Christmas Cheer Is F#und In Gifts F rom Cotton Feed Bags For many folks, Christ mgs. tiled-' will come in cotton bugs this year. The National Cotton Council re ports that gifts can lie made e.-o ilv and inexpensively from the color ful containers of feed, flour and fertilizer. The empty bags : are vvscd the ; year round for home sewing by thousands of imaginative,. budget minded women. They.are available in bright prints, cambric ■shviTmv. ,: lmen-like osnaburgs and even ilam nelette. Pretty and practical gifts ( made from these fabrics are sure i to delight the family and friends, j Stuffed animals and toys are pc-1 rennial favorites with the yoiinger i set. The Council suggests a life sized “bag” doll as a new aid ; thrilling gift for a little girl. EVna burg bag fabric dyed bright red can be used for giant stockings I '■ ” if ... . . ;-j I I Compliments ffl g fff tl]c seasjn It':: tv 1 • • w \ rig < ct C! c trfsds iH ;..ji - ill ' greeting, b■’P- th-■■ jih an l ; sn :ei j a hapt y ; ( BILL JONES TEXACO SERVICE j Opposite Post Office P BROAD AND OI KI N STREETS PHONE 4J P fciftft $ ft $ $ ft ft ft iS ft ft ft A ft A A A A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A ft .«?. * > I . 1 | Christmas Greetings I jS TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND J H 4|j£ £ CUSTOMERS! »: S >: ;Jj ft ft ft ft ft > I **? >.! 1 Our Entire Plant Will Close Thursday Night, Be- g 3 jgj I centber 23rd and Will Remain Closed Until Tues- « : 4t £ w! > | 1 -Slay Morning, December 28th. | m a*«»* * !*j P I M.G. BROWN CO., Inc. I jS ift. Lumber, Millwork and Building Supplies Jj M( W. PHONES 9 AND 493 Jj 3 >: 1 M i :«►: •«i*ii*w******k****»:*w**w**w*****®***^ tli;il Santa can Mil Jo o\ \ How inti The stockmps can lie deem.tie' with a snow tnan, Clvi ti:o* ami other holiday sytii.hols tD.tfl' fi’otn print scraps. Mannish look nip j via ids a • checks. ii! : both subdued and’ cm; colors, are . plentAfuL ainonp rbn.i i baps this year. Tile-.' prints ha appropriate for tics. • hninpm! lobes, '••port- Mill is :;! d hi ■ . I the oh 11 and boys, (lilts such tt.y pillow case-, tab! t . napkins, aprons arid towels ccnie icadymiatb in tlh t uii A sptcially-dfsijriied 10<N 1 {». Ice .container rips, into a lime! • o i loth and four napkins read;,- t ■ «:<•(•; it ft.i ho milling. So > ■ in a i.' ileeesVai y to. convf-.J t sum 2/i-H:. tlour and AO-lb. feed .- • •<. k into j)i 1 It)w cas-<-s! Thotrjcl; .c :v hc act omplisliott by r;p|i.irju t b chain ehed son ms, re mm ing ihi •, lain k and launderinp tin- material. ) Ih marina d her ••d tui bays fm •win a a simple process, the 1 >n if< A1 oysr ( '-Inr i 11 -st itched sea ms riii mil in a jitl'y when corner j 'li'vads ai-e c|ipp« d. Itand labels, j mi I rack n;. nies printed in washout i in'.- . » nine.iciil' easily when t |p. nm- : tai» ■ !•.«• r waked in water. !HAYSEED] I!v rvet.K SAM Turkov and Cranberries if h; ,-ist mas as n rbligious .celelira-T i i"fi was first oliserM'd by the |{n-j li’ans Seme writers say it \yasj ■faki'U ly.i'iii -i nag.ui ceUdirat.ioji,: It. e.s iiniii".li.t into AVestcnr ICimtpe j . in- U early centuries of th.- Chris- ' Amu, erady i In l'i i I i lie Put iians in Kngl:iml j •• 'nli • rvanee of Christina's !i i-rlcgak ’ lit ISiiS, King Charles re- !i -l"i -I the .ills, rv.iiu'e iif Clirislnifis • by making its celebration legal. . It aid dun tin Christmas tree or;riiia.ted ill tlerniany. Some say 1 f be. I ’biisi liras tree was introduced i 'by Aftirtiji. Id’.theV. (tile writer said M; rt ti i titlh-r was ! lie, first to use j y t-b ■ i - 11 . ■ -i. vi is ‘lie for decoratibii 1 mi Cht i; t.n ii v- left f. the eai'lj .' r: ■■'-1 i y";!! ( Yi|onist- til give to ’ -Chis.