A REAL “SCOOP”... Special Buy A m SALE... Women’s sSt\ FALL SUITS Tailored Suits in a smart col l‘Tti<>n of m u ball fabrics in- Tweedy Fabrics, novelty Checks and Gabardines. L'./' •.:}-» hjfa Several attractive styles to V r *tllß choose from. Missy sizes 10 I ' x 2 0 .. . Women's sizes from W I* REGULAR VALUES A KNOCKOUT VALUE!... SALE Women’s Fine Broadcloth JK BLOUSES / Tailored Blouses of select o/liXmnlil broadcloths. Peter Pan and //iHU(\\ \ u\uli« l a P e l collars. Pearl buttons. jf im\Wm These come in white and as-^ A REGULAR $1.39 x\r % SPECIAL Pi M I 87c v ;* i '■ ./ » AX UNUSUAL PURCHASE! Women’s J|H&k FALL SKIRTS J|f\ Special Purchase . . . A smart / |lf II v XXi^.4* collection of new Woolens inclucl- LdaM ing Plaids, Checks, Tweedy et-IWw . ft feels and Flannels. These cornel frr Ts | 1 lUikU in all the wanted sizes! Ava-f jfej;. riety of attractive styles . . . in-lswMp£*|LstY\\ eluding the popular colorings] -j | LA | A REGULAR VALUES <| Wfllr^fPMj \ U $3.33 Women’s flf NYLON SLIPS 1 r < W . IdO'M Nylon crepe Slips .. . well //'■. .Y’"** \ f**> tailored, trimmed in a variety of C* Atg* ~S?. •«£ select laces. They fit well. All Jo2\- sizes from 34 to 40 . . , in white r .*jv * only. [ REGULAR $3.50 VALUES! 1101% SPECIAL W $2.49 v/\ Women’s Bras , • f 1 Cotton broadcloth Brassieres, in B \ 0 1 and C cups. Well made . . cor- I \ :S I rect fit. I , i Regular 79c values! \ 59c Regular 69c Bath Towels t’HE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. N C.. mVRSr-fl NOVEMBER 21, 1954 A SPECIAL SCOOP... Smart New Frocks A wonderful collection of brand now styles for BULK TYI.EU Stylos for Juniors, Misses and Women ... in Taffetas, Failles, f, ~Wf ° Crepes. Sports Fabrics and Nov- JjASI |ls city materials. All the newest * You'll be amazed at tin s,, values |1 f H Regular Values f SPECIALLY PRICED! Vs M $7.00# * Beautiful 9 x 12 Size “SWEETWATER” Cut Pile Cotton RUGS A lovely short cut pile Rug. Made of select cotton yarns, They wash well ... In all wanted colors: Rose, green, beige, grey and blue. Large 9 x 12 sizes! A Regular $22.50 Value! $17.88 SPECIAL PURCHASE SAL E ! years. $1.79 Pacific Fine BED SHEETS Large Double Size ... 81 x 99 Nationally advertised, fine mus lin sheets. 128-type, with a sil very finish. Guaranteed for 4 years. Regularly ■52.00 each. $159 Pacific PILLOW CASES A beautiful quality fine Muslin Pillow Case to match the sheets. Full size. Regular 50c values. 39c p r - AN EXCITING VALUE . . . Ruffle Dacron CURTAINS Beautiful Dacron Curtains, large size 50 x 90, with general 6-inch ruffles. Well made. It’s a sen sational value! Special $3*99 pr. Page Eleven