PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. 3. EDWIN BUFFLAP —--Editor HECTOR LUPTON— —Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside State) One year (In North Carolina) li o- Six Months ZZ‘ Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934. at the Post Office at Edenton, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1951 A LIFT FOR TODAY I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.—-I Tim. 2:8. No faith, no holy living—no hope in this life nor for the life to come, without the constant outreach of our lives to God. Our Father, teach us to pray with complete trust in Thy infinite love. and give us open hearts to re reive Thy message. More Can Help Latest reports are to the effect that contri butions for the Empty Stocking Fund are only about a third as much had been received as was given last year at the same time. This is an unselfish service rendered by the Empty Stock in'; Fund in which unfortunate children and adults as well are remembered during Christ mas, thus making the celebration a little hap pier than would be the case without it. Then The Herald is reminded that there are j quite a few non-family people in ( howan Countv whose outlook for Christmas is ju>t about as bright as any other day. The Wel fare Department can furni-h names of this : group of people if anybody is willing to see that they are remembered on Christmas. Then, too, the more contributions, cash and otherwise, received by the Empty Stocking Fund, the more unfortunate people will he made happier on tHis the greatest of all holi days. Many of us can give at least a little , which will not even he missed in order to help make some unfortunate child or adult a hit hap pier and thus enjoy Christmas, a day of good cheer. We’re For Him While not a member of the American Legion, the editor of The Herald would, if he were, have no hesfiancy in endorsing John A. Holmes for the nomination of Commander of the State Department of the American Legion. Mr. Holmes is at present commander of the Ed Bond Post, which includes enough enthusi- j a-tie members to make their ambition known in State circles. He has filled just about every position in the local post, as well as in the district. The Herald, therefore, joins the Leg ionnaires in the belief that no better man than Mr. Holmes can be found in the entire State j to fill this position. If elected Mr. Holmes will, without doubt, bring credit to himself. Ed Bond Post. and the j entire American Legion organization in North Carolina. The Herald hopes local Legion naires will ,-ucceed in having their candidate nominated and, of course, elected. Let’s Be Careful It i> a tragic fact that 11.000 persons die ev ery year as a result of fire. Still more tragic i- j the fact that at least 2.000 are children, most of them under five years of age. Why are these little children so often fire's < victims? One reason is their utter helplessness as ha- j hies. If trapped, for instance, in a burning ! building, they are powerless to help themselves. Another reason is their inquisitiveness and lack of fear of fire. Since children spend most of their time at home, parents should teach them simple safety j rules and, above all. see to it that fire hazards J do not exist in and around the house. Every means possible should be used to em- i phasize the safety measures whereby loss of life and property can be substantially reduced Let us in this community assume our share of this responsibility and help make America safe from fire, especially during the Christmas sea son when happiness should be enjoyed rather than being faced with sorrow. All of us want to be popular but the price that one must pay is often exorbitant. The greatest effort made by many, workers is to look busy while doing nothing. The church and politics should not be mixed, but unfortunately they too often go hand-in hand. f It’s all right to think well of yourself, espe cially if you deserve it, but you needn’t tell everybody about it. Strange as it may seem, you are often wrong and the other fellow often right. • -c - If there were no pessimists there would be no optimists. , Heard & Seen By “Buff’* A- - 1 Peter Carlton, former secretary of the Eden i ton Chamber of Commerce, who is now living in Henderson wrote a brief letter the other day. “Lois (his wife) and 1 are thrilled over Eden i ton winning the football championship,” he j wrote, "mostly because the little kids as we ; know them have now become big men.” Then regarding the change in The Herald Peter con- j j tinued: “It is a sign of old age, no doubt, when i one wants to cling to the past. There was a | I certain class and difference in the 6-column j j Chowan Herald which set it apart from the i mass of papers. However, ‘the opinions cx ! pressed are not necessarily those of the editor l and publishers of The Chowan Herald.’ In ex- ! pression of continued interest and friendship j letters have been written to you and The Her- j aid. That you never answer and acknowledge ■ ( does not destroy the Christian fellowship, nor ' 1 continued friendly interest.” Well, a? for an swering letters. I believe I’m just about the world’s worst lately. , __ o Somebody this week dropped the following poem on rnv desk, which I think is very good. Here 'tis: Why arc the streets so bright today And every one so kind and gay ' It is because a peasant I,ad Caine to make us good and glad. 0 Mrs. Elsie Lee is staging a Degree of Poca- 1 hontas Christmas party at her home on the corner of Broad.and Church streets Friday | night and called one.of the members about dec j orations: “Well, just buy a bag of flour and .1 scatter it around the room to make a snow ! scene " she was told. Might be a good idea ; but here's one who wouldn't like to be on the ! ‘■'Scrubbing Cp Committee.” o • It was nothing -hort on the part of Ernest Kehayes when he had the Edenton State Class i A football champions as his guests at a fried: j chicken dinner Thursday night. He even, i pranced around the room asking the hoys if j i they wanted any more chicken i something tm-! • usual at a banquet i. Anyway Jimmv Harri ! son noticed a lot of cream puffs and pie on the table at the rear of tire room, and replied. "No, thank you. I'm saving a little space for that dessert.” • Then the Rev. James MacKen zie asked if he could come hack later in the evening and eat more. “You surely can." said | Ernest, ‘ hut you'll have to pay for it then." Anyway, it'- hard to say if the champ- enjoyed the dinner any more than Mr. and Mrs. Ke haves enjoyed having ’em as their guests. < I Here's one who had a hot -eat the other day. , \ While speaking to Band Director Ernest Gen- j i tile in the office. I poked my pipe in my hip pocket and -at down to do some writing. I felt i something warm, which wasn't unusual for me. j but at that particular spot'it was getting hot ter and hotter. Then Mr. Gentile said. ‘ Watch . out, you’re burning " He was right, for a hole was burned in my hip pocket and underwear. (as well as part of my handkerchief. I couldn't j twist my neck enough to see if tny hide was singed, hut it felt as though it was. I ._ ,) I have on my desk a group of letters to San -1 ta Claus. I'm planning to print ’em next week, j j so tlie little folk- should see their letter in the I next issue of The Herald. Hope they get all I they ask for. C o A little while hack 1 received a letter from Mr: and Mrs. Fred W. Storm which is good j publicity for Edenton. Said the couple from j Cambria Heights. Long Island: • j.j “An accident happenedan your town the latter part ij : of August that we think should be brought to light. I “Unfortunately we were involved in an accident on \ i Highway 32. in Edenton. Being 100 some odd miles ; I from home. Car disabled and my wife with a badly injured foot, needless to say things looked very black for us. I.ike a bolt out of the blue, one of your resi dents. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hogcard appeared took ; my wife to the hospital and secured lodging for us j at the Triangle Motor Court, where we were treat ed most graciously. While there we were visited daily by the Hoggnrds. “We feel we have made life long friends With Mr. 1 and Mrs. Haggard and our simple thanks is not suf ficient. Your town of Edenton should be very proud.j of such good people—it surely was ‘Southern Hos- j pitality’ and. a public ‘Thank You’ is certainly due j them.” 0 With some of our local sportsmen going ] hunting and every time coming home empty- j handed, maybe they ought to try their luck at j some of the group of turkeys shoots already scheduled. But what in the dickens can a fish ermen do to make up for the times when even a bite is its scarce as hen’s teeth? o Somebody is due some congratulations for Edenton’s street decorations for Christmas. It’s very attractive, especially the bell ringing ef fect in the middle of the principal business sec tion on Broad Street. Rut what has become of the custom, of awarding prizes for the best in dividual decoration? THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16. IASI . », . . 1,.. w mi. tii i irm-- in rrwTy- "•' WTRRI 'm " MU EE atvAlN—Six of Use Army's milsspe usable members take oil on a training exercise , with mountain climbing troops at Camp Carson. Colo. Police Arrest 59 During November (Only Three Drunks In cluded In Number Arrested Chief of ' jhnlii* O* oTO 1. I hdl reports l-McnTon police made yj rmvstri clnrinir N’<»v.rnln\r. of -which .51 wore found guilty as cbflrpri*'. Os thosi .. t■* • 1 2" 1 were white rnaW, three whit* 1 so -1 mnlo.o, h:' oolmvd males and three colored fmnah’s, \lise»'ll.n!D o\i> tinffic arrests top ? po arrested..■ Fines nmounted t*» ?fiO(Y and eos-t> .? tt S. 10. or. ateta lof $ 1,,04 K. 11>. o f which .-amount s2W).7r> was turned : hack to; the town in way of ; : cons’ fees. Dutancf* the month police hm-mv r » d BN rails, inventiuatoil e-itrHt' ar- • ( idfvTvN. rdported larceny 'of on, an jtom*»hile, workt (1 four funeral-, re ! ported 2*2 liirh f s oht.. extondod ('0 icourtesies, found 1 !.doi»rs im!n< ke2dcita tions. The police ipade r»Nil radio calls arid were cm the air min , tit-os' and ."»