~r 3 ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IX CHOWAN COUNTY ■ 4 Volume XXll.—Number 5 $166,044 Invested In Savings Bonds In j Chowan During ’54 * County Sales During December Amount i To $11,483.75 U. S. Savings Bonds sales dur- j ing the month of December in ('ho- j wan County totaled sll > 4B3.”fv. The accumulated Savings Bonds sales j for the 12 months of 1954 for the. County totaled $160,01t.75. J Sales of Series E and 11 Bonds, in North Carolina for the month of j December were 17.4'1 over the • same month in 1958. “•Nationally,. Approximately $15,-j 600,000.000 K Bonds reached their ; 10-year maturity dates between May, 1951 and December, 1951. Throughout the period, the rate of holding iteyond maturity under the automatic extension terms has stayed fairly constant at about "(> r i of the maturity volume. At the 1954 year-end, E bond owners were holding more than $11,500,- 000,000 worth of these bonds that wore oyer ten years of age. "National sales of Herb's E and H Bonds in 1954 rose to $4,889,- 119,000. This was the largest voir ume on record for any year since ; wartime 1945. Compared with aj year earlier, the gain was 12'r and with 1952. 87':,. "In North Carolina the per cent of increase in sales in Series E and II Bonds in 1951 was 6.8 r:ac cording to Walter V. Johnson, Stan Director for North Carolina. Mr. Johnson states that he at tributes the success of tile increase j in sales in 1951 to the patriotic ef forts of volunteers in tin- Savings ,Bonds Program. Johnson praised A. Boyd Harless for his outstanding leadcrship i n lead ing the successful Savings Bonds sales program in ■•his county. Billy Goodwin On Radio -T-V Shows Appears on Programs At Elizabeth City And Greenville Some of the big tinn- entertain ers have several radio and televis ion programs a week. These high paid entertainers are not so far ahead of Riliy Goodwin, sun of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Goodwin, of the Kooky llork community. Hilly had a radio program which ;W;is broad cast over Station WGAI ;it Fliza t.ieth City on Monday. January 21. at 12:1'> P. M.. and he conducted ,a television program on “The Control (if 0\ Warbles In Cattle” over Sta tion WNCT at Greenville at 0:15 the same afternoon. Killy did an excellent job of con duct ing the demonstration, and Sta tion WNCT has already received a request for information which Killy gave on his television program. The request has been forwarded to- Robert S. Marsh, Chowan County Assistant Agent. The radio program which Killy gave was on Farm and Home Safe ly. He explained many hazards whieh are found on every farm and 1 in every farm home and told how 1 to eliminate them. It is rather unusual for a 1-11 Club member to have both a tele- 1 vision program and a radio pro gram the same day. However, ( llilly did a good job of each. 1 ’55 Christmas Club Closes February 7th i John A. Kramer, cashier of the i Rank of Edenton, announces that the bank’s Christmas club for 1955 will close Monday. February 7. No new accounts will be accepted after that date. GARAGE LOST IN FIRE Edenton’s firemen answered a : call to Cliff Lassiter's garage on 1 Johnston Street Friday, but the 1 blaze spread so rapidly that it ' could not be saved. The fire start ed when a bucket of gasoline wad accidentally turned over on a stove. Included in the destroyed prop- 1 erty was a fishing net and Podge ■ automobile belonging to Gibson < Brickie, which was stored in the i garage _ _ ' THE CHOWAN HERALD Mrs. C. A. Phillips ; New President Os j Hospital Auxiliary Committee Chairmen ! Appointed to Serve During Year j At the last meeting of the Clin-■ jw.an Hospital Auxiliary the follow- ' ling new officers for the year 19a.> Were elected: President, Mrs. ('. A. Phillips; vice president, Mrs. Diehard Hard in; secretary, Mrs, John E. Baines, and treasure. Mi's. Leonard Small. Members of the Auxiliary feel that it is most fortunate to have such competent leadership for the com ing year. Mrs. 1 ’ll il 1 i jis ha s tv:. tiled eha i rmen for the following standing commit ters: Sewing Mrs. W. W. Byrum and Mrs. E. N. Elliott, i Publicity- Mrs. .1. W. Davis. Program - Mrs. Clareiice; Eeary. Jr., and Mrs. John Graham. House—Mrs. W. ,1. Daniels and Mrs. W. O. Elliott, Jr. Membership Mrs. Scott Harrell and Mrs. K. (',. White. Jr. : ■.Finance- 'Mi's. M. L. Flynn and Mrs. A. B. Harless. I (1 rounds - Miss Frances Tillett. i Hostess—-Mrs. George A. Byruiti. : During December Mrs. A. F. ' Downlnn supplied magazines and flowers, and tray favors were made! by tile sixth grade. A new resus citate r has been installed ill the de livery room for trial. I'poti ap proval es the doctors, this will he. bought by the auxiliary. D was \,,ted to purchase additional - china : to supplement the supply in tin: nurses’ home. Woman’s Club Rolls! 