UXLY NEWSPAPER PI HUSHED IN CHOW AN COUNTY - - Volume XXI.— Number 50. * Legion Proposes John Holmes For N. C. Commander Ed Ilond Post Votes Unanimously For Nomination At it.- fogujar iheoting Thursday,j Dccmnbef H. Kdwanl (1. Ilond Post No. IP of tin* American Legion vot-J <*d iin.iiiiniously to place in nomi- : nation for tin position of Coin- ’ rnaiidor of tin* North Carolina lie- I partnient of tin- Ajnorion-rv Legion . for tin- term 11 1 (>sfl th.- Mann- of John A. Holmes. Mr. Holmes. Superintendent of Krl ♦ •nfon City Schools and a \» t - eran of World War 1. i- at pres? ent. (’oinmander of tin- Kdw.ml G. Ilond Post, and is also Division Commander of tin- First Division, State Regent Guest At Meeting Os DAR i Choral Group Sings, Group of Christ- J mas Carols T!i.- Fdenton T*• ■ 1 ',"ii-i \ < '•vrj»t'*r ■ of th.- X.SiD.A.K. on \VVfltros-l day. IViViniuT K- it thb hopji* of| Mr.-. A. It. Mrs; (•. A. K■ *i iiodlo. S' i».- !b- Grcnt. gavv* up inspiring t .* ill< bn - I*.A.l*. Work whieh is bring married on in N’ ■*rt !i Carolina and «• fh* • r shit<.v>. Shr* gavo ;jn inir ay-! * '’"lint of Ivor n-n ml \ isit t«> (*r«>><- rmrr. th • ■ North (’:ir“jina -•‘hobl. a hirlv i.' p.trt'ollv .-u ptmrl* <1 1»v flu*' l>.A.i:. M' K,tm,ol,y ,1 1,,-r; talk with :i rhrillengo t<> inemhirs to! Uphold fho.ir right - under tin* eon-' stiliit ion. -:n«l to. 1m . - I># i.-* 11 \ thankful for lif. jp , kind where ’ freedom reign-. A rhbral group Tirol, r 'tli»• «ji-iw fion <»! Mrs. Mary I Grow ping, sane a nunil» r of 'Christ nia » minds. n**ljri«»us refre-hment- w.i. -or- Ve(] by tin- ho-toss. Jaycees Sponsor Turkey Shoots Affairs Planned Fri-, day and Saturday Dee. 17 and 18 Kdontpn’s Junior Fhambbr of, ( 'omnuTiv Svil-1 sponsor a ('hrist mas lurkoy shoot. wlijfh will !»*• hold j Friday and Saturday nights. I)y-1 comber 17 ami IS; startirig at 7' .o'clock. Tip* hoots \v ill Ik* In hi a: F. F. j Ward's firm on tin- Suffolk high-* way. Shell- will W furnished for/ the* sllOCft ami you may use your , t’Wll gun. 'Five Ja.yrer- are hoping < many will attend tile shoots. ; Agent Employment Security Commission Scheduled Be In Eden ton Second Wednesday At Various Places In District to Be of Service In September tlii' Social Security Act was changed bringing protec tion to approximately pii million more America ns, including self-em ployed farmers, under the old-age and survivors insurance system. Persons interested in learning more about these provisions or in ' filing a claim for benefits should get in touch with their nearest dis- j trict office. The district office rif the Social ! Security Administration. 220 \V. Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk 10. i Va„ serves all counties east of the i Chowan Hirer,', while tile office at j 116 South Franklin Street. Rocky I Mount. V. serves all counties! immediately smith and west of the | Chowan River. d"' \ | A representative from Norfolk THE CHOWAN HERALD -* Wt* -> *■ m JOHN A. lIOI.MKS t.onipKsjnf-f the Mortlnastern sector of North Carolina. He has provi mi.dy served five terms as Com mander "f the local Post:, six terms n> its adjutant, and two terms as Pistnet Commander. Talent Show Will ; Be Staged Tonight • Performance In Ele mentary School at 8 O’clock I night tThur.-day) in th.