PAGE EIGHT LOCAL Here From Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Willis McClenney of Charlotte spent the holidays in < Edenton with relatives. Visiting Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson have as their guests this week their grandchildren, Martha and Hobby Fallis. Holiday Visitors Mrs. C. F, Russell had as her guests for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Busby and daughter of Chapel Hill and Miss Billie Earle' Russell of Norfolk, Va. Here For Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Chestnut t and children of Richmond, \ i., Spent the holidays in Kdcntc! visit ingr relatives. Kooky Mount Visitors Mr. and Min. \Y. M. James have : returned to their -home in Rocky Mount, after s-pondimr the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hardin. Missi- Itetsy Hardin areonißahied her grandparents home to spend s“V- * ewl days. Returns To Norfolk Miss Shirley Keefer returned to Norfolk Tuesdav after snending tin* Christmas holidays with her par- . ents. Mr- find Mi’s. Gliff Keetor in i Westovei* 1 le.ight.s. Scotland Neck Visitors Mr. Jtnd Mrs; Will Hei Scotland Vpck were week end \ isite ors in Kdenton. (»uo<t of Father Mr. and Mrs.. Millard . \V,avd Ci re* .* n>shor<>- >• iv 'nt tl y e week-end wiMv his father, Frm >t \Y:u*’(i on Qtteori Street. Holiday (.nests Mr. and Mr 1 • •<».• - Fopdiami - had: as. t guests.-My Mrs. Jaeksoji and cni live of Plymouth ;n*l Mr. md -Mi J ( 1.. Foreh •' Nancy, of (Ir*v "• Attending Raskethall (lames Mr. and Ml - (' Fl > dren are 'pending several .days ir. Raleigh visiting Mrs. Fry's imp ents. While tend the Dixie ('lassie fkisk-othall < Tournament. Fuquay Springs Visitor* Mr. and Min. TVp FrrrV of Fu qua> Springs ' \ •] ■ a n'.ivi* Friday to speiul the holiday with Mr. and - Mrs. W. T. Hairy in. Wost.pver < Heights. Vi.silinc In Raleigh M•. nd Mrs Dixon. Jr.. ~ nd pH ildren ■: >v. .sp.-n.d. ing a week w.ith .Mrs. Dixon's na.-r --♦ nts. Dr. and Mis. Samuel Roh idtt in lialeigh. In Pen ilia Mr. and Mrs V. .1 , -g. i?fc Monday to sjirnd r ••• d.iys in:* Waynesh,urg. I‘with M r. (■.;«*'org‘-’- mother. Here From Rphhins Mrs. Harold' Rickman and sri-p Ah*\and<r. Mis>»-' Frm-kie nd ! Flefa Troth-r of Roddins. V. (’.. ir visiting in the Koni- of tin- R. . and Mrs. Karl Richard-on. finest of Parents Mi As Anno f*ofi.-!d will return Sumlay to her stiplic- it Woman's I ■CiSljpgo_..(ire*-7i i *dO;-'».. t‘ • i : II g the Christmas ludiilay -:> • g'u* r st of her pfire.ntK. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. { Co field. Visiting Parents Mr. arid Mrs. \ \Y Fu.rgde'' und daughters. .I: - . , *>d 11-n d t r Fulpeppf r. Va.. arc spending ’in. holidays with .Mrs, Furginele's par t ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Wood. Here From Vho.skie Mr. and M in, U. U. ( ’ ■ Miss K1 iz.itic? h■ (-iami and Miss Anns La'i.o . ■ ■ were Chiistipas l; ie>ts of Mr. and Nlrs. Frank Ha]me-. M -s Fmily Holmes aecoinpaiiiefl her grand- < parents home for a few days visti. V , BLENDED : WHISKEY PROOF THE STRAIGHT WHISKEYS }Yjj[H :IN THIS PRODUCT ARE 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 3StfroOfef7yiMHil 40% STRAIGHT WHISKEY, 6o%neutra