SECTION ONE—I PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and. Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. vK { wiss AsycunJj) J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside State)- ?2.50 One year (In North Carolina)— lt.oo Six Months —$L25 Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1955 Marines Do It Again It is encouraging to note that Marines stationed at the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field have responded in a splendid manner to the appeal of March of Dimes to fight infantile paraly sis. Early this week the drive was completed at the base and Col. M. K. Peyton, commanding officer, pre sented Chairman Bill Perry a check for $671.50. It isn’t unusual, however, for Marines at the Eden ton base to fall in wholeheartedly with any worth while movement in Edenton. It has been the rule rather than an exception for them to cooperate fully whenever called upon. .This is borne out when they are asked to donate blood in the Red Cross blood program and it has been the case in many other projects. Os especial interest in Col. Peyton's remarks to Chairman Bill Perry in presenting the check, when the commanding officer had this to say: "Marines stationed at the Auxiliary Landing Field have enjoyed the friendly manner in which they have been received as neighbors and fellow citizens by the local residents. “This friendship has kindled in them an interest in local community responsibilities. For this reason, the members of this command have requested that all the money collected for the 1955 March of Dimes be turned over to the chairman of the March of Dimes for Chowan County. “In accordance with that request, it gives me great pleasure to turn over to you a check in the amount of $671.50.” With such a spirit of friendliness and cooperation, which for the most part also prevails among the ci tizens of Edenton, the splendid spirit of friendship and neighborliness will surely continue between the base and Edenton, which has existed for so long. Money Well Spent Whether it will be met with appro vial or not. the time has came and is long past due when a revalua tion of property in Chowan County is made. So far as The Herald can learn, the last time property was revalued was in 1941, over 14 years ago. It is no secret that a large amount of property is on the books at far less than the value it should be, which, in effect, means that seme people are sharing i more than their portion of the tax load. It isn't fair j for property which has a value of say $25,9d1) to $30,000 to V listed at a value of say from $5,000 to SB,OOO when more recently built houses costing say: from $15,000 to SIB,OOO are listed at twice as much. | During the intervening years meagre efforts have I been made to equalize property valuation, but ap- j pa rent lv little in way of true equalization has been effected. By an adequate revaluation program a. great deal j of property will be put on the books at a higher figure, which, of course, will mean greater valuation j and consequently n better opportunity to reduce the j rate in order to meet the necessary amount needed : to balance the budget. It. too, will mean that the i tax burden will be more equitably distributed than it is at present. To revalue property as it should be in Chowan County will entail an expense of something like $1,5,00(1. but it will put the county up-to-date and in J line with other counties and will result in. more j people paying their just share of the taxes needed by ' the county. The County Commissioners at their meeting Mon lav gave some .consideration to the . matter, but no definite action was taken. However, where there is j smoke there is fire, so that it is reasonable to expect that some: provision will be made to have a revalua- | tion in the not-to-distant future. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TOWN OF EDENTON The public will take notice that a public hearing - will be held on the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1955, at 8:00 P. M.. in the Chowan County Court House in the Town of Eden ton, N. C., for the purpose of explaining the proposed Zoning Ordinance for the Town. The public is urged to be present to hear this proposed ordinance explained. A copy of the proposed zoning ordinance and zoning map are on file in the office of the Town Clerk for inspection prior to the hearing. G. B. Potter, Chairman ». Eden ton Zoning Commission THE CHOWAN HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 1965. [Heard & Seen By “Buff” . J It’s not always easy to be in a good mood when obliged to pay a debt, but Gerald James was all smiles ono night last week when he paid one of his debts. At the beginning of the football season he told the boys that if they won the State Champion ship he would treat ’em to a steak dinner. I don't know if the promise had anything to do with win ning the State title, but Gerald paid off at Boswell's Restaurant. It's hard to