PAGE FOUR SECTION TWO— PUBLIC WELFARE WORK COSTS LESS DESPITE INCREASE IN POPULATION Cost In North Caro lina Below U. S. Average It ia imLiva-singly r*•vngni/.vH that tin?. most oftVetiw ami most eco nomical place in which t*» take care of a largo proportion »>f *Hir loss! advantageil citizens is in their own communities. Institutional care. State or county, shoyild he-, neces sary only for those's which be cause of special mental or physical handicaps cannot roc« iv" .ulequate care in their mvn hiitm-s or in prop erly supervised l*o;j rding homes. The State ha s ’ ughi nized its respons t -sos provision <qk financial Assist.'me* te needy citizens and f rev of other services in 1 p t<> nr-w • n? or alleviate" sori.ii ,-Vjnh economic problems. K\ <;r\ ftVrt shoulil he’ made to st re? • those wel fa tv• se rv ic. *s whi< • h help' ** * -pr. - vent or to reduce individual. od family uni nljust * tits \ help people t" ih*.lp‘ tie]:\/f s . In c re.a singly the - public aw::/, i* oro gram i.s directed . ventive p.rote.ctiyet ind r* vices. Due to a >tendily i iici-vas’-i n g:f.pop ulation. assistance ■ ;.t !<*.•<{< itv ri.sintr.stpwly .ip terms of total' num bers although the r:it.fs h:.v- been substantia 115* stabilized.. I * . •he • • \i• ee< 1 inc!y string AtH-eligilMl.rty ;•••- quirements . h N’p'rtl 1 li.r coniparf'd with most other.. Bt:V?'o> that limit increase's. t«* -ni ch .a nflsY tively small numhei. .V* the ■si’.ye finny - /there.' is .i-nereasinjr ipi'iiilir.: .: w a i-em-ss. of ; chiifl. w ir* . M (; and which are rp-;ise ii) j|.-m:iniis Ac- non-fin’; n« ia!- Weifa h - ■ - programs -nt-usD'hoAg bared, inset-:, r l f><*s>i h|, • o meet : _• tl ••• >f ... finam/ial nd t ] If ices and to pre.v : .li.t ; m:. * r:.-' L; va riety of cssont ' \ If s?eri | requested: - : »'y ;other" St.-'i'.tei 'vUrncj'fs n the • : • ■ ft'- r.iii grains, !' ■ Xort l < grant has .been, operat,»-d v.n far }♦ >s. money iproportionately than nr**. grains m i- ; Vr-i«pa r-;»bU• 'sita,f* s. (>n every rnea.sur«'*it ranks far heiew the lAn vd >• n. - :v -• mg*,\Y Aij. •ill possdde ' c..liivn; S J! \i - j»V r - ►•fleeted, the IV > .i- s'* > J.tK- i| ! U>->ti«'t; as t‘» whether <n; n'>*t - tie .-nsts link, now heeonp* dispropea.-f [Oliatei v low.. Increased s. i-vi,. - r* diuirr ’ . - ifk 9 nohiral/ g;fw z.^ OIL for Automatic Heating it’s clean, safe, imk . efficient, dependable, automatic t GULF ; (OASTLAM) OIL CO. IMIONK HHO KDKMON. \. I . RmTljirTTw (HU- Oil. I IIODI CIS heating oil Plllllllllllilllllllli^ 1 Si COUNTRY 1 | Jpy>ENnEMAN | O OID 1 C //i/uyM B 1A i= c2F uiAnifjf’vl/fy Bj bJ BIU =HI I. A. oowgmm lam. Dfittun H If = PT. = =§ BOTTLED BY J. A. DOUGHERTY'S SONS, INC. DISTILLERS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. == iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK t*d funds. In reviewing the present sitim • tion with respect to puhlie wellVil'e it is important to roeogni/e that iin spite of the State’s growth an population and the inert-as* m li y costs, the.-'public., welfare pm .; gram is costihg less propoi i i<*m.ll - today than it did in fn _j that year public welfare «-o>’s rep.