PAGE TWO SECTION TWO- '“This Is Your Army” Movie To Be Shown Throughout United States ■ i ■■ i ■" ■ - ' ■ - WASHINGTON— The U. S. Ar my’s readiness for immediate re taliation against possible commu nist aggression anywhere in the ■world is illustrated dramatically in the new color documentary motion picture, “This Is Your Army.” This unusual film, produced by Movietone News for the Army, is being released (in December, 1954) to theaters throughout the United States. It presents a comprehen sive report on the Army—its sol diers, its leaders, its weapons— to the people of the United States and .shows American, taxpayers the military' muscles their dollars are, buying. Movietone News cameramen vis- ; ited more than 60 military instal- ' lations in the United States and i ten other countries to shoot film for the exciting 55-minute pic- j ture,' which is being distributed as a public service on a non-profit basis by the Council of Motion Pic ture Organizations. Inc. The film originally was produced | as a troop information movie and: already has been seen by' hundreds i of thousands of soldiers. “This is Your Army” will be of equal interest to young men and] women who expect to serve in the j Army, to the parents of men and women now in the Army, and to I veterans of World War I and II! and Korea who will find a power- j ful fighting force greatly different; to that in which they served. The Army’s mighty new family! of tanks and awesome new vveap-1 onS —atomic cannon, supersonic \ guided missiles, and bombardment !- rockets—are shown in breathtaking 1 action. But even in the era of push but-! ton wonder weapons, importance of; the individual soldier is revealed j; simply; and effectively. “This Is] Your Army” brings home the fact j that nuclear warfare would call fori more, not fewer, soldiers with far j more technical training than ever before required, Problems encountered in produc- j ing the color film were monumental j when compare*! to usual motion pic-1 ture operations. Getting the full • Army story on film involved ef forts of thousands of Army person-! . nel at installations around the j world and required cooperation of ! many foreign governments. Few, j if any, motion pictures ever made j before required participation of so | many people. Camera crews labored in the lb Reiuvt Misery 5 Heat Your Home The ESSO Way! (fsso) Esso Heating Oil PHONE 459 Harrell Oil Co. Louis Harrell l-^al I Thank*, too, for your j^L good will and friendship BELL’S | - shows of Alaska amt the jungles of | - Panama, photographed l\ S> sol-! - diers in training in Japan and Her. : » many, filmed reports of activities: i of our allies in Turkey, Greece and i i Italy; obtained detailed accounts of j the activities of U. S. soldiers and, ’ Republic of Korea troops on the j i alert against renewed red aggres-j sion in Korea. 1 In one breath-taking scone, film-' ' ed in Formosa, 90,000 Chines - sol ' diers are shown marching toward ' the camera and cheering Geaeralis ;! sixno Chiang Kai-Shek, Tn«- (.'. S. , 'j Army’s mission in helping to train . ' j these Nationalist forces is shown in I detail. | State of readiness, of the \s my., jin Berlin, an islami of freedom in fa sea of communism, is shown in: | a grand review of l'. S, troops. "This Is Your Army” opens 1 a prologue which , outlines tin worldwide responsibilities of the) United States and the Army’s mis j sion. It show.