SECTION ONE—J Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets Snap Winning Streak Os Edenton Aces Friday Night 19To 6 Two Teams About Evenly Matched With Eliza beth City Profiting More By the Breaks of the Game; Tension Detrimental to Aces ! Elizabeth City’s Yellow Jackets snapped the winning streak of the ] Edenton Aces in Elizabeth City Fri-j day night when they won a hard-1 fought game by a score of 1!> to <>. The Aces had won four straight ( games, but with tension high in the hope of defeating the Yellow Jackets, the Aces made a few miscues which figured in the scoring against them. I The two teams played on about even terms in the first quarter, but in the second quarter, tho Yellow Jackets made two of their three touchdowns.j The first came after McGee snagged an Edenton pass, but Edenton recov ered a fumble on their own 17. The Aces were forced to punt and so were | the. Jackets, but the. ball went out on; the two-yard line. On third down' Stiliey fumbled and it whs the Jack ets’ ball on the six. In four downs Smith managed to plough through the] Aces’ line to score. Try for extra j point failed. Near the end of the quarter Smith i intercepted Holland’s pass on the Jackets’ 48 and wiggled his wav to the Aces’ 24. McGee then, passed to Smoak. who raced for the second touchdown a few seconds .before the half ended. Price’s kick was good for the extra point, so that the sir re at half time was 13-0. Tn the third quarter, the two-teams, played on even terms, with Elizabeth City wicking as the quarter ended. Tn possession of the hall at th» be ginning of the /fourth quarter, the Aces, drove 81 yards for. their'only touchdown. Ray Rogerson gathered tn a pass from Holland for a first down on the 42. Stiliey, Whitson and Wright alternated at lugging the | hall for another first down and lacked only inches for a second first down when Holland crashed through to make it. Another pass, was grabbed bv Stiliey for a first down and then Holland connected with Rogerson who was pulled down oh; the one yard stripe, from where. Holland crashed through right guard for the touch down. Stillev’s try for extra point j failed. The. Yellow Jackets added their I third fi'Whdown in the waning sec onds of the game after the Aces re-; sorted ••ntiivly to. oassing in an ef-] fort to score another, touchdown. Donah! Myers . gathered in. Holland’s i attempted pass on the Edenton 28 and was.pulled down only four yards; short of a touchdown. On the third play McGee, nassed. to Darling, in the, . ail zone, making the score 18-fi. The', try for extra point failed. The Yel-j low Jackets intercepted another pass on their own "0 and Myers raced to CARD OF THANKS I desire to take this means to ex press my sincere appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy and deeds of kindness shown me during my recent illness. MRS. JULIA EDWARDS. p Studyht 'Bowdrni I I s 2~° //// ** &8!f CASCADE BEO. A. DICKEt DISTILLIN6 COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY • 86 PROOF Page Two the Edenton 44 as the game ended. The Aces chalked up eight first 'downs to only three for Elizabeth | City, and completed seven of 17 j, passes for 87 yards. However, four of the passes were intercepted. The Yellow Jackets completed three of 'seven passes for 40 yards and one in terception. . j On offense for the Aces Holland, j Stiliey a ini Whitson looked best, while 1 Ray Rogerson, Dili Hardison and I.yn j. Bond wore defensive standouts. j j North Carolinians To Vote On Amendments In Election On Nov. 2 i, Brief Explanation Made j I Os Each By Attorney j. General McMullan North Carolinians will vote Novem ber 2 on five proposed amendments to the State Constitution. The first one would authorize the : General Assembly to provide for re . calling retired supreme court justices to fill temporary vacancies caused by illness or other emergencies. The second would authorize the General Assembly to create a board of paroles and confer upon it the au thority to grant, revoke and terminate paroles which it now eexrcises by the Governor. I The third would limit to one, the number of State Senators from any one county. The fourth would reduce from four months to 30 days, the time a voter must reside in a precinct before be coming eligible to vote. The fifth would permit the , Gov-j |,vrinor, in filling a vacancy in the j executive or judicial departments, to ! appoint a person to serve the.balance{ lof 'lie unexpired term if that term is j to expire on the first day of January j after, the. next general election. Under existing statutes retired su premo court justices become emer j gotu-y superior court justices and. may .ho called on to hold terms of superior court. There is no existing authority to v>' all them for duty on tile supreme court. | The; amendment creating a parole ho ard would terminate the Governor's! [power of granting, terminating and looking paroles after July 1. l!