vNLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY jlume XXI —Number 49. Edenton Aces’Win 1954 State Football Championship Parker Helms ‘S-D Day’ Chairman For Chowan On Dec. 15 Appointment Is An-i non need By Mayor !. L. H. Haskett Mayor I.oroy Haskett this week J appointor! Parker Helms safe ilriv irur 'lireetor for Kilenton a rid Thu-. w:in [County f(>T S-l) Day wliieli-will ; be observed Weilm-sdiy, Diyomlwr ir*th. an appeal to all residents , of Chowan County to prevent traf fie • oa• i* 1 ents <m S-D Day. Mr. I Helms says the »*lialienee of hitrh- ■ way safety is ope that must he met . on rural mails as well as urban Streets; “Korols outside tD>• ineei porated : limits.of cities and villiifft*.-* may be ; ♦he pniyinjr irrouml where the sue- j r#i<s of S-D Day is deeided.” Mr.! Helms iminteil out. stressing tin • fact that more than twice as many; deaths in traffic oc cur in the eoun- 1 ty tliafi in the city. Mr. Helms says thru in 1 !♦."»;?, for* exampba there were 27,200 deaths j on rural roads compared with 11.- j TOO up urban st roots- arcordinfr to j Statistics compiled by the National I Safety Council. “Traffic safety is particularly j lp.drtaiit to persons wild live on' ms and in rural areas.” - ay.- Mr.; m>. “That’.-v }»«*cause no other invent oftin* population is dhov , directly dep/'iident on hiehvay transportation. .-<» that the support of farm people is ureF-ntlv needed ; t*> assure tin success of S-D Day. and tin vhoie containin'.: pt'ourmr of highway -afety.” City drivers venfurimr on tli** open road are. urir* H }*y Mr. Helms to tv* particidarh :(ttontivo bec;uisej drivinc on the rural highway dis- . fops from drivftV:; on the urban j >treet.s in many important respects..; “With more than 2.000 pedestrian deaths on rural roads hist year. :t 1 Minnies driver- to remember that; there are walkers in the county a well us in town.” says Mr. Helm-. “Motorist- and pede-tr : an.- in, ( how an County can assure the -ue ce-s nf S-D Day.” -ays Mr. H«dms; **if they w ill do these three fhmirs: •‘First, olisorvc the letter and tin* •: pirit of all t r:if fir rejr i l l: itions. j “Second, be courteous to every' driver and pedestrian - pracfhe sportsmanship. “Third, jrive full attention to; drivimr and walking. In other’ word-, drive and walk as they l would have all others drive and walk,” Carroll Sueaker At Rotary Cluh Meeting The Ib-v. 11. \. (':irr<>ll wa- tin l*rinci|»hl speaker at last week s Rotary meet ihg. being . introduced! by Si. M. Perry, who bad charge j of the program. Mr. Carroll used as a subject " A I SVav Out.” Ho referred to the un-’ rest and fear in tln> world today; and said there are throe courses to j take: Preventive war, massive re-j talintion and spiritual awakening. | He said the latter was the surest: way out. pointing out that it is j necessary to change the thinking of; those who would destroy. “Wo ran,” he said, hut asked “will we?"j I ! Grateful ) m s. Adelaide Chesson. president the BPW Club, and Mrs. Mar garet Phthisic. chairman of the Christmas parade and party, wish to thank the merchants ami profes sional people and all others for their generous contributions, the Edenton police and highway pa trol, military police. Town of Kden ton. stagecraft boys of the Edenton iftigh School. Negro Woman’s Club, Negro Boy Scouts, judges of the floats. Degree of Pocahontas for decorating the Green and helping distribute bags, VFW Auxiliary for helping fill the bags, members of the National Guard, all civic clubs and schools, and any others who helped to make the affair the huge success it was. THL, CHOWAN HERALD JO 13 PSi „ ; / YSsttiMmTi! • ~>•. * ■ »•» - »’ 4 , Hundreds Flock To Edenton Friday To j Meet Santa Claus jJaycees and Kinder garten Class Win Float Prizes I'llmiton'.