J .. .A ONLY NEWSPAPER PV BUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number 3. invitation For Bids For Improvements Local Marine Base _____ Bids For Work Will Be Opened at 21*. M. j February 1 An invitation has been issued by j the Bureau of Yards and Docks. Department of the Navy for reha bilitation of utilities at the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing j Field. The work includes rehabilitation j of the station condensate return and water distribution systems, steam system rehabilitation within manholes, cleaning sewage line, re habilitation of two sewage pump ing stations, rehabilitation of a deep well pump and incidental re lated work. Aside from this work bids will be asked this week for other work at the base costing in the neigh borhood of half a million dollars. Sealed bids in duplieate for fur-: nishing all labor, equipment and ! materials and performing all work ! for the project will be received un- j til 2 o’clock EST. February 1 in the i District Public Works Office, Fifth | Naval District, U. S. Naval Base, j Norfolk. Va. ’ The invitation to submit bids was ) Issued by Captain A. J. Fay, offirer j jn charge of construetion for the I Fifth Naval District.. Lieut. Wright | will be resident officer in charge J of construction and R. R. Hall will: be chief inspector. Specification No. 43104 and other j bidding data and information may! be obtained on application to the [ . 'strict Public Works Office, Fifth I t val District (Code DB-300) forj 0, payable to Treasurer of the ] United States, This is required as j security for safe return of each set j of bidding data. Bloodmobile Will Visit In Edenton On February 9th Dr. A. M. Stanton Ap pealing: For Blood Donations Dr. A. M. Stanton. Red Cross | bloodmobile chairman. announces | that the bloodmobile will make its | first 1955 visit to Edenton Wednes- I day, February 9. The quota for this visit will be i 110 pints of blood, so that eiti- j 7.ens are urged to rally to this i worthy cause and donate blood. , “There is a great need for type; “O” blood at present,” says Dr. | Stnaton “and persons with this type are urged to donate. Mark , Wednesday, February 9, as your! day to give a pint of blood in or der to relieve suffering and possi- ] bly saving a life.” Critical Housing Situation Is Again Wo trying Ma rin es ——— Chaplain Veltman Ap-j peals For Coopera- ! s tion of Citizens <” j An urgent situation has arisen in the housing situation for the fami lies of the Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field at Edenton. Many new officers and enlisted men have ! joined the group and are not able j to 'ind housing for their families. Marine Attack Squadron 211 has just returned from overseas and those who are married want to have their wives and children with them, but are forced to find hous ing ns far away as Elizabeth City -if t»y are to have this privilege. If Bousing is available either as an entire house or in the form of fn mi filled and unfurnished apaft fHE CHOWAN HERALD Human Fly |l ~~ J | . In ' x JOHNNIE WOODS Known as the Human Fly, John | nie Woods will climb the Citizenx j Bank Building Friday afternoon ] and descend Saturday afternoon a« 'a feature in helping to raise funds I for the Chowan County March of j Dimes. Human Fly Plans To Climb Citizens Bank | Building Two Days ; Part of Collection Will Go Into March of Dimes Fund A thrill is in store for Edenton ittns Friday and Saturday when j Johnnie Woods of Astoria, Oregon, v ill climb the Citizens Bank Build jitig from the sidewalk to the roof as a special attraction to help raise ; money for the March of Dimes. Herbert Small, owner of the I building, gave Mr. Woods permis ; sion to do bis dare-devil stunt only : because a percentage of an offer j ing to l>e taken will go into the I March of Dimes fund. Os the [ money taken in, Mr. Woods will re ceive 70 per cent and the March ! of Dimes 30 per cent. Papers were signed by Woods on behalf of Mr. Small and Mayor Le | roy Haskett relieving the owner of j the building as well as the town (from any responsibility in case of |an accident. Mr. Woods uses no j safety device. He has had 40 years | experience in climbing and 1 has I scaled buildings all over the coun i try. His most recent feats inelud jed the Washington Duke Hotel in Durham, the Carolina in Raleigh, i the Virginia Dare in Elizabeth City, the Court House at Windsor, the 'Court House at Asheboro and the j Russel 1-Erskine Hotel at Hunts (Continued on Page Four) .ments. Chaplain