ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY ime XXll.—Number 7. Garbage Ordinance CalledT o Attention Citizens In Edenton < Police Are Instructed To Carry Out Provi sions of Law With increasing complaints about garbage and trash strewn about Edcnton’s streets and trash cans remaining along the streets at all times and especially over Sundays, Chief of Police George I. Dail has been instructed to circulate hand bills in order to inform those ■■ re sponsible that there is an ordinance in force requiring certain kinds of receptacles for trash and Certain times to remove them from the street. . Chief Dail hopes the handbills will result in an improvement, .but if not, more unpleasant steps will have to be taken. The ordinance sets out that the occupant of every building prem ises or place where garbage does or may exist, shall provide himself with a garbage can made of sub stantial galvanized iron or other non-rusting metal in which he shall deposit all garbage existing at the place occupied by him. Such can shall be provided with handles or bales and with a tight-fitting cover made of the same material as the ran. All garbage cans shall be water-tight. They shall be of a siz* that can be conveniently handled by the garbage collector (not to exceed in holding capacity more than twenty gallons). All garbage cans shall be kept reason ably clean by the use of lye or other effective cleaner. The ordinance further provides that all garbage cans shall be -ed at the front of the property ose to the street as is possi >r collection. Containers shall placed for collection not later than 8:00 A. M.. and all containers shall be removed by fi:00 P. M., each collection day. No containers shall be left or displayed at the front of the property on Sunday for any purpose whatsoever. Methodists Will Conduct Revival Feb. 27 - March 4 The Rev. Kelly Ingram Os Elizabeth City Guest Speaker The Rev. J. E. Richardson, pas tor of the Edentoh Methodist Church, has announced that revival services will begin in the church Sunday night, February 27 and continue through Friday night, March 4. The guest speaker for the series of meetings will lie the Rev. Kelly Ingram, pastor of the First Meth odist Church in Elizabeth City. The services will begin each night at 7:30 o’clock. [civic calendar] Albemarle Conference basketball tournament will he held in the Edenton Junior-Senior High School gymnasium Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, February 24, 25 and 26. A meeting of the hoard of trus tees of Hicks Memorial Swimming Pool will be held this (Thursday) afternon at 5:30 o’clock in the Mu nicipal Building. Miss Ann Van Andel, a Rotary exchange student from Bussum, Holland, will be a guest of Rotar ■ at their meeting this (Thurs • afternoon in the Parish House o’clock. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & A. M„ will hold a stated com munication tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Edenton Chapter, No. 302, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night. February 21, at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Revival services now in progress at the Assembly of God Church. Revival services will be held in the Edenton Methodist Church from Sunday, February 27, through Fri- Continued on Page 6—Section 1 THE CHOWANSHERALD — -7 1 * I)SA Winner fi J. P. RICKS, JR. Above is pictured J. P. Ricks, Jr., »ho won the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce Distinguish ed Service Award. Mr. Ricks is the first one to receive this honor, sponsored by the Edenton Jaycees. Chowan Judging Team Wins First Place At Hertford Joe Privott and Bernie Raker Tie For In dividual Honors Tile Chowan 1-11 livestock jurlv ing team won first place in judg ing hogs at the Albemarle Pure bred Swine Breeders’ Sale fit Hert ford on Friday, February 11. Ihr team which consists of Joe Privott. Steve Burch, Bernie Baker and >Emmett Perry was the high scor ing team in the contest; and Joe Privott and Bernie Baker were high scoring individual judders. Joe I and Bernie each scored 280 points in the scoring of the hogs and they gave reasons to break the tie. Joe was declared to be high scorer in dividual on the basis of the reasons which ho gave and was awarded a purebred registered Durdc gilt, pig for being -individual, high scorer. The team was .presented a check for $lO as its award for being tin* high scoring team in the contest. There were a total of six l-H and FFA teams in the contest from Oh owan, IV*rq ui niii ns; Pa sq u<>t ari k and Camden counties. Three classes of hogs were judg ed by the contestants: one class of Hampshire bred gilts,one class of Dui ;oe bred gilts, and