- Fbvistmris pnrty, spnn rspjvfl by the J’ib*nton lUisin** > awl. ' T’pif* 1 Women's CluL wits! * h* l b 1 Friday rind flit* ronoonsus of' ! opinion is that it was ,ih»* host par ty over lu'bi in FiKnton Mthomrh i: was .1 coifi diiy, i* htfraotocTj ' yoiin'i;-t»*r- awl adults by tin* bun-i birvds. who linoil tin* str»*»*ts and thon, w. nt to tin* Court lln'isc Or. ' n t" talk t<> Santa (Hans and r e- i\r a pp -,'nt. , 'niP’'v hand- in tht* par;'nlp .add* d ’t" til*- 1 !»*('<'» of th»* party, whirh 'inrlud' .l bainj- front W'ind-o'r, l‘ly- Impnth an«l labrnton. all nf whirh ‘pt>rfnrm« d \«a*y rnvditably. ( In ill* paradt*. !«"», \v* r*> a arianip , i*f Marin* -. H<*y Semite, fb*a» -. •1 *• - ! m\atfd ear.- ami. i»f rnur-r. Santa I Flau-. wh'v w iv.d at the kiddies a.-' ■ hf w* tit by. F’ir.-t prize f. >r tin b*-st fb»at ;w»*nt to' tli* 1 .la\vf.*> for tlmir roc ! k**t ship with Srotty Harroll. son i of Mr. and Mrs. Sooft Harroll in .tin* cockpit. Scrum 1 prize went to Ith** kinilorirartoii class of Mrs. John V. Whit** and Mrs. John Ko.-s. Christmas Program At Veopim (liurch A Chri.-tm.-!* program, “The l.ife nf (’hii-t." will lie presented in the! Veoj>im Ilapf ist Chnrch Sunday i night. I b eenvbor IP. at 7ptO o’clock. ; j The public is cordially invited to attend and enjoy the emnforts of tile newly installed heating system and join in tile worship. Music \v|tl be Conducted by the j pastor, the Kev. Philip H. (Jnid- W’ I Empty Stocking Fund Plans Started For 1954 Campaign Christmas Boxes Will Be Given Needy ■ Families i Members of the Vmmc People’s Service League of St. I'aill's Epis copal Church are in the process of (planning the Empty Stocking Fund campaign for 1 '.*sl. They are ask ing for donations of clothing, toys and money to he Used for the fill ing of Christmas boxes for those 1 families in Chowan County who, because of unfortunate circum stances cannot help themselves. 1 Any persons having clothing or 1 toys suitable for the filling of box- 1 es are asked to contact the Rev. 1 Gordon D. Bennett, rector of St. Paul’s Church, or Mike Malone, 1 president of the Young People’s 1 Service League. Mr. Bennett’s 1 phone numbers are 25-1-VV and oS.'i. Mr. Malone’s phono number isj 828-W. Persons who arc interested in re- j reiving help this year must have 1 their applications in before I)e-I Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday. December 9,1954. 0. R. Betts Cleared Os All Charges In Superior Court Judge Gives Verbal Spanking: to Jury In Case I;, : • j Marino Sergeant C. It. Metis was found not pijil.ty bv a jury in (*h*>- , wan Sup* rior Court Imto Saturday nipht which di<pb ased Judpc Q. K. \i mocks, who' nft.-r pivinp the jury a Verbal spanking'. «»rdcr.*d a war-' ' ran! • issued eharpinp the d« iV iidant i | with drunken nrcordimr t«> his own testimony dnrim: the trial. Rolf's was elnnred with np.’ and, carnal knowledge, but after the i 'state’s teslimony Solicitor Walter ('.■ihi'i'ii .dropped the ran** charpe; and resorted to thn-.* miner charp- i es. assault with 'ptenf to commit • crape, .assaultcn a female and car- 1 ilial nf a airl over 12 and. under, id; Til* 1 case was one of the lopest 1 • drawn out in recent years. Jtnlifo * Vimiicks order*"! a spccinl venire; •of 7.” pten fro-m which ♦«» select a! 'jury .and after the regular jurors: ; were « xhausted *m!y ofie juror was : eho.S*’Tl. About 00 (.f the special! vehireip.*n vym» Used hefiu*e tiu* ; jury w:is -completed and inehnlod:, Thomas Tvihvaivl Francis, Uovd F,.j Whit**, If echo rt R.tyo T •» t.* •. P-r.