ONLY NEWSPAPER PVBUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Ik A> ' T 'lume XXII.- Number 6. Loy Scouts Of' l den ton Play Roles In Town Officialdom! As Feature Boy Scout Week Fill Positions as Part ; Os Hoy Scout Week Observance •~ ' i A.s part of tin* celebration <»i I »<•>'. Scout Week-. Kdoiiton Scouts on J Tuesday took over the town p»\ ( •riiinoiit, with boys assigned by Scoutmaster Jack Habit to various | positions-. Bright and curly lues-, day morning the iwys reported at | the Municipal Building, where ! Town Clerk Kmest Ward gave in j struct ions to the boys, who appear p cd very interested and enthusias- l tb* in carrying out tie duties of the j various 'offices. The nurpose nf t.h*> boys in t ill- * ing the various positions of the ; is to better acquaint them j with local government and thus j better fit them as future citizens. ! Boys taking over the city's gov ornment for tie* day were: Mayor —Billy Harry. Sheriff -Jack Ovevinan, Judge of Recorder’s C ourt l «»m- 1 iny Kelmyes. First Ward Councilman - Donald Kaircloth. Second Ward Councilman Billy l,an»\ Third Ward Councilman Bobby Hall. Fourth Ward Councilman Ray Hollo wel l . Councihnan-at-la rge and Street; Commissioner Montey I'ey ton. Chief °f Police Ale\ KehaVf S< I Police Captain Arthur White. j Police Sergeant Billy Fates ! Policemen Lloyd Mills. Robert *, 1 l.’ij \, and Crayfoii Hughes. Fire t'hi*fcf Clayton Letcher. Assistant Eire (‘hief Hilia hgs. t f| men BiHv I tail. Kdgar Hal { > 7 /’red Britton and Leroy Sin-j Town Treasurer Dieki * Pate. The boys nu t in the Municipal j (Continued on p, gc X —Section 1) j Bids Invited For More Repairs At Marine Corps ALFi Work Includes Roads, Parking Areas and Ditches • . i The Bureau of Yards oml D .. k J o*'partm*‘nf of the Navy has i>>ued| another hid for further repairs tot tin* Kdcnton Marine (’orps Auxilia ry Landing Field. The .proposed work includes repairs tp road-;. ; parking divas and .ditches at the 1 bus**. The repairs incltid«*s-bituminous] paving of mails and parking aii as. j drainage structures, ditch clean- j outs and erosion repairs, seeding; and incident;tl related wojlw Bids will be received until 2‘ o'clock Thursday 'afternoon. Febru ary 24 in the Pi strict Public Works Office, Fifth Naval Pistrict. I'. S. Naval Base, at Norfolk. The work j will Tm* in charge of Lieut. J. A.) Wright, residence officer andj Ralph K. Hall will be chief inspcc-j tor. 308 Persons Fail To List Their Property For 1955 Taxation .<ames Will Be Pre-j sented to Grand Jury For Court Action ! County Tax Supervisor William I'. Jones reported to the County Commissioners at their meeting Monday morning that 308 persons j had not listed their property for i 1955 taxation purposes. Os this number 79 are white persons and 339 colored. The Commissioners immediately passed a motion authorizing Mr. THE CHOWAN HERALD CITIZENS OF TOMORROW ] 1 i | I ! CL _■ I ; I j *’ i I X i Steven It. Hare ! . v~! 4 \ JR. Mfejyfvl tfc "•**’**■’ i \ i ! K -"v jtv 1 i Kathy M hiteliurst t - jiPNh^M ? xbJJ J | John (I. Brickie Aliom is picturi'.l .millher scries of ( Inman County youngsters in 1 ll,e ||i-rald*’s feat lire; "Citizens ol TnmorfowTop ro«. left to right. 