- Kd'-n : »u Kl«'m*‘nt:*ry School auditorium' jth * Tri-Hi-Y Club *.f the Kdenton 1 1 Junior-S. ni.irUigh School will pr**-1 -••iC a talent -how. Tin- proceeds 1 'of tin- -how will go hpo th*- K*l» , n-j -tun swimming pool fund. Four awards will go to tin* w 11V • in ? lie shovvb first and Sfcond .pri/.- to each of tip* High School ; n*l Kb-meptary Scdidol groups. Gold medallion- will be pnx-oh't-e'd | * 1 r-t pri/.-- svimi'-j-s with silver.-me id.ilb'oii- gi/ing t<» second pri/a-win-j nor-. 11. \. Camp**n ha*- ,agr.***d to .•• ng • ■ 1 •• • - *>f tb*- wbin.-rs .••it Die. re.'<jailio’n's. Among tho.-*- w ho u iH part icipate ji tb. show ar*- David Wiley, Fo ley Wiley, Charl.mne Carnell. Mary Ib 11 ’ . Faiuela Ashley, Cluulc Dar p*‘t. ’Ferry- Wright. Rav Ward.* Fat-y Mooney. Yickey IJoyd. Bar • barn Spme.-r. petty Rowell. Mary j , I.«-gg'*»tt Drowning. K\**lvn Bunch.j Anna F'artin. Fri-.*illa Duncli. I Iron- 1 da M -oia y. Linda Leary. Arthur , VC/;.-. D* nnie Harr.-11. Fag** Cav- \ .ton and Jazz Band. Turkev Shoot By Oak Grove Club S ll> >n• r.-< 1 liy t It- •> < k (|pn < j Homo Dem.iivstration Club, a tur-: ; key -hoof will b.* held Satinvl.TV. i D'-ivinb. r In. from 2 to 10 I'. M.! ’’l'll.- -hoof will he held at the Dak Grnvr ConvnVunity Buihiitig. 1 - .. • - Christmas Program Sunday At Yeopim 1 “'Flu- Life of Christ." a Christmas I )>r**gi.im will ho pre.-ento*l in tire Yeopim .Baptist Church Sunday! 1 night. December 19. at 7:3() o'clock. Music will be under tho diroot inn . of th* pa-tor. tjie R**V; Fhilip H. Qiii'lloy, who invites tlir* public tr* attend. may he contacted in Kdenton at tin.-, I'niploymeiit Security Commission office monthly '.on t li*- second Wed nesday at 0:00 A. M.: in ■ Hertford : at t.ho Welfare IVnartmet!t month ly en the. second Tuesday. at 10:00 A. M.; in Ibiza herb City at tin- em ployment S e c u r i t y Cominission , weekly on Tuesday at 100)0 A. M.: and ill Mantro. at the Community : Tliiildinir monthly on the third Wed- j : nesday at 0:00 A. M. t A representative from lioeky Mount may . be Contacted in Alios-I j kie at 11:00 A. M.; in the Municipal J Building on the second and fourth: ! Frida vs; in Columbia at 11:00 A. Im.. in the Agriculture Building on i tile third Tuesdays; in Miiffrees- ' ilioro at 2:00 P. M.. at the Town ' : Hail on the fourth Friday: in Ply-' i mouth at 10:20 A. M., at the Court I House on the first and third Mon-* jdays; and at Windsor lit 11:00 A. !M„ at tin Court House on the see -1 ond and fourth Mondays. Kdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday. December lb, 1954. 160 People Attend j Chicken Barbecue Held At Oak Grove Proceeds Used to Li quidate Indebtedness On New Building j Over 1 f*o people enjoy, d a d«- | |ieious har*rwe dinner at ; tin* Oak ! (Irove Community 2*tii 1 *U jjvr mi Kri j»la\ night., Tin- Oak < 1 rove limn-- | Pemmist ration <Tnh, ns.-Vt'od by Home Agent Miss Hattie Sint: I**- f-taTv, staged tin- harbeeue t•» help toward completim; the expense of the tn-w copiai'inity building. T.ho Uarb< -cuing "f Dm chick- ns w;i> con, 1 jricted .a- a demonsti I'Totr f..r coin-! , niiinit \ e foujis; Poultry, Specialist M . G. “Andy** ' Andrews supervised tin* dempnstra * * imi. Visual aids specialist, Landis Bennett, assisted ::nd took pictures •of tin* various o per: it ions. Filey' * plan }<» use some of the-*- pictur.es in a tuw Fxtension Bulletin which w ill e\i»|ain how fd b:n’n»cue chick-: * n for both conummily and family [groups. 