- resenteil over five per ‘vent' «»1* the general fund apjiropiaat.ioris of' this Stilted l?i 1 1 * 'J • : public ; -allocations reprcstdited •s 1: igli t! y more than three per rent "f tin general fund appropriat ions.. The pub!ic welfar pr«• tributes in auumher es ways to tli*- economy • f. tl;*' Sfat< l»y J lndjigrng ' hiiylv•. into / the State. gh Pedct ■! •" ' . t;(\e.S paid : by the vit//.ep's the-.'. State. h : usine>.s is' •fiV.*r--'w... \I» o• ey in c i rru'h; f j- o* a !p; -a \ ' •' t .i». \s a s .a r*; -u I t '• .* f tii *. i* id die,' •; i . f;t re ; nrogr.-irn- a sigii/ficnhy 'fac-.; tor in tlie l*v.-! >va -."> \ M* - •o\ ••r. the !-eei,.o'fls -. • * of. '}* i. t p‘-i-' 1 ne' id-. ■.»; h.t o-hdd .vn tVcifVi.enrS-'-.-hqv' ’dd . these"i dhildreir - beemm - . adults .a re useful eil i:ddrs- ; ".;.v ••Jpd' S.-tatv-. s'uppur* ing; "tin rr ~ -'a/nnd'. arid, paymgi.djeir. »a\"i,s. ■'!' ! fa': ■ iiiX est-e.ii: atV t li'dii a s far a i r*-:a 1 b>.-'. *t*-asingl y -I'-mlus’-t >' ys a to-', s\ el fa *■«•/. s-Tvi.-*;.- 'i o' a ’</> .oonmunrtv in which, it 'js- tpeh/ed. •• I n forni .: - • ■ •- - _ - ■'included'; Ifi hash- d;p/. • -a- - : tiles riyds'f iiiat \ Carolin'.-i lpcdfious..'Mnr*.• ■A-i-r.y.sim f c.lot)I •■. ' . • • • lid | itt 'di*icr . :'«*!• •' . r • « i f. ? 'v ile ! -.-. nil. ',-is in t is,.-.- .-1. TKv ’whi/ I • ■ ■//--. >.< ~.i, hi -f ■ nil- . . tn J , .courtly/. <■•<»■:."• Mi?-ici.>?’ Cj .i.-riviJat. f-.-i;l pl-t[ ' w.riii’ ii ■ V, \\ rh ,t, :., ,/) ~/a ; f UolcHTl ■ i«l .1 m,r ‘ns : ui of tOßothi 1- in rtll tjj.■ ' 1.1 • mphri 'i' 0 . hot|..MIL'; L.M ':■ i ■ Is ;uhl I'amiiii ' ■ / : sohvs.- t hf. ’pi’rtlHotft ;-i.< .filMl'llt fl.l'tl'l .til i)|:n!|t;i L 'LI//' ■/ funrf.i :•* i'noriov -in.i - •ii.y ■!■ i! -■ r- Mailer of |)im‘iion ■Mn.r-n.--- .Ini. n'- ' it '.llf lii'ii ; M.'il'l.t- \l ' : u-a j Eititaß'ement Announeed ] . V ' miss IKKM-: i u i (»i; pi:ri\ 1 1 : - T is 11. I’. ch. Sr„ <>i Shelby. \. t '.. annmijivdg I in- engage-; nu n! oi her daiiglHer. Irene l a>lor Peek, to Kobe! t ( alhoiin Jordaii. Ir.. son i*; Mr. ;rnd Mrs. •|{, i . Jordan »»t Kii/abrtiitowii, -N; (~ lormei I.N ot Kdenton. Hie wadding nn ill take place Monda>. Ileceniber M iss l eek g i a(liratod I ropi the 1 iii\ > of \ort h < ai olma in ! w tli a «legte*' m B.S.S.A. V|r. .lord in .» a vvhiioi at the I niier it> of North ( arojina Nledicaj School. 11l is is the Law i: * II \KI KS W. f> Wild, for the \. ( . Bar A»<H - iation) D l >l ( i KKI. A I IO N I N M lIDOI.S / - • '■ . •' • " • - : ■' - -- - . »• 'J . - • • .".gin in \\ shmg- RATS Controlled fs .terrge*# Pest Control Co. ii N 0 Cell Elizabeth City 67 83 Coll. I I * f f*OSPf CTIOH H J- ’ I OB) NOTICE! To Chowan County TAXPAYERS The Tax Books for the year 1954 are now in my hands for the collection of taxes. We urge you to pay your taxes now and thus avoid the penalty which will begin on February 1. A PENALTY OF I', WILL BE ADDED ON 1954 FAXES NOT PAID BEFORE FEBRUARY 2. AN OTHER 1% WILL BE ADDED MARCH 2 AND AN ADDITIONAL J 4 OF ID WILL BE ADDED FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MONTH TAXES ARE UNPAID. 1 J. A. BUNCH SHERIFF OF CHOWAN COUNTY u : LM TIIK CHOW \\ UKKAI.H. I.DKM’O.V. NORTH iWROUXA, THURSDAY. DFA I'.MBKR i>, HIM. N egii t•['; f,; j]Y,-f •; ,"Vip.»i. g *•;! I'. *r • i s-t .'ti *s. ; i‘:b «l 'a. ■ V-'a :'' - or.< i la* . 1. ;-Ik-A . viy :a->p- tauU-'aryp* /eW ’ :gv'i.;Nhnh VyHi;rt . • • ■ s i' iti 1 *g' io'n; '• ’•!’,•/' Sap; -a; •- • «;'• u'Vrr.:- will ■.place. ail-; -."