1). liars 10 month- old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Half: ; Slievla Small, 2 1 yearsold. daughter of Air. and Mrs. Claude Small. Jr.: Augustus Small, Jr„ Io months old, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lee A. .Small: middle rim. lelt to right, Kathy Whitehurst. years old. I daughter of Mr. and Mr- Bruce Whitehurst: Sally Beth Hare. S months fold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W orth flare: Patricia liemos, 2 years old. i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I’. Reaves: bottom row, left to right. John Brickie, 2 >ears old, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.ihson Brickie: Martha l.du I'iirrish. t years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 1.. : I'arrish. and Charles Driver, s years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. | Driver (l’liotos hy Allen Studios. Detroit, Mich.) Jaycees’ First DSA Goes To J. P. Ricks Banquet Monday Delightful Meeting Is Held Monday N,ight j At Hotel » j | ;d, ntori" .I ;: -r I'! ■: n,;• rof Cittiimrii-■ h* l.f :iir.- 1 lfi-1-.iio gtiisheil Seri ie,. Award’ a lid B"-ses' ; Night '. J!.(nr|Uei Morniav night- -in I tit,'. I )"N its I f;f-e slum t Dot, I , Joseph Hi". 1 1 | the li.igl’li’sht of tin on • ring- was inn address h> lfi.ll Henflei-soh. of- Bei<isyilfe, i.irdsiHetit : ; of .'this X'Ort lc tCafulina jiiyeees. who. was intro:-. iilueoil hy I .ii titer I'arks; aiul ;iiv:iiai iillg file .list ilfglli.-fled -e| \ lIVV.I fill : to .laiiH,-: I’. Bi. frs l Ji\,. manager of dn !!isho|i I enodt y. ■ t !n>o-ing I’ic-k." for file honor iy .as idtilie hy a- ■■ •el loniinitto.' s'-yen.'l | week - ago. Ini'; (he omit hit tin ■ 1 ■- ! rision w;i" v,-.? m.ulc known imt’lj |M<»n»l.iy niglu’. b.'mqu' t, •» thst :t i (C’*»nt in tied on Page S -Section 1) ' I Jones to uuiti-fy. all of the delibq-| luonts that unless the .'property is; (listed before April I. all who have i I failed to list their property will be, turned over to the Grand Jury tor; the April term of court which con-j venes Monday, April I. Mr. Jones w ill send a postcard t" 1 (each delinquent :is a final warning.; j The law requires ill] property to be; listed during .liimiiiry. so that those ! 1 w bo have not done so will not only | j In* penalized 10 per cent of the ! 'property valuation, but will also • face court action. i- ii Sheila Small 1 I o# Nil *ll t -1 fc-iL- Siilly Beth Hare I I W.i. Wi .A -l ! W*m 'h I 5 V * ’/ , i JL Martha lain Parrish Defense Chairman 1 V_ , d * dm gUJ W 11,1.1 AM S. IMMVOTT Chon air County Commissioners jal (heir meeting Monday appointed W illiam S, I’rivott as chairman of civilian defense ill Clronan County. Mr. I’riyott succeeds Crihson Bric kie. « ho resigned. I ' .. Chowan 4 - H Council To Hold Fashion Show ; Monday, February 14 The Chowan County 4-H. Council j (will sponsor a fashion show at the Chowan lli£h School auditorium: .Monday night, February 11. at 7; : o'clock. , Knur 4-H girls will model many ; j different outfits and all models will > I wear fashions which ran be made i ! it home. Wardrobes t«» l>e modeled in the: fashion show are sponsored hy tin* National Cotton Council, and /ire 'styled hy MrCail’s I’attern Com* pany. A small admission foe will he • ha rged. Edenton. Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday. February 10, 1955. 's* -W ■■■■■■< ’ . ■ .. ■ I Lee A. Small, Jr* in w - . V '-ji , m i a Patricia Reaves - - - Vv jp^gK|g§ tcJh f ■ i l - l 1 Charles Driver Many Important | Items Considered I By Town Council One Included Propos ed Increase of Coun eilnien’s Salaries . Taei'd with a full :iSfetj<la,.,Tow'h ; J Conncilmeiv were held in session j uril I H :*io Tuesday piglit, w !»