'l’li* ini'!] old \‘. om--n .*f. the com munity cooperated in the enterprise !alld e\e. lletlt . omi.-iat i«»ll -tefl. ■: Kighty-.-jx* fry ; *:g si/.* chickens i w»• r• * cut into halve-. The halves i wei*** placed on‘the wire with skin - s*d.* no i<> tart with. As seen as they were s, -a-ivd tin y were turn ed and mopped with barbecue s iMCe. Tjie - truce wa - prepared hv the la - J j *b* > according to the roPonTmeirdod J recipe. Turning and monping eon-' 11i n t ied until fh< ehickVnf; W'‘Y/» well ! done. The flintier a- -OT-e.d ill tin meeting room of tin* Community Building. Soft Christmas musicj furnished lyy an electric r card plaver rul'd ed an excellent back ground for the occasion. Facto plate was decorated with a burning 'small | r«-d candh >tuok in a marslunallow. i Hot rolls, butter and a salad went well with the delicious chicken. A. varied enuyer- at ion with happy; - -miles -.rul'd laughter indicated that' • •veryteie was having a good time. Among those participafing in the barhccue pj-.-parati<m were Mr. and' .Mrs. Percy Nixon. Mr. and Mrx • F.ltM-rt P*-*-|e. Mr. and Mr-. Jimmi* , Bunch. Mr. and Mrs Limveod Pan**.! jM r. md Mrs. Carlton PrivUt. all, jof tile Oak ( i j'i »vc lion*. p.-onm -♦ration Clu’o. and many others.* .M i If a?*;. Singletary. Hob Marsh. Jand Charlie Ovi rmati were there j helping and eating. t<«*». Such an ; occasion help- to build good coin-. | munity -pipit and the U\ten-ion 1 Agent:- recommeiul it for other ! rt.itmminities. Chowan High Glee Club Will Present Christmas Concert The (ib-«- Club of Chowan High S« •h o o.| wi 11 pn•s i*n t it -a nun nl' < jChri-tma- concert iii the Chowan < High School auditorium.- tonight ; I (Thursday), at K «/clock unilcr the * leadership and direction of Miss , . Cce.’lia \Villonghhy. i Much time and effort has been ; put forth to make, this a delight fid evening of Christmas singing. The j public is coidiaMy invited. VFW Auxiliary Plans J Hold Christmas Party Members of th,> William H. Cos v field.. Fast. No. '.'/sm. V.et'M-ans of Foreign Wars, and the VFW Au xiliary pill hold a Christmas par- < ty in the \’KW homo Saturday i night. December'lS, from !) ob-loeh 1 b> midnight. Gifts v\ ill b«' ('ych;»nged hy ‘lie ladies during the evening. Combined Choral Groups OfEdenton , Schools Present Candlelight Service Many Gather In Elementary School Audi* ' torium Sunday Evening - to Hear Splendid i Program of Christmas Music ( nmbinvfl cliornl irroups of th«j . Edontorx schools presented do- 1 lightful eruidh light Christmas Carol Service Sunday aftornoon at 5 ; o'clock, whon tin 1 soarious aiidi- j Morium was almost filled. Mrs. M iry l.oggcfl npiwmn.ir di lfM-tod the groups, with Miss Alary; la gyrott Riownilijr ;ua*ompanist and I Carrollls Speaker AtßPWClubParty In Honor Os Bosses About KM) Attend Af fair In Dining Room At Masonic Temple An enjoyable affair \y:is held Thur-day night it the Masonic. Temple, when approximately 100 persons attend' d the anHual llbsses* Nigjit Christmas Party staged by the- Kdenton Huviness arid Profcs . sion.'l Wom-'i/s Club. Mrs. Ad* laid' Che.--on,■■-prrsjde.pt.; pit-bb d and the party nppipvd with tlyo singing of Amenta, led hy W. 