JOIN THE EDENTON PTA FOR BETTER HOMES AND BETTER SCHOOLS THE CHOWAN HERALD jlume XXI. —Number 40. Local Machinery m Set Up For General Election November 2 Chairman L. S. Byrum Announces Precinct Officials votingTlaces Registrars Will Be on Duty October 9,16,23 And 30 Machinery for the general election scheduled to be held Tuesday, Novem ber 2, has been set in motion, with L. S. Byrum, chairman of the Chowan County Board of Elections, announc ing the voting places, registrars and judges of elections in the six precincts of the county. Mr. Byrum announced that regis trars will sit at the various precinct voting places for the purpose of regis tering voters Saturday, October 9, 16 and 23, from 9 A. M., until sunset and that they will again sit at the polling places Saturday, October 30, from 9 A. M., to 3 P. M., for the purpose of challenging any voter. On election day the polls will be open from 6:30 A. M., and close at 6:30 P. M. In East Edenton Precinct the vot-. ing place will be in the Court House.] Miss Sarah Jones is registrar and W.J M. Wilkins and Floyd Cayton, judges.' In West Edenton Precinct the vot ing place will be in the Municipal - lilding. Mrs. George C. Hoskins is fistrar and George S. Twiddy and The voting place for Rocky Hock Precinct will be Henry Bunch’s store. W. H. Pearce is registrar and W. H. Saunders and Henry Bunch, judges. For Center Hill precinct the voting place will be Elliott Belch’s office. Ralph Goodwin is registrar and R. H. Hollowell and E. D. Byrum, judges. In Wardville precinct the voting place is Herbert Peek’s store. T. A. Berryman is registrar and Herbert Peele and Melvin Copeland, judges. For Yeopim precinct the voting place is Harry Perry’s store. T. J. Hoskins, Sr., is registrar and T. J. Hoskins, Jr,, and J. A. Webb, Jr., judges. Jayoees Sponsoring Fire Prevention Week Call Attention to Big In crease In National Fire Losses Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Com merce is sponsoring Fire Prevention Week, which is being observed this week, and point out that “Fire Safe ty Is Your Job, too.” The Jayeees call attention to the fact that losses from fires last year totaled $864,863,000, an increase of 6.1 per cent, or $50,000,000 over 1952’s to tal of $815,134,000. In order to conduct a campaign of education and precaution, the Jayeees are distributing various sorts of lit erature emphasizing the importance of doing everything possible to pre vent fires. A fire prevention film is being shown this week in all of the Edenton white and colored schools. Chief cause, not only of home fires but of all fires, continues to be match es and smoking—as it has been for years. To prevent such fires, the Jayeees advise these simple safety precautions: 1. Provide plenty of big ashtrays— the kind that won’t tip over easily— and use them! 2. Never throw a cigarette or match from a car window. Use the car ash tray instead. 3. Never smoke in bed! 4. When emptying ashtrays, be sure every match and butt is out. i 5. Never toss a lighted match away. Hold it for a minute after blowing (Continued on Page 2, Section 1) Parker Helms Named Supt. Os €hurch School At Methodist Church Parker Helms has been named su perintendent of the Methodist Church School for the new Church School year and will take over his duties Sunday morning. Mr. Helms succeeds Gerald James. Jesse Wilson has been named assist ant superintendent and Harry Lassi ter will be assistant to Mr. James who will serve as secretary. ~Edent^^phowajTCounty, North Carolina, Thursday, October 7,1954. Civic Calendai Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, Edenton Woman’s Club and the Business and Pro fessional Woman’s Club will spon sor a pancake breakfast and sup per in the Penelope Barker House Saturday, October 9, from 6:30 to 10 A. M., and 5:30 to 8 P. M. First Congressional District Democratic Rally in Elizabeth City Thursday, October 21. Study course for women of the Methodist Church will be held at the church Wednesday night, Oc tober 13, at 7:30 o’clock. Pictures of children will be tak en free of charge today (Thurs day) at Hotel Joseph Hewes from 1 to 8 P. M. (Continued on Pags Four) Mrs. Barbara Rose Held Supervisor For Agriculture Census [will Direct Force of 1()| 1 In Chowan and Per quimans Counties Appointment of Mrs. Barbara Win- 1 , slow Rose of Hertford as a crew lead er for the 1954 Census of Agricul ture is announced by Field Supervisoi | Randolph Williams. Mrs. Rose will direct a force of 10 j enumerators who will canvass all farms in Perquimans and Chowan] counties. She reported October 4 to the census agriculture field office at Wilson for a week of training. The crew leader is one of the key people in the field operations of the Census of Agriculture. It is her re sponsibility to train the enumerators and supervise their work; plan and al locate work assignments; review the work of the enumerators and take re medial action where necessary, and to conduct difficult enumerations. After attending the training con ference, Mrs. Rose will