PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Eupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. /HonhCmliM lA £_msSA*»ociAiiqpi} J. EDWIN BUFFLAP— Editor HECTOR LUI'TON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside State) - -$2.!>P One year (In North Carolina)--.—-—-—--—52.00 Six Months 51.20 Entered as second-elass matter August 30, 1934. at thi' Post Office at Kclenton, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1ST!). THURSDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1054. if Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. — Rev. 2:H>. TO AI.E WHO love God. there j s no unknown fu ture; God is .Out there and they are not; afraid tor they have set their sails toward Him and heaven. Merciful Father, may »<■ all be one in love for Thee, always trusting Thee and w illing to do Thy will. Breaks For The Motorist At\ amusing, and also significant, eotii men fury on, the kind of service we expert from service stations is found in a sign a- New England operator posted when he took :V vacation. It read: "Wo atv closing up for two weeks. The services vv, l usually. provide ; may he had at the following places: 1. General In formation —front cop oh heat. 2. Cokes—at-.corner drugstore. 3.. Rest Rooms—at home. 1. Change—a hank across the -troet. 5. P tty Loan —also at bimh j across the street. 6. Charity—at County . farm. . 7. -Matches -from passerhy. s. Daily Nevy-sp.-ipeis— front newsboy. U. 1 ,oat’ing—in the. street,’’ Actually—all humorous exaggerations to otic side-, —the topical American service, station knows no sti t'eriors and feu*, equals. It is -ymlx'lie of our high ly competitive oil .'industry ' n particular—and of nut', free system of doing things in gen* ,-ai The « ontras with the. service stations in most, other countries is striking. When the retired president of. the Auto motive Safety Foundatiott returned from a Kuiupetm motor trip last summer he was asked about the for eign stations, and lie said: -‘Nobody wiped nvywind shield or cheeked tny oil. They have"simply never heard of sue!) a thing as -erviee elver there. What do you mean, were the rest rooms clean? Th, y never heard of rest rooms . . As, for the TBA- -as we - caff tires, batteries, and ■.• accessories sales—they never heard of that either.” The American motorist realty gets the breaks. Real Satisfaction Because so many people believe it is miitv blissed to give than to,receive and realize satisfaction in helping to make others happy. 210 persons in Clio wan County wore made happier or Christmas. Var ious groups presented presents to 50 families repre senting 210 p. isons who otherwise would h.ave had a less joyous day. Os course, many ' persons were t -. member,',! by individuals and other groups. >n that 1 the spirit >f Ulifistnias. - it should lv, permeate,l 'lie entire county. There is no remuneration which can take the place of the real satisfaction one , xperi enoee in helping line,, mote unfortunate than our selves. S FOR YOUR OLD WATER HEATER MAKE OR CONDITION IF-- — - \ '[fTFl ‘iii I | | 1 ■: 1 ' ! ■ 'i'll , ! |l , || Here'- a trade-in offer with no strings attached. No matter what _ - bind of water heater you now have 7~ ,f i -T !.:? —an old coal burner, a side-arm heater or whatever we'll allow j you $25.(X) on it toward the pur chase nt a new VVestinghouse Elec- I , trie Water Heater. 