Workers’Council | To Sponsor ‘Green Pasture’ Program Gloat Is Good Pasture' For Livestock on j Every Farm i At their February. liteitlng the | 'Chowan County Agriculture Work ers’ Council accepted the “Green Pastures Program” fur 1,955. T-'ii t;ttiv<> conttrift tee min Wole selected. | The “Green .PasUii'es Pregrnm" is an effort to get --every l':ii liter to establish and maintain adequate good pasture for the I i\••stork on the farm. The- •farmers citation award will lie made to each farmer who irmintaiivs and properly malt ages one acre of toed pasture I'm each animal unit i a tin farm. Aa honor farm plaque will lie awarded to each farmer who uiaintains one and a half acre- of v.oiid pautiiiv i for eai h -animal -unit. “Goo.l pasture:. i< one of our • cheapest foods for livi .Hock,”, says , C. W. Overman. "In striving to j meet the. goals of the .‘('teen Ta,s--j.. lures Program'* fanners’ will: he] making cheaper-, and W't.ter live- t stock parins anil the. honor, atthih-. ed by individuals and the county i will In pood recognition for sue , cess.’’ WWV - , GMSIiM%ITONS j | The spring cotton field is more colorful j j than it’s been in years. There’s a wonder- j ! ful selection in plaids and checks ... of | | pastels and shock colors ... of all the j j thing’s you need for an enchanting spring! j | OUR ANNUAL j j Cotton Dress Fvent T-jp | 0 WILL CONTINUE M" I | THOUGH /t^k.Rjsl I Saturday jj | February 12th n%nrt jf 1 ' n 1 ff I j jL i ! FEATURING if/ a! Nellie Don L’Aiglon - Doris Dodson m Gwen Lee Helen Whiting Annetta Beacon Hill Jerry Gilclen Puritan and Betty Hartford | Edenton. North Carolina TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED AD I Local Police Arrest j 58 During January According to Chief of Police George I. Dnil, Edenton police made 58 arrests in January. Miscellane ous traffic violations led the list with HO, followed next by drunks with six arrested. Os those arrested 1!) were found I guilty as charged. The arrests j were 41 white males, four white females, 12 colored males and one | colored female, j Finns amounted to $1245 and costs j$ I f>T.7. r », or a total of $142.75, of j which amount $209.80 was turned hack to the town in way of offi cers' fees. Activities during the month In cluded 70 calls answered, three ac cidents investigated, one stolen au tomobile reported, 20 street lights reported out, 54 courtesies extend ed, nine doors found unlocked, 00 investigations made, six fire calls answered, and 005 citations issued. The police niade 084 radio Calls • lid were oil t he air 57 minutes. ROTAIUANS MEET TODAY Eden inti Kotarians will meet this j i Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock |in the Parish House, The program will he in charge of J. Edwin Rnff jlnp and President'Gilliam Wood I ’urges every member of tin- club j (to attend. I BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT .Mr. and Mrs. Warren Twiddy an j imunre the-birth of a 0 pound, 15- !ounce .daughter, horn Wednesday ! night of; fast week in Chowan Hos- j I pital, /w/x~vwvwv«- Marines Collect $671.50 For Local March Os Dimes Check Is Presented By Col. M. K. Peyton, C. O. of Base The March of Dimes drive at the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field officially ended Monday morning when Col. M. K. Peyton, Company Commander, pre sented William Perry, Chairman of the Chowan County March of Dimes, a cheek for $671.50 made out to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The presentation ended a highly sueeesful 15-day campaign which j was organized and led by Major i Perry M. Me Robert. Ilis commit tee consisted of First Lieut. Ken neth I!. Ingman, MAC.S-5; Second Lieut. Clark A. Warner, VMA-211; First Lieut. Stanley (I. Radhuber. H&MS-14; Chaplain Dean K. Veit• man, MARS-14, and Second Lieut. Kenneth Casey, VMA-225. v At the presentation Col. Peyton expressed his pleasure at the “co operation between the citizens of Edenton and Marine personnel, es pecially for such a worthy cause as I the March of Dimes.” He liked to think of ALE Edenton and the City of Edenton as “one community ... helping one another.” Sipiadron honors were won by | MARS-14, who squeezed ahead of j l HA-MS-14 hy $805.58 to $801.6.2. ! 