'j. Daniels, 'File invocation was . given by (Jus Hilghc-s. (lifts w.*r** tin n cpien' d and fo|j«vp’ng ‘i -ion <d’ horn blowing ami gaiety, -t •dvlioimis turkey ilinni !* with all the ; ♦rimming.- was served by members «»f the Kastern Star. Mrs, Mvr'io Cut hr* 11. \\Hi» was in eharg'i. of tliM program. n-k<\d Mrs. I.epa 1.e.-iry to call the roll -o mnn hers of tin club could introduce flicir gueshs. K. W. Spire-. -.;».*• b ing in behalf of the gpe-t-. tlriirk.-' • d the 'members for tin-iv invit'ition. The program \\as then turned over To M White, who intro duced tin- principal speaker, the Rev. 11. N. Carroll, pastor of tin Kijonton Daptist Clmrch. Mr. C-irfpjl delivered a mo-it in teresting -arid inspiring talk on “The M- aning of Christmas. ’’ “We ijo n<o know when tip* ol>s"rvanec of (Tliristnias was ongihated.V he said. “It did nnf- begin with the birth of Christ. Tin l first festival l was observed about 100 year- later and probably originated rn the Ro man Cathnfio Chprch to take away ! some pf th* pagans, who were oh serxing an evil and rowdy event 'round the same time as we now citserv** Clui.-tmas. " I b r«> - - iio scriptural feachmes t.v observe Clinstnias or P-i-t.*r. but . T think wa- should celebrate tin birth of .Christ eai-h day. Cjifi-t - mu - ha- a different aneaninig for J different' people. Ch'ildr*-n like • Christmas- for tin* gifts Sa-nVa . bring.- th*m. For tlie- bu-ines- nn*n. 'it m- an- more money. It i- a good time for distilh-r- and pick pocket.-. \nd t.» -onn it nn-a n- * burd. "i 1 .and expense. “Christmas -hould he , day of retnimlani-e of tin- manger, the t Chr:- # Child, and tin* \ngels. It -hould he a time of worship, a .-pe ci.d day of r»*ferenee t" fejjou niTii. so |i\ iside petty differences and -haring with our fellowman. It i- a tinn- to manifest our love for (• oil. It should h.* a- pec ial day of examining op r own: lives and ri sea. -on t*> liav.* our fives and minds cent* !, d on ('hrht." M rs, Jane Hnlnu's <i. lighted the group with a pi.*eselvt'?iti«iii of Chri-tmas r* adihgs, after which sin- was joined in tin- singing <>f “Sjlent Night/ 4 The party was concluded with 'everybody -iaging several Cliristinns songs. An *n joyalde program of organ music was pres-nted tin* even ing by Mrs. .lack- Mooney. -• ./ •. .. " ■f' -V / ; I Early Next Week] Dm- to tho (hri-.tinas holidays Th,- Herald is planning to appear a day earlier next week. I'stiaUy K<>- intr lo press Wednesday, the pap<-r « ill no to press Tuesday next week, so that all advertising and liens articles must he in the office not later than noon Monday. 'Bobby Smith narrator. Tin* pro- ; | gram was very tnu'rh nnjoyrd by tb<* largo audience and brought a | groat doll of favonihie rommont. I The* program includod: ! “O Litth* Town of Petiilolu ni.” j | B:ulw*r. “Lot All Mortal Klosb Knop Si llom-f.” Crouch Carol, by Sonioi | Open House V ; / Mom hers of the li«Mli-«»f i Church cxlciul a cordial imitation to the people of Kdenton to attend * open house at the parsonage oil West Gale Street tonight (Thurs ilay) from S' to in o'clock. 'File occasion i- planned to gi\e the people of the coiniuiinity an op. • port unity to meet and become ac i <|iiairtwl with the'. Kei. and Mrs. .1. Karl Uichard-am. Contributions For Stocking Fund Lag i • • Apoeal Is Made For Clothimc, Toys and Food i St; l/rpll's I*. ri b lb"'-- i lillf ' i r . with act'ivit v. T!i«*' v "Ui*g i" *»»*1«• ■MD* bp -y making hiindn'd.