11l U ' Vop pay nothing more down and lermsforthehalancecanbearranged. 1 V as •<>"’ as 81.10 a week. Come in and TERMS \ J a deal for real hot water serv- AS LOW AS \ * tC ’ '^ le k° ur U’ftri( trouble-free, j - . _ \ | automatic service provided by a 51 |0 \ Water Heater. PER WEEK 0 f fount, It'a olodritl rprr | LIBERAL ten -year protection ■ II L C • POLICY AGAINST TANK FAILURE Byrum Hardware Company j “IVE SELL ’EM ” “WE F/X ’EM ” SUFFOLK EDENTON you can be SURE... if J | i ~ ,-i Heard & Seen By "Buff’’ j l p ’ Kyi* ry body should,- at Christmastime* imperially, do I those* things which tend t<» make* other people happy*j hut unfortunately then* are always a few who are, more concerned about themselves than anybody » Iso despite tile eonsemiemes. At least one local person 1 | was made \i ry unhappy during the Christmas season j due to some liondiirrh dcs* ora tint*, a &r:ivo in Beaver, ) ; Hill t’emeteiy. Si - w;is Miss Gladys Simpson. Miss, Simpson holds • . ea it speet the memory of the* late Miss Annie (’**» field. a saintly old Chowan Conn-.] ’ ! ty !;dy Whu iV biuTed in Heaver Hill. She takes i ureal pains :n k• nr up the grave and some time '.j hack planted ;\v. ..• uiiiful eednr trees at the grave, j i Miss Simpsiui was horiit’ied just helrm Christmas when sin; w ait ?«» the (■••inetery only to find that 1 somebody, who . \ d-ntlv has no resput for anybody,; ut (i"wn on* of tin t»< es mud. likely to he used as a 1 Christmas tree.' While looking mound the eeme-j j te ry after Chrism. • l als-. found that somebody 'had- ■ ;ciit out. tin* too .if a)n lUtiful cedar tree on the j ' Holnu s arave. l\\*ry now and then tin* cemetery i is the , : • m Hoodlum who seems bent on : wantonly d • iii ft i ui’t infrequent that flow* :s :nd pi " - n ■so stolen frotfa graves. It’s just too had that ryhbd* does not have enough ; n->p« ’ pul rev* i:enee for the dead to refrain from] ; .und’oihtr whai hr .-d, oin s do >a tokeh of their love| gone before. .lust 1 \vha! phcisi:sihir -.h♦•odiums get from niolestimr’ • •: • - - i d to understand, Mid : herti’C hoping -n« .•»(• -tlvsr. times the guilty parties) nd It .. th to th< fiiHest ‘extent . of the law. ' " ) ~v : • .. '• •. . • • •• .' •/•••;, .v;mm -f A ’ 1- y s a.-ident fK’Ctir which iof pp m dfirihjr the Christ iii - \ ' going to of -of trouble t<> j pino. Torn foi; a brother Fed Man. ( had n must have drop ■ pefl t be tweet Iferald office and the i'bfu'e Sta tion. I searched'. high: and low f>r the. let ter. but couldr/t : - hg t '■ :' r ■ ,i great deal" ] •*■’ red tapi i.nd cOpsidertlde iv in paying the | widow tin* d> Tip letter eanitot lve of any i ■ \\ spi ;kcd up and • ii,o -ma-ib'd. here’s- one we.> will regain tlie- happi -1 wor . * irristmas : f 1 eiin get hold of.; it. Weir, a just lout ov«*r; but. some folks gpt sit S t \e\\ Vi*ar s I >ay. | 1 Vj'H Ipsed..for. the ; • lent on. For t lie nu rt - . ' !! -re’s put who enjoys j (iiri-triias. bu ; ‘, - also, g.i, d when the’''holidays are' \nd. t ’ - • • thers who feel the 'amo 1 ■; . v;■ . r | H* Ih i ' 1 don day bei’om (iiristinas. ! M Inn lie -r.0;.,j t !t« ■ 'u.- h* >aw a rather at-j ’ ; act '\ • • . •'*. ,-i’;'cr la.'-ded '•Seotch.” He a."!\• ml:f It v;,s h, van <* n;. but it happened to be 1 Scot ns • • • . *itist* ■! .«f the kind of Si;ot> r. hi thi utthf ft was. Amotr- y «"i-M> gr.•• 11 r>aid.