K Volume XXL—Number 47. vldenton Aces Win Regional Championship Christmas Party in Edenton Scheduled To Be Held Friday, Dec. 3, Starting At 4 O’clock < Affair Expected to Be Biggest Ever Held In Edenton bandsHinvited Christmas Lights Will Be Turned On to Usher In Yuletide Season By Evelyn G. Leary Plans have been completed and the mat of welcome is standing by for the arrival of Santa Claus and the hun dreds of children expected here Friday afternoon, December 3, to take part in the mammoth Christmas parade and party sponsored each year by the Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club and the merchants of Edenton. The festival this year is expected to be one of the biggest and most elabor ate evpr to be held in Edenton, accord ing to Mrs. Margaret Phthisic, general chairman. The multi-colored lights will he turned On in the business sec tion prior to the party to engender the Christmas spirit, and a lighted “Merry Christmas” sign will gVeet the visitors as they enter the rity. The merchants will also have their win dows attractively decorated for the occasion and the holiday season will he officially opened. Miss Goldie Layton and Mrs. Lena Leary, co-chairmen of the parade, sav various commitf-e* have spared "forts to mako this event one of mm'-st for the children of Eden, id Chowan Countv. For the firs' throe out-of-town hands have been invited to participate in the pa rade and it is hoped a hand and march ing unh from Cherry Point can be secured. Tie icrt in’ the parade aV pskod to he a* the halt nark by :: o’clock - that instructions may be given i of,ire tin activities "ot und- r way. It is also requested, that.-Com petent drivers be assigned to th-- floats. Two prizes will be awarded in the float contest, Sl l for the best float and $lO for the second lust float. The parade will start from the ball park promptly at 4 o’clock, coming out (Continued on Page Six) Christmas Seal Sale Is Now Under Way 2,000 Letters Containing, Seals Placed In Mail Monday The d signer of tin- Idol Christmas I Seals which will honor the first Seals | sold in Denmark 50 years ago is him-1 self a Dane; although lie now lives and works in the United States.. ac cording to Mrs. J. A, Moore, chair man of the Christmas Seal Sale for Chowan County. The Christmas Seal Sale to raise, funds for the association's TBcontrol activities began N'ovember 22. Jorgen Hdhsen based his Christmas Seal design on the traditional Christ mas eve celebration of his. boyhood in I Denmark, when all the members of the family join hands and dance around the Christmas tree singing old carols. Across each sheet of the 1954 Seals dance rows of children holding hands among brightly lighted trees. The effect was achieved by the use of two coordinated Seals one with a red, the other with a green back ground. Tlie first Christmas Seal was the idea of a Danish postal clerk, Binar Holboell. Mrs. Moore explained. He dreamed that all the mail that passed through his hands during the holiday season might mean pennies to help the *• sick children of his country. 904, four million of the special were sold in Denmark. To ’ ite the growth of HolhoellV -i idea, Mrs. Moore pointed out, moro than seven -billjon Christmas Seals were distributed last year in the United States alone. “To me,” Mrs. Moore said, “the Christmas Seal children are every body's children. The artist has left the faces of the children to our imagi nations. so that we can give them the features that are most dear to eaeh of us. These are the children for those sake we buy Christmas Seals, so that thev may grow up without the fear of TB.” THE CHOWAN HERALD PI ANXIX AIAS PARTY A Hu jj Bra j, f I The steering committee of the Edenton Business and Professional Wo men’s Club is shown drafting plans for the big Christmas parade and party to be held Friday afternoon. December 3. The affair i s sponsored annually hv the club for the children of Chowan County. In the picture are, left to right. Miss Inez Felton, Miss Goldie Layton, Mrs. Margaret Phthisic, Mrs. ' Lena Leary, Miss Beulah Perry, Mrs. I.ala Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Cuthrell. Mrs. Adelaide Chesson, president, was not present when this picture wa* j taken.—(Evelyn Leary Photo.) i ' _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ijEdenton’s National i Guard Unit Stages i Novemher 30 1 ' —-. i Open M 'M Be Oh •j served: Town Officials Will Be Gnesis , . . -. v -.- ■■■.■" - ! IV.'teen's I!