-y; F. Smith, John mV Hass, Krncst L0e.,1 florherf S. Small. J. P. Partin. : lace T. Bass. William I I’.'rrv. Willi- liny 1V,.|... |„ K. H-,v- ■ .cnport ind .1. E. Wnff. .It-, k A night, scs.winn of emit-' rts held Friday .-mil thy court wi; r..t -kl j'journi?d .-ibout 10 o’clock Ant- j urd.iv night. Tin* verdict of tin- jury hot only i displeased Judge Ximo.-k,-. but: ppitij- .if tintse who attended th- j , trial voiced tiled- displeasure. Before, court adjourned Judge! Nimocks pn-sod judgment on. Eewi.-i Gordon nml Krnest 11. fu-Iton- 1 iruny. churged with 'breaking and entering a storehouse with in*, nt to I commit larceny. Kuril was sen-! t. lire,) to one ye.-ir, suspended upon j I good behavior and not violate any stat. ~r federal law for five years [ iia.nd pay a <IPP fine and costs of court, Edenton PTA Will j Meet Tuesday Night KiicntdnV P;tront-Teacher Asso- 1 • •iation will ■.mc*"*’t Tu**-H.ay uivrht. i D*Mvmb*r It. at S ivVlnck iii flu* Kl* k ni**titary S*‘h«»«>l ruulrtoriuni. A ft-atur** of tlu* m*" ti?ur will h.* (’hristm.'V- miisi*-, which will he iv»- , »i*'r*"l by tin* Hiffh S* hn<»l (Mcc (’lub ;und*T th** Jiivcti«*u nf Mrs. Muy f.* qrer* 11 Brownjutf. All m»*mb*‘rs ;in* especially u’-rff*- » «*f! to attend. BK-AITOIM KD TO OIMCE Chow an County Ciunmissimp-rs ! th«*ir mooting Monday r»*-app*u‘ntod ! W. !’. Jones as tax supervisor in<l i J. S’. I Tip l** n as county att«»rn*y. Rotlv appointments ar«* tor oip* ! y * *a r. comber 20. By so doing tin- Ser vice League" members will have time to interview families and to prepare the Christ mas boxes ac cording to each family’s particular needs. The annual Christinas Stock ing Sale will he bold on the Sat urday before Christmas and Christ mas eve. The funds obtained from this means help to purchase food, clothing and toys. The young people of St. Paul’s Church assume no credit for this work. They consider it a county project and arc most appreciative of the aid given to them by inter ested people of the county during the past years. “We know we will receive the same interest and help from you as we have in the past.” says Mike Malone. “Together we can make this Christmas a joy and pleasure to many people, and par ticularly io children who need to I feel the love and devotion of the | people of our county. “You. the people' of Chowan .County, aided SIS families last year j tlirough,your contributions.” Court tyAgeri tSays Cotton Yield Good In Chowan County Dusted Fields Show Better Yield Than Undusted Fields Cotton yields iii: Ghow.-ifi C.ointy Aver.* wry guild this your, says'.' 'County Agent C. W. 1 I .est.-i* T. Copeland of 11 via lid com- I :munity reports making 1". I lb iieunds of seed cotton on 11. 1 acres. • This is .‘i.hVd potnids of sped cotton . 11. • r acre *.f ov.-r two bales per acre. Woodrow l.owe of Aiivnnce . made poiuiiis <if sppfi. cotton ‘per tp'i'p,. (htieval iy, growers r*- j port a b.-iie or . more 1» v. tier*-.. With limited allot m.-nts most [growers deterihiped to make the , most of what ' acreage they had. iGeperally. good fertili:'.i r anti i-ul i tiiml practices were followed. An . 1 tn-oximatidy kn o.m- cent <o th. . I growers dusted -to eopt rol *-otton insects. Although too dry in sonic! [areas, the dry weather was favor, 'able to good cotton production. 1 Some grower- ipie-tion tin- value jof dusting cotton to control tin ' | boil weevil and other insects on, a; [dry year like this. . Overman s:iys ; that some yield checks .were Triad, |on dusted and inidu-tcd fields of : po.-sible equal productivity. On, jtwo adjoining farm- tie- one dust .il made I.lH’. pounds and tin on.*'; iundu.-tid nvul- 1 .rt:: 1 pound- ..f -.