1,000 Dressings For Victims Os Cancer Edenton Club Joins In State-wide Welfare Project Members of tin- WopuinV flub j, rrtpf at tli<* brwic of Mrs* Frank* | ; ; Holmes on Thuivd.jy night-. Janu-j, ary 27. to roll surgical dressings! for the Amorii’Mti Canerr Society. j About 1,000 dressings were r-dled during the evening and these will , bo son! t“ tbo <'anror Hospital at ' I,umbri ton. This is ;i state-wide wclfnre pro ject of tlif’ Woman’'-- Club, Senator Anderson Jefferson - Jackson ; ] Day Dinner Speaker i i i In V. S. Senator Clinton I’. An-, derson of Now Mexico the Demo- [ erats of North Carolina ai th*-if:m-[ ; nual JoffV-rson- Jackson Pinner in , Raleigh Saturday will have a speak-1 er of wcll-roundeij authority. Not only does lie speak from long i experience in state and national | councils of the Democratic Party,; 1 hut his personal and business ex- i perience brings a parallel and sym. : pathetic understanding to North, Carolina. During their visit t<> Raleigh for the annual Democratic dinner Sena tor and Mrs. Anderson will he the* guests of Governor and Mrs. Hodg- j> es at the Executive Mansion. I i Mr. Anderson is known as 5 most 1 effective public speaker, rarely us-J --ing a prepared manuscript, hut , l speaking from notes. His address J i to the Democrats of North Carolina promises to he one of great inter- : est and considerable significance, j i AUXILIARY MEETING i I St. Paul’s Auxiliary will hold a,) luncheon meeting in the Parish' • House Tuesday afternoon at 1, < o’clock. Mrs. 1.. A. Patterson, pres- | ident, urges all members to he pres. 11 ent. 1 Edenton. Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 3,1955. instruments Made | Available For New ; Members Os Band All Students Will Be* Given Opportunity To Enroll I , With the intentions of recruiting | a large number of students for the High School Band. Director Ernest (■entile has announced that all stu dents will be given an opportunity to enroll in a new band to lie forin 'i rl in the near future. While conferring with Principal (Jerald James the decision was' r.-ached that all students will be tested with a seientifie test to cheek their musical ability and that ar rangements will be made whereby, instruments can be rented for three months to determine the instrument best suited to each individual child and bis interest in it. This method ; of starting children en musical in- ; stmments is beingwidely used by j schools throughout the country i with great success. Lessons will he furnished by the | school. Now is the logical time for j children to start and it will, only lu a matter of months before they will | be given an opportunity to w : n a chair in the regular band and to j 1 ,, 1• f t,-i 1 ,: 1 1 ■- in all of the school band | funetiol.-.-. Appeal Made For Blood Donations Bloodmobile Will Be at Edenton Armory February 9 ; ■ :.l t Dr; A. M. Stanton, chairman of the Cbovyan County blood program. ; calls attention to another visit of th,- lied Cross hloodmohile. which j .will be a* the Edertton armory Wed-; nesday. February 9. from I\ i 0 vS Scott Kootrr j j m Thomas ( ross, HI i mm: -1 j , (■, t sA ' l I'l j Ellene Tarkington Appearing ahoy,', is the second in a .series of pictures of children in Edenton and Chowan County who will ho the citizens of tomorrow. In the picture are: Top row. left to right. Scott Keeter, 2 years old. son ol Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Keeter: Jo Etta Copeland. 8 years old. daughter , of Mr. and Mr.. John Ervin Copeland; Edward Berlinquette, 8 years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Berlinquette; middle row, left to right, Thomas Cross. HI. 8 years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cross. Jr.: : ", Carroll Bunch. 8 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bunch: Kathy i Sawyer. 