■■■ivy M-" 'r t ’opq r,ny <>f the National Guard will hold its :.n, mml banquet and party in tic lid -n I ton armory Tuesday night. November 1 .40. at 7 o’elnek, when open house will he observed. in- order for the .building, and the company's equipment to he iinspected. Barbecue and Brunswick stew will in' served and members are■ exporting | a very enjoyable occasion.; Town of - \vill be invited as special guests; / of thi" National Guardsmen, At the conclusion of the banquet a dunce will j he held. Civic Calendai Methodist ladies plan to hold a (bazaar in the educational building of the church Thursday, Decom ber 2, from 10 A. M. to 6 I’. M. Edenton Lions Cluh w ill meet Monday night at 7 o’clock. Fall term of Chowan Superior Court will convene Monday morn ] ing. November 29. it 10 o’clock. Chow an Council, \o. 51. Degree of Pocahontas, will celebrate its fifth anniversary at the Council’s meeting in the Red Men hall Fri day night, November 26, at 8 , o'clock. RPW Club’s annual Christmas party scheduled to he held Fri day. December 8. Lions Cluh w ill stage a “Bread Brigade” Thursday afternoon, De cember 2, starting at 5 o'clock. Edenton Aces will play La Grange in the East Carolina Col lege stadium Friday night at 8 o'clock for the Eastern Class A football championship. Drive to raise money for the Edenton Boy Scouts will begin Monday, November 29. Dime Society of the Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night, November 30 at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. S. Perry. Eastern Star spaghetti supper in the Masonic Temple dining room Saturday night, November 27, from 5 to 8 o’clock. Rotarv Club’s annual Christmas party Friday night, December 10. VFW Post meets in VFW home Tuesday night of next week. Chowan Tribe, No. 12, 1.0.R.M., meets Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Fund raising drive for the Edenton swimming pool still in progress. VFW Post home open every Friday and Saturday night for (Continued on Page Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 25,1954. Methodists’ Bazaar ! Is Scheduled To Be i ( Held December 2nd jLadies of Church Plan To Make Affair Very Attractive I..’.‘li* •< of thfy Edenton Methodist ( hurtli will hold :i hnztiar in 1 1.<' edu eutional huiUlinjr of file church Thurs day. December 2. from 10 A. M.. to T* I’- M. Ft' connection v.ith the !■■:.- zaar Brunswick stow will he sold by the pint and coffee and dessert will h > served. Anyone desirirur to reserve 1 an order for Brunswick stew is re quested to call Mrs. Jimmie Earn hardt. phone 590. j Other foatur sos the bazaar will be] the sale of plants, arts and crafts,* dolls and accessories, doll furniture, ■ fancy work. aprons. baked and preser- I ved foods, home eannin? and Ohrist . mas cards, | All the ladies of the church are j making every ofort to make the ba -1 7,aar attractive and of. great value to j j the Christmas shoppers. 1955 License Plates Go On Sale Dec. Ist Miss Goldie Layton, branch mana ger of tile Carolina Motor Club, locat ■d at 102 Fast Water Street announces j that 1956 J iceii.se plates will go on side I Wednesday. December 1. j t here will lie two plates for each vehicle ibis year and the colors are vcltovv on black. • . MiSs I.avion orr/es each vehicle own er tn purchase their licenses early in order to avoid the last minute rush. Office hours are from 9 A. M.. to 1 P. M. Thanksfifivinir Service At Methodist Church A Thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist Church Thursday morning, November 25, at 10 o’clock. The pastor, the Rev. J, E. Richardson, will preach a special sermon for the occasion and the public is invited to attend. Spaghetti Supper By Eastern Star Nov. 27 Members of Edenton Chanter, No. I 302, Order of the Eastern Star will j sponsor a spaghetti supper in the Ma- I sonic Temple dining room Saturday" night. November 27. Supper will be 1 served from 5 to 8 o’clock. Tickets’for adults and children arei now on sale by members of the Chap-1 ter or may be secured by calling Mrs. Louis George Wilkins, phone 570-J. At the sunper homemade pies will also be sold. - "~ l ' " 1 " — 1 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Bunch, Jr., of Garner announce the birth of a 7*4 pound son, James David Bunch, bom , Thursday, November 18, in Mary Eliz- : abeth Hospital in Raleigh. Charlene Canned Delights Lions Club! With Her Accordionj |Members Plan to Stage! “Bread Parade” on December 2 1 Monday night’s meeting of the Edenton Lions Club was highlighted by a very delightful performance on the accordion by Miss Charlene Can ncll, who rendered both classic and popular numbers. So great was the applause at the eonelusion of her program. Miss Can ned chme back and stated that she would play as an encore “Juanita,” on condition that the club members at tend the Talent Show, which is to be i held in the Elementary School auditor ium on Thursday evening; December 2. j Miss Canned is the daughter of Mr. land Mrs. C. H. Canned. Mr. Can jnell is the special representative of the i[Douglas Aircraft Corporation at the (Edenton Marine Corps Air Station, i They reside in Westover Heights, and were also guests of the club. President Earl expressed the club’s ( appreciation to Miss Canned for the splendid program, which was arranged i hy Hector Lupton. He also urged ad the