return to her district where she will spend three weeks recruiting enumerators, check ing enumeration district boundaries, and training enumerators in prepara tion for the start of the census on No vember 1. Varsity Club Joins In Drive For School Bus Club Announces Dances For Halloween and Christmas Edenton’s Varsity Club on Tuesday night voted to pledge S3OO towards the purchase of a new school activities bus for the Junior - Senior High School and immediately took steps to sponsor projects to raise the money. The club, spearheading the drive for a new bus, boasts only 15 members but wholeheartedly pledged them selves to raise S3OO toward the goal \ of $4,000 needed to purchase the ve-1 hide. Clarence Leary, Jr., chairman j of the club’s bus committee, gave a detailed report of progress on the bus project at the meeting. He told of the interest manifested by other or agnizations in town and expressed de light with the interest directed toward the project. Leary outlined two projects the Varsity Club can use to raise the club’s portion of the needed funds and he and his committee, composed of 'Medlin Belch, A1 Phillips, Bill Cozart and Bill Harry, were instructed to proceed immediately with plans for these two events. The first will be a gala Halloween square dance to be held in the armory on Saturday night, October 30, from 9 until 12. A local string ensemble will be employed to furnish music for the dancing and the armory will be attractively decorated in a Halloween motif. The club began to lay plans for the annual Christmas dance, and Dick Levin has been secured to once again furnish the music for the dancing. This will be Levin’s sixth appearance at the Varsity Club’s Christmas dance. Reports were heard from various other committees and the club viewed pictures of the Edenton-Morehead City football game before adjourning. Chowan County Farm Bureau Membership Drive October 20-23 . President Bristoe Perry; Says Goal Will Be 400 Members “Together We Stand, Divided We Fall,” “In Unity There Is Strength.” “If you believe these statements you believe in farm organization,” says Bristoe Perry, Chowan County Farm Bureau president, who says the fall membership drive will be conducted October 20 through 23. J The annual Chowan County Farm Bureau membership drive will be con ducted during the four days, October 20 through 23. Community chairmen and workers selected are as follows: Gliden—E. G. Blanchard, Chairman; workers to be announced. Ryland—Edgar M. Howell, Chair man; workers, Willie Joyner, Ralph Hollowell, Lester Copeland and Roy Parks. Center Hill—Joe Wiggins, Chair man; workers to be announced. Cross Roads—Tom Asbell, Chair man; workers to be announced, j Rocky Hock—to be announced, i Enterprise and Edenton—J. Wallace I Goodwin, Jr., Chairman; workers to (be announced. ,' Advance—Town of Edenton —Bris- I! toe Perry and Sanford Bass, Co-chair- Imen; workers to be announced. I Yeopim—to be announced. The membership goal is 400 mem bers,” President Perry says. “If we| I believe in a strong farmers’ organiza- I (Continued on Page 2, Section 1) iEdenton Aces Play 1 E City Friday Night j! I Many Beliece Aces Have ! Good Chance of Win ning Game 1 Coach Bill Billings’ Edenton Aces will get a real test Friday night ; when they are scheduled to meet the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets on the latter’s gridiron. In the long string of football battles over the years the 1 Yellow Jackets are far ahead, but this year the Aces and fans as well feel the Aces have a good chance to turn in a score in the victory column. The| Yellow Jackets, however, have con-' trary ideas. | ’ The Aces will go to Elizabeth City with an impressive record thus far. They have won all of the four games played, including victories over Roa noke Rapids, Morehead City, William ston and Spring Hope. The Aces have rolled up a score of 107 points as com pared with 19 points by their oppom ents. The squad is in good shape, so that if the boys play the brand of ball they did in the first three games the Yellow Jackets might be in for a sur prise. The high school band will accom pany the Aces to Elizabeth City. OVER 1,000 PEOPLE VISIT NEW MASONIC TEMPLE DURING OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY % Guests Surprised and Delighted With Beauty and] Attractiveness of Building; Member# of Eastern Star Hostesses i Over 1,000 people were guests of I Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., &j 'A. M., and Edenton Chapter, No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6 o’clock when open house was observed at the new Masonic Temple on East Water and Oakum Streets. Many of the guests came from the rural section as well as neighboring communities and they, as well as Edenton people, were not only delighted but very agreeably surpris ed to see the beauty and attractive ness of the building. Praise of the highest order was profuse during the afternoon for what the Masons and Eastern Star members have accom plished. Guests were met at the door of the