8 years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sawyer; bottom , row. left to right, Ellene Tarkington. 6 years old. daughter of Mr. and , Mrs. Raymond A. Tarkington: Stephen Leary, I year old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leary: Janet Sadler. 8 years old. daughter <»r Mr. and Mrs. : j Lee Sadler.— (I’hotos by Allen Studios, Detroit. Mich.) $1,077 Collected In , March Dimes Drive! Chairman Dili Perry | Urtfcs Workers to Make Reports i Rill IVrry. (‘hnirmnn 'of th»* Clio \y;iii t (Hility IR.'i.a March of Dimes, reported that up to Mnnday the con triiuit ions amounted to >E- Of course, the .report- .is far from heiiiir ‘•oinpTete, so tliat. In still holds out hop.* that ( Rowan 1 Hounty will reach a po/d of the di i\ e. m Mr. I’• mtv is very an\ious to complete the drive and, therefore, i urcfes all workers '..to - complete the areas assigned to them and 'submit ; t.lieir n'port as soon as possible. I Inclement weather prevented two features of the drive to h * carried ii>Ut, for it was planned t<> s.tafife aj road block on North Broad Street ; all day Saturday and t»» observe | Molhei’’s Nijrlrt. Saturday nijjfht. ; I Both ■features were fo.rred to be ! aband‘>ned. but Mr. Rerrv states’ j that the road block idea will lie carried out next Saturday. Febru- j jnry 5. Then* will be two road J j blocks, one at Broad and Carteret. | t Streets and the other at Broad and | f Albemarle Strei’ts in order to catch j traffic movinp both north rind 1 j south. Tn the meantime Mr. Perry 1 *’S evf'rybody who has not made a contribution to do s<* at once andj for canvassers to: complete their I canvass and brine: in their reports. I . iFire Commission Will Meet Friday Morning • W. Iv. Ilimd. i'h;ii)'iri:in of tho Llio j wan County Fire Commission, has j I'allotl a. moot ing of tho group to j bo liobl -Friday morning. February j 4. at 10 p’dofk at tho Court Hnuso. j At this mooting Ore Wilson will j 'ire present to give advice relative! jto rural fires, so that .all members j : arc urged to attend. I r • Colored Band Drive ; Now Nearine: Endj Thomas I. Sharpe, chairman nf| the drive to raise funds for the col ored high school band, states that he is very anxious to wind up the drive. Chairman. Sharpe again appeals [for contributions and lie says lie twill be delighted to call and pick [up any amount. His telephone number is 482. .-we . : | - iK Joe Ella Copeland P Mill Carroll Bunch P j L ■ | f* ) Stephen Leary New Ferguson ‘3s’ Tractor On Display ; Four-way Model Pride Os Members local Concern [ \ Scott Harrell and Leonard Snvill. proprietors of the l.dciitbn True- ■ •for Implement (’ompuny on West > 1 iti'l Wat or St reet , arc now proudly ui.'- > .playing th.n liew Ferguson 55 four wav work control tractor. Featur- j ing the new modi'! is qtiadramatic j control, new dual-range tninsniis- . I sion, new “2-stnge.. ciutebing and ( ! the new variable-drive power take off. !« Tile two men will Ire delighted to , hav- the opportunity of demon- j I strating the new tractor, which ( , they.say is rugged, dependable Math - plenty of reserve -power, anil that the exceptionally high torque .at | relatively low engine speeds pro- ! A ides lugging power free from 1 1 j surging or racing and less stalling | ! from unexpected overloads. ! ( Methodist Study Course February 10 • i The Woman's Society of Chris- ’ !ti;in Scrrice ami the Wesleyan Guild |of the Methodist Church will hold a! 1 [study course on India and Pakistan [’ Thursday night, February 10, at 8 • ‘o’clock in the new education build- ' [ ing. “Ender Three Flags,” by Rish- i.l op Stephen Neill, long a represen- ii I tative of tile Church of England in [ | India, will serve as u text for the j f course. | f j Joe Trusloxv Mill I"- the instnic jt.or. All members are urged to at- [' j tend and a special invitation is ex-| ! tended to tile men of the church to j - ienjov the course. ' i > ; Rotarians Will Elect ' New Officers Today i I P At the meeting of the Edenton it Rotary Club this (Thursday) after- j 1 noon at 1 O’clock in the Parish ;( Hoti.se, new officers for the cluh j will be elected. All members ofjl the club have been placed in Twmi- ] nation, so that President Gilliam It requests every member to attend j ! the meeting. - va| . Tff . Mr w ;. V JW I Erl iSp ~iEH I. ' w/la ■! wi Kihvaril B«*rlinqm*tto Ni ■ Ivathy Sawyer 1 ( I I ■ "■ V •*<. A i ‘ ■.