// ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY k 1 A Volume XXI. —Number 51. Varsity Club Stages Christmas Dance In Armory On Dec. 25 Dick Levin and Or-; clicstra Will Again Furnish Music Ekb'iiton’s V:irsitv Club will stage! it.* aiimlHl Cliri.s-t.mas dance in the j Ed«pt«n armory Saturday nigh*.! December ‘-'5, beginning at 8:30 o'clock and continuing until mid-; night. M't ic for the dance will be fur-j pi-hod by Dirk I>*vin and. his or-! Ch'-stm. This group iris played for* several previous da pros in Kdriiton.j Slid was secured again this year by ] jpopular request. Reservations for tables ran be so. cured by telephoning 51!9-\V or 7*1.: According to reports a largo man ’ bor is expected to attend the dance. [ Aces Down Chowan; By Score Os 53 To 411 Doth Teams Taking! Time Our During | Holidays Edenton \s A"es won their third j ronserntive basketball gain** 1* ri- ; day in the school gymnasium j when they defeated Chowan High j School 53-41. Uogcrson claimed high scoring honors with 20 points. Batten fol j lowed with 12 points. George Jor- j ’an was high scorer for the visit-j ns with 11 points. The Aces went in the b ad early j in the game and led throughout tin game, with Chowan never separat- ; (ng the count less than seven j fuiiyt -. Tlv: .Aces led 19-tl at th** ( • end if the fir.-t period, 28-1/ at half! time and 13-30 at tin- end of th* i third quarter, j Tn the opening game of the twnt • hill the Chowan girls had little dis-j firultv in defeating the Edentmi girls. Raced by Ann Hollowell.j All-State last year. who. scored 31 j points \vbile she was playing, the. Chowan .girls roiled up a score of j r. 6 to 35. Kaye Haste led the I Menton: scoring with 15 points, followed hy’ Imogene Rogerson, a freshman,, with t 1 points. Both teams wilt take time out over the Christmas holidays, hut) the Aces arc scheduled to play the J alumni Tuesday night. December] 2Stb. Th.- ic gmbir schedule has an open I date on January 4. le-t on Friday night. January 7 both teams are scheduled to meet Ahoskic to Ahos. kie. Dcirref* Os Pocahontas Holds Christmas Party i Members of Chowanoke Council,! Degree of Pocahontas. enjoyed a | Christmas party held Friday night' at the home of Mrs. Krnest Lee on| Broad Street. The lower floor was! attractively decorated for the oe-; casion and a buffet luncheon was served. | A number of games were enjoyed and at the close of the part y gifts j were exchanged. ROTARY Cl,I B ENJOYS JUMBLED WORD CONTEST George S. Twiddy had charge of j the program at Thursday's Rotary! meeting, when he conducted a jum-1 bled word contest. He distributed; papers with 30 words with the let ters rearranged giving the Rotari-j ans 15 minutes to figure out the j proper words. }. I*. Ricks won first prize for completing the list first and Elton Forehand, Jr., was second prize winner. VKW CHRISTM AS PARTY ' Members of William H. Coffjeld Post, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the VFW Auxiliary en joyed a delightful Christmas party in the Post’s home Saturday night. The room was beautifully decorated and gifts exchanged during the I evening. STORES OPEN NIGHTS For the benefit of Christmas shoppers, Edenton stores, except. grocery stores, are now open every j night until 9 o’clock. Grocery stores .will remain open Wednesday.; Thursday and Friday nights until j 9 o’clock, hut will close at *> o’clock Friday night. TEE CHOWAN HERALD | The Chowan Herald North Carolina Now Making Progress With Development \OfAll Its Natural Resources ___ : ■ . BY WADE LUCAS Tn the ronsrrvptipn and develop ment of it- natural resnure*‘S. North Carolina is making notable 'progress. Efforts being made to jpi’omotf wiser and more profitable! ! use of those resources ar.' .paying j dividends,, a Department of Con-; Iservation and Development surveyj l shows. j Coiisiderahle progress is being j '.'made in bringing about a better j balance between agricvilturo and in-, dusirs. More payrolls of a year jaround nature are being provided! ! through the industrial expansion j program that is receiving so much attention during the present State j administration. ; Long known for its leadership in various types of industry. North: .Carolina is gaining recognition as la state in which many diversified j products