> seconds. 51st Anniversary Os Powered Flurht Will I»e Observed Dec*. 17 Tlie 51st annivt-rsary of pnwert-ii fl-is Tit will he h>k, r\ >• th* North CarAlii Coast Dec •• • • IT with «*» r» monie< spojisoi.'d !»y th. \ir Ferny \ i:jr • • th* V *i->n jal Vr.rk Serv ... fin KdflVvfi H !> M* ”i"f •.! >.• o-ty. md fla V >rth f’arolir i 50th •A?iii i ’ 'Ts;ii \ r-eunus ' ,-ion it«d Id l:>.Vv Tlr’s year’s 1 .*» bdoatior, <»»« . snuilJcv s« (•* than tli.'it belli U 1 U.v: :■ < >’ J• \ * 1 . ( • n Anniv. • -ar> a' Fliuh*. Dlaee \V • • fh*.*»ld■ • - N ’ •• •• • K i • \ : • Kit t > Hawk, and at V • - ID ad. Miles (‘lark f 1! • • City jrhuirnrm of :!j, Kill I\ iI Hills M*'-mvrkil Snutfv announnd that | the proLM-am w ill include th. at>- ■ pea ranee of prominent aviation ficr - ' ures. a flyover' of military aircraft j at th*- W’rijrht Moimmept. wr.-ati’! layine at the monument, and a lunch.‘.hi at the Carolinian Hotel at \a-:- I 1 TLKKKV SHOOT DEC. 21 Karl Diivii'l thinvll will -p.ips./r i turk. y shim; Erulay. D...('..mbri 24. -Sarting .t Ip ii’riiick in tlv mart)ing. Th.- , will li,> bi-l.i i at 1 Motor Court "on thf Wind sor highway. Mr. Harivll rxt.iid a r.on.liul iilvitatio'h. to the g.-t'.-ral )iublir t,i attorn). I m WEEKLY PAYS FOR A FINE 6RUEH * The Precision Watch For beauty, accuracy, aftiS value, Gruen leads them all. You'll be a style leader, j 'PUP too, with a smart Gruen. ICAMPEN’S - EDENTON' I, 'IS / v MV v* yyf. / l " yj— * - .' Iha eaoB«rou« »ima of doy \w- >\ ,/ is when you .Sink you con too ,•> I s>' &a: sa*ttf . ] [ Health For All j Forl y-Ki gh I Ch rist in ases It was IS years ago. on December 7. tlMl.i, tliat tin first Christmas Seals Were sold ill the United States to raise funds to fight tu iieivulpsis. So. you tllOs. bright re.l and green Seals toll, have lie.-n putting *■ n your enve lope- haw a long iy. story. Back in 190.4. TB Was “The White plague." tile first no the li-t of muses of death. It had aiway i.eeii a part of man's history. To many it seemed hopeless to try FOR TODAY'S I OCAS IN FOOD KSSPZ&fr ! Cycls^sitic • NEW IDEAS of convenience with all-aluminum Roll-to-You Shelves. Put all food right at your finger tips. Another Frigidaire first. • NEW IDEAS in service. Ex clusive Butter Pre-Server keeps butter at safe temperature, slices and serves it in spread able pats. suf,--. ! Ralph E- Parrish, I nc. I “YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER” J . . EDENTON .y 1 anything, about it. What ."could! sony lit tie raps ~f paper do? Blit, to t ho-e who believed that TB was j not bon, --. those “scraps of pa-! per-" syrijbnlired.o new way of fight, n g df.-ea-e i'll ua-, they knew. a. i . iitag >ii- a-• i.->• caused hy germs j issed fniln 'a sick to the well. I ; 'l‘ made if eyeryliody's problem. | must yarn the facts j rbout it: Everyone's cooperation j wa.- needed t” cheek its spread. , Tlie Cliristnias Seal way of iisk-j small centributions from • : iye an opportunity I .I. a tin truth about Tl! to j omiti \. It gave mil- ' ■up..i'unity to eontribute r . " i An good as well as for • NEW IDEAS of economy with big, separate Freezer. Holds ufi to 47 pounds of food. Buy in quantity. K*ep it safe and good for months. • NEW IDEAS in space sav ing. Sliding Utility Tray and door shelves provide storage for smaller items. Everything at your finger tips. their neighbors. . In 18 years the Christmas Seal | fight against TB has not changed ; basically, although techniques have changed and improved with the ; times. Preventing TB is still the I major aim, and this is still done through education, through finding unknown cases of the disease, through efforts to keep the cured ! patient well, and through scientific I research into the nature of the 1 disease. Today TB no longer heads the) Want To Sell -CONTACT— Campen-Smith AUCTIONS - REAL ESTATE EDENTON, N C. Phone M l Phone 8 ft CUMBERLAND 1 CAP | Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey fM - ' ' THE ONLYcLEANER WITH A 5-YEAR ; WARRANTY *.V7 (km'iOv&.b THEW^stinghouse MERRY-GO-ROUND Powerful suction . . . easier A )f cleaning! Turns ’round on ’'" merry-go-round’ base—lets you clean in all directions. Tele- Only scopic tuhes lock at desired length. Cord winds upon whirl- $ Q a-way cord-reel. Hands never wm touch dirt—famous Toss- Away Bag. Compi«,» with Attachm*n,« [ ' '' - ‘ -• ./ ;‘ : ’N *•• : -'• ■ __ , - . ' ' . I YOU CAN 81 SURE... Westinghousc Byrum Hardware C®. „ “WE SELL ’EM” “WE FIX ’EM” SUFFOLK . EDENTON" ,11st of causes of death in the Unit ed States. Modern medicine ran cure the disease. Yet it kills 20,- 000 people a year. TB can be pre vented, yet it attacks 110,000 peo ple every year. One fourth of the American people are believed to carry the germs that cause TB in 1 their system. To protect you and | j your family the Christmas Seal j campaign must go on until TB is defeated. j; | TRY A HERALD WANT AD