-ed j cotton )V r acre. Records ived; :to date show that tipst. d fields: j made an average of .'..”.1 pound more -i*.-d cotton p.-r icr* than un ; dusted fields in Chmvnn County. Charles P. Bunch Is Burned To Death In Fire Tuesday Night Home Completely Dc-j stroved Near Cen ‘ ter Hill Charles ]’. Bunch, So,, was burn-i led to dentil Tuesday night when his home near Center Hill was des troyed by fire, Kdenton firem.-n ! wrl-e called so the scene about lb , oVloi-k. hut the only service they could render was to throw water ion tin* ruins in an effort to.find; { the liody. of Mr,. Munch. Only tie ;hones: were found by Coroner Hu ber: Williford and Hoskins Ha.-s. j Origin of .the fire is unknown, j hut Mrs. Bunch, who was in an-j • otlug- part of the house escaped. I Mr. Bunch is survived liv two j daughters. Mrs. Benjamin I.anth of , I Oeean \ r ieW and Sirs. Joe McNider l jof Tyn.-t Two grandsons and ope granddaughter also survive. Edenton Objects To Telephone Increase Conference Scheduled With Telephone Of ficials Today ii Some .MistoilVers of the Norfolk : & Carolina Telephone. A Telegraph Company met in the Municipal; Building Tuesday afternoon to pro-j test against tile proposed increase:; of telephone service. i Th.- proposed increase was term- i < d ridiculous and every effort will j he made to prevent the proposed | boost. | It was decided to adopt a resolu-j tion protesting the increase, but it I was decided not to take any action | until a conference can be held with; telephone officials. This conference is. scheduled to be held in the Mu nicipal Building this (Thursday) morning at t0:3() o’clock, when the matter will be discussed. The meet ing is expected to attract quite a few telephone users in Edenton. I DressingUp^l { ... Chowan CViimly's (’«»urt Hons** will h«* made inoro up-10-dali*. .*>« far as lighting is conccrnctl. \t Moiulay’s nutting th** County Cum miss toners nrcoptod a hid from K. j. HmTc of s#oo to *lo this Work. N't*w lighting arrang«*ni«*iits; switches and outlets will he in stalled in the (Jerk of Court and Register of De«*ds offices, ns well as in rest rooms in the Court House, which will replace, the present an tiquated lighting system. Lions Realize $4lO From Bread Sale ( lub Will Hold Annual Christmas Partv on Monday Night Mc*inb*rs oi tlv* 1 dettf ».i I•i■ *r ■ CUih in-tifit-d fife; 1 <i*'-T-b. 11 earn:» l 'i 1 ■ * Fh.iirsdny ift>:rndoii when th» v s*»H Ip.-if Bread to th** ,Inns. Avivt - *»f Kdenton. for the pur ‘ pos*. of rn'siiig fuT»»l> t*»\var»l th* , purejiuse *>f i hu> f*»r n.-e iti -••h*>*»l . activit i«*s. WTu-ii tlv Mvund. *»f tli b. 11.- h:nl * j subsided, the l.ions r*\unt**<l i*ro |t d> th. -urn of a.*c»r*ling j*. M***|]in Ib-lcli. ehairniati *»f the CoinmitJee. ••\V«* wish t*» tlrmk tli** g* ,n *l p"eo ])],• of Fd* nt"!! that m:i<li this rrnnpaicrn a >uc* , **>.s t a- w* !l ■>> th* Tip T**p Hak* r. who o* j *n» nn''ly gave ..the br*a(l t<* tlv* r u.-- . W• * al-o npi)re**i*tte th** whbbheartV**! j <*i»o|>*Tation of our eomniitt.«.*e a.M'l eacii’ I.ion win* partici'pated.” -ai*i' Belch. In re**og/iit i«m of tin* tin*- sh*»vv ifig nvad- by th»* l*.tl* , i : i't«»n High I School football t* am in winning th* ( |s.tat“ Cl;;>> A Championship «*vr-rl th<» Tb'ssrmor High Sc]io*>l team in .Grernsbm-o Saturday night, the, Li«>.ns voir*! t«* entertain them, to gcfh**r w ith th** coaching statf,.at a , dinner in tin* near future, ilate for; w liieli will In* annoiinr*"! later. Mov ing pictures *»f th** game ar* e\-, )»eete«! t<* lie -h/'W'ii at tliat tira * , Flaps for tl)*> l.ions annual Uhristmas party ar** rapidly tak ing .