one class of j Du roc boars. The Chowan l-H livestock judging team did very well and hope to continue their success in the future judging events. Albemarle Motor Co. Changes Hands Bruce Jones and Son Now Operating Business Change in ownership of the Albo- i marie Motor Company, local Ford I dealers, is announced this week, j The concern, formerly , operated by j T. W. Jones, will be operated by Bruce F. Jones and his father, M il- j liam Bruce Jones. |, No major changes are contem plated in the change of ownership and the new owners cordially in vite the public to visit the concern, located on West Hicks Street. ■ EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chanter, No. 302, Order I of the Eastern Star, w ill meet Mon day night, February 21. at 8 o’clock 1 in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. R. E.,: Leary, worthy matron, urges all i members to attend. 1 Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 17,1955. [ CITIZENS OF TOMORROW ] Kb ■»- K Ernest Carpenter Marie Chappell Randy Carpenter M , Bonita' Jean Perry Donna Dunbar Steven Layden ~KgBIBHu ""PS. K j —. fl ■ M f'tH Charles Asbell, Jr. Jeanette Nixon Carrol Carraway This week The Herald carries another installment of the “Citizens of Tomorrow” feature. Pictured above are: Top row, left to right, Ernest Carpenter, 5 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carpenter; Marie Chappell, 2 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Chappell; Kandy Carpenter, 3 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carpenter: middle row, left to right, Bonita Jean Perry, t months old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Perry: Donna Dunbar, (I months old, daughter of Mrs. Irene Dunbar: Steven Layden, 2 months old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Layden, Jr.; bottom row, left to right, Charles Asbell, Jr., 5 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. Asbell: Jeanette Nixon, 7 years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellin Nixon: Carrof Carraway, 3 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. ('. Carraway.—(Photos by Allen Stu dios, Detroit, Mich.) Edenton Firemen : Have Busy Sunday Three-Alarms Turned In Between 10:30 ; And 1:30 1 Edcnton’s firemen bud :i busy! day nn Sunday when they were called out for three fires between' 10:20 A. M., and 1:30 I\ M. File first call at 10:30 o’clock ; was due to a tfrass fire near the home of Mrs. M. (i. Brown, which ; resulted in no damage. Tile second fire at 11 o’clock was more disastrous, consuming a house* and all its contents on East ! Galt* Street near the railroad. 'File home was occupied by Ernest Ma son and his wife, colored. The fire was caused by grease on a j stove catching fire while nobody | was in the kitchen and spreading rapidly. At 1:30 o’clock the firemen were called to tin* home of Ernest Alex ander on tho old Hertford road, where a frozen water pump caused a motor to catch fire. Little dam age resulted. 144PintsOf Bloodls DonatedlnEdenton I Marines and National Guard Members Give Boost to Donations “Thanks to the full cooperation of the Marine Corps, ALF, hilcn ton. tile local National Guard unit and civilian donors, the lied Cross ldondmohile exceeded its quota hy 111 pints Wednesday of last week,” [says Dr. A. L. Stanton, Chowan County blood program chairman. During the day 144 pints of j blood were donated. The quota was 110 pints, so that it was the first time the quota has been ex ceeded in the four visits (luring the year. The largest donor group was the Marine Corps group from the Edens ton Auxiliary Landing Field. They donated 85 pints of the 144. The National Guard donated 30 pints and other civilians donated 29 pints. Many thanks are due the Red Cross Ladies’ Auxiliary, who did such a wonderful job at registrar tion, checking and feeding the don ors. It was through their efforts Gerald James New Conference Prexy Officers Elected For' | Albemarle Group at i Williamston Meet I. • At u mi vting of Alliomurlo Con foi'i’iioo officials .h* M in WiMiam ston last week, Gerald James, prin cipal of the Edenton Junior-Senior ; High School, was elected confer ence jiresident for the year 1955- sii He succeeds J. S. Eleming of I Plymouth. Other officers elected were: B. G. Stewart of Williamston, vice. | president, ami B. L. Price (if Tar boro, .secretary-treasurer. Aside from tiie election of offi cers, the group Considered the i conference basketball tournament Ito lie held in Edenton February 21, 25 and 2<i. In order to enter; competition for State honors a. team must he a county winner, so that Mr. James is now making, an effort to play Chowan High School in order to de termine the. Chowan County Cham ' pious. 