Jj ■ ■ - ONLY NEH'SPAPER FI BUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Ik Ai ame XXll.—Number 4. Bids Invited To Do; More Repair Work At Base In Edenton Included In Work Is j Plumbing, Heating, PJectrical Systems Tlic Bureau of Yards and Docks, j Departfrient of the Navy, will re ceive bids for repair work at thei Edenton Marino Corps Auxiliarv . Landing Field until ‘J o’rlook Tin's- , day aft-moon, February s. The existing plumbing. beating | and electrical systems of 11-otbl] buildings arc to lie rehabilitated and repaired, in addition to inter ior and exterior repairs and paint- • inj*. A jtortion of the existing dis- i pensary is to be rebuilt, and an en tire new roof provided over a fre-'.i ; water reservoir, a tel other ineiden- j tal related work at the hast', ••■ ' I Specification So. I"-1 Ob and other r bidding data and .information teay I ■ be obtained on application to tin- | District public Works Office, 1-itthj Kaval District (Code DIS-oPP). Xu; !■■■ vat Base. Norfolk 11. \a. Deposit ’ of cheek for S2O. payable to the] Treasurer of the I’niled State, i, • required as security for -safe return.,. of each set of bidding data. I.ieut. J. A. Wright will ts* fesi donee officer in charge of construe- ! tion and It. It. Hall will lie. chief j inspector. Edenton Band Plays In Shriners’ Parade £ New Bern Today • .«rotip Will Leave at 0; A. M. In Charter- I ed Bus i Kdcnt'pn’s' 1 high School Bum! 1’ 1 - ail illvit*if i<»n t" purlin-, pato in the mamm->th p;ira<j<‘ to b< , hold in Now Horn today (Thur- j day) in comm tion with win* -r , of Sudan T* in|>lo Shrin- : Tho pnrnd*- will ho in * j around noon and will inrludo * j fooro of big'll .school hands'. th»- ; Temple’s uniformed units and many' ft oats. Tho trip of tho' hand;' was much* possible by lah-ntonj’ Shriners paying about half of tho t cost of a chartered bus. Tho «*th- | er half of the expense will I *♦ paidjl by Sudan Temple. J< Memb* rs «»f the., band ;uv >rhod-j • uled to h ave on the bus at !> oVloeV i ' this (Thursday) morning?* !* VFW Square Dance ! On Saturday Night f, Sponsored bv VVfllttim 11. 'Cbffietd . Post. No. P2KO. Veterans of For- • ejgn Wars. a eiiViu-rv dance will hit?; i .held in tlic VFW post homo S itur- • day night, January 2!*. from ‘I . o’clock until midnight. A large crowd is expected to'attend the as-i. fair. 1 Program Is Planned j For Scout Troops In Albemarle District f Six Operating Com mittee Chairmen W Make Report Stout leaders of the Albemarle District met Tuesday of last week and planned a full program of ac tivities for the Boy Scouts for 1955. Thirty-two Seouters attended the < meeting. Following a dinner which was j served by the Camden Lions All- | xiliary, Roland Orr. chairman of j the Albemarle District, called on the six operating committee chair men to outline their programs. The annual Boy Scout banquet < committee composed of Raymond Collier, Charlie Smith, and Ray mond Sheely reported that an out standing speaker has been lined up for the banquet which will be Sat- j urday night, February 12. at the) THE CHOWAN HERALD CITIZENS OF TOMORROW )i { J H -*» *> pK * • ffJB V: V I it • Claude Small, 111 Jf l»L ,A SR -v, 'VH « j£ m «• -vs 1 << * Virginia Jones Wilma Leigh Above appears the first in a series of pictures of children ip Eden ton and Cliom an Ummty who will he the citizens of tomorrow. Pictured at top. left to ridu is: Claude Small HI. 3 1 . months old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ulaude Small, Jr.: Michael Edmondson. 3 years old. son of Mr. ami Mis. Caswell Edmondson: Sharon Kay Keeter, 10 1 , months old. dauiiitter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Keeter; Virginia Jones, 13 years old. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. T. \V. Jones: Marion Hunch. 