i spirits, DISTIUED FROM GRAIN BBi sOqo BfflsSwßißwiß A piny Code 216 %*= $3 20 » --• Cod * No 215 v OUR OWN DISTILLERY t>f»nvnu. wtuow county, kchtuchv NEWS Return To Burlington Mr. and Mia. Ralph Norwood and daughter, Elizabeth, have returned their home in Burlington after spending the Christmas holidays as guests of Mrs. Norwood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cofield. Return From Rocky Mount j Mr. and Mrs. J. 1\ Ricks, Jr., and ! daughter. Janet, have returned to to their home after spending the holidays With relatives in Rocky Mount. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Alberts of N'orfolk. Va., were Sunday guests ; of Mr; and Mrs. N. J. George, On Southern Trip Jess Wilson and Mrs. W, Eve; ans left Sunday for a week's visit with relatives in; Savannah, Gy., and Miami, Fla. Returns Home Miss Lucy Bright Cofield re turned to her homo in.. Burlington j Sunday after spending the Christ mas holidays ns gxe st of hoi- par ents. Mr. arn! Mrs. U. !'. Cofieid. Norfolk Visitors Lieut.' and. Mrs. J. B; ..Times and. sons-. Britt and Steve ,-f ?C,n;folk, Va.. spent ■Christmas day-with Mr-. Jones’ nar Oils. Mr. and Mrs. Ra leigh Helinw-U. 11 ll i ll .1 ill Geest- Mr. and Mr-. i.i. S'. .11 .■ ' T>■!'- haul '.v,o- ge, —ts "f Mr. Boyee’s hrotliel ill- IW lid - '. M ’ 1 a : Mr-. I'liieigli 11 olio Weil, dm ag :h --efiiastpias ooli-I-iys. Holidays Jr Raieigb M ■ end M - t . A EM- MM- nd Toil • :.i ■ d hdiiio *,n 1 King ’ce- t p;■ - 1- spend. M'- b,d'ii!:iy s with ir - io j:.-i;’-,-.':s}i. .' Vi -itiag In M i. Gilead M- M ' Hrti a-in ,1 Be. «Uv 'air; siwinThiir thl 1 "v . in' Mr. 'G •I ; Mrs d. ♦ ■ ■ d iid. Mrs. J E !'e. . .; I, reen-bpro \ i -i t or- Ml- nd Mrs. I V child pop , - dt/p hire,, and FHdk ie ,> r Green-A'Ov, aye speilrling i.he ; A ‘ . l b M \V Mr. old Mrs. Cfar f ‘Jle-eir St r. , I. -. I"-. In At I.i !I - . I lid : M i-s. \V S <, s’leli.lmg. Hr O ".’ ..’ ■ \ ■ * ; Georgia,.' ■ • ;.j A isdingJn Norfolk. M -. i|i rg. !' a Fi'i.dpy ;*■ r N'o.rt’ej k, V . where - she i mil speijo tap .week- A- 1■ - hef| ■soii-i-n'-' .-iii.i diuja'n|,'-r,..’.\Er. and j Mrs. Joseph-B . •• ■ Visiting lit W ilminglnn Mr. o,f M' - \V Al l.” B rilul .ch'hlre.ii .asphtvd'iig tlh, A | wit:h ’" * 1 ’' ’ '• . •» ; - )\ ; Return Home M'. i 111! M i'>. D ,; •:,] ! IriMi ' • ■ ' • • ’ > he j (’ll-JM St i'l ' 1 ■ 11»* v.r.'i.V'-s .;' ]. K«f»-?V * op. Return To New Mexico M •*. ’• ■ M 1 ~l'i i- l\ . nt]. . F.-f* • flirp-r- luupu i '1 A : 'lKfllf ! (pi . \ ' \F \ ft-.g • • V 1 . Kl* •• - ’> ' A-.■ y\ }j ]* . k-W- ■■ M • • 1 j :■! : ; i u•• • lu-.r- • !M i : ’ - ' I \| •. 1 \[; - . Cl if;:’ Ke m \\. -■ .■■ H.-ighi- 1 I A K - V: a a iti !. Ktii-ut i'i: si-vV j >•!':.? hA -o. -'A '; | ' i•*il ii>ii Rein Hu--. \\ i I: V • >ii-'ii*jing ♦hi.'l k.i-Ti; \\ iimingiiVn x-.i > iti n g r* * I i - ?iv*'S;- -V. Ifolulav* With I’areivis M. "I ivfrs- W . !!. I ; i?rn /.mi ><hi nh Ajm •i; t' tin h «>!.?- i - tl.t _[i.