125 Given Old Age Aid In January According to the monthly report | of Mrs. J. 11. McMullan, Chowan | County Welfare Superintendent, 125 persons in Chowan County re ] reived SB,IBO for old age assistance. Eleven aid to dependent children eases received $-11,0, while 11 aid to, blind cases received $406 and 18 j aid to permanently and totally dis abled cases received $470. General assistance in the amount of slßO.ll was given in 11 cases and other financial assistance in cluded three cases hospitalized in. the county, $99; two cases hospi talized outside the county, $87.20; one medical case, $4.85; one bur ial. $25. Service cases included three per sons receiving veterans rehabilita- 1 tinn in cooperation with the De partment of Public Welfare, four persons receiving free eye exami nations through the N. C. State Commission for the Blind, and 12 children receiving individual ser vice. COUNTY DEBT REDUCED W. W. Rvnim. Chairman of thej Chowan County Commissioners,' was authorized Monday to pay $9,-1 610.49 on the county’s indebtedness, j The amount represents $2,129.81 due March 1 and $7,480.68 due March 15. I Roth amounts are for school building bonds and coupons. C. C. WIGGINS ASSIGNED TO EDENTON MARINE BASF -—A—— • ' C, C. Wiggins has been transfer-| red to the Edenton Marine Corps i Auxiliary Landing Field, where he j has been assigned as assistant to Chief Inspector Ralph R. Hall. Mr. j Wiggins reported for his new posi-j tlon last week. He had been work ing at Little Creek, Va. j LONG E ER P |rfe! SEC this rugged, SEE the many cutting Ij reliable saw cut. attachments * f l . You.ll see why it s including narrow L, "VvC\ the leader (or guide rails, 2 to 7- , W,,- >57- dependable, high with fast cutting ir”XW JH' production cutting. chains. SEE how smoothly it LOW PRICE • .'mjCL runs even at top ii*o(U7 OA l ,/ ;^V speed—without UtOiJD.Wv . vibration or With 3-fool Rail chatter. Meets and last l at every logging C'hippt'** i. hain need. j Set it S&#A (’.For a free demonstration, ask Hobbs Implement Co. YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER Edenton, North Carolina THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1955 ..a .A -CURBSIDI K !*'o Andre Pierre, “King of the Boulevard Vendors,” uses a jester's scep ter to smooth on some of tin cream he sells so successfully as a Parisian street merchant. His "smooth” salesmanship won him the coveted title, which is j j awarded annually. For Lift That Lasts j Drink Milk Each Day I Avuuml tii<* 'AoiTil |m rtj.iif :uv !stii you hr;ir it daily. Hut the!vnr. people lit t' 1 in Youth CiiTolinu wlm ;in n’t i < tt l.ritu daily th< foods tIVi• y Jilt'd for host, of health j As a Matter of fact. IhoO census isurveys show Gjh per cent of I Nforth Carolina’s people arnn’t get* ting daily the foods they need. And one of tile foods must apt to he lacking in i milk, says Jo Karp, State .College extension nu i tritionist. i Today, for economy's sake use dry milk in addition to fresh milk, jit’s a good * , huy\vord” for shiart food shoppers hern us*- it*s a whole some dairy product from which [only tile water and cream are iv | moved. | Nonfat dry milk i> a good huy I because it help;, to stretch your foods dollar. It’ • ;-y t<» keep on hand and i> e.-p«*cia!ly convenient for the person idone, for small families, and for families where e.eryom works awa> from home. Dry milk is handy if you are vacationing away from a good source of fresh milk. It’s also a refrigerator .-pace >.