amounts of copper which help keep down bacteria. Copper wire in other type containers will help in the same wav. 4. Plants absorb most of their wa ter through the cut end. Therefore it makes little difference with most flowers how deep the stem is in the water. Make a sloping cut so the water can enter the stems. Pin cush ion type holders may stop up part of the stem and thus prevent some water absorption. 5. Don’t allow leaves to stay in wa ter. They soon decay and foul up the water. 6. The cutting of stems under wa ter helps with some plants, others! show no effect. 7. Most writers agree that dahlia, poinsettia, hollyhock, heliotrope and poppy kept better if cut end of stems are burned before placing in water. ; 8. Keep your flowers out of drafts , and as cool as possible, especially , when first cut. 9. The commercial preparations • available from your florist usually contain several materials and should be satisfactory. One home mixture consists of 2 teaspoonsful sugar, % teaspoonful clorox, and 1 pinch ferric oxide (iron rust) in 1 quart of water. Home demonstration club members all over the county are making aprons, pickles, preserves, candy and lots of •ther items for their annual bazaar at the County Fair. Two or three clubs will work in the bazaar each day to make money for their clubs. All Hie unsold “goods” will be on sale on Sat , urday. The proceeds will go to the ” County Council Treasury. Bazaar Schedule Tuesday—All Day—Wards, Beech Fork. (Saturday—l2:oo-3:00 P. M.) I Wednesday—All Day—Chowan, En terprise. (Saturday—3:oo-6:00 P. M.) Thursday—All Day—Ryland, Ad ] vaiice. (Saturday—6:oo-8:00 P. M.) Friday—All Day Oak Grove, Rockv Hock. (Satuxday—B:oo-10:00 1 P. M.) \ | Jr.-Sr. H. S. Menu J ! .Menu's-For the week beginning Mon day. September 13, at the Edenton .Ii nior-Setiior High School will he as follows: Monday—Smoked sausage, buttered potatoes, apple sauce, carrot strips, bread, butter, milk. Tuesday—Beef pan pie, beets, tur j nip greens, celery, bread, butter, milk, cookies. Wednesday—Chicken salad sand wiches, stewed corn, garden peas, milk, block cake. , Thursday—Weiners, pork and beans, cole slaw, pickle relish, milk, cup cakes. Friday—Hamburgers, baked pota toes, green beans, carrot strips, rolls,] butter, bread, milk, cookies. Rotary Governor Visits Edenton Club Today Egbert N. Peeler of Raleigh, Gov-. emor of the 278th District of Rotary International, will pay an official visit to the Edenton Rotary Club this I (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock. ' Governor Peeler will hold a club I assembly with officers and major com mittee chairmen and will speak at the club luncheon. President Gilliam Wood is especially anxious to register a 100 per cent meeting, so he urges every| Rotarian to make a special effort to' attend. At BYRUM’S JjA <WITHOUT TANK ) . - ' ' t Buy on terms if you w/sfi f pppl Clean, Work-Free Comfort - "Sjgttlfi ' at Rock Bottom Cost Hl«llil§P'i r /Hl Duo-Therm »‘ i A Low-Priced Duo-Therm Circulating Heater with Superb New Styling • Handsome new imperial by Duo- Therm with smart “shadow box” panel front. • Rich brown finish with contrasting brass trim. • Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Cham ber Burner burns clean at any setting Complete line of Duo-Therm Fuel Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms: Get Your Heaters Ready Before Cool Weather I i • WE MAKE INSTALLATIONS • Call Us Today For Cleaning and Reconditioning ] Byrum Hardware Company | EDENTON “We Sell ’Em” “We Fix’Em” SUFFOLK CLASSIFIED ADS ; FOR SALE—PIGS, 35 TO 40 LBS. j each. Located between Edenton and Chowan River Bridge, on Highway 17. Earl Harrell. 5ept9,16,23,39pd FARM FOR RENT —FARM AND home for rent cash or share crop. % mile from Center Hill on Cisco! and Center Hill road and is hard 1 surfaced. Plenty of barn and shel-| ter room. Cool and shady. Electric lights, but no water connections. 1 Known as Parker Monds place. I’m' looking for a permanent resident.! Write Willie E. Monds, 2910 North Boulevard, Tampa 2, Florida. , Sept9tfc. |. FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISHED I * nnartmeut. 206 \Y, Oue-'n Street. 0. I’. Wales. Phone 201-W. WmtOtfo FOR SALE—IB-FOOT SKIFF WITH L’niversal marine motor. Contact Willie Bunch, phone 69-J or W. M. Rhoades, phone 378. Sept9,l6pd LOST—A DARK RLUE SILK UM brella, left in a store or home. Re- 1 ward if found. Mrs. Claude Nor man. ltc LOST—MEDIUM SIZE SLIM BLACK | cat. Marked white breast, white] I toes on three feet, named Button.; I Disappeared in Westover section.! Finder please return to or inform , | Mrs. J. E. Debnam, Westover Heights or Thomas Chears, Albe marle Court and receive reward. ltpd. WANTED —WHY WORRY ABOUT Athlete’s Foot. Boils, Burns, Itch, Eczema, Impetigo, Pimples, Psorias sis, Ringworm or any known skin disease. Ask your druggist about 1 V-J-O. Feb20,1956pd |SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS— | on all makes. Free estimates in advance. We will loan you a ma chine while yours is being repaired Singer Sewing Center, 606 East Main Street, Elizabeth City, N. C., phone 4306. Nov*tfc * Try A Herald Classified Ad For Quick Results! • WE DO COMPLETE SERVICE • iIF YOU SMOKE YOU NEED OLAG I Tooth paste. Buy at the drug store. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM UN furnished duplex apartment consist ing of bedroom, living room, lounge, kitchen and bath with full length shower, table top stove, space heat er and water heater. Venetian blinds. Price $55 per month. Call 1 1025 North Broad Street. Phone | Edenton 731-W. ltc TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART -1 ment for rent, three miles from I Edenton on Windsor highway. Ap ply E. W. Lee. Phone 386-W-l. | ltc 'FOR RENT—FURNISHED HOUSES j in Albemarle Court and Westover i Heights. Phone 206. Julyßtf SINGER SEWING MACHINES— New Singer machines may be pur chased for as low as $94.60. Bud get terms. Liberal trade-ins. Sing er Sewing Machine Center, 606 East Main Street, Elizabeth City, N. C„ phone 4306. tfc EDDIE’S AQUARIUM AND PET Shop—Tropical Fish, Tanks, Plants, Accessories. Parrakeets, Finches, Lyric Bird Seed, Petamine. supplies. Alligators, Turtles, Rabbits. Hours: ! 12 to 8:30 P. M.; closed Wednesdays i and Sundays. 410 E. Colonial Ave ' nue, Elizabeth City, phone 7227. exp.Sept9pd FOR SALE MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle man’s profit. 406 S. Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dial 6995. J. Winton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorized Dealer For ROCK of AGES MONUMENTS The World’s Finest exp 3-18-55 ... gives more heat from every drop of oil! • Waste Stopper keeps more heat in your home. Fully Coordinated Con trols. Automatic Draft Minder. Come in today—see this brand new oil heater value now!

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