are manufactured for the | markets of tlm nation and the i world. In sales volume, textiles, 1 j tobacco, furniture, food and chemi jeals are highest. ! “Wc are pleased with the prog-1 :refs that is being made, but wo are! a long ways from being satisfied,”; said CA-D Director Ben K. Doug las. “We still havo much to do in, I order to boost the per capita in-, come of our citizens.” Tim electrical and : electronics euipnient industry is the newest and fastest growing in the state.' Its rapid growth is attracting to the state some of the most respect- 1 oil names in industry. Before j World War TI this industry xvas ; practically nonexistent in North Carolina. Now there are 40 such ! plants with more than 22,000 em jployes engaged in tile, production | of electrical and electronics equip-, ment and supplies. 7.500 Plants j At the end of 1953 there were ;approximately 7,500 manufacturing! (Concluded on Page Two) Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday. December 23, 1954 [Overman Installed Master By Masons Public Installation of j Officers Held Fri day Night I At a public installation of offi -1 cers for Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., held in tin’ Masonic! j Temple Friday night. C. W. Over man was installed as master of the | lodge for tile year 1955. Mr. Over man succeeds Willard M. Rhoades,i who had a very .successful year as; presiding officer. i The installation ceremony was in j charge of B. E. Grant of Windsor.j past district deputy Grand Master, who congratulated the lodge upon jits fine building and group of new ; officers. j Aside from Mr. Overman, the I other elective officers installed in-j - eluded Ernest Kehayes, senior war-I Tien: William Adams, junior war den; R. E. Leary, treasurer, and Louis George Wilkins, secretary. j i Mr. Overman named his appoint ive officers, who were also installed and included: Daniel Reaves, [senior deacon: Ernest J. Ward. Jr., junior deacon; Thomas Francis, senior steward: James Bond, junior ; steward: McKay Washington, tiler 'and William S. I’rivett. marshal, who assisted Mr. Grant in the in stallation ceremony. ' A number of people attended the ceremony, after which light re freshments were served in the din ing room hy members of the East ern Star chapter. Busy Place ] More than 5,800,000,000 pieces of mail were delivered by the U. S. Post Office between December 1-25 , last year. Every Christmas card ■ and gift that was mailed out-of town passed through the hands of 117 different postal employees be fore reaching its destination. ! Postmaster J. L. Cheslnutt cited ' i these figures today to illustrate j how- complex the holiday season has ; become. “But the volume of Christmas ,! mail." he noted, “is only part of the problem. Addresses are often carelessly written, stamps fall off. ■ packages may he tioorly w rapped, or carry too much weight. Most of this would never happen, if peo- \ j pie would just read the ‘check lists' on Post Office bulletin boards.” ! The Post Office crowds are lar ! gest at noontime. So the Post-i ! master recommends coming in bc -1 fore 10 A. M, or 3:30 P. M. Methodist Youth Fellowship Enjoys Christmas Program ■ j For their Christmas meeting ’ j members of tile Youth Fellowship jof the Edenton Methodist Church ■ were entertained Sunday night at • the Methodist parsonage hy the ■ Rev. and Mrs. Earl Richardson. • The young people listened to a re- 1 (Continued on Pago Eight) :fciYl( CALENDAR Edenton’* Varsity Club will hold jits annual Christinas dance in the armory Saturday night, December 25. beginning at 8:30 o'clock. ■ , Earl David Harrell will hold a 1 turkey shoot at Lee’s Motor ( oiirt , j Friday. December 21. beginning at, j i County and Town offices will , close for the Christmas holidays’ 1 Thursday night, December 23 and I reopen Tuesday morning. December! , [ 28th, White and colored schools ill the) Edenton administrative unit a-s well), iis in the ('minty unit will reopen | Monday. January 3, follow ing the I Christmas holidays. Bank of Edenton will be closisl Monday, December 27. Properly must be listed for tax - at ion during the month of Janu ary. , Special midnight Christmas ser- I lice at St. John's Episcopal Church Friday night at 11:30 o’clock. Ed Bond Post. No. HI. of the