Lions to attend the Talent Show. Dr. Martin Wisely, chairman of the White Cane campaign, announced that the drive is still continuing. “We will mail letters to our citizenry very soon,” said Dr. Wisely, “and we urge that everyone respond liberally, as 1 the m funds are greatly needed in the 1 club’s work among the blind and other! ! visually handicapped persons.” Con tributions may be sent either to Dr. Wisely or W. J. Taylor, secretary of -the club. A new. and novel method of raising ! funds to, he used toward the purchase |of a bus for school activities will he |launched at,5:00 o’clock Thursday af-| Iternoon, December 2nd, bv the local Liotw in the form of a “broad hri [cade,” it was announced by Medlin illoloh. chair -ran of 'the dub’s Boys’ . and Girls’ Committee. , i “Every, member of tin Linns Clubj (i i. requested, to meet', with tlieir ears, at the hands.and in front of the high' • (School promptly at 5:00 o’clock Thurs dav aft.-rnonn of next week." said 1 1 Belch. “One thousand loaves of bread will lie donated by a. bakery and we Will offer them to the housewives at whatever mice thev wish to nay. We .. have adopted the slogan of ‘Buy bread, for the bus'." i It is planned to. complete the sale | within one hour at the most. There-! fore, the housewives of Edenton are! urged to he ready to receive the Lions ; /with “both open hearts and pocket i books,” said Belch, Unanimity Lodge Will Hold Christmas Party On Wednesday evening. December j 15. at .7:30 o’clock Unanimity Lodge, No. 7. A. F„ & A. M.. will hold a j Christ inas party, in the dining room jof five Masonic Temple. ; The party will he limited to Masons and their Wives, or sweethearts, ! This will: lie the first Christina,' party Unanimity Lodge has ever given for the. ladies and a large number are expected to attend. Tickets are being'.sold for the party ami ran he secured by contacting. Er . nest: Kolia yes, junior warden of the lodge. BOY SCOUTIiVE IN EDENTON SCHEDULED! TO GET UNDER WAY MONDAY, NOV, 28th West Byrum, Jr., Chairman of Drive With Four! Majors and 20 Captains Organizing Solicita tion of Funds For Scout Work West Byrum, Jr., chairman of the Edenton Boy Scout finance drive, an nounces that he has secured the help of about 100 volunteer workers to raise funds for operating the Scout program in this area for the coming, year. I The campaign will kick off Monday, j , November 29, when each worker will i j receive cards with names of five pros- j pects to lie seen that day. The goal i this year is to get the maximum con- I trihution from 15 per cent of the pop ulation. Mr. Byrum is working with Judge; Chester Morris and Forrest Dunstan, co-chairmen of the drive for the Albe marle District. He said he was very optimistic that the drive will be a suc cess since there has been a great deal of renewed interest in Scouting this | year. Jack Habit, Scoutmaster who took over Edenton Troop 156 eight months I ago, has tripled its membership, and, the boys are now receiving a very fine Stop E. M. Holt High In Very Close Game jFriday Night 27 - 20 | Time To Pay | Town Clerk Ernest J. Ward, Jr., calls attention to the fact that 1954 town taxes are now due and payable at par during November, December and January. Effective February 1 a penalty of 1 per cent will be added. On March 1 the penalty will be 2 per cent and on and after April 2, in addition to the 2 per cent, one half of one per cent per month will be added until the taxes are paid. Penelope Barker Association Starts Work Calendar Purpose List Birthdays And Various Meet ing Dates The Penelope Barker Association, ]comprised of the Woman’s Club, Jun ior Chamber of Commerce and the. Business and Professional Woman’s Club will attempt to contact everyone in this district to See if they wish t<>< ■ have tlieir name, family and friends’- . names listed on their birthday on the [first Edenton community calendar. .! Chairman Laura Satterfield Has '•named- group captains, each with a ' I large committee to cover the corri , liiunity: The.group captains arc: M rs. • Thomas Ward. Mrs. George A.Byrutn, .Mrs. J. D. Elliott. Mrs. -Tolm Rain os. ,-I-T eon: rd Small. Miss Mildri d Mural, a . j Mrs. Rodney Harrell. Mrs C. A, Phi! dips. Mrs. Richard .Goodwin; George 5 1 By-riim. Joe Conger. Airs. \] Slant •m.| Ml". Scott Harrell. Mrs. .1. I. IWee. Tiler- ' will he ad- of local I. -sii. * . firms on (lie calendar. Many of thorn j offering vain: 'do discount s. j Meeting dates off local orgauizations will lie list !. [ I Calendars are being sold ::t cost a nr! I proceeds raised from the ads, and; names listed on the calendar will lie, fused for improvement of the Penelope| ! Barker House. 