10 years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Bunch: Stanley Pratt, .7 years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1.. Pratt; Wilma Reich Nixon. •“> years old. datichtrr of Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Nixon; Jill W hite. 10 months old. datich ter of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Earl White; Patti 11 aHi t. I year old. daiiE'h ler of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Habit. Another series of pictures will ap pear in next week's Herald. —Photos hy Allen Studios. Detroit. Mich. Poultry School And Egg Show Planned Wednesday, Feb. 2 Poultry Specialist Will Be In Charge of Meet ing to Be Held at Chowan Community Building Starting at 2 P. M. A puiilt ry school ami egg shovv j will Ik- hold ;)t the (Timvan Com iminity Building on W*.dnosilay it ! turmion, Fehruai y 2. at 2 o’ciouk.; All persons interested in egg pro duction ami 'marketing and in priv* during broilers, and fivers should V attend. Tlic .gg show i.e open ( *v noth young and old. sgiy-S. Cmtuty Agent (’’, \v. Ovcrinan. I’oultry speeialists will discuss t tlic latest developments and recoin- ; inemlations oti chickens; how to raise pullets for highesl egg pro- 1 1 duct ion.; proper housing, care and I management of tin laying flock te ■ got the most eggs; information on h*iw U> pr{*p: rr* eggs for. market giml how to market them to the advantage for highest returns, j These arid other items to-help flock owneVs and chicken raisers do a ; hotter job will Ik* discussed. Kliznbi'th City High School case- j terta. Charlie Smith, chairman of the ticket sales, said an all oat ef fort was being made to get all par- 1 cuts and friends of Scouting to at-' tend. The following schedule of activi- j ties was presented as the program - for 1955: The third Tuesday of every month will be the. monthly j [District ScOuters meeting. The j 1 first Saturday of every month is: | the waste paper drive. The third ■ j week-end of every month will be i troop camping week-end. A train ing camp for all Albemarle troops is scheduled for this coming week end at Camp Ferry. Starting January 25 and coiitinu- j ing so - tlie next seven Tuesday | nights, ending on March 8. is a has- j ic training course for all Scout I ! leaders and committeemen which Continued on Page I—Section l * Sharon Kay Keefer Stanley Pratt | fl I a Palti Habit J ■ Liik Michael Kdmuiulson Cl v'vJP® A'Sk Marion Bunch j -*** ] 'v-J Ik v.: ! Jill While "iVultry ramor> mu into many l }»rol»lmns eaeb year,*’ >ays Mr. Ov erman. "There will !»♦’ a quest irm\ ( ami answer period to cover these* : prolfloms. Make a list of the qiie-- i lions you .w«mld like t<« ask, bring I it abmg and ask them at this mot.- ing. i lie sjiecialists will give you i 1 the answers. "Kilter the egg show.for sports-, maiiship :iml prizes. Bring <fi«e do- j y.ii ca ref idly selected eggs. shouicl..he selected for uniformity in size, shape and color. You might candle them to be sure they ar<* fj’ee of blood spots and other il>«| to nal defects. The .prizes' will he j worth entering for. A ft<• r the show , the eggs will be yours to take bark j home with you. 