temple, requested to register and then were shown the various apartments of the temple, which included the spaci ous dining room, the kitchen and la dies’ lounge on the first floor. In the dining room over 250 people can be served without being too crowded. On the second floor visitors were shown the George Washington chair, the minutes of the first meeting of the lodge on November 8, 1775, as well as other relics. They then were shown the men’s lounge, the preparation room and then into the beautiful lodge room, where the attractive altar and Local Business And Professional People : To Be Photographed ; Arrangement Made For Herald to Have Up to-date Cuts ; With pictures and cuts of Edenton l individuals now in possession of The , Herald being considerably out of date, j an arrangement has been made with Allen Studios of Detroit, Mich., to I take pictures of as many Edenton 1 business and professional men and wo- men as possible. The photographer will be at Hotel . Joseph Hewes Monday, October 11, , from 4 to 8 P. M. Many of Eden ton’s professional and business men , and women have been invited to be photographed, but if any were inad vertently overlooked, they are cor ’ dially invited to go to the hotel to be, photographed. The studio will furnish The Herald with cuts of the pictures taken to be used at appropriate times. There will be no charge for taking the pictures and those persons photo graphed as a result of this arrange ment are under no obligation to sub ] scribe to the newspaper or purchase pictures. However, each individual is privileged to do either or both. The primary purpose of this ar- 1 rangement with the studio for the Herald is to have available for pub lication up-to-date pictures of Eden ton people whenever an occasion aris *es, so that it is hoped many will be photographed. One Killed In Wreck On Monday Morning , Two Cars Crash at Cor ner of Granville and Queen Streets In a collision at the intersection of West Queen and Granville Streets ] about 6:30 Monday morning, one man , died a short time later and four oth- 1 \ ers were hospitalized. , The dead man is Earl Bliss, 59, of Brooklyn, who died Monday afternoon 1 as the result of head and internal in juries. His brother, Jess Bliss, 68, J suffered severe injuries about the! 'head. Others injured were Le Grande! Somerset, 47 of Whiteville, principal of the Negro school at Hertford, and Geraldine Jones and Mildred Daniels,' students at the Elizabeth City State Teachers’ College. According to police, the two white men were traveling north on Granville Street and crashed into the side of i Somerset’s car at the intersection. | Both cars were badly Wrecked, with j Somerset’s car turning completely! over and landing on its wheels. The two Negro girls were released from the hospital Monday, but Bliss and Somerset were still patients up to Wednesday. 1 pedestals were made by Hubert Willi ford and the oak Venetian blinds by H. •A. Campen. After inspecting the building the visitors were served refreshments in the dining room by members of thtf Eastern Star, where also Warren Glocke, who is stationed at the Nor folk Naval Base, rendered an organ recital through the courtesy of the . Milton Music Company of Norfolk. Little Patsy Mooney also sang several numbers which delighted those who attended. The Eastern Star Chapter was very well organized to handle the crowd i and assigned to pouring punch at vari -1 ous times during the afternoon were Mrs. W. P. Goodwin, Mrs. John Skiles, ' Mrs. C. W. Overman, Mrs. D. M. Reaves, Mrs. Thomas J. Wood, Mrs. Daniel Reaves, Mrs. W. A. Harrell, 1 Mrs. W. J. Daniels. In charge of the ' plates were Mrs. R. H. Kennan, Mrs. ' J. N. Oglesby, Mrs. T. B. Williford, ' Mrs. C. T. Griffin and Mrs. Watson Bell. Directing the visitors at the table were Mrs. Daniel Reaves, Mrs. ' ! W. J. Daniels and Mrs. Thomas J. Wood. Miss Drothy Bufflap saw to 1 i it that plates on the table with re > freshments were refilled. I (Continued on Page 5, Section 2) Edenton PTA Plans Membership Drive Week Os Oct. 11-16 C -X Here In Person j fSt Aunt Jemima, nationally known pancake advertising medium, will be on hand at the pancake breakfast and, supper to be served in the Penelope Barker house Saturday. Pancake Breakfast And Supper Will Be Held On Saturday Aunt Jemima Will Be on Hand to Assist With Serving A pancake breakfast and supper will he served in the Penelope Barker ■ house Saturday, with breakfast sched uled to he served from 6:30 to 10 A. ]M., and supper from 5:30 to 8 P. M. I The affair is sponsored jointly by the Woman’s Club, BPW Club and the ■ 'Jayeees with profits realized going toward completing restoration work on • the building. Tt is hoped the remain j der of this work can be completed be fore the Garden Tour which is sched uled to be held again in the spring, j A feature of the breakfast and sup per will he the presence of Aunt Je mima, advertised nationally in connec tion with pancake flour, j Tickets for either one or both meals can be purchased from any member of the three