D. K. Veltman will [appreciate it if he is advised so j that he can place living quarters on Ibis list of available housing. This ! can be done by calling telephone j numlier 830 and asking for Exten sion 19 when the base operator an swers. Chaplain Veltman also points out that it would be fine if anyone knows of any housing in the sur rounding communities to notify the owners of houses that the Marines in Edenton would like to rent there also. Windsor, Hertford, Plymouth and other towns within the radius of the circle formed by these towns are all within commuting distance. Chaplain Veltman is appealing to the citizens of the community to co operate to the fullest in providing living quarters for the Marines who are stationed in Edenton. fedenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, January 20,1955. Methodists Hosts For Sub-District Mooting Os MYF Play Will Be Present- i ed at Service Sun day Nigrht i The F.dentor\ Methodist Church was host to the Perquimans-Clio wan subdistrict of the Methodist Youth Fellowship on Monday even- ’ ing, January 17, qt 8 o’clock. The; subdistrict is made up bf the Moth- : odist Churches in the counties of j Perquimans and C hk> wa n. The | Methodist young people in this area r all meet together one night each j I month, going .to .the .different ; | churches making up the suhdistrict f I in alphabetical, order. The host [ I church prorides a worship program j [land serves refreshments. Tlie lat-j I j ter were provided Monday evening j | by tlie Edenton Woßian’s Society of j II Christian Service and the Wesleyan j | Service Guild, t The program consisted of a short! 11 play entitled “As for Me and My | j House,” prepared by; the General •[Board of Eduentio'n of the Metho | dist Church as a part of a special i youth project known as, Youth in t their Families. It is a clear pres entation of the possibilities for the good of the family, of family coun ( oils, fellowship and recreation in . the home, and regular family wor. ship. Mrs. Daytbn Robinson and Mr<. Harry Lassiter are responsible for | the youth program .in the Edenton I Methodist Church and have made [possible this fine 'presentation. The participating young people arp Jim. mio. Ross. Jerry Dpwnum, Mary Leggett Browning. Frankie Stokes, • Billy Harry, Oscar White, Janice I Comer, Jane Dulaney, Charles Knox and Theda Goodwin. • The emphasis of this play are • important, pot only for young peo ple but also for their parents. Therefore,, this, program will be presented again in the Edenton Methodist Church -at 7:30 next Sunday evenings January 23. The public is cordially invited to at ’ tend. BPW (Hub Meets : In Court House ; Group Asked to Gath er In Old Masonic Room ' Mrs. Adelaide Chesson, president , of the Edenton Business and Pro ( fessional Women’s Club, announces [ that the monthly meeting of the club will be held tonight (Thurs * day) at S o’clock in the old Ma | sonic room on the second floor of the Court House. An interesting program has been arranged, featuring a speaker by 1 the Membership Committee, with 1 Mrs. Corie B. White as chairman. [ All members are particularly urged to be present at this meeting, as important business must be dis posed of. i I cmc calendar] — j March of Dimes campaign in progress during the month of January. Property must hf listed for tax ation during the month of Janu ary. The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a "Holmes For Com mander” dinner in the Legion hut Tuesday night, February 22. Annual meeting of shareholders of the Edenton Building & Loan i Association will be held Tuesday ' night, February 1, at 8 o’clock in the Court House. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F„ & A. M„ will bold a stated com munication tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Maaonie Temple. Royal Ambassadors of the Bden i ton Baptist Church will meet Sun ; day mdming during 11 o’clock wor -1 ship service. ' Women’s Society of Christian : Service and the Wesleyan Guild of i the Methodist Church will hold a . chicken salad supper Friday night ' with the suppers delivered between 5 and 6 o’clock. Johnny Woods, known as the Hu- 1 man Fly, will climb the Citizens |: (Continued on Page Four) [ground breaking at rocky hock] V J .is. J I f i ' M| H J y if j . :we.'