1 Intangible values of this community | calendar will conic from the frienclli j ness .and good wishes engendered on j birthdays of people you know tl lotifrh ■ out the area. , Eastern Star Calls For Christmas PreseritsTo Give Inmate Os Home, At the next meeting of Edent-on i Chapter. No. 302, Order of the Eutstr' orn Star, which will he held Monelivy night. December 6, all members are requested to bring a sma.ll Christinas gift for the adopted inmate at tlie Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro. Mrs. U. E. Leary,worthy matron of the chapter, urges every member to attend. Dost 156 under the leadership of Cl n- PPost 156 under the leadership of Cla rence Leary, Jr., has also shorn nice j progress. Both troop and post arc (sponsored by the Edenton Rotary Club. I Byrum quoted Judge Morris as say | ing that in the many years he has been lon the bench with only one exception ’lias lie ever sentenced a former Scout. Statistics show that chances arc bet ter than a thousand to one a Scout will ever cost the community one cent for correction or punishment. Scouting is ; designed to supplement the school, church, and home. It is a practical | education. Byrum said the following citizens | who are acting as group chairmen, will head the drive in Edenton: Clarence Leary, Jr.. W. T. Harry, Gerald James t and Bob Hutchinson, each of whorrv will have five captains. | West Leary, Joe Conger, Jr., and: t Gilliam Wood compose the special] gifts committee. < c of Year. John Earl Whitson Gal lops 85 Yards For Win ning Touchdown THRILLING CLIMAX Aces Play LaGrange In Greenville Friday For Eastern Title In what was the most thrilling and cleanest games played on Hicks Field in many a day, the Edenton Aces on Friday night defeated hi. M. Holt High School of Alamance County for the eastern Class A regional football championship by a score of 27 to 20. The Aces took the lead in the first quarter following the opening kickoff, but when Holt received the ball they (immediately marched to a touchdown ito tie the score at fi-6, both teams i missing the extra point. On the second play of the second quarter the Aces scored a touchdown and extra point, going ahead 13-6 and 1 this was the score at the end of the half. However, early in the third quarter Holt roared back and tied the score at 13-13. Near the end of the quarter the Aces again forbed ahead 20-13 with a touchdown and extra point. About midway of the final quarter Holt pushed over another touchdown and extra point to tie up the game .20-20. A Thrilling as tne game was thus far, t it remained for John Earl Whitson to I electrify the spectators near the. end .'■of the game when he received a kick 'quid ran through the entire Holt team ifnr 85 yards to score a touchdown and pull the game out of the five. This victory made the Aces eastern Region 1 Eemipio'is and Uie;: will play LaGrarig . wiilnors of Region- 2 for Hlio eastern ehamnionsbin. LaGrange played Massey Hill Friday night and ,the game (baled in a 11 1 ! tic, To <ie ‘ ciile the winner each team was given the hall on the 50-yard line, and La (lrange. making the most yardage in I four downs, was declared the winner. Officials of Edenton and 1.. Grange (schools met at Bethel Sunday after jnnon and agreed to play the game for I the eastern championship at the East Carolina College stadium in Green- Iville Friday night at 8 o’clock. Every effort was made to play the game in Edenton. but LaGrange would not Hnnsont. The Greenville, stadium will seat 40,000 spectators and it is hoped Intan.y fans,will accompany the Aces. The Edenton Band is also expected to : attend the game. The winner Friday night will he eastern champions and will play the western champions for the State /championship Friday night, December Hi, on the westerners’ gridiron, j Every one of the Aces played a (Continued on Page Seven) Chowan 10 Pints Os Blood Under Quota 72 Marines and 28 Civ ilians Each Contri bute Pint Only 28 Edenton citizens contribut ed a pint of blood each when the Red Cross hloodmobile was in Edenton Wednesday of last week. At the same time 78 Marines each donated a pint of blood, so that during the day 100 pints were contributed, which was 10 pints short of the 110-pint quota. However, due to the inclement wea ther, those in charge of the blood pro gram were glad to see as many turn out as did. Dr. A. M. Stanton, blood program chairman, expresses his thanks and appreciation to all those who con tributed blood as well as members of the Red Cross Auxiliary, who faith fully assisted during the day. The 28 civilians who contributed a pint of blood were: James Ricks, Ed mond Mills, James Stillman, Murial Evrum. W. E. Bond. Parker Helms, I Mrs. George Twiddy. West Leary. O. jO. Long. Jr,. Sanford Bass, Miss Beu | lah Privott, Miss Kathryn Brown, I. L. Harrell, Joe Swanner. Jim Partin, Murray Byrum, Allison Campen, Mrs. , I. E. Halsey, T. E. Halsey, Miss Mar guerite Wilson, Rob Evans. Mrs. Al 'vah Bunch, Alvah Bunch, Miss Eliza beth Moore, Mrs. Claude Griffin, Jesse |Harrell, Father Francis Smith, Louis Austin.

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