- I found this little «1 imbue:: , I.ittl- Chr '(■ -i g pi.iy• i t "and ph-ase. 1.0rd.,' ; U.t th* '• itain t - n •<1 • ike instead of in rod- | j liver •• • , s'i \•• • " !* p» n M - ftel a; •\ *• nd«‘d I ‘ M ■ >i -n« >f the youn g stei*s ; will n«»: •« •_: ut th re 11* many livotliers win* ; "ill i* •!;/.< •. .i,i. ay not having ’em around * the house so ouieh «»f s. like the ' - el •! the holidays are oyer. | Westinghouse ■ [ water heater ■ LtBLDI W^SMI | ... ... v-ffaa? < THK CHOWAN HEHALD, KDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY DECEMBER 30, 19:,t :!«- \! l’-i, i, -lit < :i,li!iillc,l .to Cho\v;i!i ►| 11 ospit :i I ,lining the week of Deeelii .; her 2M-2ti were : White K,lent,ni: Mis. I .ctnis,- (‘l:iml. , Vnlnn Tenpin, Mrs, I onise Harrell. ■ slr:. S.-nlic D:tvis ; i Tyner: l.aytnn Dale, Ray ilol ■; low, 'ii. : (’olnmlvip; Sylvesf"!* I’ollard and , M i*s. D* an Simmons, j Bidvidere: Mrs. Novella Ward. Negro Edenton: Mary White. 'Tyner: Cluster Jordan, Aletlvial ; Frl.ton. ; Sun bury: Id a m ; es 1 ‘ son. F.lizab :1' Cat v: (dnwopd T> | d’ennessec; Elizabeth Honian. 1 l‘ati, nt disc IVargi d from the j hos]iit; I did ing the s’amd \vi k [were: Wliile I vd* nt ■'•■w IViyid f« * ■■ i 1 * I I Hyruri. Mr-*. I.ouisr*Harr*'.!]. Tvne)*: Mia. Mable ibiiv, f);iie 1., . I ayton. (%»lunrbi:i: M i - P ■ * Si m m • It 'l \ iv* • : M•' I-’lnoi a . S.m : ’ 1 y- J Whnleyrille. X:*.: Mr-. 0-ilaj ! Jordan. N egro E‘.lerton: Joseph lalni*y. Infant [ .V’\t Ipm y. I 1-y, :, ld:. ; I • fant H'ar is J \V i *i, j-' ii• \ fvni XVit) dim \V.inf MevftVo.d: .1 •dp XV- :>’•. ■ Tvne-r: • A1 t.hef/Fepoiv. j Sunbury: Eranres Mason.. Elizabeth''.City; 1 .inworn! javine.! Eoraii.,;;' k<a f-iifant-fHrl \prniai.;' ’ T run* •■ E|i Bdn • : Hirtlw * Hirin'-* f-w the w< *'k Decaiiiboi j ;2d 2U V•>• • XL. . fid M•' 1. ’ • • 1 11 p,-.i and.'"Edent,*n. a daught* : Mr | : -nut Mrs. Ci ril Han. 11. K,l, titot . : 1 '■ -'' : ' : • j son. Visitinsry minister> I;'! ihe wei !. ! Deri ndx * 27 to January 2 a : j XV mii- . the It ev. !'. < \ \ le.\ am 1 e i*; V I*o. thi ReS f 1 i -I • • I IONS MEET MOM) \Y After eallitu** ’ft' two louring Vh»* Christmas holidays j Kdt»nton's I.'ops Club will resume : ts Ten Ilia u m,-M JlgS !ie\t M'-Jldayj j night. J:vnuar>' •'•. ‘ T k. i Hrpjiidi ■ • 1 rl Hair* - n on in her of :h,‘ rh:h *•» !•»• *>r. pr |_ . ! 'j (TVIC CALENDAR^ (Continued fr»un Page t)n**> Property must be listed for ta\- iation during the month of Janu ary. Unanimity Lodge. No. 7. \. I’.. A \. VI.. "ill confer the first de gree at it-s meeting Thursday night. January h. Edenton Lions Cluh ''ill m«*ef 1 Monday night at 7 o'clock. Edenton Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star "ill meet Monday night. January 3, at S o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Chowan Trihe of Red Men meets Monday night at 7:‘»0 o’clock, "hen row officers "ill he installed. Ed Bond Host. No. Hi. of the Xmorioan Legion L sponsoring dances at the Legion hut every 1 Saturday night from 3 to 12 o’clock. YEW Host meets in YEW home Tuesday night of next week. fund raising drive for the Eden-v ton swimming pool still in progress., YEW Post home open every Fri day and Saturday nights for mem bers and guests. V. C. 1.93a license plates now on 1 sale at the C arolina Motor Cluh of fice. 102 East Water Street. hip. *• *•- ruisi >» ai» T SXHBBBHBnHH WPWTOI ARRANGE a bate now for us to service WHvVtw nm JOHN mm UIPMENT —satisfy elastomers. But some- | / jfi ll Ihe C^mAimb mPmetttSelVlCedat j j I ???