‘i.rcn,t-s■ at their j 1 ■ lr- Street; • i In lint lord For ( hri^ M ; M - . .1. IX KlUciti , -n.! ciiikii er'i ')it i : ;:br lu*ijil.ajN iir Hci t- Durham Visitor Mis-; Sara Miller of Durham spent the Christmas holidays with ••her p;irents. Mr. and Mrs. \\. F. Miller Church Stre^* Richmond Visitors Chloc. Hill and Russell Boot* wright of Richmond. Va.. are spend ing this week visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. IF A. Chap pell and their aunt and uncle Mr. and' Mrs. C». IF- Potter. finest of Parents Miss Catherine Reeves of High Point, spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Reeves ?it their home on West Kdon Street. Holiday Guests John A. Holmes had as his holi day guests Mr. and Mrs. John A. Holmes. Jt\, and daughter of Ra leiuh and his <laughter. Miss Marx McDonald Holnuxs of Cliapel Hill. Here From Virginia Mr. and Min. W. ’l'. H.iny Had as thVdr lioVidny guests Mrs. Harry’s • t h‘ei jnd sister-in-lhAVi Mi arid I rs. Fd Park of Pprksfey. \ a ReWtrns Home Mrs. C F. T'arks has return* d y o her li.ome in Parksley. \’a.. 'af- Aer having spent some time with i !•(■*• son-in-law ,-rird daughter. Mr. inj.MrsA \\ T Hiiri-v. Ret urn To Richmond Mr. uni Mrs. Tiloinils Chn.-ii-s. •li'.. s'.l’ Richmond. Vo., have i-ctiirn • li.hivnic After, spending A fho hnli .iinvs in EiEptoti with , Ills Garner Gmr-ls Mi. ind Mrs. M niricc Runrli. J”., nd i-iiiMron of fo'vnor. N. is” ' *he liolid.iys in Ed( f nfbl.l visil : lig h 1 s pal'rnl s., ■ \ isils Sister Air-. 'A \ Holm- bin' ns bor " ■”.-on,} gvii'si, hor si-tor; Mi'-. 1! d J’iirk.i’f of f.iilos. \. i'. Kciurn Home M’ s. Tiynniusnp Gi-oobwood an ! "baiilvn halo I-Inmod to 'ln-ir RJcigh aft.-i- - ponding -ovri-at 'l,ivs witly h. i- !,i-.vtli,- 1— iti ' -sisf r. Mr mil Mrs. T. lb Sii ih. : Homo I or Holidays M Mrs. J Kr:. nk WH • - fho i r Ituliday gu os *.- > lr. : Mrs, Wliito and I'anii tf ' > ’ '■ ami Mr,- 'and Mrs. S:.”' U h:to and fiimily, Richmond Guests V!' -a H. T I.ayfnnshar! a- Mr. ami Mrs. ug l a in ■ r of !.’ -ii.mould: \ a Christmas With Parents M" Al’- [\a.tb 11 a[l7 . a ”t Xorfyl K Claris till as ; -a i;. am. All. 'l'-. E. 1.. Kmmtnixor, 2 Door Sedan I EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK g K hß| I ’sl Plymouth, 2 Dr. I 1 52 DeSoto Club Coupe I 11950 Mercury, 4dr. Sedan m m lal Mo Co A*l Used Cars j I North Broad Street Phone 58 EDENTON, N. C» | THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, > v P"CEMBER 30, lAM. Henderson Visitor Mrs. J. E. Coffey of Henderson, I , formerly of Edenton. spent the week-end here visiting friends. Move To Chapel Hill Mr and Mrs. Christopher Bushy, loft Monday for Chapel Hill where I they will make their homo While Mr. Bushy attends the University! of North Carolina. Visits Parents Stacy [.atub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Eumb, left this week for | Voiktown. Va„ where he is station -1; ed with the I", S. Navy on the USS| ! Red Pole (mine sweeperl after spending the holidays with his par ■ ents. Ernnklin Visitor .Alike Kehayes of Franklin. Va.,, ■ was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Er-| nest KehaVes during the holidays. Holidays With Parents Mr, and Mrs. Erie Onfield and j -oil "f O.A Ridge, Temi.. were • guests of Mr. Cofield’s parents, Mr. and M rs. R E. Cofieid. dur i itig tin' holidays. Culpepper Visitors Air. and Mrs. A. AV. Fiirciiiele and daughters, Jane and Harriet, Avf Oiilpepner, A"a.. are spending the (holidays-with Mrs. FtirgiueleV par .’ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. 'Wood. Christmas Guests Mr, and A!rs. Bill Garrett and. ■/two eb ildren of South Norfolk sjient!' i tiio Christmas holidays as guests, I of Mr. Garrett’s mother. Mrs. John j iGarrett, and other relatives. Home From College Mr. and Mrs, Paul Chappell, for-; , merly <if Edenton, are now living; in Bonne. N. C„ and attending Ap v'alai'hi.aiiA. .State Teachers College. Mr. Chappell, the son of the Rev. and Airs. AT I Chappell of Tyner, v is ”inployod by Home Seeurity J .if,- In sura nee until September E IP.A-1. At Appalaehian he is con-i I tinning work ini bis Master of Arts-i ' degree -llld has been sell'eted as graduate assistant in ' the T)eparts| Aleut iif: Biology. Mrs. Chapjiell,| the former Miss Hazel Geary, dm l honor graduate of . Edenti>n High .■school in RI.AI. is the daughter of Mrs. W-ltiam K. Davis of Edenton.. Alt's. Chappell is working on her Hachi lor of Sri. nee degree in Pri-J 'nary .-ducat ion. Mr. and Ml's.) Chapuell *i r-■ snending the Christ -! inns holidays with their parents. Ne« A’ork Visitors William DespiVsito and sops. Pat j and lietiry. returned to. their home j in New. York on .Sunday, after, ' spending .Christmas, (lav. as guests; Air. ik'si nisi i o’.- sister-in-law. Mrs. Ernest Kehayes ami Mr, Ke.j haves. | Visit* Sinter Mr*. Harold E. Baker of Norfolk, Va., spent several days last week in Edenton ns the guest of her sis ter, Miss Evelyn I.eary. Mrs. Bak-! ior and son. Kenny, will leave Nor-1 J folk the first of the year for An napolis, Md„ to join Captain Baker, | | who recently assumed his new du- j ■ ties as head of the Ordnance and I Gunnery Department at the Naval j Academy. Holiday Visitors Jack Pruden and family of Dur ham spent the holidays with his j mother, Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Sr. lloltdays With Alolher Miss Billie Russell has returned 1 Ito DePiml Hospital, Norfolk, Va.,' ; after spending the holidays with , | her mother, Mrs, Charles Russell. A isits Mother On Christmas , Air. and Mrs. James Pail of ■ [South Norfolk spent Christmas as guests of Mrs. Bail’s mother, Mrs., John Garrett. j Colored News V In a recent article Ave informed ; you about (he five topics the Edenton High School faculty pro-; j poses to 'complete this school, year. Today w« wish to share wjth , : you some of the recommendations | [from the Steering Committee arid i fundamentals of th" group process. ; Recommendations: 1. That a representative from! leach committee be prepared to [ Intake a staterftent on the plans and ' , progress of the group at each meet- j mg. 2. That each group he responsi ble for refreshments at a meeting; during the year, beginning with [ Group I at the December meet-; AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE of all I Fall and Winter Merchandise I ❖ ! f l.l'A. ■' ! PRESTON’S i EDENTON, N. t . » , We Invite You To TESTDRIVE The New 19,55 Fords » THEN YOVWILL AGREE THEY ARE TOPSt ing. Fundamentals of the Group Pro cess: 1. Organization of the group. a. Each group selects a chair man and a recorder. j 2. Responsibility of the Group | Chairman. | a. Restates problems and is- I sues clearly. b. Asks questions for facts. i e. Clarifies meanings and en courages ideas. d. Distinguishes between con flict of attitudes and misunder- t standing of statement. ', f 3. Responsibility of the Recorder.i, i a. The recorder keeps a record m ' of action and deliberation of I. the group. li. He summarizes agreements , so as to keep members inform- ; < ed at next meeting. 