-...« Fbtb- j red -*.»<•!'ing- for s;ib* «.n I >.-<•«*m- j ' , b.-r ] s and -*1- Coil) I -pi lee.tors are J befng T'iadc fio* pla«--m«'nt ill a . numb.-r '*f husin«*ss e-taldisluiTents , iu the ••minty and other mat* rials - •;!•*• hi*rng gat her*-d for u-i- in Till ing th* ("ariisf ran ; hdx* -. Within •i f# -,v v • /■ ryicir*' U.-aeu-* ■ hi rs will coiUmrt a'! -1 or**.s fi»r e. *n. | tributi'dis .»f clothingi toys and! ■ fluid that can ho n-*d f«- r tli* limp-' ty Stocking Fund. All persons 'v h" want h• I • thi Christma- fi"m th-- I'mpiy. St«»<*k- V mg Kurd are .asked *■» call file -Ref. < GmMdn D. Ib'tinetT. r*'etor of St IViul:*- < '-m.-.-'-i. r>Xi, pr hi:- •• f:.-- phoiie 25.1.-.\\\ In V , ; t nr'-sid* nt nf VF’Sf. at “*/*- \V. No t . ppb’cat i"M> '"ill h* •"•'•••pS-d aft.-r. 1* . mb.-r Is. If n--ary f.» • kn«ev th< need- of th*- fritnili* s in t ord. r to p roti. ri y prepare the box- ♦ c \ • U *»pb* ..f Chowan County ar** ' a-k' d I" rib- any tot - they do not t ' ti.*«•• 1 to tlio !•“r»* Deoartnient as '• soo'n a< pos-ihb*. in o'rd.T that di*-y i ix,in be reprtired. Clothing and food mail In- left at tin- 10-cfory or I’.ar- a . i.-h H'»u-, : If tlie-.* thing- cannot i b.- debver.Mi. .--ill Mr. Dennett <»r / Mi-Tia. ! Malonv* and arrangement - «■ will be mad** for picking up con-. ' tribut ions. “Fleas.* d«* not wait.” I .-ays Michael Malone, “the -o.mer j welrivf .all c.mt ribu* ions and funds in, tin- better 'prepared we wall be to ma.ko this another wonderful Ch.ri-tni.a- for 'those persons who need <m.r help. As m.-inh-r- <>F 'Die Christ j ; *i:ri. family. \yc are re- J -pon-ibl • for our less fortujiufe hj-i tin-, n, rcg.Hr«ll<*ss of rac.* f r-nv.l or color, W. appreci.it.- so much the int. r.-st shown thu- far this y.-ar. although w.- have just about one.thin! as much now as we hud , 1 a-t year at th. same time.*’ Legion Dance Will Be Held Saturday t l.dwanl (J. Ilond Fos't. No. 10. ) "f Dr \m.T'ir:m L. gion will spon_ -or "ii. of it- c. gula r done.-- S.at-'\ unlay night in th.- I • giop lint from - f* to 12 o'clock. Dane*- will b»- t held .-very Saturday night except on Christmas day. s M u sic for the'dance i- provid' d c by tlie Clio wan Rainhfer- .and last 1 Saturday night in th. noighhorhooil r of 100 'people aft-ehded, a i High School Chorus. “1-0. How a Rost* IT***r lHotuning,” Prattorius, by Senior High School Chorus. “found Nous Emm lb awn." Hush, by Junior High School Choir. , “Honodiettis.” Gounod. Ivy Sonior ; High School Chorus. ! “A Star Was His <'mdl<‘." d<*l 1 Kiogo. bv Klomoti.ary School Clan*-' i ! US. | “Allgels Wo Have. Heard 'en •' j High.” Old French Carol. by Juie er High School Choir. “Gesu Bamhiiiii,” i Metre V on, liy J | Masons Will Hold Public Installation Os Officers Friday Public Invited to At tend Ceremony at 8 O’clock At hi emergent communication; • f I’n'n.iinity Lodge No. 7. A. F., A. M.. . ailed for Friday night. 1 >**- eei|di'*r 17. offi.-.*r- will l»e installed, t ~ ;»'iblic iii-t.a.llaf ion ivr.-mony.' 'Fli.* lodge w ill rn»-ef at 7;MO «/c|o(4< ’ ; o i ran-aet r. gillar hu-ite-s and :it S o’clock-file public is invited to fie, i»r» s. nt to -.