American Legion is sponsoring , dances at the Legion hut every ‘ Saturday night front 9 to 12 o'clock. ' YEW Post meets in VFW home Tuesday night of next week. Fund raising drive for the Eden- , ' ton swimming pool still in progress. | * VEM Post, home open every Fri- j 1 day and Saturday nights for mem- ' hers and guests. Chowan County's Christmas Seal Sale now tn progress. X. C. 1955 license plates now- on c [sale at the Carolina Motor Club of- < lice. 102 East Water Street. ( " t County Schools Close : 1 For Holiday Season^ l| White and colored schools in the 1 County Unit closed Friday after- 1 noon of last week for the Christ-, mas holidays. All schools in the t unit will reopen Monday morning,|t January 3. I 1 POLICE CHRISTMAS PARTY ■ Edenton police will hold their . 11 annual Christmas party at the po- i 1 lice station Friday night, when, wives and children of the police- ; ■ men will he special guests. The police have decorated a Christmas]: ■I tree and at the party presents will j ] lie exchanged. 1 Machinery Set Up For Listing Property In Chowan County For The Purpose Os Taxation | HELPING SANTA CLAUS } S■ C | , in .I' ■' ~ Edenton firemen are shown above repairing discarded toys donated by local citizens, which will he distributed among underprivileged child- I rim of the county on Christmas. 1-est to right are A. Owens, Edmund Mills and Kdenton’x veteran fire chief, R. K. Hall, who will celebrate his 89th birthday on Christmas day.-—(Evelyn Leary Photo). jj Let Us Sing j « hi'a jin;' a song oj Christmas-time § I I Wheat nlI around tin- tree * ! ' J U'c zalhcr singing carols and rhymes a | That herald Christ's nativity. 2; 4 Let's lift again our voices clear 2 1 . 1 nd tell the same old Story, 2 5 Oj Baby and manger, good will and chrcr, * | And star that sheds His glory. J i £ 'Th ever new, yet never old. j' p Each year we sing the same refrain; P In song once more the Story's told, . ti p It v spirit lives, renews again. f; 1 1 Oh, let sweet music ring on high jj £ In anthem soft and reverent lay, « ij Join with angels in the sky, 3 £ Proclaim another Christmas day. J | —Wn.UIiRNK H ARRET ! . 2 Generous Response For Gifts To Be Sent: To Victims Os TB ( olored Churches Spe cially Generous With Large Packages Response to the appeal of tht* | Kehabilitatior, -Committee of the:j Chowan County Tuberculosis Asso- i I ciatioii l*or gifts to. be sent to I II I patients in hospitals and at homes j in Chowan County has been very: gratifying, according to Mrs. J. A.! Moore, eliairman of the Red Cross; Seal Sale. A goodly number of these pres ents were displayed in the Albe marle Case over the week-end and these presents have been sent to mental patients in Goldsboro as well as children who are sick and TB patients in homes in Chowan County. Two of tile largest packages came from the Providence Baptist Church and Kadesh A.M.H. Zion Church, which were sent to a TH patient from each of the congre gations. R OTARI A NS CALL OFF MEETING THIS M EEK Kdenton’s Rotary Club will not meet Thursday of this week due |to the Christmas holidays. Next ! week’s meeting, however, will be held as usual Thursday afternoon iat 1 o’clock in the Parish House. J. E. Wood is scheduled to have charge of the program. TURKEY SHOOT Earl David Harrell will sponsor a turkey shoot at tee’s Motor Court Friday, December 24. starting at in o’clock in the morning. 52.00 Per Year Tn North Carolina Christmas Party By [Kindergarten Class Youngsters Entertain Parents Thursday Morning iii.- Kindergarten Class <»1 Mt>. John White -arid Mrs;. John I loss ett- j ; tertaiiie.d -their mothers, e randmo ithersi. friends at a delightful ] ChrisUo.ts Party Thursday morning i j in the Elementary School. I‘rior to til.