'file specialists will iu* the judges for tile show. '.'Let’s* | make it a good one.” j Smith Speaker At BPW Club Meeting^ Tells About Catholic!' Point of View Con- i corning: Marriage Members of the Kdenton Bltsi-! pess and Professional Women’s I' Club heard an interesting and in- i spiratiqnal talk by Father Smith, pastor of St. Ann’e Cath- olic Church, as a feature of their | monthly meeting held Thursday; night in the panel room of the Court House. I'sing. as. his subject “Catholic ; j Point of View on Marriage.” Fa-. ] thcr Smith ■■■’explained that marri-j i age was not authorized by any one 1 church hut rather the authority for marriage comes from God. “Marri age.” he said, “is a contract lie- , tween a man and a woman primari- h ly for the propagation and educa*l tion of the human race. It is the J oldest contract in the world, dat-1 [ing back to Adam and I've.” i- Father Smith pointed out that]) marriage is the keystone of the j Continued on Page I—Section 1 h Fdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday, .January 27, ltt)."). Representatives Os I V #%/%I % AAIUTIf 1 LdSifir Acdi ouc 6iv kUvIUI wWiM%W i Gather Jn Edenton ('ampaign Will Be In Progress March 10 j Throuirh April 10 I{f|u’*-* , nt 'tiv»> from Mhomnrb*j \!*.••• County Ch;ii»t«»r> <»f tin* North i C:i ml in: i Soeiuty for < s rinph*d ( hil dvn and \<lu!ts In Id a pro-mm- • paitrn mooting’ it tin* Trhntlc K» ,w - j tan mot lust wi’ek. W . .1. Taylor, J • tary of tin* Ch.»\v:m Chatitor | of tho -ociety. piVNidod at the nn-ot in g. Knllowin<r tin* iiil roduytinn *'f • roprosmtat i\.-s fr«in ln'ichhoring , countif>s. Mr. T'ayToi* e.'ilb'd on Koh- ! ’ e>*t I/. Davis of Chap*d Hill who is;, fiold veprosent.utivo for tho North ! Carolina Sorioty for erip.p.jed ehd - • • dron and adults. Davis pointed out to the group' that the prineipal purpose and ob jective of the Society, which is u.v ually referred tii -is the Seal Soeicty,” is t<» improve tin- ! opportunities <»f the hanilicaiipod; thi'omrh .better facilities in health, welfare, education, rehabilitation and recreation, regardless of me \ ; color or < reed. In order, tp.attain : | these ’objectives, the Soiaety coop-} .orates closely with oth'T ag'*ncios : j f(* avoid duplication of services. - j Direct services provided by the 1 Taster Seal Society include aids, and appliances, equipment, trails-! porfation. nursery renters, clinics, hospitaiizaf ion, professional con- j eaniping. special ♦duca-, tion projects, fslucation, and infor mation service*. In recent years, the public has ( shown an increased interest, in the • proJdeins of the crippled individual, j This is sJrown !»y the public's will- » ingness to. work for, and contribute , ! to. the Mas tor Seal Program. Davis stated that the Taster Seal i Campaign will be h»d#l this year! from March 10 through April 10.' i and urged all fV»unfy ( liapter- to ! begin prep.arations immediately. Attcndimr the meeting wn-e Mr.*, j William !!. Datenian and Mrs. J).ar- i r* ll T. C'ohoon «»f r«»|utn!»ia; J. I’d- 1 jward Weeks, Tred Mrllarward and Andrew J. Dailey of Kliz/iboth f’ity: | Mrs. .1.1.. Sawyer. Mrs. Trdine Franklin and Mrs. F. Marne (.(id win of (lat( sville; (i. 15. Potter, W. .1, Taylor, ,1. Clarence I/criry. Tori ] (i. Harrell and I'inyst .1. Ward. Jr.. <>f Tdepton. Officers of the Chowan County Cliapp r are C». B. Putter, chair- man: W. j. Tnyh»r. ••(»»-,*tary; Jesse T. Harrell, treasurer, and Krnest J. Ward. Jr., publicity director. This Chapter is sponsored by the T.deii-j 1 ton l.ions Club. Exchange Student Will Visit Edenton Rotary Club Feb. 17 Miss Ann Van Andcl Os Holland Will Speak 1 . Tim Ki’bury Club of KBrnilim will bo ho.-b on Thur-ilnv. F'bnmry 17. Ito Miss Ann Van AmM of Bus ''iim. Holland. 