-witness the in-t.'dlatioTi ] Cefihnoiiy. Ossie r - to br- in-t:db 'l an- C. \V. ' ( )v.-rmah, ma-t.-r; larnest K.-liax'es. - fii"!* w.rd*n; William . Ada.i’n.-, j jiuii/U w;i)d**n ; K. If. 1 .c/ir>. 1 \ n r« r, nd I."’il - t Jeorg** Wilkins,; -'•eret-ry. • N w 'eTic : '-r |»4m»int• by t h.; new t rna-t.r. who will al-.o !>• installed, j in-led. : D-ni.-l Ib-av.s.*uinr d* a-. • oh; Ibai'-t .1. Ward. Jr., junior deacon: Tlion'ia.- Krain*i-, ■ .senior -te-'.v i* 1: .1 m**> Doinl. junior st» w ■id ; Mcl\:i\ Wa-Kington, /ib a . and; , William S. Frivott. marshal. D. K. Gi'uit of Windsor, oast- dis- 1 . rict *loputy (irirnl Ma.-t, r. w ill .in .-ha I g of th.- iii-talla’ i"Ti e.*r>'- : |. ipoiiv. Santa Is Likely To Miss Some People (iifts Sought for Old Non-Family People In County Mr-. .1. H. McMuilfiri. .-uperinteh-: ( dept of -pul.ilic- welfare, re|)orts that [ the)*.- al’> 'jllit * I few* old non- j, La'mily people in Chowaati Countyij who will n.. doubt be mi--.d by;; Sa nt a f bail.*- a}hl« -s com*-- j, to their re-«aje Mr-. McMullan i- afraid that So-• j . ui.-e « ontrihutions arc lagging for <. th* Kmpty Stocking Fund, not a.- • many families will he tak*-n *• ' thi- y- '.v. -o that if anyone who' < wa.-li* -t" tak • . r.• **f an\ Md non-'F family- people, -h- will ho g’ad to*, i»i*«• xi•i• - tin nann-.s by t*-l**]»Jion- • * ing SG. Fo.ol. clotTiing. -lio.-. h.-ddingjl and the like will h« 1 1» make a few i" more j)‘*bpie happier if donated t-> j i tin* Kmpty Stocking Fund "r T*yj ***vntn<;ting M rs. McMull Most Stores Plan To Close Dec. 27th Start Monday, Decem ber 20, to Open at Nights A' . tU’ding to .1 .* >- • lla i r 11. \\ }•* hunts Com? mitt**.*, th. majority of IM. rdon 1 a..r - will close on Christmas day and r* main rlo-.-d until Tuesday morning. December Howevi-r, tin st«»re> will r*main open New Ye.-.rV Day. Saturday. January 1. Ml store. 4 except grocery -tor. s will b.-gin to remain op.-n at nights starting Monday. December 20, un til !♦ o'clock through Christmas • v.*. Tin- majority "f tin gr*.r.*ry .-t*»re- will r.-main open until J o’clock Wednesday and Thursday, December 22 and 2T. but on Christ-j litas ev.-. December 24. xvill clo.-e at F» F. M. Senior High School Chorus. “Come With Torches, Jeanette,J Isabella,” Old French Carol, by Kie-! merit ary School Chorus. “Noel Nouvelet.” Old French Carol, by Junior High School Choir. “Cod Bless the Little Things." I 1 Hatch, by Flemontary School Chor-| us. 1 “The Lord's Prayer,” Malotte, by j Senior High School. “O Holy Child of Bethlehem,”; Radnor. The auditorium stage Was beau-' | lifuTly' decorated for the occasion. i 82.00 Per Year In North Carolina Telephone Official Presents Reasons For Boost In Rate ! USO Attendance] x / At a m<‘**ting of tin* USO ('oin mittee Monday night at llotvl Jo seph llrwrs Airs. It. Ib Kadham. assistant director, reported at ’ tendance during November was I,* 2JO and that 7f> hostesses serv*-d 200 hours. .Miss Hattie Jerkin reported that at the colored t'SO Club the at tendance was 172 and I,M» hostess, es sorved 100 hours. 11 wa- vof«sl to hold regular monthly meetings the second Mon day right in each month at 7:15 o’clock instead of the first Mon day. Miss Ivsther lloh«»wskv w ns «*l«*ct :ed to succeed Mrs. Gordon Bennett as secretary. Red Men Oyster Roast Changed To Jackson’s Radio Repair Service . • , —— j Next M nd • D» tn'l 20, nt 7 "’.