•shape, trecording to A1 Phillips. , chairman of the fop* 1 and :iit:iii2*‘- ! mi hits committee; The date was . announced as Monday night of text [.week.:Th'i'i-nilier I.’!, lit 7.:“d o'clock.. The party will h. held in till I. ms 'Den and the lade Lionesses Will be I special guests. John Mitchener is ■ hairnum of. the program Commit tee. Dr. Martin Wisely, chairman of the White Cape Committee, an-! pounced that letters have iiecp ’.mailed-to the citizenry in general, and it as hoped that donations will lie generous. “This money is used in connection w ith our work among the blind and visually handicapped ;persons and funds are badly need ed -lit this time,” said Dr. Wisely. Contributions may be sent either to him, or W. .1. Taylor, secretary of the club. The.'Rev. .1, K. Richardson, new pastor of til. i.’doiiton Methodist j ' Church, was extended a welcome asj a guest of the club. I SO CHRISTMAS I’ARTY The Officers Wives Club will sponsor a Christmas party at the USO Club Wednesday night, De cember 15. Town’s ’55 License Plates Now On Sale Town Clerk Ernest J. Ward Jr„ announces that town ve hicle license plates for 1953 arc no« on sale at the Municipal Building. Mr. Ward calls at tention to the law which re quires 1955 plates to be purch ased and displayed on vehicles In-fore February 1. “M” Night Rally Is Scheduled Monday At Ballard’s Bridge Postponement ('aused Due to Inclement Weather lhc:ui.«i- nt’ the frigi'l w.-nthcr atiii t n of the higliAAiiys. the aumuil “M" Night 11: 1 11 y "f till- T ruining Kuiop- of the Chowun .Bnpf Ist; A s.-oci at ioti whs ii. rily postpnin-d , until Monii-iy night, 1 invnilicr 1 •*:, . r;t 7-110 o’clock. The r.-dlv will hf> h.-hl .it tin- Bulbiril's Bri.lci- Bup ti-t <’hun-li nml tin- public is ask oil to tnki- note of tin* i-'-vis. il il-ito. The origin:)! program of music, 'talks, 'h-monst r.-!tinrl.s , ntiii .cbtifer i-nc.-s will be cnrri. ii oti* .and. the inspiritfionnl nvss.-igi.- of the, even ing will be liellvered by Hr. J. S. Hopkins, pustoriof tin* Firs). Bap tist <' 1 nir.-! 1 in Suffolk. Vo., whose subject i.- “Be Strong In tin- Ford,” Those who :ii>- pot members of h triining union nr.- urg' d to join with tin m.-rnbe]-.- of training, un ion- in tin- fellowship and benefits of tin- il illy :inii goal-setting meet ing. Recital And Supper At Masonic Temple Mondayjlec. 13th R. Warren Glocke Will Render Christmas Music In tin M.-i.-ivnii- T-mple dining room Moml'iy night. IWtstmber 1-”. tile Kdenton I'o-ent.-Telieher A-sn. ciution nnd Kdintoii Chnpter of tin* l insti t-ii . will sponsor -i chick en s.ilnd supper and. organ- recital by 11. W'itTi-n Glocke. Mr. Glocke will fender a pro ; gram of f'hristtnas mnsie and will :be assisted by a soloist, and violin list. so that a splendid evening of ( entertainment is-promised) I . Tickets for tin* .-upper and re ! cital. afe. now being, sold by nietn j tiers of.both groups, is point ed out 11 1:1* tickets cap,: tie secured ,by telephoning . l".-J or 10l -AV. Iti |event anyone .’atinoi secur- a. tic ket. pile will he availabb* at the , door. A small admission will in- eharg ed for tin recital for those who dp not. wish tP attend tin chicken snl ad slipper. It is hoped many twill attend tin- affair. Cotton Referendum Will Be Held Tuesday, December 14 Vital and Important Questions Face All Cotton Growers : The outcome of the cotton mar- 1 'keting quota referendum to be held : ; throughout' tin- nation’s cotton-j I growing tirea on December 11 will determine the level of price sup port: for cotton produced in 1953 j jand therefore is of vital concern toj 1 every cotton grower, says W. A. Harrell. Chairman of the Chowan County Agricultural Stabilization