• »« | j con - olerat ion \xas gi\ en to several ; i raiiical iduingc j Ini he fit: t pl;.r<* •i■■l;• • n of t h»« ; ' levvii’s charier \\a> considej d. ; which lias gniWn »>bs*det*- in many j. eases since its revision in IP’JJ. ; \ noth» r import ms itctu >vu «t j | proposed inc?-4*a in *he -alaries «»i‘ { j the M;rvor and *li,- CmtUciliwm. A : r 'solnt ion was passed to.-'.increase . the s.alary of (he Mayer to sG(lh par year. At present the salary is i abd an allow a inf ei s.'JOO for j r raV jding. I ’ndor the 1 j change tb * (’ounciHnen's sa lMj ics j ami rneinber.' of the Board. of l*ub- i lie Works will be raised from St.tmj per nionth to > per month. • Ui preseiitative John P. White will ; 1... retfuesfed f '» in: iNkllJCe a local j bill in the <; neral A-seni!»ly put- ; ling the moile.'.of salaries, in *•/- I feet, \ n’oHic-r im'pot ! ;■ nt inal ter coii- j sidered wars hbolishin.g ihe fiolicy of . T.fve Town mbwing grass from the] sidewalk t»» tlie st reet, delegating j this 'responsibility to property own-1 evs. This change v\ ill. . <• *. J |g;-e;>tly r Mince e\ ;>.-n-e.. in t hit a i I it ll *w e? i.s j ecv y< : r and it w ijl -eliminate the ] v» (I.) kof iwo men during the grass j ] grow mg season. I The mat ter of construct ing ! sidewalk at tin new high school I i vas also considered, hut no action j • va- taken. It wa> pointed out that j inasmuch a- the <cho«»l> ar. o|»erai- I od on a county basi-. the expense (Continued on Page •”*—Section 1) i. . - Band Instruments : On Display Tonight i ; (Parents and Pupils In- I vited to Vie\v All Types Used I \< w ' *;i »i»! .*n * I nivlv.;! r:i ni Ini i men! : w ill *b.• dii distdaV in Mo* Kdeiiton Kl. n ■ ntary School audi iorium tonight (Thursday) at R • o'clock when Band Hire.-,or t.rnest , (bmtib* cordialh in\ it* • parent' ; and -eheol children to attend. 1 T'i: - i' held in i-on.iune i lion with a me.-ting' of parent." and' pupils who h.'\e he.*n invited t ioin jin* ne”. in.-trumental ••lasses jus? being formed. To furnish the he-t data on the sto>>if * I • • sneer >s of i boy or girl, nuisi. : were gjven to all «*hi|- Iren from the fourth grad* thrmigli ’lc nintli grade a few *lav ago. Parents whose' children did •Vcmd ionnlly wa ll w ere ~o ail\ ised by Mr. (lentile. a An interesting talk fegarditig tin functions of each type of insfru-j incut’ will he givetyliy an expert on band inst j*ument s. and the educa tional advantages of **;ich will be ex’p'lained. The rn'e-th'nd. of obtain-' ing an inst rument on the rental ’ plan to further eheck file child's ability will bo oxplamH in «l»d.ail. j (tvic calendar) > nil slid" siioniordd hv tin- K.lonton Woman’s Clnh will ho lu'til Sunday and Monday. Mar.-lt .i 20 and 21. at llio IVnolopo Bark- : ■ ;or House. Chowan Connly 1 -II Coueeil will 1 sponsor a fashion show in the Cho- I wan lliuh School auditorium Mon day iiicht, February 11. at 8 o'clock. The rican Legion Viixiliarv (will meet Tuesday night, February la. at 8 o'clock at the home of i Vlrs. .1.1.. Chestnut!. Swimiuii’if pool committee will | hold a meeting Monday niehl, Feb ruary 11, at 8:1a o'clock in the .Municipal Building, i I’ublic hearintr on proposed *on -1 inir ordinance for F.denton will b. 1 held in the Court House Monday ■ ninhl. February 28. at 8 o’clock. Cnaniiuity l.odse. No. 7. V. F_ j & A. M.. w ill hold an emergent I communication tonichi (Thursday) at 7:811 o'clock, when the second de fCnntiuued on Face B—S.s-tipnB—S.s-tipn tV . , | j Prominent Methodists In Edenton Friday ;j A A A. fi. JFI I KRSON I BISHOP PAUL N. GARBER With over .