>. Janet Sadler Edenton Protests ' Proposed Boost In Telephone Rates Resolution Adopted at! Special Meeting .j Monday Mfctimr in svssimi Mon- | (Fry nun nincr. Town (.’nuneil nclo'pt-1 •*«i ,i rosoliitinn opposine: tin* pro-, p.isrd rritf* of tin* Nni'folk j A* (’mrolitm Tv»l*‘phi»vi»‘ X’ | • Compjiny. A nmn|»irfWn wns • ypn-'.i- j ' vn-« jton area i> iniroasonablo and un-! justified at tins time, in that there i has be..j) no appreciable improve-j mont in tho t* lephono faoilitios andi sorv.i(*o fpmi.-lied by said companyi durinp' the past several yo.ars. and* particularly iti view nf tb»* fact that Edenton and the Edoptdn area are tho ; only Tocalitio.- in ♦ho tor ritory served by said e'oinpp.tjy without u dial telephone system: > ■ - I N• > w The ro fore “Re It .'Resolved that, tho North ■ Carpiitiu ITtilitios Commission bo J and it is hereby respectfully re- * quested ill the ititorest of tile sole-j iphone subscribers in Edenton andj , the Kdenton area to deny the appli- j cation of tho Norfolk and Carplinai Telephone ami Telegraph C-enpuny] for the proposed increased tele-; phono rates in said town and nrea/'l Town Attorney J. N. Rmden andj ,1. I’. Ricks, Jr., were authorized to I attend the meotimr of tin* State | Ctilities Commission in Raleigh! u hen th< hearinc was held. Other towns protestincr the boost j in rates were M.anteo. SunHury. i Hertford. Elizabeth City and F*op. , lar Branch. I CIVIC calendarl, \nrnial art -lin" -iimi-ftn-H by (he Edenton Woman's Club will he held Sunday and Monday, March 20 and 21. at the l’cnclopc Bark er House. Edenton I'SO Ctuh will join in celebrating the fourteenth anniver sary of I SO in the cluh room at Hotel Joseph llewes Thursday ev ening. February 3. beginning at 7:3fl o’clock. Chowan County Fire Commission jwil! meet in the Court House Fri ; day morning. February t, at 10 o’clock. ' The Bank of Kdenton's 1955' Christmas Chib "ill close Monday,| February 7. 1 Study course on India and l’akis- i tan "ill he held by the Methodist. Woman’s Society of Christian Ser- ( vice and Wesleyan Guild in the new education building Thursday night. , j February 10, at 8 o’clock, with Joe [Tnislow as instructor. Edenton Rotary Cluh " ill elect: new officers at its m,»etine this, i (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock j in the Parish House. Chowan Tribe of Red Men "ill stage an oyster roast at the Jack son Radio »g- TV Service building Monday night. February 14. at 7 o’clock. Annual meeting of the Albemarle Mutual Burial Association "ill hi' held at the Williford Funeral Home Tuesday night, February 8, at 7 , o’clock. Auxiliary of St. Paul’s EpisCo j pal Church will miet in the Parish , House Tuesday afternoon. February iB. at 1 o’clock. Not too late to make a contribu tion to the March of Dimes. Altar Society of St. Ann’s Catho. i lie Church will conduct a hake sale 1 Friday, February 4. at the P & Q i Super Market, starting at 9 A. M. j Young Woman’s Bible Class of Continued on Page 4—Section 1 $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina Edenton Cub Pack To Be Reactivated By Local Lions Club Plans Started To | Reorganize Staff ! NCO Wives’Club! (Jet Acquainted Meet in# Scheduled For Tuesday Night Wives nf Staff Niin-Commi.ssioh ,e(i Officers attached-.; to Edenton I Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing j Field liebi a meeting on January 25. j ti> discuss the possibilities of reor- ; jganizing the Stuff NCO Wives'j [Chili. ! The eemmittee for the establish-j men! and supervision of the club is j j constituted ns follows: Chairman.! [Mrs. J. H. Edwards; m-ehairmen.; • Mrs, W. J. Driver and Mrs. R. J. j ! Dorsett; seeretary, Mrs. J. I>. Bren- i denbarst; membership, Mrs. <\ C. I Anderson and Mrs. C. 0. Tu-rner: '•I hostess.. Mrs. .1. E. Stnthem and : Mrs, 1!. K. Hollingsworth. ! A personal survey of all the ; wives in til,- local area is now in i progress. The aim of the club is to provide educational as well us recreational | i,pporturiiti''s. such as needlework. I textile, painting, rug hooking, ce ramics. sports, cards, gardening, art., music, hooks, and many other subjects es interest. A ge*-ro',pminted meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night, Feb ■ ru:ir\ 8y at .8 .o’clock in the game 'room of the Staff NCO Club. All I interested persons are. cordially tii- Ivitt'd to attend. Following the j meet ing Carmen An del ora will en j tertain at tho piano. 