sponsoring organizations. Voting Places Set Know How Election j County Agent Overman Emphasizes Import ance to Vote On October 15 farm people will vote on continuing the Nickels For Know How program. This program is re sulting in a wonderful benefit for ag ricultural research and the agricul tural program in general for North Carolina. The program is paying very high dividends according to in formation received from North Caro lina State College. Voting places for the Nickels For Know How referendum on Friday, Oc-1 tober 15 are selected in convenient reach of all farm families. They are: Gliden Community—-Briggs Store. Lonesome Pine Service Station and Hinton Morris Sendee Station. Ryland Community—H. R. Peele’s Store. Rocky Hock Community Henry Bunch’s Store and Earl Smith’s Store. Center Hill Community B. P. Monds’ Store. Cross Roads Community Melvin Evans’ Store. Advance Community—Grover Cale’s Store and Quinton Bass’ Store. Enterprise Community—J. E. Ash-1 ley’s Store. I Edenton Community Agricultural Office. (Continued on Page Four) Postmaster Emphasizes Early Mailing Overseas Postmaster J. L. Chestnutt this week reminds citizens that Christmas parcels for members of the armed forces serving overseas should be mailed between October 15 and No vember 15 in order to insure delivery by Christmas. Parcels must be packed securely, ad dressed carefully and be mailed within the time specified above. Mr. Chest nutt also warned that no perishables such as food should be mailed. $2.00 Per Year. iVirst Meeting of New Year Will Be Held Tuesday Night GOOD PROGRAM President W. T. Harry Will Outline Work For Current Year Edenton’s Parent - Teacher Associa tion will hold its first meeting of the new school year Tuesday night, Oc tober 12, at 8 o’clock in the library of the Junior-Senior High School, and an interesting and varied program has been arranged for this first meeting. President William T. Harry will preside over the meeting and John A. Holmes, superintendent of schools, I will he in charge of the program for j the night. , l A highlight of the night will be a social hour to be held immediately following the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Campen, co-chairmen of the Hospitality Committee, will be in charge of the social hour. President Harry will outline the program for the PTA for the current year and will report on a meeting of the executive hoard held last week. I The theme for the Parent-Teacher ' Association for 1954-55 is the same as last year, “Better Homes, Better Schools, Better Communities.” Com- I menting on the theme of the organiza tion, President Harry said, “The North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers is primarily concerned with the welfare of children and youth. So are we of the Edenton Par ent-Teacher Association. The PTA r Congress recognizes a good home as the basic unit of value in our social • structure and thev emnhasize the im ■ portanoe of its physicial, mental, so " cial, moral and spiritual integrity. J They realize that an ever-growing and ■> ever-strengthening school program is 1 essential to meet the needs of all our ‘ children and strive toward the build ' ing of broader and stronger schools ’ within our own communities. Recog nized also is the inherent strength ■ and importance of a sound religious faith and PTA emphasizes the place ■ of the church in the American way of life. Then, too, the PTA realizes the community is the composite of the ■ homes:, schools and churches within its (Continued on Page 3, Section 1) Rotarians Join In | School Bus Drive Each Member of Club Is Requested to Raise sl2 At Thursday’s meeting of the Eden ton Rotary Club the Rotarians joined in the movement to secure an activi ties bus for the Junior-Senior High School. After the need for a bus was em phasized by President Gilliam Wood, it was decided that each Rotarian either contribute or be responsible for | the collection of sl2 which will net approximately S4OO. The meeting was devoted to club business so that no program was pre sented. Deputy Collector In Citizens Bank Building At Monday’s meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners it was agreed to rent a room temporarily in the Citi zens Bank Building for Joseph E. Rog ers, deputy collector for the N. C. Department of Revenue. Mr. Rogers has been working in George Twiddy’s office in the Hotel I Joseph Hewes building, who has add led his brother, Warren Twiddy, to his business, so that he can no longer spare the space used by Mr. Rogers. The Commissioners hope in the near future to remodel the building re | cently purchased from T. C. Byrum so that important offices will be on I the first floor thus eliminating the necessity for users to climb stairs. PTA At Chowan High Will Meet October 12th The October meeting of the Chowan High School Parent-Teacher Associa i tion will be held in the high school au ditorium Tuesday night, October 12, i at 8 o’clock. All parents are urged to attend.

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