1 Miss Van A mini is sji' tiding i 'year in the t’nited Staffs as a stn jdunt at Fast Candina ('nl!; gr. She ; lis oiif of four ovnrsoa.s students | l spnusnri'd by thr Rufaiw Clubs in I Kntnvy District ‘27k. Thy other stu-j fdents from Germany. England and ; j Finland are studying at Klim, Duke : and Meredith. Miss Van Andol will tell the Re ; tariansviibout hgr borne eountry and y about her experiences in this mun try since she arrived last Septern- i her. i She is a graduate of the second ary schools in Holland and studied English for six years before com- , ii,ng to the United States, She was . I .born > n Indonesia, where her fa ther was Serving as an army sur- , i I 1 I geon for the Dutch govern meat. Miss Van Andel is planning to I take training for secretarial work! ,in Amsterdam when she returns to j liter country. I.IONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will meet Monday j [night at 7 o’clock in the Lions den| ; at the corner of Bread and Queen) I Streets. I’resident Par) Harrell i I urges a 100 per cent meeting. Champion 4-H Club Corn Growers jj ■ ■ j* i ■ s 5 -- 1 1 I Mill, I"I S S *•«**,*.* | I . mmmm —' ii’minii 1,. !nyl*#»» - 1 si jSSK ~— - Winners in tho lO.TI Chowan County i-ll corn contest. s|>ons4»ri‘M b> the Falentfin Lions <’luh, \\«*re ,innounc“<l at a banquot in honor of the bo>s and their fathers. Two of tho winner* appear ahoV'e, .laine> Mtmds, at left, who won first place in the age «roup of T» years old and abo\e. Hi«< yield was OH.p husliels jier acre. Next to him i* Gerald Harrell, county-wide winner in the IJ-lt year aue uroup with a yield of 107.2 bushels per acre. Hob<*rt Skinner, who won first place in tin* 10.12 year age group, left the meeting before the picture was taken. Karl Harrell, president of the l.ions Club, stands l>eside Gerald Harrell, and j Secretary W. J." Taylor, w ho awarded tin* prizes, stand* behind him. James H. Griffin Succeeds Robert C. Jordan As Chowan Work Unit Conservationist Now Seeking Living Qua Hers to Move His Family j James ft. Griffin arrived jn I Kdphtpn last week to assume the • duties as (’howan Work I/nit (*oh ! s'-rvationist for the .Soil Conserva tion Service <»f tho I'. S. Depart.-* ! merit, of Agriculture. Mr. Griffin |succf*eds K. C. Jordan, who resign-j [ed a few months ago t" accept a similar position at Tlizahethtowi. ’ (The position bps been vacant sii)'-*' , Mr. Jordan left Kdenton. Mr. Griffin is a na?i » of Cmvaqi ;County. He served fn the Coast iGuard during the war and work 'd j its a ,'«• i I rouse nat ion isj in Greene! ■County following his (•Ccharg* ! | from' the Coast Guard. He was , I a wTirded a BS d.egr*.-e in agronomy lat State College in June, after; !which ho worked in W.ake County : [from June until he accepted tlv , Chowan ('«»uht y posi t ion, Mr. (’»riffin is mana’ed ami Turn ; two c}iildr<*n. Jimmy and Begina,. His family at present is Jiving in ( (’raven County but will move to Edenton when living quarters are, secured. The family belongs P* the Baptist Church. Baptist Rally At ; Ballard’s Bridge - Church Feb. 14th [Rev. James (). Mattox Os Hertford Prin cipal Speaker I A Chowan Association 5 oung , Woman’s Auxiliary rally will be. held at the Ballard’s Bridge Baptist : ■ Church Monday night. February 1 1. j 1 at 7:30 o’clock, w hen the theme will , be “Consecrated Hearts.” Tho principal speaker for tho]' meeting will be the Rev. .Larncs;o. ' Mattox, p;i.-t..r of ill-- HortfoH! Baptist Church, who will h,- in'fw- ■' (lured hy Mrs. J. 11. Rajflpy. ■ Ida Ann Blanchard will extend a . welcome and tin- response "'ill h'- :hy the Bethel V.W.A. Others tak- U ■ ins part on the program will he Ann Overman. Macedonia Y.W.A.. Mrs. Charles M. Ashe!!. Center Hill j Y.W.A.. and tile Jlocky llock V.W.A. " , Bpeoial music will he presented hv the Elizabeth City First Baptist Church. ROTAUIANS MEET TODAY Edenton’.s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in tJie T’arish House. The program will lie iu charge of Char lie Wood, and President Gilliam Wood urges every Rotarian to be : present. LEGION DANCE SATURDAY j 1 Ed Bond Post of the American | i Legion will hold its regular dance ‘ | Saturday night in the Ts-gion home, j |At this dance nil ladies will he ad-.it imitted free and it is hoped many [ < will attend. I