- induct ion of sol- j i diers . at a reception, center, eov-i : ers their basic training nnd< r real i istic battle condition:*. and goes oh I j to field maneuvers and the train- : l ing of soldiers who man highly ! j technical weapons of heretofore uri tetjualled killing power.. Top level j Army commanders, both at the .' ! Pentagon Building in Washington ' and in the field, an l shown at work. Top officials of tile motion pic j ture industry, who reviewed “This : Is Your Army,” were unanimous jin their praise of the film. They j I agreed that it presented :i simple, j i detailed report to th.- .American , people while retaining its enter- j ; tainment value, Calvin L. Bembry In Cooking - School i Private Calvin 1.. Bembry. son | j of Charles Bembry. 210 least AlbO- : I marie Street. Kdenton. is assigned i to an eight-week cooking course at the Food Service School at Fort j 'George G. Meade. Ind., started De-J. : cember 13 and ending February IS.' J 1955. During the looking course he j learns to prepare, took, and serve f: — Gttfu— HEW COLGATE DENTAL CREAM HAS THE CLINICAL PROOF that brings new hope lo millions for •■>««u MiTai-tWHieiMW ia«ai»u«« GIANT SIZE P & Q SUPER MARKET I THBESB EBIT I .Jl whale of a , . . PRICE! - a*****- a g* i. -1L '■ -’ H*' FAT TV SUBSTANCE OBTAtNEP A» wi>» ’V S 9 the iVTEstinesTs sperm i ■guar**’ SaShS* m whales is extensivelv usep t>y Jr.’ THE PEKCu,V\e INCUSTRV as A I .i/r Y,’ S i ' •. PIVATIVE. EVEPTINS PEARLS IT : U . W Mm, ■ IS THE WCST PRECIOUS THINS, 9V < ■ a ■’ .A. WEioHT. TAXES PKsiwTMEiEA. : « 'v rK' AWKRSK S IS WORTH L'P Ti? 1 —" ~ ~ thirty poIIARS AMOUNCE! \ 1 <?■'' \ ■ . \ a . 'o3&\ j Y fiw\ zmmnm J7 j i V-ESV -V *iriAhS,' if j j V cc r> -- -s / ft vi-.'hmc. wr/ * I 1 _ UTTBK 4 WOKO! W'J j , mMJ'-l.lby.Tl 1— a. WAS u.s-SAvinosbohos are #r'f ACTUAU.T SAFER THANVASH. IP A3"fHAM a s.'sr is l.\-t or stolen x\jr AN. - |«lM' kl 'SOvernaaenT will proa iOE r S-liSVEpa.™ SuSSTTUTE BONPS IN . “‘rt/’ flHftaiY CHILD ’ Av'-’OCCANCE With SOAERNINS - . AN PtILl V niLU . lava. .CON PROPER PROOF OF l*wL f riny LOSS OR TH£FT LKSs NO fINiK INVESTMENT .■» SAVINGS BONDS! food according ;<■ . Vrlt:> j recipes, and to . p.Had a . ! tain mess eqUipn:. nt . ■ ~ - “ dated and unit ii - - i a r Private Bi nary , mill- 2 jtary service Sente.-- - - ‘ • J ; P.aleigii, N. (". i I j led; t" duty fraii! - --. : | s< hdoi, i ■ ■ ii • ■ —s ■ - - « ■ He iiv, > in- •: a- dyjtl;ia }. - S CtUISI . £ All You Head hr Child s Cough \ I When colds, measles - f leave i your child with a c lc -a yet ' Creomulsion quick chronic r bronchitis ma\ dc-.c! ; ' n “ soothes rate thro. : l ci mem branes.loosen- iuV ■- l \ .. - - my c phlegm, mildly re- "... ten- ” sion and aids nature ’ - cause y, of irritation. Get lastier vi Creomubion for t'h ■-n.m.the pink ; and blue paekaitt - -t.'-m'-.r. y CREOMULSION i FOR CHJLDISN J relieve i k Yif - J - . ■■ —— £ “Kin.u - of Swim*"' t /I/t'-.1/' I i’fC | for quick. -I t< •:>; - • . . | use OK’ Ildars, ;; ,! Minton sOK 1 arm }■ I MERRY f11i.1.. N. C, C *"***• “ .’5 m j I " ' * i Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky i $4.30 I * 4/5 QT. $9.70 • PINT 86 Proof II I EARLY TIMES DISTILLERY COMPANY ! j i Louisville 1, Kentucky , j I 1 ■ < j 'W v •*. " THE CHOWAN HERALDj EDENTON, NORTH CARPI.TNA, THURSDAY, OECEMBEPI 23, 1951 l liV V I1KRA1.I) CLASSIFIED a a f i f / ft In this simple, anil time-worn f t ? J a & phrase we include our genuine « « v .