. '* - - "&■ —.v^* Above is pictured a group of members of the Rocky llock Baptist [ Church on hand for a recent ground breaking service for a new educa -1 tional building. Included in she picture are those who are serving on ! j the Building Committee. From left to right, first row, they are: -O. C. | Long, Jr„ chairman: Tom Bunch. J. Gibson Ferry, Carey Evans. Murray !J. Tynch and Raleigh l’eele. (One member of the committee, Mrs. Lon i nie Harrell, was not present). Second row, left to right, are: The Rev. | B. L. Raines, pastor, and Deacons Lynn Ferry, R. T. Harrell. Elly Bunch, j Gilbert Harrell and Mark White. Some of the members of the church [ appear in the background. j oppvui Ml IMV i uiuwn Edenton’s Firemen Answer 52 Alarms During Year 1954 32 Fires In Edenton i And 20 In Rural Section Fire Chief R. K. Hall reports J that during the year 1954 tHe j Edenton Fire Department answer-! ed 52 calls, of which 32 were in ' Edenton and 20 outside the city j limits. Property damage involved was! estimated at 8561,200 and dam-age I in Edenton amounted to 823,040. [ Firemen were on duty during the j 52 calls 43 hours and 15 minutes | and in their operations laid 6,050 | feet of hose, raised ladders 104 feet j and used 45 pounds of chemical. Chief Hall reports that the per j capita fire loss in Edenton during] the year, based on 5,000 popula- [ tion was only $4.60. During December the firemen an-; swered nine alarms, two in Eden ton and seven In the county. Negro School Puts Out SOS! For Band Help Parade Scheduled to Be Held Thursday, January 27 T. I. Sharpe, chairman of the ; band drive committee at the Eden ton colored high school, issues ah S.O.S. for additional funds. “We are, doipg our best to keep i the band drive ship afloat.” says Chairman Sharpe, “but we find that we need more help. Our goal is ; $1,400.00 to pay for new instru ments purchased recently, so that wo will appreciate any contribution that anyone may make.” The chairman announced that a ■ band drive parade will be held Thursday afternoon, January 27, at i 2 o’clock in an effort to stimulate j interest in the drive. Annual Meeting Os Chowan County Farm Bureau Will Be Held On Friday Afternoon j - J Fish Fry and Election Os Officers at Cho wan High School The Chowan County Farm Bur eau will hold its 1954 annual meet ing and fish fry at the Chowan High School on Friday afternoon, January 21, at 4 o’clock, says Bris toe Perry, bounty president. AH Farm Bureau members and their families are invited and each fami ly should bring enough corn bread for themselves and one guest. The fish fry is scheduled to start 1 t i “John Deere Day” | Will Be Observed | | Thursday, Jan. 27 j Farmers and Families Invited to Free En- I tertaifunent l Hobbs Implement Company an- 1 Inounces that John Deere Day will j Ibe observed in the Edenton Ele- j Imentary School auditorium Tliurs-' day night, January 27, at 7:30 j , o’clock. i Among the features of Hv at- j ; traction will be Garland Abbott, WTAR-TV star, in person, togeth er with his Western Swing Boys ■ and Quartet. A well known ma ' gieian and comedian trill also he ]on the program. All farmers and their families i are cordially invited to attend the j entertainment. Free tickets have, [been mailed, but Guy C. Hobbs. I manager of tlie concern, says that [if tickets have not been received, lean be secured free of charge by | calling at his office. District Senators On 12 Committees; Senators from tlie First District | were assigned to 12 various com- | : mittees of the 28 committees in the Senate late last week when Luther Barnhardt, president of the Senate, read the appointments. Senator Elton Aydlett is serving on seven of the committees, includ ing appropriations. Conservation and Development, Judiciary 1, Com merce, Public Roads, Public Utili ties and University Trustees. Senator Godwin appears on six committees and is chairman of Ju diciary 11. His other assignments are: Courts and Judicial Districts, l Education, Districts, Comrfierre, | and Retirement and Employment) ■ Security. ! I ;at 4 o’clock. Following eating, I about 5 or 5:30, the annual meet- ' 1 ing will be held in the high school ! auditorium. Officers for the year, : ' 1955, will be elected. The guest speaker’s subject will be “How to Use Your County Farm Bureau”. Group singing will be a feature for everybody's participation. Mr. Perry urges all 1955 mem- 1 bers and their families to be pres- 1 lent and enjoy this occasion. A no- i ' tice is being mailed to every mem- ] ber but if a member fails to re- < I ceive his card he and his family < should come anyway, Mr. Perry ] 1 says. ' t VFW Host For First District Meeting Sunday Afternoon | Meeting Begins In Lo cal Post’s Home At 3 P. M. I William