-v, ua- it 1 1 • y turkey.and cranber- . i ■ I i eii- w/.’-e many things that | Cl.wild in 4. lie- ‘ubtaLiied in the wifds (if A:meriC;.:i.' 1 >nt v. Hd turkeys and : cin;i berriels were .abundant. ■ f 1 ■ si. i( v ~f Santa Claus, the ! .a.-e itii' 1 1 .-..11\ and .mistletoe for ■iCliri ■ . decciratiotis aiid the cus- i ..full!- fi.f r iving eift-".were; brought froiii ' (iss the sens." 1 : j, s- i ce thnieaidy- colonial days’ tur- : ,k-ey and i .••.•in'ierries have been the.) of the .Anierican Christmas ''hitler. Itat forever We will lie in-I '-'delrted; to the Aiueriian pioneers J" ,'faiy :i •• ■.. li'»r-si.iine ala! tasty tur- j; and .craiibc! ry Christmasi din-j ner.. . S .r y .. ■ ... .: j | Sports Afield l| Hx TFP kks i inc Kdlfoi’ S|>orfs VfieM Mai:a/im* j \• •- • \ \ liyinjr <’;i.n do, irood ffy niitc'hcd !•'•<( uh.d ■; mi . \h -ii .t iiiii'- in. !<)0, f In-* j ■ • • ; . - i liii.c: •niiTcli . '' " 11 li, our th«- net ion ,nf - ■: ckl.( - •'<' <■> :hv | '•'••.• I\ h* ■ MD i- f«*r t hi,'.. Mccfirdiiitr | ' ■ 1 I .: 11 i_i! inu cflitm- ol'j ■••• • : A’. Id ?'i/im ... . 'l'ln-y us- | - ' v : i m»’n!« nd linos too )i<rht, al-j ! --1 »•) too In-.’ivy. and strll . A- ; i •- 1 •- (;m !.most n»d !?]•'kers. in ! ' : T • ; u-. rccdimimiMl lint k J 11 h• : " < acd idisicst j 1 ■■ •viili their rods. < . ■ ; •• A« u rod. you should j ! ;i >v si y t t line for any- i al| Iroiit and Iduc- ; v•'i i' up T- > tin hifpost, sea fish - > "!! !.. ■ tin one lino that will do ! TTTF CTIOWAN I!FP AT,n.TTiT:\ - Ti i\. WiPTII i \ f:i >T IVi, f 11T'T:Sf*. \ i I'TAfTIFT; :i v •. OUR DEMOCRACY VN. Promise mctßeal/z yi '-on Adopted ics vi aics m:o, rut: or r-.irtA-t 'Talof ’nr urjru <.< STATES, KEPPODUCED O'N il.r 'i"SA( s OF Ti-u; l.'Ci: e'u I AI.'P AFI :•i DTO IMPOISTAM i SrATI .t ' i i :r,fay t- ■ , Cl -MMS IM THE PHgASE -/VOW'S' ORDP.Sr-'CiO a . ANI VJ or -TR Ot- Tnf. AO E r. ■ - - In THCfcECOItO OF outs-N ATI ON. SINCE; - tftl. ITS.DEbi.CATfOIN) TO THE IDEALS OF Kki ED k • . WOh t.a.ifAAFJ D i GNI TV. in ITS SPIRiTUAL AS tN IT-. yIATI fAE ACHl’t W V . WE HAVE RORN OUT trif t ROMkSi , la. F A CREATED A'.’*NetfU-QSD£R..6f THi AOES/'. the best casting wjtlr. iliai raAl. . So when V(kU IMiy a rod., how do yop know w !i;.t . . I t sot it Y: You inifiht tiunt up a fr’c kd who is a ) colly mA d I Icast j is likely to have I e- n of si'/.es, to try <»ii your rod. if you don’t have such, a friend, u r ;v (' vel; fin HCH <!<>ublo-itapet < i BF. tlrret -dian • r. Lucas bases this cbm re .on-, tia fact .tiia-t a. biu b ic.* ■. • f]\ rods boutrn! now. day-s aav .• " I <>}■ b.w eh-ss. aml that A pud . jor.ity of theSc work bos*. uAth. li.pes'- > •' Inn t ? ■ !eMirths orWeii: It. L*. .memiu i 1 1: a limber rod w ill t.h ; W. Ts ; • '5 * ■- : MJp >• 72 a " •-• U* • V £,/ y ■ 1 The quiet ness and peace of Christmas blends with the spirit of thanksgiving to remind us of the joys of associating with folks like you. ’ • • • ■ •- . BILL’S PURE OIL STATION OPPOSITE BOY SCOUT CABIN BILL HARRIS, Prop. dbrhti-r; iituh than a .ratliei* 1 ' pow ei . '. ■ - '. t-ho • ■. i a (tel i . iiidj'- alii i . • . t< ■ l.y :" : .are; .-’ui-te i>owerfiit. Ti'c beiyitruer nia.y do b’est to pc • a T« \ el. .since it is soi)ie\vha? «-.asi. i ' - 1 1 f fi-h-np. aiu|. i.-; ’(.fnitc .sapisfaebuy ■ - t nie<,.' too.:; Th" ad .■ i ta- f h'i‘ at! mi ) -a •vil '-ciA ''' ! - t hi r tbari'eijhcr :of -.t Ju'. - ' : la . a .thid ,t • •• Jo) I hut ir> fl »•>.. fj : i lip ' '.a ' T<e:.sii.p»‘r:.