Rotary Guest "] A .'vg.' >' MISS ANN VAN ANDEI. In the United Stales as an ex- . change student, sponsored by R». j, tarv. Miss Ann Van Andel of Bus. | sum. Holland, nil! he a guest of the Edenton Rotary Club at its meeting Thursday, February 17. “John Deere Day” ! Observed Tonight; ♦ Show Begins at 7:30 In 1 Elementary School Auditorium Tniiight (Tlunvtk.y) ;it 7 1 o’clock in tho LMcntou Th*mcnt:try ’ Sill*»t»1 oudHurium the ll«»hl»s lnqilc. ment CruTipany will prtu>«>nt ;i fr - Johfi I >. . )•* Day for farpiors umi • i thoii* Tamil ms. Tickets hayi> 1 n i mailed, but mor<* tickers uv> av;t ; l ■ ;ibl»* by calling at the company office. An evening of jclightful * nte-- jtainment is in prospect, with 'Hi aihltol attract ion l>eing G.urlaml A rl , butt, iu person with his Western, i Swing Rhys anil Quartet. TV star.'. A well known nurgicran ami coined-' ian w ill also appear on the pro- j gram. Tin* affair is e\pect*;«l to draw a'capacity crowd, so that those who desire a seat .are urged to he oil time. Annual Red, Cross Meeting Scheduled . -r — . I In Municipal Building; Friday Night at 7:30 O’clock Dr. A. F. Dowmmi. ch;i irirum es the Chownn County Chapter of the American Red Cross, announces j that the annual meeting of the | chapter will he held in the Munici pal Building Friday night at 7:30 j o’clock. All officers of the chapter, as Well as anyone interested in Red j Cross activities, are urged to at-j tend the meeting. i .$2.00 Per YearTn North Carol)n:i Woman’s Club Will Stage Another Art Show March 20-21 I Final Warning! ] Attention is called to the fact that only a few more days remain in which to list properly for 19. V» taxes. The law requires that this must Ik* done during the month of January, and a 10 per cent penalty will he added for those who fail to list on or before February 2. A similar warning is issued rela tive to purchasing and displaTinu 10automobile tags, both state and town. The deadline to drixe with 19." t tags is Monday, Janu ary J1 *t. i Football Nets Profit Os $619 For Season Income Erases Deficit Os 5186.52 From Last Season Km man* at their meeting. Thursday were present'd r> fi nancial statement ••f f H»- Tdent/m Junior-S.’iiier High School Athle*ie D» l>art»nent c<»\* ring the 11*51 fn<o )»all sen son. The report xv as very’’ ♦ ricomvtgtng in that a cash IvdaiU 4 *- j of \v:i* -hown a> cnmparvd 1 ’with a deficit of * 1 k*‘*.s2 List year.! s.» that the season, wiping out th* deficit, netted i profit «*f .<!:*. 15. Receij)ts f..r the sr'ison nmoiint' d l to 86.01D.5X. «*f which gat*’ rec#*ij»t> ’ total* <I 85. r: 1.56 and sale of o ri son tickts >x f*. to represent the 1 greater portion of tho revenue.! («u:irante< '‘mounted to >115; w*d»- ■ of equipment, si7s; donation us'd; for* purdvi-e of film, 810P.76, and;' :• II other income. *212.56. \ccounting for the 86.3D0.75 dis- • hursements vyevv: .O ffiei a 1 s! $X7r.. in-, c i r? , „ t sT.fl!>4.2.Y:j equipment, and supplies.. ?2.234.17;! travel;. 8521. IX; telephonr calls, $55.20; meals and room.'. >55;:.6"; Irumdry.. >5X.70; film, $2712*0; nth-} * r (*xp.*n v.< 852'*.2X. - _____ | CIVIC CALENDAR}! \nmial meeting of the Chowan [County Chapter of the \merican | IJ<*<l Cros-, will he held Friday j night at 7 :JU o’clock in the Miinici-; , pal Building. i Annual art show >pon>or**d b> the Kdenton Woman's f’liib will b<* held Stmday and Monday, March 2<* and 21, at ih<* IVmdqpe Bark er House. Fdenton I’SO <’luh will join in 'Celebrating tin* fourteenth anniver- . I sary of I SO in the club room at Hotel Joseph How es Thursday ox - oiling, 1 ehrnarx J, beginning at 7 :J0 o’clock. IN'uiltry school and egg show Wednesday afternoon. February 2. at the Chowan Community Build ing. beginning at 2 o’clock. Hobbs Implement