*?.■» ft 'let lnyincn c\s»**ct**d to -attend .? clew ;irfl-!)i{) . j rally of the Elizabeth (’it v Pistrict in the Masonic 'lVtnplc I rjilav rigliß many prommcnl Methmlist leaders will be included in tin- four I ;of whom arc pictured above. At top, left. i< \. G. Jc.fFc?'''son. iav !**iu?e.r'j of tin* Virginia Methodist Conference, who will h«* the princijial sjn*ak**r; right, W. Jasper Smith of Bethel. Conference lav .leader: loner, lelt. j , Bishop Paul V Garber and, right, tin* Rev. C. I reeinari Heath. "Upx*r intendent of tin* Klizab«*th City Pistrict. A1 Phillips Selected! Chairman By Lions i To Head Cub Pack i Committee Named I»y Earl Harrell, Presi dent of the Club K< organization of a Cub Park umlm* tin- sponsorship <*f the lah-n --!••!) Lions'Club ha." b* < n as-iin-tl by th** appointment of 1 fi\ - e-nVm D-Dmijiitlff. h»-a*l.*l by \l Phillips, (aivording to annoimeonfent made by Karl H irrrll, prosi*l**nt of th** 1*»- . club, at it" Monday <•' ning m<M*t ing. • 1 ■ "W.• an- gratif’"*l "\. r tin* e**pfan*’*- by AJ Phillip" of hi" ip pointnn n» ami I am certain that' Uivd.'l* hi" Cdr 1 * •:: * i«* »* -11 i) * this most j laml.tbl, (im*l-ftaking ill be a g!*:i» nr.-."".” r*)tnnient<’«l Pr*’"i dent Ha nvll. i \ *l.-h’.-at ion of Kilctitou Li*»n> ar-* p| ailing t«* attend the charter i ight I'.*"! i\it io> at the Po’v»*llsville • lub ThiuStlay evening. Ih»* latter j! irltib having been spon."or.-«I by th*-, Cob rain Club. | “Since the tulePton Club wa> th** "p*uis**r of tin- ( ole-ruin Club .~*• ni .year* ago, thi." makes our club t,ha gra i?*Kia*!*ly of th.- I’ovve llsvil h ( Cliib." ' "i'imente*l I’n sident liar- ! }’*’ll i?i urging that the local 'club be fully J'ej'M e.sellted Up to t ill’ *.jUO t.;i of five which has lie* n allotted; William S. Privott Appointed As New Defense Chairman Hopes Interest Can Be Aroused to Form an Organization Chowan County Commissioner^ • <»n Monday appointed William S. Privott as chairman of civilian de fense in Chowan County. Mr. Pri- • vott succeeds Gihson Briykle, vvh*• recently ri’sign* *!. Mr. Privott, along with the com missioners realizes th** fact that there is a lack of interest in «’i • vilian defense, blit In- accepted tin appointment in the hope that] enough interest will develop to the ; end that an organization ran he put ii. operation. v. : i: kr: M ' ■■ r i i ?£S-. ~ ! , ;.;br’ vx j' \v: % 4 J'b . gHHf •QHMBlMfciCssX. kbai | si pr. <. prki:m w hi: \th | Rotary President jj -C §g I • Mi v: I- ' Kola ruins at their meeting ■ Thursday clcclc.d Cera Id ,lainr> as president of' .the club aid "iil he installed at the I irst im-einu: in - Jnly. P,PW( lid) Will Meet Thursday, IY!>. 17th Mrs. Adcd: 1 l i. i 1 1, lit of the Kd. lit on I’m - ip-css and Pro*, fc.-si.ei i W.cmen's Cfw '• annourieesv the t th.' .Fe!'»ruai-y'/he •< ‘inC • tin;. nil. of the ('how:.n Court Mpuso on Thu.fs.dny iiiif.lit,/; IT. ginning at T:-’.O o’clock. She urg es all members to !». picx-nt at this , meeting:, Swimming Pool Group Meets Monday Night ■l. Ibirrrll, chairman of the! Kdenton .svvitnming pool committee, 1 ha- called a meeting of the coni- • mittoe to In- held Monday night. J February 14. The meet ing will hcji held in the Municipal Building al 1 'S; 1 . o'clock and every member ij ; ■ speeiallv urc'ed to attend. 