■;■■■.. fMS r X ft thanks to you whom we have ’ | hat’ the pleasure of serving in I the past fA ri fffl I I I ! it « I Broad Street Fish Market » ? MR AND MRS. A. L HAWKINS I \ | i v Kitchen Koniment To speed the 'drying and shaping of sweaters, place them on a turk isli towel and press out the excess moisture with a rolling pin. When washing ernehi ted or knit, ted spreads, stretch to proper size ! and shape while \yet ami hang ov< r j parallel lines. j A quick 5-minute fudge l resting j tor the fop <»f an eight or nine inch square cak. can lie made this way: In a. saucepan melt 1 tablespoon .margarine in 2 tahlcspomts milk. ! Stir in :; r cup sifted powdered su fgar 'i (tip cocoa, and H teaspoon j salt-.; cook ahout ! minute.. lie j move from heat: add '■« teaspoon ! vanilla extract and L Clip coarsely j c hopped nut meats. Beat until (thickened. When carpets and nigs are cleaned eftt-il and thoroughly, dust land dirt are removed before any serious harm ran be done by them. j- A I'eniisylvatiut homemaker rec ommends this method for ivmov ! ing■'lipstick stains fioin cotton fab . l.ics: Work glycerine into the fab-. I ric.Uird then wash in the usual way. ; RECORD EGG PRODUCTION Laying flocks in the Tai Heel ' State -produced- pn . estimated 102 ' million eggs during November— the highest production of record i for that month, being 12 pel- cent above the previous record of, ’*l | million In 1953. I The North Carolina Crop Report ing Semico reports there were j 8,914,000 layers on hand during j November compared to 8,972,000 a year earlier. The rate of lay dur ing November, 1954, of 1,140 eggs j per 100 layers was 12 per cent allow tho rate for November, (1953, of 1,011 eggs per 100 layers. . HOW AN ALCOHOLIC FOUGHT HER WEAKNESS In a two-part series, a desperate 1 woman tells the dramatic story of ‘ Her battle against alcoholism. Get i 1 the grueling story of how she play- ; ed prosecutor, judge and jury to , : Win her light in the January 2nd . issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Magazine In Colorgravure with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Y our Local Newsdealer Kidney Slow-Down May Bring ' Restless Nights When kidney function slows down, many ; folks complain of nagging backache, heaef , :u hes, diriziheos and loss of pep and energy. ] Uon’t sulTer testless nights with these dis- j ! coniforis if reduced kidney function is get- j ! i ing you down—due lo such common causes as. stress and strain, o\« H \erUoii or e.t» \ iuri to cold. Minor bladder /irritations due tx, cold, dampness Or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don’t neglect your kidneys if these coiidi tions bother you. Try Doan s Fills—a mild ; diuretic. Ised successfully by millions for over .">!• years- Whdeoften otherwise caused, it's amazing how many firnes Doan’s give happy relief from these discomforts —help ; the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters j tlush out waste. Get Doan’s Fills today! Doans Pills ClieefcsTfcisf>tist!e*tJ S6t«(Wrt2HWisi ECONOMY SIZI j Sold In Eden ton bv Mitchener’s PHARYI A C Y PHONE 10U ■ i- ■j-' I 11 V\ 1 HRISTMAS brings thoughts of 111 friends and customers. It •{• J I 1 strengthens the bonds of associa- J Eljtt age of those whom we serve. 1 That’s why we want to express 1 our sincere good wishes to each \ 7 I .. i .1. ... | | ... AND BEST WISHES 11 r TO EACH OF YOU, OUR FRIEND? I | Gene Perry’s Texaco Service I GENE PERRY, Prop N. Broad St PHONE 444 Edenton, N. C. j |FiW»ii>MiiW»«A*»*Alß<M»»riVHrOA3tAv<e tws W Vu* *■»= MMUNWiaa W Ql)ristm<xsi A A fjL vIBHC J•V . t l *OA \\.J . A : i It is a pleasure, at this time of the yew, to greet our friends, who, through ■ - \ i their faith in us, have made this year ; one Os continued progress. i We cherish your friendship and ; patronage and say “Thanks to Everybody/ : Edenton Tractor & Equipment Co. j “THE FERGI S( ).Y SYSTEM" j EDENTON. N. C. r l.

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