arid Conservation Committee. The marketing quota program 1 will be in operation for next year’s crop, the chairman explains, if at least two-thirds of the votes cast in the referendum arc in favor of the program. In that case, price support will be available for the 1955 crop of upland cotton at a level between 82'.;: and 90 per cent »f parity. If more than, one-third of the votes are against quotas, the price support level to eligible growers would drop to 50 per cent of parity. The choice before cotton grow ers. according to Mr. Harrell, es sentially is whether or not they want a reduced acreage and price support between 82 1 g and 90 per cent of parity. He explains that acreage allotments will be in ef fect even though quotas are disap .*52.00 Pei* Year In North Carolina [Defeat Bessemer Champions of West By Score of 41-20 j Getting Tough) ' Shortly aft'-r the County Coin- ’ missiopers re-appointed W. I’.; Joins tax supervisor for 1900, the} : Commissioners instructed: him to ; '■ romply .with the law. Which re-j • quires property to he listed for. tax - { PS during the month of January. For those who neglect: t'i list • their property a penalty of Ht per , cent of the taxes will bp added. With - r. minimum of Sl.00; And in event property .is notdist -' ed bv tin- time the April term of, . Sum ri'*r C.eirt ponvenesclhe' naines -of: these who have failed, to list; will c he presetib-d to file Grand Jury for ” court action. i The (’om.missiotv -rs are losing l patience -.cith those who fail to list -■property on time, as Well as, those s who refuse so pay taxes, so that - . they int.-ml to enforce the law t" the b-lt -r. Mr. J p*'V'mm< i n<lation for fix lidb-rs 'va- auprov.-*<l by fh<* \vh*> a ro :i< follows: Ttuviiship—Mr-. M.arear**t VV. .T*»?i. on*l Mr<. n**n.- B. Kullj ph^r. Second T*vwnshi|>-- Hfitry Bunch. Third Town-hip -T. D. Fb*rry- I i man. | Fourth T« < 'rnship —a r<j 1 l*.*s- • | . kins. i civic calendar] \ d Edenton FT A »ill meet in the ■ Elementary School auditorium on Tuesday night. December H. at 8 o’clock. Kdenton Business and Profession, al Women’s Flub »ill hold its an nual Bosses’ Night Christmas par ty tonight (Thursday) at * :30 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Christmas program in the Eden ton Elementary School auditorium Sunday afternoon, December 12, at, 7> o'clock with the Glee Club. Jun ior High School Chorus and the Elementary School Chorus partici- I paling. Rotary Club's annual Christmas party will be held . Friday night, : December 10. at 7 o'clock in the . American Kegion hut. I'nanimity l.odge. No. 7. V. K„ ■ & X. M- will have a public instal lation of officers for lO.'i.V in the Masonic Temple Friday night. De (Continued on Page Eight) i provvii;- compliance with .such , cot-j ton allotments and with any other j | crop allotriii'iits established for t-hej 'farm will he requited for eligibility; | for price support, no matter what j the. level, of support. Mr. Harrell urges all,, cotton ( growers to vote, in the referendum. lln his opinion, the decision will ! have far-reaching effects and thej question deserves the-serious .study and the carefully considered vote |of all who grow cotton. All per sons who. as landlord, tenant, ori sharecropper, hgid an interest ini growing upland .cotton in 1951 are j eligible to vote in the referendum. The referendum will be held be tween the hours of 8 A. M„ and 6 P. M.. on December I I at the fol- j lowing polling places: Edenton community in ASO Of fice located in basement of V. S. Post Office. Macedonia community at Grover Gale’s store. Center Hill community at Melvin Evans’ store. Rocky Hock community at Henry Bunch’s store. Ryland community at Henderson Ray Peele’s store. Gliden community at Lloyd Briggs’ store. Yeopim community at Lester Jones’ Gulf Service Station. Again Mr. Harrell Urges all cot ton producers to vote ns they like, but vote and vote early. HELP FIGHT TP BUY CHRISTMAS SE. I I,S Law Crowd of Eden ton Fans Accom pany Team GIVEN TROPHY . Champion Given Rous ing Reception Upon Return Home Edenton V Aces on Saturday night, convincingly defeated Bosse . rm-r High School in Greensboro to win th.