1 SOSForNeedyl V d Do you have an old table, cliest i of-draw crs, baby crib, quilts, - blankets, bed-clothing of any kind t —dishes or glasses, preserves or ; jelly glasses would be fine —cur- i tains, an old wood stove or rugs, l ’ large or small? ; 1 [f so, and you would like to get rid of them and at the same time [' help people who desperately need i these things won’t you please ■ take a minute to call Mrs. Frank ■ M. Holmes, phone .'l2O. and she will ’ pick them up and place them in, barely furnished home of the needy. - that the Uloqdmobile functioned so r smoothly. • The following National Guards ; men and civilians contributed a ) pint of blood: Mrs. Robert L. Smith, John Fox- I well, Talbert Jackson, Fred Ashley, 1 Miss Lucy Davis, Henry Goodwin, < W. M. Anderson, Johnny Asbell, -i Mrs. Walter Hollowed, Clarence <| Continued on Page 6—Section 1 March Os Dimes Contributions Now Stand At $2,885.94 Chairman Bill Perry Urges Return of All Reports at Once Bill Perry, chairman of the! March of Dimes in Chowan Coup-j ty, reported Tuesday that up until that time contributions in the drive amounted to $2,885.94. According , to Mr. Perry, the report is still in complete, so that he has not given up hope that the 1955 campaign will net $3,000. Mr. Peers is very anxious to dose put this year’s drive, so that; he urges anybody who has any con- | tributions in hand to return them i to him at once, so that he wilt be able to submit a final report early next week. Incidentally, Mr, Per ly says that if anyone has not made a contribution and desires to do so, lie will be more than glad to receive any amount. Bids Invited For Additional Work At Edenton ALF Guaranteed Capacity Gravel Wall Well Needed ! Bids for further improvements at the Edenton Marine Corps Au- I xiliary Landing Field will be re- 1 reived until 2 P. M„ EST on March I 1. 1955, in the District Public Works office, Fifth Naval District, j C. S. Naval Base, Norfolk, Va. ! The work includes provision for a guaranteed capacity gravel wall well, complete with deep well elcc trie drive turbine pump, pump t house, piping to existing system, i extension of electrical service to serve the new installation and in cidental related work. Specification No. 43118 and other bidding data and information may be obtained on application to the . District Public Works Officer, Fifth Naval District (Code DB -300), Naval Base, Norfolk 11, Va. Deposit of check for $lO, payable to Treasurer of the United States, is required as security for safe return of each set of bidding data. BPW Card Party j Thursday, Feb. 24 Aoplicatioti For Table Reservations Should Be Made Today Plans are moving forward for the Edenton Business and Profes sional Women’s Club’s Valentine card party which will lie held in the panel room of the Court House Thursday night, February 24, at 8 o’clock. Prizes will lie awarded and re fresh meats served. Those who play are requested to bring their own cards or any other j game to lie played. Reservations for tables should lie | i made not later than today (Thiirs-1 day) by contacting Mrs. Curie B. j White or any other member of the elub. Heath Preaches At Methodist Church On Sunday Morning The Rev. C. Freeman Heath, su perintendent of the Elizabeth City District, will preach at the 11 o’clock service Sunday morning in the Edenton Methodist Church. The public is cordially invited to attend. There will he no quarter ly conference in connection with Mr. Heath’s visit. MASONS MEET TONIGHT C. W. Overman, master of Una jnimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., announces that a stated communi cation of the lodge will tie held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. All members are urged to attend and a cordial invitation is extended all visiting Masons. c Plans Materializing For ‘John A. Holmes For Commander’ ! Dinner T uesday N ight, Feb. 22 Marines Boost March Os Dimes Fund —.—— —.—.—.——. —.—.— ———~—■ ———.—. —. —. —~...—j if I SI. . Isy*. . - iiriißMr Above is pictured Col, M. K. Peyton, commanding officer of the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field, presenting Bill Perry, chairman of the Chowan County March of Dimes, a check fori 1 $671.50, representing contributions by the Marines at the base.—(Of ficial Marine Corps Photograph). First Albemarle Conference Basketball Tournament Will |BeHeldlnEdentonFeb.24-26 I Four Teams Will Com- I pete For Conference Championship Thursday, Friday and Saturday! of next week, February 21. 