(4r '.f bosp‘>'ei". tin- • -!r j,• • • ■ - - to . rende* tliein-vob I.UCM- says’ yvt a•• (Tmit ihy l‘l \; .lino I Vc; ; . it i - ihi|’utssihlt• fm a-ii’y\ 1.0 pick up * fairls- hiiiy pieef i»t tlnov lied I i ii'- 11 • i ; 1 pond had- - cm s i md m ti< H»d (ijickcasf i - the whiil'-' Id Ht nf a yiKol I m\\ ai d c,:st. Silk <>r nyhm ? W ell. tli< mu i «•.•.! .f iff. i , ;icc hi t Wei ii th« in is that 11 y- Inti, wmi’t- rot. or weaken wlp*n damp. Whi'-hevt r you decide nit, <lrts> it d;!il\. .Vo'line w ill -shoot well tSiTouyh.. uuide> without dr< » ini*:.on it. New Veneer Wall Covering - Developed A Dev, deco rat Ive wall o\erlay ca.lh-d pliw eav-v r.eceiitTy lias hoeii dinejpih-d. It js fNp( - te«i to find : - c ;is a w all cove I iiiy :ui"d topping for (‘aliihot fydiits, and pal - tivulai‘j \ fin veil Wall -ui laiv.'. Tin- new t ype o\a-i lay aunsists of t wo ji!y ' e-f. \ eiieer. W iiVeH loy et hel’. ero'-s-t«Vnd'i*d and bonded to cotton . duck: by a waterproof adhesive, pro tlurinW a durable but flexible- over lays - if \ ti m #0 %^'ri ■ -,V II " W HITEI AW REID "Vroftt r publicity i uli'jht < us; (iliirutcs, inspires the •■no;! and ih h rs tin evil.’' THERE hits hcvn ;i -1 t;i<i>:. mtirkeil ailvatVcy : rnt ni in the keienye nf our; . pri titSknin a> cxcmplitit-(i. - in our nraetkv ot it. ■' ? ■- V i WriLIFORD UMtrruAL BURIAL A£sOC/ATIO* s> ft ft, ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft <O. ** -Jap <2 *Jp Vi c send our sincere good wishes WB£ M our r * en<^s a,,, l Q patrons . . . we hope this Yulctide <5 5 finds you well and happy . . . JffiPiL 4K • that this glad season fills your * hw ££ m home* and your hearts with -’’•Jltl «S J a warm glow that will last i« M thronghont the year to come. | (£>' <. ** ' ' ' ft jjK 1 B. B. H. Motor Company! ft ft! SJ! “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER” jj| E DENTON ftj .^«**SSISSSSSMKS*SMMKKKMSSKSXKKIS*««!k At tin |>. 1 11 • iHome Show ii was awarded a blue rib Imp fm “o\« isalb beaut V aml e\v aPj »< a 1.”. If i- 11| ec| id e( | j bat .pliWeilVe Avail lx- a i lll with "d"- 11 \oiu» if” hohn owners. A do-it-\ourself kit for makifpj a enflee jable may tiC’cojiie pmmlar with amateur »-raflsunii. win* lik. to build .-furniture;, .\Janwfactuice of the new wall ov.-Hay i- S. 1.. McC, uh y, of 1,..- . V tip eler . lb' 111 IS tl l e\ (' I lee t\S Cl! t All strips two to three, inhes wide. Women worisers weave tin-, into diuniond or parquet designs. I'm st rikinii A t sects veneers are mixed to blend ~e \ .ral crain pattoriis. Under the woven veneers v«*e> a shoot of cotton duck. Final step is hot pressing by a hydraulic unit, j I at this 1 I Gkisfmas I ft I all llio prt?Gious Hungs | | Q of life; * j | fct\ J | j\l and Gnduring I I r) PriendsKtps f 1:1- ]| - - | I I Edenton Feed & Livestock Company f i | Phone 788 Edenton, \. ('. f i l s I f *1 PAGE SEVEN srrTlOX w hieli < \erts up so 2 If) ions "f jin >v .- 11 r* on the veneer.-. < Hit of t ie* pro - come i fir. panel.- iii any ilesir « d sT/. i > adv !or shipping. so mi-; n:om-: iiavk m i i hi: li c k Klijey the ama/inv :id\entui’c-s of tile luckiest- ; people ill l!»a4—~some Wei-, snaiched from th< jaws of d' ath and others wi re biessed \vit}l "nbelim. abh Liood fortun.e The linh.ue tacts aic revealed in the .lanuacy 2nd issue of IMF \M-KUICW WKKKLV Magazine in Colonrravure with tlie HALT‘IMOKK SI NDAV AMEKKAN Order From Your Local Newsdealer

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