1 SI NBK VMS TO MF.F/T The Sunbeams of the Kdenton I Baptist Church will meet Sunday I ; morning during the 11 o’clock woiv j sliiti service. All members aiv urg-!: ed t«* attend Per Year In North Carol ina District Methodists Stewardship Rally In Edenton Friday Fire Commission ; To Hold Another Meeting On Friday : Rural Eire Protection Considered at Meet ing Last M eek 1 . • • ' •. ; i M burs of tb< Chowan County; , Pirn. (Vmimis>i<»n liibt in the Court! jib •;-! I tplay morning with Chair-; ;i! ?i \V. L U«»!id pr.‘si*ling. Pres-b j.e.-.rtt i the meeting iyas Lei' \V r il ■ n of C:i• • Li.*:ig.(i< Munieipuliti<'S., ' <» .Iwvi» it length «*n the prob-: i }“?n "f ? s'lnl l ire protevtioli. i ' •; Ai *•. Wilson that in nm-t ! il I’miiities, the eoyfiiy yohvmis- j 1 ■ ••• ■-1 ■ '>iit i.m*t s with' .rt town for \Mr.- iupt. .••i.ifv, hut out { 't«r:.*t i'.; l:i?‘g» i eou»iti»*> fnv ;>ta-j • ■ 'i in \ ;ili<*us ...ns j i <>f * ’ji - county. 11. explained the j o, r>e. .|ur ..f forming- fir** Jistriets J for fifo proteet ion. whi eh of enuriiG • ■•tMjiiir. -s, i villi on tlw juAtpl*’ if -I tp COVW ; ■'h« • HS*. f Lh>• g.n • j ;tJ opinion "f tho.s*' l ; ■ ?*.*.-• *.!i• n:is tii.-it t;h*’ First ;*n• 1 i t l i To'.vii-’iips ciiijM contrie? • -ip. t!' Tcmti of Kdeiiton for lir* | ; r ’’ ■ * i-m. r»d tk.;it m ni**re sntis : ! "•}..ry irr;ingenn*nt might b* \o• \. *| mi' for tb-* upper '‘nd <*f{ • ’• • •oiin*y. Mr. \\ t! «ni ;•!>«> |M*int.'d out .some] • ; -il. r.-. p«diei*vN have riders’ . ,•? e '.':l>:. f*»r |Kiy?netlt '*f the e\. I •<m ?. t:i • it\ t.* :insw* ran alarm jin •' i-'o of t fir-. He :iNn pointed j • *h- risk firemen take when 1 • r voting Biroiighout the rural .s*t- • •i* ug *>i • instnn*’* wl;er»» a ; •• .iflJmpse*l under tl>. wight (Coni inued on Pages—Section 1) Gerald James New Rotarv President {Huh Elects New ()f --! fivers at Last Week's Meeting 1 \' ]..-t A-'.'kV Kotan ii;*M ting • \ it In* <!u!' -i <!«d n*.Av uffirer> J*or ]. ML, *.• v R**»:iry ye *r. whub beginsj| .1 ,!\ ' fl •nly• i< i t i*m of offi- ( . • > - held in .*1 «i. » r . : How fh** i } itu-.iirug nr* ■•.■'dei'it .. n«i >* , rr* fry It t" :tt I'iul the Ib'V'iy \' 1 1 ••h i" hi I*l hefej . the n* \v year 1 1 bi-i.,. J| (»* I Ja i jir-ineTT);: iof :!?•;, Ik Jimior-Seiuor High S«*ho*>l V. t" |L ■•• fed p: -id* nt to surcfr-d ;Gilli:.m Wood, teMirge Alma By ’ i ,M wi" d \ i.-e president ;ilie! * • ;i>.- f..'!o\ving dire<*tnj*s wure el»M*t < Idton Koieluind, Jimmie Ri**ks, t linj’mp" md Bill't.! II; ii. opiing and outgoiiig presi- I "••♦it> .r*»'also *inwlors. Albemarle Peanut Company Is Gutted By Mysterious Fire Early Morning Blaze Friday Also Dam ages Peanuts K'ifiitnn .xjnirit'nc.'d another di astnui.- fire. I'.arly Friday mom- 1 tup. when damage to the Albemarle j Peanut Company was estimated at j between $.70,000 and $70,000. Cause tor the fire is undetermin- i ed. but West Byrum. president of j the oompany, is of the opinion that it started ,in a women's toilet on the second floor. Firemen were called out about 5 o’clock and re mained on the scene for three hours with the mercury registering near the freezing mark. The fire spread rapidly up the j shaft above the engine room and I flames leaped far into the air. j & FIGHT POLIO' JOIN TIIE MARCH OF I)IMPS Fb 4 : ' ! Outstanding Speakers On Program Friday Night MASONIC TEMPLE More Than 350 Visit ors From E. City Dis trict Arc Expected Bishop I*: uj V, g; t i ■ ;•. Pmsid ! ing Bishop of tip Richmond ami •pf th° M<)fho«iist Church, cpmos to I Kdonton this we* tl»• v ; stewardship' en phnsis i v getting ; underway'. !?» the N» rib Carollnx fMethodist (’*»lifer* nee. The ••• •• •- ‘ion will be a ."