-lock Ch<Avan Tribe nf : : M • • : !i :»• free oysfoy •• -■ Tb-- o f.faii ■ ill h. hi hi at i Tlio'ti'i'i-* Juck-oiiV R: id i" Repair Slum bfi Wc.-'t Kdenton Street in *.-f***id of th** :*.-:ii*''i‘ mill on D-ik.um j I;Str«’ct ns prevjo:u?ly anridunoerl. th D. Hbiipwelh sachem of t.l - /tri.hc. urge- .-very m.-mbm* to !n*: j present. civic calendar); I nanimity lawlcc. NT>. 7. A. F., .V V. M„ m ill have a |)iihlio instal lation of officors for in thf Masonic Temple Friday nitrht. He- 1 remSer 17, at ** o'clock. Kdenton'- Varsity Chlh will hold \ its annual Christmas dance in the! armory Saturday nieht. December! 25, hesrinninc at Spiff o’clock. j Count v and Town offices will ' close for the Christmas holidays 1 Thursday night, December 23 and rf'ofvui Tuesday morning, D«*cemher 2Stto. Christmas program. “The Life of; Christ” will bo presented at th**: Yeopiin Baptist Church Sunday night. December 19. at 7:30 o’clock., Chowan d rib** of R**d Men will : stage a fr«*e oyster roast Monday ’ night, December 2<t. at 7 o'clock at Jack-on’-* Radio Kapair Shop on West Kden Stre«*t. Glee Club of (how an High, School will present its annual; Christmas concert tonight (Thur-- f day) at s o'clock in the school au ditorium. Tri-lli-Y talent show tonight (Thursday) at * o'clock in the Kdenton Klementary School audi ' torium. l'nanimit> lawlg**. No. 7. \. F.. A. M„ will hold a stated com munication tonight (Thursday) at) (Continued on Page Fhght) Postmaster Chestnutt Urges Use Os 3-Cent Stamp To Mail All Christmas Greeting Cards Postmaster .1. L. C.h< stnutt be-i lie-, e. tlrat with a three-c. pt stamps Christmas cards will win mor. friends arid influence .more people than if they ate mailed With a tvo c.-pt stamp. "First-i'ias> no.-tag.he explains “is the best Yuletide insurance you ,<aii get. With it your greetings . will be processed-: and delivered :quicker. And they’ll be forwarded, or returned, if it. becomes fteces- 1 { “This eliminates any worry about whether or.not your season’s! j greetings were received. Vour own : return address on the envelope will help .others keep their address! hooks tip to date. Then, too, Christ-! mas cards sent with three-cent ! stamps may carry written mess-! ! ages, a custom everyone enjoys.” None of these postal privileges ( jtny authorized at the third-class ! rates. Moreover, Christmas card ; envelopes smaller than 2N ” x 1” or | larger than !»" x 12” require enii c llation by hand, and must, carry ifirst- class postage. 1 * ‘ ‘ HELP FIGHT TH BUY CHRISTMAS SEA I.S 4* I L. S. Blades, President. Presents Figures at Local .Meeting While ;>o little pbj*** tipn In * beep raised c*mternjhi! th** pr.*pos;d of ; tin* Norfolk & CaroJiiu! T b-phono A T..'l»>graph (b*mp:my to in<-re.asM ( the t.-lephon** r.*tt.-s. .-..nip. r 1 1 j v:«* 1y : few [>.*oj)h- .itti rid***'l :i spf*(.i;d m*'**t ing of Town Council h<-ld 'l'lnirs • day mnrning f*»r a conO-r.-ne*' with ■t» D*|>h• *ti • roiiinany offuTnisi Pres.‘lit 'it th.- m*.-ting uxas I>. s>. TKado-, Jr., rejuv'S'-nting th* t*-b*- plnm* .-ohip;ipy. win* ]>?-.-<.-nt**d a ■*r- :* sett ing »*ut reasons why this [.company should; he allow - .-/! .to in cr.-as" its rates bv t.ho North Caiv olh.n I’il/i.