-\er since it jCau he kept on tin inpl»«>ard shelf and reliquefied as needed. It gives you needed min< ml-. I! vitamins and protein. You’ll find that you can add ex tra milk ' id- to vuiou-. conked «BJART is PINTS ; 2 6 ° "xxr BRANDY LAIRD AND COMPANY North Garden, Ya. Stabeyyille, 1 J. dishes t<> help bring diets up to dilily requirements. This is - espe cially important in dishes for older people and for children who refuse to rlrink as much milk as they need.' Make a point of looking for non fat dry milk in your grocery store. It’s a good way of getting more milk in your family’s diet. Contributions In March Os Dimes Now Total $2,233 Chairman Bill Perry Is Urging All Reports Sent In 1 i Bill Perry, Chairman of the Cho wan County March of Dimes, re ported that up to Tuesday morning contributions in the drive amount ed to $2,288. Included in this amount was a contribution of $671.50 made hy the Marines at jibe Edenton Auxiliary Landing J Field. The cheek was presented to jM r. I Very Monday by the Com j mandiHg Officer, Col. M, K. IVy • ton. j The road block on North llnind , I Street Saturday netted $29.2.55, Mr. I’erl‘y’s goal is $2,000 this! year and with tin; report Still .in, complete, lie has not given up nil hope that it will not he realized. Up to Tuesday lie had not received , any reports from tile rural ■.section, and none of the coin collector.-: had Let n taken tip. No- report I eluded from colored contributors ibl Kdeiitou and there still remained a few reports, from white Edenton canvassers. Chairman Perry is very anxious to wind up tile campaign, so In- is j requesting all money collected in i tin- drive to he reported not Inter than Tuesday of next week. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED BELK TYLER’S iflfP GOING FULL BLAST WILL CONTINUE THROUGH SATURDAY FEB., 12* Many - Many Bargains In New Fall and Winter Merchandise Left For You To Pick From. If You Haven’t Been, Don’t Miss This Big SALE! If You Came Last Week It Will Pay You To Come Back! BIG SAVINGS FOR ALU BELK-TYLER'S Ldenton| ■yipiwyfiwgw —iw—iiihwiim —Mi '.ourr** 1 0 State |fV!l HINTS TO HOMESJAKE^S it, /jr' _____ _ Stott H-itmc I Soup As Good At II Looks -Fam ilies around the world think of the soup kettle as a symbol of home and pleasant hours together. Soup must look tvs good as it. tastes, and .taste us good ns it looks. Whether it is served in china cups, in pottery bowls, or from a copper chafing dish, hot soup should he served piping hot. Garnishes add eye'appeal,' flavor, . and texture contrast. Hen- are some popular garnishes for soup: Whipped creain, . ehopped parsley. ' croutons, lemon slice.-, crisp eer itails, fiainkfurtcr slices. Perhaps you think of others. In planning soup meals,.think of . the ingredient.- !n the -opp and plan to, cohiplete a nut ritiotis nleal. Perhaps you would Tiki; 'to try these two recipes for specia! soups, . soups you can fix hi ten minutes i in will serve 4. Cheese Soup: I c.'iii condehsed efetini of hitishroom sopp. 11 ;■ cups milk, 1 cup shredded sharp cheese, dash black pepper. (’omliiiie all in ■gl'edients in. saucepiiii. Ileal, :t i i ring coiistantly, until < '.o .- •• j melted. I For Sale Building Lot 85 x 190 Feet LOCATED ON I S. IT SOUTH Priced for (Juit k Sale! • —Contact — CAMPEN-SMITH REAL ESTATE . Al t TIONS Eden I on, ,V C. Work Shop Planned For Negro Leaders A kitrlim cnhinet workshop will In* In-Id Wvdnrsflay morning. Feh ruary Hk ;«t the NVgm farm and ’[home agi’iits’ office, corner of It'Muirch and Oakum Streets at 10 1 o'clock. M<*n and women are in-; Ivited to take ;ulvantage of flvis ’ | woj’kshop. 'Utr.* workshop will he. j conducted hy l£. 31. Ritchie, Jr., ■ ricultiiral eivjfineerinir extension ’ specialist and Miss M. Kyei\ Negiu subject matter specialist. | ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH^ | m COUNTRY 1 I mGINTLiMAN % ! H§ STRAIGHT .■ 1 BOURBON | s y /woa/' j aia = 11= gMUWMr :i d* 1 ! w i S 1.1. ootKHMm iow.V. onmiiß iIK -|| Mb = EOTTLED 3V J A. DOUGHERTY'S EONS, INC. DISTILLERS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. S I llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllUlllllllllßllllllllllllllli^ PAGE THREE SECTION ONE- Turkey School Will Be Held March 10th County Agent C. W. Overman announces that a school for turkey growers will be held Thursday morning, March 10. The school will he held at the Chowan Com munity Building, beginning lit 9 o’clock. Mr. Overman says tur key growers will profit hy attend ing. Picture Framing Choice Frames and Mats EDENTON FURNITURE CO. I’holly 516 Edenton, N. C.