*pi. j Under present, laws, it is permiss ahle for one county to have two or! ; more, senators. The effect of the pro-1 posed amendment would be to prevent.| any one county from having more : than one senator in the General As-, • semhly at any given time, whether the county alone composes a senator-! i ial district or whether it is combined THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. N. C-- TTT UBSDAT, OCTOBER 14, 1954. [with other counties in such a district. , In making appointments according 1 !to existing statutes, the governor’s appointee to fill a vacancy can hold office under the appointment only un til the next regular election. At this next regulation election, any person seeking the office in question must run for election for the period of time between the election and the end of the term to which the person vneat- I ing the office was originally elected, and must also run for a regular term | to commence at the end of that short term. 4-H Boy Uses ITnioue Method To Determine Sex Os You ns: Chicks [ Edgar Leon Halsey, Jr., has found j what, he thinks to he a fairly sitccess i ftil method of determining the sex of |young; chicks. He picks them un in j his fingers by the neck and holds them for about: 30; seconds. If the chick kicks up, to about 30;.'seconds, it is a rooster; if it only kicks for about two j to five seconds, it is a pullet. Edgar started a 1-H project of 12 chicks recently and used this method. jHe wanted eight pullets and four cock.-, rets and used this method which prov jed to he 100 per cent accurate this . particular time. Although Edgar does not at this time intend to become a professional at chick sex determina tion, lie plans to select all his poultry j chicks in the future using this meth od. Justly to discriminate, firmly to es tablish, wisely to prescribe, and hon estly to award—these are the true aims and duties of criticism. —Simms. VNA^W^WWWWV\ri«e>WVvWV>^/WWN^" # .. the letters start. Then from all over the free world come such com ments a9 these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, An international daily newspaper: "The must read ing for straight-thinking people. . . "I returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. I will get my degree from the college , . hut my education, comes from the Monitor. . . .** "The Monitor gives me ideas for my uork. . . .” *7 truly enjoy its com pany. ...” You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover a con-truc tive viewpoint in every news story. J Use the coupon below. V The Christian Science Monitor One. Norwav Street Boston 15, Ma-s., I . S. A. Please scnd me The Chri-tian Science Monitor for one year, f ( enclose sls Q (3 mos. $3.75) (name) ( address ) _ (city) (zone) (stnfcV 1 « '2 What drink’st thou oft, instead of homage sweet, but poison’d flattery? —Shakespeare. AUCTION SALE! Chowan River Fish Co. LOCATED AT CANNON’S FERRY SAT., OCT. 23, 1954 ON PREMISES —- 1:30 P. M. ALL BUILDINGS, MACHINERY AND OTHER EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION Terms Cash CAMPEN - SMITH AUCTION S-REAL ESTATE H. A. CAMPEN Edenton N. C. lIOBT. B. SMITH ——■——G3—?r~ —■eW—l— J W MRK » mSBSBA mm bh ,bebsu Aesesw B&SvBV IB mm mM r ,ii111 ii|||i||i||)niiißW|MMMaß»MpMffl»fflpaagsMa}Bß^^ TRAILWAYS NEW YORK - > SIO.OO 5 trips, 2 without change Round Trip SIB.OO VIA NORFOLK - PHILADELPHIA RALEIGH ■> $3.45 3 trips, 2 thru-liners Round Trip $6.25 CONVENIENT SERVICE TO ATLANTA, ASHEVILLE, CHICAGO AND WEST COAST Wilmington,N.Ci way s4.4s 5 trips, 3 without change 1 Round Trip $8.05 (PLUS TAX) EDENTON BUS TERMINAL S. Broad Street Phone 186 This is woman’s hour, in all the good tendencies, charities and reforms of today. —Mary Baker Eddy. Be more swift-footed to visit friends in adversity than in pros perity. —Chilton.