- Oiiumissinn. In this rogar.L Mr. [Hades r**a*l tli*- f«'ll"wing in*. pa.r«-*l pap**r:. "1 be Norfolk " x*. Caro [in a T* ; h*- . ph«.»n<» X* T' legraph. (.'*»., .whi« li *»p. (‘rat-os in your borne localky- r*-- » 2 retthat • "■ con. i »‘c* ssa ry be ask th*-- North •C i!*olina T'i ilit ie-j r rnn • • ah'*n* I** nt.il rate-. The Companv bb tli* s t p. rli ■i *- you would IJ U* - .e. kfuAV ‘vhy.this has becorhh jioc • • s:i rv and. 11 u-.r-f...r*-. ' w*.• a r<• tak ing thi- rn./ins to diar«- with you • our prohb-m. , "M fir-t w^i n't to point out to von that th.- Tcl»‘:plu : m** Coinpany ha- only asked for two small in ■ creases n: the pa-t thirty-tw** years, /wtoieh. iogether. resuTtefl at tin* tim* of th*- rat*, incre'ise. in n- net - in of **nh bout $37,000 •nnually, and that th** teh*phone ' suhscrilver ’public in th.- f'-rritojev ■' s< rvi do now -. *.. i jn * ton past ie.’ ■ b vip fifed x' iy from the low rat*-- charged and .the Com pany*- economical management. Although "" v - v " had only MW'II rat*' in.-r.-rises in the pa-t thirty-t\y.*> y.- ir-. fly’'-- ar.- -. \.-r,*d "th.-r T.-bnhon.- Corninrijes jn North (’arobn : w hich Ir v, had f-iv»- or six; rai.- in.-r 19 18. Tb* - inerv-a'.-e- **» ofh**r T*h nh*>n** Conuia ?d..*s : n th* S* *.- •;r.- •-♦i 'm it--«T to a mount », \*t. ’mb bb.n s of • I«» 11: * I < -"m pa rod t o our rat*-.s W'hi.ch we, 11 It *l*. *•' i.-i -d ;i - -ihov.- • ••I hy* only >“7.00U irimnllv. Tb.it as of 1 )«*c.*nih*-i - ’’• 1. F* Id. the Teh*- ' nhene .Cc.mnany ha*l 4*la’nt in :-.-r --ii'P of v sp;;,:; j:. ind -"f Sep* ’••mb. r .“.O. 1!»'.!. ‘ had lOfr,- - SIS.M-o plant, m "-*-i • b*. . hr 19 1B ; ’!)•' < ’•impany had 5.792 st tjons. In I S-'i.?* in].*er. 19b 1. tie ('ompaTvy had ! .10.TT.’I .-tat... 11-. or. 1 tobal.of 1.981 j stat ion- gaim-d. ’lb* ex pand and ; impr-nc !' .. ; litie- during this • peril.**!', of tim* . :t wa- n. ; c*‘s-iry i to issue -lock aiul. bond.-, ina-miieh this expansion could not have Ib* n accompli-hed /through aiul by tho -mail iivcr. a.-e of.' r i?. - above 1 mention.**!. : “Th Nurt h 1 1 1 ITtilit i**-? | < 'omrui-.-ioti. w Inch will have the res)»on<ihilit.y of passing on | the-.- rates, • ha- adopt.-*! \arioiiM (Continued from Fag** Five)' "8.-eail-. of all these reasons.’ 1 the Post piaster added! “it's import ant not to 1“ •penny wise and pound r..olisTi Wh.-re t'hrislmaj cards are Von." rued. Most people • realtor this, evidently, for the vol ume of fir.-1 -class and air inai! stamps being sold ha- increased." • Lqiially important is the n. ces -1 spy feip early: mailing. Christmas cards addressed outside the state .'should be mailed not later than to day (Thursday!. Local delivery re. ■ quires mailing at.least a week he ; j fore Christmas. Postmaster Chestiiutt. urges ev» jervoiie to tie their Christinas cards •Jin two separate bundles, with each ! address facing the .same. way. Them attach the postal labels marketl : “All for Local Delivery” and “All | for Out-of-Town Delivery." These (helpful tags are available at the Post Office, without cost, -ad % v ill l. shorten delivery time greatly. Parcel post, of course. should ha mailed even earlier. Tile Postmas ter recommends Deem.:,,a- to fog (Continued on Page t Hit)

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