•"t’hbrit y. --.*•- ii.-tnfiic fut n- v ’a".'«:*'■- g vi--- \ ti*»u. p» *'*f*'l.m> •tn .t.lie-' -A .i»:s-, A bjet 'to al i T' ■ A 'oiii tK/ WANTED! We Are Non In A Position to Handle Hardwood As Well As Pine Loi»s and Lumber. For Top Prices... See Us Now! : Blades Lumber Company i*i i < >.\ r. LU ex r() n . \. c. k he known for some nmnths yet. j North Carolina will tint suggest .» to the high Court a specific plan t" he followt : d. Kbu-hla. nil till- other hand, will make definite iv« <»mmendation> as to how tin I'lohlem should he tieat.'d in the* district omits. The 'Florida >uggestm.n is that do tint (■Hurts USE tile follow itlg pro*'* till 1 1- :n futuie <c|l*:»ol dc-<egregatio-n . Vase.s f" l. R. (pi'!.- the lidividual seek ing, relief in the court to show ii) That lie li\ «-d in tin* proper >« hool dist lift; (!> ) had made ;»f»- . pp- .itioji for adhiissioti before the s In*o.l term '•egafi; (c) and ’ntH a denied the right.!*» ait*ml the p i vi e n!e r linpT. L ‘Mum pvt r 1 1* ; < ; mthtjlc, the * our* w«>uld then ,c«mSider «-\ idence '/nun Ufo I "Ihw'vlng angles: W tbet: tin Stab I • . t titri> a ne! I**. ,i! sclb>ol di?d rict.s had had siltfici* lit -t.i.nn* in w hi* tl t«* ’ <•- ■ a g;; a . -for- -eg.feg'at i*m: <L*> -w mulier-; .thei/‘ ...had' , heetr —good :.ith‘* on' th"- pan -Oi’: school aus a'- ■» : • - ip tin- (ui i Laid. 11- ease: (e ) . • . - t ion> . peep".- ni/oio •by loci! ih11*)• -V;i«• i;i!- '••m'nu-ttr-bs':-' -i«!) a> t<*. Si hot» .pr ■ n ;>t"rat i.\ prol-dons *’\.ist ing • ■ ' . • • » \ hot iit tl degree of, puldli* in* li ty ./.'* the -g \\ \ ipitig •'{’ t lie pe •.. • foj «im is s i i»i ; i • ■ . i n a disrupt ion es the . seho*disys-;. .’to nr: . (ft its' \* * th *■•. g <*i«l fa it h * • f:' ;h*'- annhyiih'. h:ms*-lf. in .'•ringingp '' * h.V- petit inti, ’ ' • .' •- ' v - • ; .•' : Th*.' ('<u'irt CL.vuid, ' after : weighing’, : >.’rhe . yldet try. .di;ci'«le. t«*i". ‘ 1: « ttrior, the nplicant admittnl; -’•o the SehoolP (g> dismiss jiis i»• ti- ' * op/, or' (*.'• » . o.i eh-r t h'' a |Vf>Ttc:rtion eIU-'b'l 1 x \ - -fi if* ■■ I • ring tin a ' o-r. ' > ■ ! ■ ' !■ .e • ■ fli.v .1 initml St;,.ti. • Sif < '..sin. ii.-:!i“4' til* (••'in ;. ■■ ' 1 :• • o -.- • a >-mi*;..’ simihi'i;, * fi've nt ’ this.. .!,< pVbl.l.'i!>!.(.•;- il. 'WA A *,;!-, ;il ' ;*.f "!>■•; .-lii: it • *-! {***<;• i-ur ’aken by as- ; - M-e-ted. s-tat-es (foj; a*ic(|uats'".- t inns ’ :i lid .• on -id ••.}>; if >o l**i/a! admin ist ra •■ o -i that ‘A >'.:■■■■ «h a- va ' 1 a*'}on' M'im.-. sort nf .plan" c.- . •: . tl «;• ->« uregntion.: 1* is j.'i of - • . •• . au-e S’ {< legal 1f * administrativ** .structures must bej [ ii'\ ised, puldic acceptance must be ' gamed, and because there arc wide v.a nations « f custom aud tradition I even', within a State. TAR lIKKI. POSITION Speculation is that the 1055 North Carolsn tb-neral Assembly . wil] not a*— (in the matter because : the -public stand taken by both j ‘iovern**!' li'lg.-s and legislative hr id— s. One \*t*raii legislator I -that to act before the final Sui'i* ns (’ourt decree is issued s the dark.” As indicated-, eurfier, the Court's deci >i*»M i> not <-\recto* 1 liefore late; , spring. i \ tl.i < rplinh Baptist •<'on ys ago refused to t: ke ati **ut right stand «*?i tin* is- , TT e Ik :•■ ists a«lopted a res«*- lu’ion; the nna't -of which was:: "The cruv *.