1 1 o. His records serve as a basis ! • for group reports and evalu- I I at ion. 4. Responsibility of each mem-1 ber of the group. a. Attends meetings regularly arid on time. b. Is willing to contribute j ideas. c. Cooperates with group lead er. d. Knows the purpose of the j 1 group. I e. Is fair about the time he ; j consumes in the group diseus j sions. f. Accepts and follows through ; i with his assignment. I g. Blends his ideas witli other I people’s. r .A, Responsibility of the group as ; ,' a whole. (■;■■■■ j . ■:,■■ -a , ' To Relief* - ! Afar/y S {*/ 666 1 IF YOU SMOKE vo. (T#- OLAG yj TOOTHPASTE f Different from ail others:, M \ v * / makes your mouth feel so clean: ' contains soothing, sanitizing oils:' v dentists say “terrific, wonder jut , you can’t Peat it ” At Drug Stores Everywhere' OLAG PASTE ’SO Chev., 4 Door Sedan! RADIO ... HEATER ... FULLY EQUIPPED 1950 Ford, 4dr. Sedan! I 1952 Studebaker Pick-up j a. Accepts assignment. b. Performs tasks on schedule. c. Hears each other's views. d. Analyzes and assesses all aspects of the problem. e. Submits progress reports to | other groups. f. Sets limit on itself and de fine its work. (This will be continued in next week's issue.) ROTAKIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at J o'clock in the Parish House. The club djirt not meet -last week, so that President Gilliam Wood urges every Rotarinn to attend. Too great refinement is false delicacy, and true detic.'fcy GC solid' refinement. —La Rochefoucauld. “Kins of Swine” j Rig-Meat Type OIC for quickest toppers ... ! use OIC Boars. Minton’s OIC Farm i MKKRV HILL, N. C. Heat Your Home The ESSO Way! j | Esso Heating Oil PHONE 459 Harrell Oil Co. Louis Harrell ITHUHt THEATRE • , EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous | From 3:30 Wednesday and Thursday, December 29-36 — Van Heflin and Gene Tierney in ' “BLACK WIDOW" Cinemascope with Sterephonie Sound EARN. Q. HARRCI-k * Friday and Saturday, December 31-January 1— Dana Andrews and - Donna Reed in ‘THREE HOURS TO KILL” MRS. C. O. LETCHER • IT | O LATE SHOW’ NEW YEAR’S EVE I : 11:30 P. M, December 31 ! Vincent Price and Mary Murphy in “THE MAD MAGICIAN” —Also— Nat King Cole .Short Regular Admission W. R. TUfiWER j . —p—^ —•— . Sunday and Monday, January 2-3 Alan Ladd and Audrey Dalton in , -“DRUM BEAT" ' CjnemaScope with ' S’terephonic Sound’ PEaRL BAKER ! . : ——rO- ; ' 1 Tuesday and Wednesday, January 4-5 Double Feature , L ;i k R«(bertJslaTk In - : “SABREJET’’ *> | . alsoH- Charles t’ahinkiri s* i » “THE ROCKET MAN” ' MISS MILDRED BUNCH ! EDEN THEATRE -■ kdenton, n. c. FrWay and Saturday, December 31-Jamiary 1— Rod Cameron in - *• “BRIMSTONE" f ; \ NOTlli'^ont.W# cclvg-a. free ppss to tee one < j tKe ■

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