figure which were the most delighted at the dinner, the boys or Mr. James. For once I’m on the other end of this cigar busi ness. Usually I’m getting a cigar for snmo fellow becoming a daddy, but on Sunday I again became a grandpappy. My son. Lance, who lives in Forest City, became the proud daddy of a baby girl, so that, while I had nothing to do with it, I’ve been forking out the cigars. The first crop was given out at Town Council meeting, which may have had some- . thing to do with remaining in session until 11:30 I o’clock. And speaking about smoking, the Parish House was thick with smoke last Thursday. Warren Twid dy had a box of cigars on hand on account of he had become the daddy of a daughter the night before. : Ha still looked a little sleepy at the Rotary meeting. I o It’s not hard to got plenty of advice when a fol- j low has some trouble. Take for instance Izzy Cam- I pen. At last week's Rotary meeting he asked Bob Kennan what the trouble is when the water in the hot water tank don’t get hot enough. Some of the remedies from the boys were: Put oil in the stor age tank, don’t use so much hot water, get a new hot water outfit, and several others. Maybe Izzy has the thing fixed now. o Surprises affect people iri various ways. I sort of felt, sorry and glad at the same time when Jimmy" Ricks heardwith utter surprise that he was selected for the Jaycee distinguished service award Monday night. When the presentation was made he was ab solutely speechless. Well, sometimes a fellow is bet ter off by not saying anything. Anyway, my hat’s off to him for winning the first Edenton Jay cee DSA. o It was more than a light breeze which hit Eden- I ton Sunday night. In fact the wind was so strong that some people thought Hurricane Hazel was on its way back south. Anyway, mavhe it was one of Hazel’s relatives, but. no serious damage resulted from the howling wind, —rw —_ Maybe all the Boy Scouts serving in “official’' ca pacity Tuesday were not the same build as the men they represented. But in one case it wasn’t missed very much, for Arthur White was serving for Bob Pratt as Captain of the Police, And speaking about j the Scouts, Chief of Police George Dail said t.h* I “cops” wanted to go outside the city limits to tag cars for parking. The boys did a good job, though, and I understand Monty Peyton, “street commission- j er”. had to be run down to get to the "Council Meet | mg.” Well, he didn't have to follow my example in ! every respect. Anyway, the boys must have bad I their eyes open for they found a lot. of things to .he. I done in town and they didn’t stay in the meeting | over three hours. : O Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Ashell were among a party j to return, last week from Miami Beach. Ela. They j brought, hack a fish story, but had pictures to prove | the story. Mrs. Ashell hooked a sailfish 6 feet and i 8 inches, long weighing 50 pounds. Os course. Mr. Ashell had to help to land the fighting fish and was about all-ini when the fish was hauled in the boat.. As the result of her catch, Mrs. Ashell was made a j member of. Haulpver Beach Sailfish. Club and has her i certificate to prove it. As for me, fishing is about a j thing of the past. o——— Edenton has had four fires since last Thursday, the latest one being Tuesday when a shed at the Albemarle Peanut Company burned. . It was a more I disastrous fire which occurred at the plant Friday : morning and then two other minor fires occurred. | one on Mosley Street and one in the cotton mill | village. k MR. AND MRS. J. C. LEARY INJURED IN AUTO WRECK Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Leary were painfully but not seriously in jured Sunday night in an automo bile accident near Bethel in Pitt j County. Mr. and Mrs. Leary were j returning from Greensboro, where j they visited their daughter and in j the heavy wind and rain their car ran off the road and overturned. Both, while bruised considerably, | are gradually recovering from their injuries. j SINCLAIR Patented j Anti-Rust HJIt OIL^ contains tha amazing Sinclair Rust Inhibitor RD-119* Ho Extra Coil EDENTON OIL CO. SINCLAIR PRODUCTS PHONE 50fi EDENTON 115^ X FRANks/Fr^. \? | OYSTERS j, mJif ) i ! 1 LB. CYPRESS | Nggp/ i feels. B3c t sliced Virginia 3 is». f Chatham smgxed 4 n». &a» ; @9 B iSausage S9* - wmr ■ a.gmiri m|| ■ II | it, if nr” V’C, s'.’ U; S. COMM. (Not Budget) FI KEF |WE RESERVE THE | FRESH KILLED BAKING LB. Chise&7(}s} lUCMC OCt Roast»fcJ w 46 02. Hollv Hill - Sweet (Limit 8) 1 Vi CAN KOVAL DISH 4 SIS I FLORIDA 4 CANS ffl®; GRATED Q So r iiMMlTunaO^7C Jlßt ; hSr V/ c/ r I (LIMIT 8) rmrnr’ - - —• •« t. IBwnlWmwHßl ' quarts BLEACH LIMIT 1 CASE I Lb. COFFEE Bag. Drip or Regular I-B. ... Si mw A /gBB ■*»«!<• Maxwell QQ„!■££WASiO fll ™ ECjk jEdJn Ajt m : Evaporated Milk 8 canned peach halves HI OMMS - "gSi jja j V|| ■ VkS'KS A Mil oats, milk uni salt. With jfl m fl&Sa ffii B&k (Rk afetv wF LIMIT 1 LB. S wet hands, .shape mixture into 8 halls. dßiv