7tefreshments -! will lm served following til-' piano j recital. [Eastern Star Will Observe Friendship Night February 7th Many Guests Expected i At Meeting In Ma sonic Temple : \.-\t Monday: night. February 7. | ! Edenton Chapter. Order of Eastern 1 • Star. M ill observe Friendship Night in the Masonic Temple, at 8 .o’clock. . ; Member.- of Eastern Star Chap- ; iters in the district have lreeii ir. j vited. to attend the meeting.and .a ; good re(,rcs, : ntat.ion of.the chapters is i-xpected. Mrs, R. E. Leary.''.'worthy matron • of the Edenton chapter, requests ; ex'ery memhei' f“ make a special ef fort to be present. Cancer Clinic Will 1 Be Held Friday At 1 E. Citv Health Center i The Northeastern Cancer Center Mill bold its next clinic on Friday. , . February 1. in Elizabeth City at I the Health Center with registra-• 'tion beginning at 1 o’clock. \ free ' j die.-* X-ray will be given to anyone i (wishing it. alone xvitli the ex-ami- [ j nation of the five areas of the body i (where eancer is most easily found land cured. I There are no limitations as to. sex. race, physical or economic st.nt- 1 us at the center. However, there J are age requirements. Women; should be 35 or more: men should) be 10 or over unless referred by a ' doctor, or unless one of the “Seven j Danger Signals” or “Symptoms’’) are present. No appointment is j necessary but a priority may be j had by writing the Cancer Center, j Elizabeth City. Ex-aminees are asked to bring a robe or housecoat j with them. BAKE SALE FRIDAY The Altar Society of St. Ann’s' Catholic Church will sponsor a bake, sale Friday, February 4, at the P & Q Super Market. The sale will begin at 9 A. M., and will include cakes, pies and other items. FIGHT POLIO! JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES ‘ 4 Raymond F. Heck, Jr., Speaker at Meeting Os Club Monday j In a thought provoking address • delivered before the memh.-r- of (the Edenton Lions Club :; I their [dinner meeting Monday evening, an [urgent plea for tile reactivation jof Che local Cub Scout Paid; in thin i community was made by Raymond Hick. Jr.. District Scouting Exo,-- uti.vo for the . -even Albemarle counties. “I* is n wi-li known fact that scouting organiz.'itions have been responsible for keeping millions nj [American boys out of juvenile i courts," said Heck. [ . “I do not have tile figures for ■ North Carolina.” continued the j speaker, “but those of Virginia re ! vc:,| the fact that out of each 1,600 hovs who were tried as juvenile dps i linqm-ms, .an average of only one jof them was .a Hoy Scout, i “There is a definite tie-in be tween Scouting and the chnrvh. the school and the home. There.loih, it requires no stretch of the imagina tion for us to realize that in such an organization we are building for a grpatcr America in the future,”, said Meek, who gave various sta tistics to prove the .point. “We now have three and one-half million Roy Scouts in the ('•:! conn • tries where denwM’rutic government, exists. No such organization liertnitted in/the countries behind tie iron curtain. “Ypu hav,. a very active Rog Scour Troop here and 1 Would like lo compliment the Edenton Rotary Liub for its splendid work in spon soring that Troop under the able leadership of JurJ> Habit, Seoul: master.” concluded Heck. The cluh voted unanimously to reactivate the t'ub Pack and Presi dent Karl Harrell stated that lie would .announce at the next meet- I ing his appointment of a chairman and five-man committee to effivtu Into tie- reorganization of the Park. V. J. George gave a brief re port, pn the convention held in Eliz ahetli City last week. President Harrell announced the appointment. ..of Modi in Belch to ; represi nt the Edenton Lions Club in the tei-n-.agi' group this year. USO Anniversary Observed Tonight PartV Will Begin In USO Club Room at 7 O’clock Tonight (’Thursday) Ed *nton's USO Club will join in the obsmw nno’ of the fourteenth aimsyorsary iff USO in the club room :it HoD*l Joseph Hews. The party is chrd \il*»d to begin at 7 nYloek, and Mrs. Sarah Mnrrmer, USO ilirodtor and Mrs. K. P. Radhurn. staff aid.-. :