--- — k John Deere reconditioning jobs for i 1 ”~1/ C next severa l months. If service I j w” ---'V I ZS S is needed on your equipment, \ r "~) A \ -l—-—~jj K arrange a date with us now for ill -vV) 1 'iX. service your John Deere I I I *27 / Equipment deserves. We'll set aside '\ \\ j ' .. Ur-j] )f) the time for our skilled mechanics y y 'A 1 k/// JJ io handle your work. They'll do \ V only the necessary work it j .. ****"*quickly, efficiently, and economi cally. See us soon. Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. i EAST CHURCH STREET “Your John Deere Dealer” EDENTON, N. C. - - (Serving Your Farm Equipment Needs Is a '£tffWsd> w ' * ll Us jl| EHF Quiet Christmas In Chowan County Kdent.m police report a very - • quiet Christmas holiday >* a>on. , with only a few arrests mad, for ; minor eb'onsos. No accidents were reported in Edenton, but om* arrest j was made early Christmas morn- j ing for drunken' driving. In the eounty as a whole only two minor automobile ao ident’s, oc curred. both on the road lending from Highway 17 to Copier Hill. Jln both instances those involved • were Negroes who failed to pego ; tiajo a curve, and only ('tie was, [.slightly injured. ATTK.Mt I 1 NKRAI. | .. . Out-of-town people who -attended' tlie funeral of Mrs. John Martin Harrell. Jr.. Tuesday aft**moon in • ■liided: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Welch f Cross C ty. El . Mrs. Leona SWearing.*:!* «,fOrl.oidty, Fla.: Mrs. Heulah Hai atifl M’»s. Rphy !!'* 1 B •• ••*. I" : Mr nd Mrs H E. AVeh-b and daughter Hetty'of'* | Jacks im ii'-. Fla..; Mr’ and . XX’oodii-d XYelth mad f.iniiiy of; \ii i . S C.; .Mr;:.and, Mrs, j b I\. Leggett of Norfolk;-Mr. and I ! Mrs. .Horn -t* .lolvnsop and Mrs. Cu N. Sutton id' SutTolk: Mrs. Charles I ‘ 'V. Sutton and Mrs. Bernard X’-> ■ ’ iwi of Beih'a \;eii. Classified Ads ! BA-n iREATH I.OSKS FRIENDS’ liny t,fi .'till-na 01. AG Tooth I’astn it the ,!n«j atom [ RKEF FOR SALE HIND QUAR .(•■!■-. Oc lb.: t'lioit ,tu:ir!i‘t<. 25,• j . I!'. Sr Ft>, ii VVliit,'. Rent.' 1. Kilt'iitnn, N.-c. D.v:*.1,:.23.;;nn ■ i:<><*ms mi; ri:\t- u.i,ntx volii*')'rrs. Sintrl,. or flottbl,' br,!-, K iti 'n.'t, |>t :': 1• • ir<- - M , R. 11. R.uhm .' . 217 F.lctt St I’linn,. kl-\V. D,'i'3o..r.'itt(i.l3, 1 I,IR SAI.K 2 RKAGI.K HOUNDS |s n>o’i'h“ olil. Runnintr ' R. Cy, l .' I'rivntt, Route 1. I'lh'n t■ (, . N i D> r30.,1:in.Up,1 Bk hp. Mercury Engine iSH^B CUTS MORE T/AlߣR\F\ a a FOR LESS LOWER maintenance HIGHER performance! LONGER life! SEE th is rugged, SfE rhe many cu*f ng reliable saw cut aftacSmeuls P j^*, You.ll see why it s including narrow j 'vTF the leader for guide dependable, high w ith fasi cutting J production cutting chains how smoothly it xK\\ | (i\\ |>j;i( |; runs even at top ,w, *" . „ ! speed-w„hou. 839.).00 j v,b r at,on or " till 3-fooi Kail a chatter. Meets am! Fast Tut •/ Jt) every logging Chipper Chain k'd'/^V See it Saut SoriiUf / for g free demonstrehon, gsk Hobbs Implement Co. Kdenton. North Carolina ! S4OO MONTHLY SPARE TIMF. i I Rt'fillinjr ami I'olli'i'titiß' money front our five vent lliplt Grade Nut Ma-I ehitios ill this ai'ea. No soiling;! Tp iiualil'y for work you ttust havo v:if. I'eforotu'os. $(!40 cash, soon rod by inventory. Devoting G hours a woek to business, your end on por t'entage collections will not up to $!t)0 mentltly with very good pos- 1 sibilittes of taking over full time.] 1 m tun,■ inoreasing arc,vrdingly. For; interview, include phono in appli action. Write Nut-O-Matio G 0..! Die,, til Uxehaiigo Place, Now York 5. N. Y. It {MI Mt INUMKNTS whore you SAVE the middle man’s profit. 