*f the Christian attitude; view otjj* r hunlinis its being wort by of •s' • ; • "• i ! - n'Ti. I'ailit ie>.. .Until tin ,■ p*•.;•>»».jis prove, theni ••-!*• s. untj: for r;ght> and respon i! -1 ]it i.e*!” I'll,, resolution i'e-1 ; fer'iv.l to - the prohh-m as "a hi- ■ -: a-/u'd. malt* i .” T:s- K*. K '• IMw in H. lk.nick. ho; of f lie North . Carolina dio yso pi si 4>jvai Cliurcii —a i-enon n yliich hits licver l sft i• T'd •g! gat itpr --declare*! C.s ]:■ "ho)H-s" the Court will al-‘ - low . •!) - I op. ..( the nation time .. t** an the tail ing.; * Co<| iv • \;,» i ting us to find file arrswer .to' the. S'"f’Ml humanitarian J: question t hat ..fell on us l ike a \ mountain w'ith th*‘—iupr**me Court’s' •di t : - km la-‘ May.” lip said. “We don't ■ to he o>trirh*?s ami w*- rds. Her*- 1 it ■ - h*)w con front jng us fa.ce-tp • answer the riaill .aisw .r; 'atu 1w <■ '*i, beller not LA i urn m; <&/ TOYS AND OII'TS BYR U M 11 ardw a re ( om pa ny /.■/■ illi>n .. . Suffolk. ~<vUr> PM 1 STRAIGHT O BOURBON jJrsL B j 2 51r aight ; .15 $3.40- ML Bint Qt. ' ** W-Mi QfcTllUftt :• kwa fumofs Notional Distiller* Product* Corporrtion, Nev York, N. Y,* 86 Proof make a mistake. “It won’t l)e Solved by extrem ist-, radicals, pressure groups or impractical ideal ists,” he said. STKONC I*OINT A strong point in the North Ca rolina argument for time and local authority, taken from the Attorney (leneral’s brief, is: “Os course, this (Supreme) Court may not allow it.' decisions 'as to thi- interpretation of the Con stitution to lie Riiided by public o|)inion. hut, in determinimr the decree to he issued, a ci'Ul't ot equity is not required to shut its eyes to reality, especially when the victims of an unwise decree will he childri'ii . . . ' Eden May Attend Old Church’s Ceremony Sir Anthony Eden, British for eign-. Secretary, hopes to attend the reiledii-ation of Old Trinity Kpisi'o ptd. Clturch. Dorchester. Md„ in lor.rr. Theodori* R. Mcßeldin. <;•>%• tn or of Maryland. ;in<l fornur C. S. SeMa'or Oeorue 1.. Kadeliffe. ehair man of the citureh restoration eoni mittee. extended tile invitation. Sir Anthony has replied th.t he “.will make every ■ Ifort to he tit- re ..." Sir Anthony's interest in .. .Ohl A ' ' NEXT TIME VISIT... I . A. . ." -.’ HILO OYSTER BAR F R ESN Rose Bay Oysters STEAMED TO SUIT YOUR TASTE! Also Western “A” Steaks FRIED CHICKEN AN!) ALL KINDS SEAFOOD AND SANDWICHES 2 Miles W est on Ik S. (i 1 Williamston, N. U. d— - -J Trinity, believed to lie the oldest !church still standing; in the state, ■ stems from his family's participa tion in the early history es Mary • anil. The British leader is a des a'cndant: of l .ord Baltimore, found .t-r of the Mai.v land colony. An other: ancestor was the hist colon ial iToveriior ot Maryland. Old Trinity, built before 10f>0, stands»n the: shore of Church Creek, an irilel of Che.-apeake Bay tell injfos hotoVv • anihritltte. Keep On The followiup letter w.'i - receiv ed recently, by a concern that. 1 manufactures corn syrup: “Dear Si I .-: lihoimh I have tak en six Cans of your eon: synip, tny feet are no hi tter now than they ttctv. before 1 started;” IMMWWVVWWVN'VV -<wwwwwwv HALSEY Q Q W = eTg lld UJ |f:Y* U STORE

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