- State Class A football .ohnm.pioiiship by score, fd 1.1 to 20.'- th'- distuncp. a largi; . us, Kdentorl. fans ..■ittetnli-d the. gam. and joined , it! a lively e • 1e I j i-a t ion afti.r tip • ga up •.} 'Mayor. Eeroy Haskett, who at (chill <1 the game coilt.icted the Po. lie.,' D-.-jiartnient and reqa.isted townspeojlie to me. t tile Acr-s’ bUS Sunday afternoon upon its return. .: AeeowlinCly, a goodly , number of ears inet the .hits, on the Windsor higtm-py,. so, ‘.'cat tie Stat- champ ions had n “triumphant” return home, Sonic pent-up energy, was directed to strewing torn tip paper along, .the stn-et .. not to tnentiou horns hloaving and veiling. Thing.- didn't look, so good for tlie Aces at. The. start of the gutnu, {for on the first, play Itessemgr re. ; co vi-'-'i tin Kdenton funibic and "in about threi minute.- -c r- d u .touch-' VloWn and extra point to b ad 7-0. Edenton fans .w'er. a«i|i fomfiir ed. however, wli'-ii Jimmy Harrison, sceoted r.o yards for a touchdown •nd Mil'in Still- > f.-.mnn.l through for the extra point to. tie the score. \ gain 'near tli" 'ini of the quarter (Harrison on a niuke punt ra.->*d aroiutd left eiui and with beautiful bl'ii'kiug raced yard- for the sec- I "ltd touchdown and Stiiley again •-"UVoi-ted putting tile Ac - out iq front 11-7. t In the second quart', r Don Cagim snagged a pass for Bessemer and s.-orcil on a ."'K-yard play, but. tho itry forth.- extra point fail'd, mak ing the score ) l-l.'f. Kate in the (.quarter Sonny Wright advanced 'five yards and tlv-n laterall'-d to John Whitson, who ran 10 yards jto -cote. Stiiley again made the. extra point, putting the -core at g' 1 -1 K:ir!\ in the, third quarter Stiiley juniidc a. brilliant run "f about." 0 . yards to seiire and added the extra j point} giving the Aces a comfort ] able lad of 28-lit. Bessemer, how* jev -f, tO"k <)li iii’W life when '.Morn, son got loose and ran 711 yard.- to i score. The try for the extra point jw-ty g"."l and was the last time i the Western Cham pious w-ere able ; t" seriously thrcati n. For good measure, the Aces aiM '••i two more touchdowns in the fourth quarter. Stuart Holland made both. of. the counters on jaunts of 18 and 27 yards and add ed one "f the extra point.-, so that the final score was 41-20. The entire Edenton team played a.s a unit, so that just as much credit is due one as tlw other. Before leaving Greensboro, Hap IVrry, executive -century of the I High School Athletic . Association, [presented All-State Billy Hardison with the State Championship tro phy which will be placed beside tha one w’on in 1934, when the Aces, under Coach Henry House, won the champion.-hip. going through the season undefeated and unscored on. Mrs. Dick Leary Breaks Hip In Fall Mrs. Dick Learv had the misfor tune to fall in her backyard Mon day morning -which resulted in breaking a hip. She was X-rayed at Chowan Hospital and removed to the Albemarle Hospital in Elisa beth City, where she will be con fined for a week or 10 days. On Wednesday morning Mrs. Leary was able to be put in a wheel chair and is getting .lonft very well.

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