405 S. | Road Street,. Klizabeth City,! N. G. Dial 5995, J. YVinton Sawyer MONUSIENTS \nthorized Dealer For ROCK of AGES MO\rM R X T S The World’s Finest exp;;-18-55 WANTED • Why Worry About Athlete's Foot. Boils,. Burns, 1 ltd). Kczema, Impetigo. Pimples.j Rsiii iassis,. Ringworm or any j known skin disease.. Ask your druggist, about Y-.1-O. Fe1,20.1355pd SPUING M ACM INK REPAIRS—| on . all makes. Five estimates in advance. Wi, will loan you a mil- j .rhino while yotT/s is being re paired. Singer . Sowing Center, j (i.tiA Last. Main. Street, Rlizaheth • City. N. ('., phone 430(5. Nov.tfe j SALESMEN WANTED - WOULD • yen like to have a good, perman ent, profitable business of your! own? Y,.u can have—selling! Rawl, igh l'lvdtiets. Hundreds of j titeti ar,; earning mere than ever . fxe.l',,re.-' su)ij)lying families with ■Rawleigh’.- every day necessities, Y"t: ■•an too. Good locality avail al.iji' in t'hewan County Write Ra wieigh's. Dept. \CL#3l<l-2IG Richthettd. Y;;. D,e2.9.1G,2330p l'Si:I) SEWING .MACHINES. AS lew a,- S l >!.<*•? and up. 53.00 (lowri. balati,',' on easy litjdget ■terms.?; Singer Sewing Center,. G‘ts Ha-' Main Street. Elizabeth City. I'!'"!’'' 130,1. tfr. i PIANO-TUNING 58.50. SATIS-j faction Guaranteed . . • Ptvmpt i I Service . Drop card to Johnny! I Pursley, 1587 Georgia AVe., Cole-J man Place, Norfolk 2, Va. I D,c9.10.23.30c FARM FOR RENT—FARM AND home for rent cash or share crop, j •% mile from Center Hill oft Cis i co and Center Hill road and is hard surfaced. Plenty of barn I and shelter room. Cool and < I shady. Electric lights, hut no i water Connections. Known as Parker Mends place. Pm looking for a permanent resident. Write Willie F. Mends, 2010 North 1 Boulevard, Tampa 2, Florida, j SeptOtfc | DANCING I EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 8:00 P. M., to 12:00 P. M. American Legion Home U. S. Highway 17... South of Edenton MUSIC FURNISHED BY WELL KNOWN ORCHESTRA 50c PER PERSON CLEAN SWEEP CLEARANCE Suits Reduced V 3 to V 2 Price All Hats l/ 2 Price All Dresses At And Below Cost i AH Pocketbooks Va and V 2 Off All Coats At And Below Cost ONE GROUP Os SKIRTS GREATLY REDUCED BLOUSES Nylons... Crepes... Wool Jerseys $2.98 values . . NOW 81.98 | 84.98 values NOW $2.98 $5.98 values. NOW 83.98 $7.95 values NOW $4.98 ALL SUEDE AND KID SKIN COATS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS REDUCED Edenton ■ / 1 LOST BLACK WALLET CON -1 mining valuable identification cards, driver'l lirrn.U', etc. If found please return to P. O. Box 448 or phone 3G4-W. 11pel I.ost-MKdY's RED BILLFOLD. Contains valuable papers to own er. Reward. Phone U7-.1. ltc CARO OF THANKS fp We wish to take this mef'tis expressing our thanks to kind neighbors and dear friends for the Love gifts sent; to our. daughter, Delores, who is ill. May Heaver.'s richest He- sings' be bestowed upon each and every one, MR. AND MRS. | STEPHEN LONG „

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