H. Coffield Post, No. j 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars. ! will be host for a meeting of the { j First District which will be held in the local post’s-home Sunday after j noon starting at 3 o’clock. Follow ing the meeting a. supper will be served. The meeting will he presided over by District Commander Wes ley t'ullipher of Elizabeth City and will be featured bv addresses by two gitest speakers, Fast Depart ment Commander Forrest Dunstan of Elizabeth City and Department Senior Vice Commander Rufus Joy tier of Rocky Mount. Bill Ferry, commander of the lo cal post, expects in the neighbor hood of 100 visitors from the dis trict, which includes posts in Cho wan. Bertie, Hertford, Washing ton, Tyrrell, Gates. Perquimans, Pasquotank and Dare counties. Carlton Perry Special Guest Cotton School {Chowan Boy District i| 4-H Cotton Winner In 1954 j Carlton Perry, son of Mr. and i Mrs. Bristoo Perry of the Advance community was Eastern District 4-11 Cotton winner in 1904. Carl : ton attended the 4-H cotton school [which was held at State College on | [ January 11 and 12. The club members and agents j ; who attended this school heard i j some very good talks on the latest | I methods of cotton production ini I Noith Carolina. Dr. E. T. York,] 'head of the agronomy department | at State College, gave a talk on [ “Cotton Studies in North Carolina”. I R. D. Mauney, chairman of the I North Carolina Production Com-j mittee of the Atlantic Cotton As sociation. welcomed the group and | explained the purpose of the as-j sedation. W. G. Westmoreland, ox- j tension agronomist, explained the I latest methods of weed control in j cotton production and J. C. Fergu son. agriculture engineer, explain led mechanization in rotton produc- Jt.ion. H. M. Garris, plant patbolo-! j gist, told of the seriousness of the! nematode diseases in cotton. J. 11. j Shanklin. Extension agronomist,: [gave a summary of the meeting.: *The group made a tour through! departments of the State Department of Agriculture. Hospital Auxiliary Meets On Friday Charlene Connell Will Entertain With Her Accordion | On Friday afternoon, January 2.1, at 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home, tlie Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will hold its first meeting of (he new year. Mrs. George Hoskins, retir ing president, urges a large at tendance for the important busi ness of electing a new slate of of ficers, presented by Mrs. Clarence Leary, Jr., and Mrs. Wesley Ches- i son, Jr. At the meeting Charlene Connell, whose father is Douglas Aircraft representative M the Edenton Ma rine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field, will entertain with her aceordian. Tea will be served by Mrs. W. 0. Elliott, Jr. The party on Christmas eve for the hospital staff at the nurses’ home was a great success, thanks to the splendid cooperation of the community. There were beautiful home made confections and gener ous contributions of money, which enabled Mrs. Albert § Byrum and j Mrs. Junius Davis to arrange tlie | ■ affair. $2.00 Per Year In North "arolina Machinery IsSet v T n To Raise Funds Fox 1 ’55 March Os Dimes j Warning! ] is. J i Chief of Folice George I. Dail j ; this week calls attention to auto mobile owners that it is ! to display 1955 city license plates before February 1. Chief Dail says | that if a car lias been operated dur. ! j ing January and the 1955 license ■ tag has not been purchased before' 1 1 February 1. a penalty of *I.OO w ill .be added to each license. He, j therefore, urges all owners of au . tomobiles to purchase their tags at , I the Town office at once. ( New Building At Rocky Hock Church Is Now In Progress Educational Plant Ex pected to I>e Com pleted In April j In December members of Rocky i j Hock Baptist Church bold aii im pressive ground breaking service .