Company will sponsor a free John Deere Day in the Elementary School auditorium tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock. Chowan Association Young Wo men’s Auxiliary at Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church Monday night. Feb ruary 14. at 7:30 o’clock. Conlinued on Cage i—Section 1 Hurry-up Call Sent Out For Motorists To Buy 1955 Plates Owners Warned There Will Be no Exten sion of Time ”!; With the deadline for new regi- ' stration plates drawing near, the 1 Motor Vehicles Department issues ‘ a hurry-up call for motorists who hbve not jiurchased their ’55 tags. i Miss Foy Ingram, director of the i agency’s registration division, says - that through mid-January the de- ] Jr" ■■ : ?s FIGHT POLHU JOIN THE MARCH OF DIME'S •N /' Exhibit Will Be Held In Prnelope Barker House Mginl)e.rs of the 1- depion V • man’s Club are pleased i»♦ aeaui sponsor its annual art show, uh : h will be hold Sunday and M«uiHriv, March 2D and 21, at. th*- J’gnch Barker House. p hoped a large niiiiiher oT .-cliool children in both gr;minnr and i high sche -ls: in K«le.nt(»n and Che i w.in County, as sv ll as adirtfs. w ill participate in tie* show. to ho fhowp shiiidrl ly. turned in <me [•yye >k in advauec of • ■ ■ * * Acting :ts judg* for the slioxy will !b<> James A. \Valk>q% assistatit j>jt* I Teas or tt> thf* d'liprtnietit of art a', j Fast Carolina. College. 1 Gree.nvdje. Tollowing are the rub > <vf the show ; j;' 1. All work must he original. , Copies of of h» r pictures, are no} ar < ept •• Lie. 2. Any mediu m m; »y !». • uso<l ( -u«di a- pencil., ink. chp tv<*a! oil era von. •*:. Any size pnjv r cam a - Used. 1. Se\'*n entries only from tea class (t<> )'m chosen hy t.he f* idv v or a of fie* rla><) will Ik - ct*pte(J. I’ach work lliavo the name and grade '»f *li-» [entrfitd on the from. 5. Kihb'.ns xx'ill 1h .iwarde«| a loach homeroom in each ndA d■ \* 1 school. (*. First. cord. Herd, and' foiii tL ipr-izes. in tho form of ea-h awards, [will be giXan for over II exhibit from individual .-.chords or school ! L-lVUl)!-. ! '7. Adult wt*rk w'll i.* in n s*'j?i ! rate class and not pipr» d i*> »*om petition with that of school chd | drr n. x. \ hnbiiy i*(>nicr wall b« set : . ' whi r*-unHn.'sifi’-d .-.irrics. • :. h | photographs, ceramic.-. nc**db*< r..f' ! f intlr.g of pbotograyilis. handicraf: ! etc., may Ik* » xhibited. Edenton’s USO Club Helps Observe 14th Anniversary Os USO iOpen House In Hub Room Thursday. February 3 Fdi-titon'- l'S(KJk’lui. " ill j.«m -n I til'". nit,-»TV;;i)(*.* of tlie f nyrt.'on ‘h oivnivor nry of USO T’un*-*r*> • i • lill'ir. I' -'.yo;,* y ill tllo lo( ; ;:l filth room :tt Hoto! .lor. |ih H.-u . . !.o ■ oi'.it-iitu; :tt 7:711* o’rlock, Mrs. Snrult Matri.n>'i'. t S() <ii roctor and Mrs. li, I’: Bailliiinj. staff aido. an- askiim ro|>tv -f lit • - tivos from all tho ofirani/.ations, n Kdvntonund the- pultlic in >1 :to attond tho <vj-K'n hon.-o. wltifli ■ will ho nli.ffi vod tfoni 7:-*ft *to :• io’t'lock, after -.vliich a liahfo, ,» ith. .'nmsii- furnWv.nl ny an. orohostra. ■ will ho c hjoyoci hy tile .-or’.moil ! rind junior hostoss. o. U Father Frarh*i> Smith i:- ■ li.itt: man of the Kdentor, USO Ulfili ami . ho. touethor with .othor officer-. , Will ho on hand so j.an tn the ceie ' hrat ion. partment’s 7*» branch outlets and the Raleigh office had passed out 555.904 sets of plates, which -.vac just about half of the state’s 1,100.- 000 motor vehicle owners. The balance must be issued before the deadline, midnight, Monday, Janu ary 31st There will absolutely be no ex tension of time, so that delinquent ears owners are'eautiom-l that long waiting lines will be a certainty uti les sales pick up at once.

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