- party, a color Iftdy jmg picture of ebildren who had pnr [tieipated in previous entertainments j was shown by John Raines. The, [ group then proceeded to the class- ( [room where the party was held. p Ernest Carpenter, dressed in a I tuxedo, aeteil as the butler and showed the guests in. Refresh-1' ments of itopeorn, randy, cookies. [ peanuts and punch were served hy Anne Graham and Kay Kramer.! who were attired in evening gowns. The classroom was attractive in. Christmas decorations, with a lighted tree beneath which were many gifts. The walls were lined [ with interesting paintings, draw-i mgs and sketches which were done! by the children themselves. Add-; ing to the gaiety of the affair also | were multi-colored balloons and j Santa Clauses distributed about’the room and a bright red Christmas stocking hanging on the door, load ed with confections. Members of the Kindergarten Class include: Martin Boyce, Eliz abeth Anne Baer. Wesley Chesson. Johnnie Dowd, Anne Graham, Ricky j Hardin. Ernest Carpenter, Kav! Kramer. Sue Skiles. Scott Privott. Robert Wisely, Frank White, Kathy Weathersbee, Mary Joe Wozelka, Brad Pugh, Grace Sawyer. Phyllis Antes, George Metz, Teena John son. Tommie Nystrom, Bruce Mir randa and Jim Finley. HELP FIGHT TB BUY CHRISTMAS SEA LS Sd Penalty Will He Im posed For Failure to List on Time Machinery has '.been- set tip for ! listing property in Chowan County for the purpose of taxation. Tax .Supervisor William P. Jones announces a. sehedule: for tax listers in the four townships of the* county and . especially calls atten ! t ion to the law which re, pi ire.s all | property to he listed during Jaiiu j ary. Mr. Julies was inst meted by ] the County Commissioners to carry <out the law to the letter, which [Calls for a penalty of Hi per .cent of the taxes and a minimum of I SI.OO if property is not listed in I January, Furthermore, those who fail to list their property hy the, jtimo the April term of Chowan Su ! perior Court convenes' will be pre sented to the Grand jury. Tax listers are also required to i make records of crop acreage, so I that farm owners add tenants nnfst : furnish the facts. Thi- informa tion is. not used for, tax purposes, : however. , Every taxpayer is requirezf to list property and only females and ' non-residents and. persons physie -1 : 1 11 y unable to attend and file their : lists ran appoint agents to list, ' ■•The., schedule, of the tax listers *». ill be as follow,-.: First Township: Lister-, Mrs. Margaret W, Jones and Mrs. Gena R, Cullipher. Listing every day. in* the tax office .on tile second floor ; of tile Court ' House. Second Township: .Lister, Henry ; Bunch; January 5. 12, 1.9 and- -6 al Elliott Belch’- office -if. "Center Hill; January 7 and 11 at Walter Miller’s store: January 11 at E' ! arts' store at Cross Hoads; .!aim.'iW j 21 at Earl Smith’s store; January I 28 at Coke Nixon’s store. 1 Third Township": Lister. T. f>. [ Berryman.- January !at Lloyd j Briggs' store: January BatHi n rierson Kay I*.ode’s store; January-. | Bat Lloyd Briggs' store; January’ 13 at I.onesojn, Pin.' Service Sta tion: January 15 at l.lqyd Briggs’ : store: January 2tt at Spivey’s store .at Ryland: January 22 at ijoyd ■Briggs’ store: January 27 at Hen derson Rav IVeb'V store: January .29 at I .lord Briggs’ .-tore. 1 Fourth Township: I.ist 'r. Ward Hoskins. January l at il. A. Per ry’s store: January 5 at. E,ester '.bines’ store; .la tuiai y 9 as IT. A. I'erryV store: January 12 at Lester Jones - stme; January, To at H. A. Perry’s store; January 1!* at Lester Jones’ store; January 22 at H. A. Perry’s store; January 2‘i at I ester Join's’ store; January 29 at H, A. Perry’s store. Hank Os Edenton Closed December 27 (ri'Mvrnor Luther Hntlffi's bas is s-\u*f.l :t ]>ro(‘]:mi:ition <>nl«rimr M<*n • lay. neceiniwr 27. :i D*tral holiday for banks in the State. The Hank iof Tvlonton. t horofon*. will Hose i Saturday, j open until Tuesday morning’, D«> ! comber ‘2B. i Important hanking business ! should, therefore, ho transactod ac- I cordingly. Schools Close For Christmas Holidays White schools in the Edenton Administrative Unit closed Friday ■afternoon of last week for the ! Christmas holidays. The srhools j will remain closed until Monday morning, January 3. The colored schools in the unit closed Wednesday of this Week and will also reopen Monday morning, January 3. Midnight Christmas Service At St. Paul’s The Rev. Gordon D. R< •nnett, rec. itor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, ‘announces that on Christmas eve a midnight festal chorus. Eucharist and address will be held at the church beginning at 11:30 P. M. Two services will be held on Christmas morning, the Holy Com munion at 8 o’clock and choral Eu. diarist and address at 11 lock.

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