‘for a proposed hew educational building. This structure is to be a j , two story building 15 feet in width l - and 70 feet in length of block-brick: construction. Tire building is being built for children from beginners through! I tlie intermediate level. Among the J features of the 19-ioom building! will tie a library which will be of! service to adults. Tim Edenton Const ruction Com- J I pony has the contract for the build ling and brick work has been com j pleted up to the second floor level, | The building will probably lie ready j j for use in April. Annual Meeting Os i | B. &L. Association ! Tuesdayjeb. Ist | Shareholders Asked to Meet at Court House At BP.M. K. K. Leary, svcivtary of tlio jKdehton Hiiildin^Loan Associa tion, announces that a hicctinff of ; sharoholdrrs «»f tin* association will ;}>«• hold Tuesday evoniiiff, F« bni-| j ary 1. at 8 o’clock in tlw Court ' i Houso; j All share hoi dors art* .requested t«», !attend this mootihjr to thoir stock or have proxies sent in. i The association paid a dividend !of Y r on stock for tin six months’| period ending: December 31 instead l of th»’ usual 3Tr. Winners Named In Chowan County’s 4-H Com Contest Gerald Harrell, Janies Monds, Robert Skin ner Top List Edenton’s Lions Club entertain ed the 1954 Chowan 4-H Corn con testants and their dads at a supper Monday night. Prizes were award ed to the top winners in each of the three age groups, 10. 11 and 12, ages 13 and 14, and ages 15 and above. Gerald Harrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harrell, of the Rocky Hock community, who grew 107.2 bushels of corn on his acre, won top prize in the age group of 13 and 14. Gerald’s yield was also the highest in the contest, James Monds, son of Mr. and [ Mrs« B. P. Monds. of the Center I Hill community, won top prize in the age group of 15 years old and FIGHT POLIO! JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES Mother’s Night, Road Block and Human Fly Features Kill Ferry, chairman of the Chop j wan County March of Dimes, which j is sponsored this year by William [ H. Coffield Fost, No. 9280. Voter- Inns of Foreign Wars, has complet ed his organization for the 1955 ; drive and contributions are now be | ing solicited. While only a few re j turns have been made. Mi'. Perry j is encouraged with tile cooperation •he has received thus far and is ; hopeful the county’s contribution in the fight against infantile paralysis , j will exceed last year’s, when *2,- 157684 was raised in the county. 1 J Assisting in the drive will be members of the VFW Auxiliary, who will serve in various capaci ties. As in former years a* house-to ; house canvass will be conducted with Auxiliary members and the following serving as canvassers: j Parker Helms, Louis Leary, John j ParrisJb John Oliver, Hoskin Bass, [Jim Basnight, Curtis Twiddy, lai | once Spruill, Bill Crammey. David White, Tommy Crowder, Ed Park [••r. I.utber Ket ter, Edward Potts, Willie Spruill. Sgt. Camp, W. D. Harris. Milton Bunch, Jack Bar j cow, William K. Barrow, Buck j I.atigdaie, Victor Fordham, Robert I Goodwin, Merrill Pcitj and Percy [Dail. ! Contributions in the county will be principally through the home ! demonstration clubs With County j Agent C. W. Overman and Miss , Hattie Singletai-y, home agent, in charge. Contributions from colored peo j pie will be in Charge of the Rev. E. S. Parker, the Rev. J. E, Tii lett and tlv- Rev. W. H. Davis. !. In Edenton contributions among j the colored people will be sponsor jed by the Parent-Teacher Associa , tion under the direction of William j Collins and Clarence Jernigam At the colored school. Principal D. F. Walker will direct the cam . paign. In tlie white schools. Principal [Ernest Swain will direct the drive 'in. the Edenton Elementary School and Principal Gerald James in the Junior-Senior High School, County Superintendent W. J. Taylor' will l>< in charge of the drive in the white schools in the I county, At the Edenton Marine Corps | Auxiliary Landing Field Chaplain D. K. Veit man will be in charge. Canvassers for business houses [arc James Bond, Larry Knox, Jack : Jordan, Murriell Byrum, J. C. Parks and Joe Swanner. A\. C. Keeter is the solicitor for .the individual establishments, Mr. Ferry lias announced that there will he three special features in the effort to raise funds. One | will lie a road block on Saturday, ■ January 29, when Boy Scouts will (Continued on Page Six) j . above. His acre made MJI bushels of com. Robert Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Skinner, of the Ad vance community, won first prize" . in the age group 10, 11, and 12. .; Robert grew 61.4 bushels of com - on his acre. Each of these boys grew N. C. ', 27 corn, which is a very good hy« , i hrid that was developed by Dr. I \ Paul H. Harvey, of the N. C. Ex periment Station. Gerald, James, I and Robert were awarded ?10 each ■ by the Lions Club. ! Earl Harrell, president of tha club, welcomed the boys and their ! dads, and W. J. Taylor, secretary, • awarded the prizes. Jimmy Partin, member of the Lions Club Boys’ and Girls’ Com ' j mittee, had charge of the program, i A total of 25 boys and 17 dads at -1 (Continued from Page Six)