!♦•.*..i fti.-'hip rally to Ik* held at ’a l ' Muisoni* rnnplo at |7 o'idoek Fridjfy evening. February .1 ]. It ijt*L ** . ' pra By foi . thg Klizah* th Cdy Okt?irt of the : Mcthod'yt Church, on, nin.- %uch ] .’rollins. b» .b;b held tb!**ugJiout the . North Coroliba ( 'onfert.iice within ; tbo iv" ' feu d j . Promotion of the stewardship • urogram" in *bc Meth**di.-t Cburi’h lis prim’irily in ?b* hands of lay rr.efv. Jasper Sm i Mi, Con f ercuch : 1 ..TV I.e-id' i . **f B. rlie}., will l*o on ' t r v.* program. Ft *fj Ritter of Abos- Lki.e. who. mr*r*‘ th*in any otlvr lay- n v .?M. i" r ; Me for tin- raliy to be held here, tvrrll jijjio b* pr* . 1 ami u ill of fir ’♦ t* • ir.h i > J»< - j.t i in; • 3-i tr’“f Lay Le.'id-a. 'l'ho d* vo ; tioral w ill, be co'ndiictcd by th*v R*?v • (Fre* rhan IL’ut.b, Su)>eri?d, ra , b,r.t lof the Klizab-tb City TL strict Mu."ic v*!l be pro\ :ued by Mr . J J. lb*S". <irga/'i 't of the T dce 4 en Method* t (*h*m h. r*t»*l Norman Tarnnard. soloist in :h.- «*hoiv of the Kdcnton church. • The mam spe:ilr**r of the «\ m • ing will b ; -\ G. J* ff»*rs*jn, I.,ni J.e-ider *i r tin- Virginia M*- hodist. Ci»nf**r» , ii* e. M* J • n is ope of Morhe<b .ms m<»"? dyeamic !n - m»*n nn*l is out-"farifling •* 1* aijer i?. the -area of ftt**\v.'tr«lsh:j). The rally will bring **\. r LVO ]>• r'j.m to i'd.-nt *'*• *n? :!♦•• Melhodi 4 jc’iur To*** ‘b.- U|v'. iLeCi [City u r.-t. Later tV . ?: ••• •’.* ?lv v iwill ifestituL* a 11-\v*ek p ** .*d -f v**bin? -.ry tuhiv'r s- **e • of th< main aspects of the pr eht em .si" o?i •; d."hii‘ «»i ?h- M* th odist Chu.rrh. On. of ih*' m-. : >iiiD! »•{• - o?‘ i• \ icti\iti. i»i t)v V : hod is? Church i." lay preMejij?***. Uudot tin- $:pon "'»r"!li]) of Cor.fercnt »* Board of 1 :i\ Aetiv it'*- - i pr»gr.ipi ’ ' own a- Giving \ .ne •, Si|er>; u ! pi*< vvdl • • 1 1 •! i* lu> ■;j I’,.* tie >•;».'• ty* *•••<**r. Fa * ' *f i-r • m " II u«e layim n i' t|>o palpi*- those j churches wit . h tin md b..•'■*• r*’'i?j larly iub *1 f •.’•*)f*ck. "-lvices ;••!! Ml" S’??>t!:>. Included : n this peril<d. Pesboj) Ga»be*- wiil hold a foi tin.."** luym. Ts "inn. :,«» in all. \\)t*» •"•11 take par? in thi; progr-.m in | lbis t y T be?) •• •) • •.? tag > the Kd.-iii.iii M t.hodi>t ( li':veh as \I TV "p»*ak. 1 " Will be JoliT) \, j l|o|me>. Gerabl Jam *". R*>h*-i*t ‘Aler?h and Or. V T*\ Oownum | Aside from the damage done by the j fire, the sprinkling system w ent- in to action and while this wafer most i likely helped to prevent further fir« .damage, it damaged a large quail i City of peanuts in the building. , I The fire was discovered b\ Pa j trot man K. R. Tolley who was rid- I ing on Badhnm road. Upon seeing | the flames he broke open a door of I the building to turn in the alarm. I The firemen were also called out Friday afternoon when tile Rev. F. C. Alexander’s work shop in the Mill Village caught fire. There was very little damage. On Thursday the firemen Were also called to the C. 8. West resi dence on West Mosley Street, where fire caused by an oil stove, 1 runted furniture in a living room,

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