25 and 2(i the first Alhemarle Coiktereweei basketball tournament to he played; in Edenton will be.held in the Jull-! ior-Senior High School gy tunasin hi. | Only four schools will participate! in the tournament, these being * Edenton. Ahoskie, Hertford and I Plymouth. Williamston and Tar- j boro will not take part in thei tournament due to entering a tour- j namerit in Martin and Edgecombe counties in order to get. a shot fit j the State playoffs. On the first, night, of the tourria-; meat four games will lie played i starting at <i o’clock. On each of | the other nights two games are ; scheduled. The tournament i- so arranged! that championship games will lie 1 played two nights. Friday and Sat urday. The girls' championship game will lie played Friday night at 7:30 o’clock, while the hoys' championship game "ill wind up the tournament Saturday night at : 9:30 o’clock. The first, game of tho tourna ment will lie held Thursday at <> o’clock when the Ahoskie iind Per quimans girls will tangle. In the Interest Is Renewed; In Swimming Pool! AtMeetingMonday Another Meeting Call ed For Thursday Afternoon The Hoard of Trustees of Hicks I Memorial Swimming Pool, Inc., and several interested citizens of Eden ton met Monday night; in the Mu nicipal Building for the purpose of resuming plans concerning the erection of a swimming pool here. This project stirred considerable enthusiasm and prospects looked bright last February when the ini tial step was taken with the form ing of Hicks Memorial Swimming Pool, Inc., and a fund raising cam paign got underway. It was hoped that the pool would bo in operation by the time hot weather arrived, hut funds were coming in too slow and the project had to take a back seat at the time. . j As a result of the meeting Mon day night, renewed interest has $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina second game the. Edenton and Ply- ( r.mouth boys will play at 7:15. At |S:3(i the Edenton giljs will take on ! the Plymouth girls and at 9:45 the , ! Ahoskie and Perquimans boys will wind up the night’s program, . Oii Friday night at 7:30 o’clock I the girls’ championship game will j tie played with a Hoys' consolation game slated for 9 o’clock. The boys’ championship game i wiil lie played Saturday night at < 19:30. The game will he preceded i | by a girls’ consolation game at 8!, I o’clock. , ) . - f I L |i t<i Tuesday of this week the 1 j Edenton boys’ team was in third | I place in conference standing, while p j the girls have gone thus far in the | ■ ! season without having a taste of |: j victory. < Exchange Student Guest Os Edenton 1 Rotary Club Today ii At tiie meeting this (Thursday) 1 afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Par- < ish House, Miss Ann Van Andel, a ( Rotary exchange student from t Bussum. Holland, will lie a guest'? !of the riub. Miss Andel is a stu- ' Ident at East Carolinq College at ; 1 (iremville and will utilize the usual ; ■program time in speaking about < her, native country. President Gilliam Wood urges every Rotarian to. attend the meet- ji ing. I: I. 'taken hold and a fight for the pool will, in all probability, be in the ; making right away. Another meet | ing will lie held Thursday after t noon (if; this, week at 5:30 at the | Municipal Building, at which time it is hoped a definite decision may 1 lie made on the type of pool to be |erected and th<» date on which con- i ■ struction will begin. All persons interested in this worthwhile pro ject are asked to let it be known : [by their presence at this meeting. J Mrs, Leon Leary was appointed j secretary - treasurer by President iJesse Harrell at the meeting Mon- ' day night to succeed Mrs. Cecil Fry who resigned. The Board of Trustees include Jesse Harrell, Q. A. Phillips, Mrs. Cecil W. Fry, Mrs. Leon Leary, E. ;J. Hobbs, Jr., Murriel Byrum, Lu- i j ther Parks and George Twiddy. ’ | Serving as ex-offieia are John A. ] j Holmes, J. H. Conger, Sr., W. J. i Taylor and L. H. Haskett. , FIGHT POLIO! JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES Many Prominent Visi tors From All Parts Os State Expected Plans are rapidly being complet ed for the big “John A. Holmes For Commander” dinner which will lie | held in the American Legion hut on | the Windsor highway next Tuesday night, February 22, at 7 o’clock. With Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt and Mrs. Paul Holoman chairman of the din ner committee, they are expecting in the neighborhood of 300 guests, both Legionnaires and members of the Auxiliary, coming from all parts of the State. The principal speaker for the oc casion will he John A. Wilkinson of Washington, N, C., who will speak on the subject “Role of the American Legion Today.” Roland Garrett of Elizabeth City will serve as toastmaster and special music will lie by Legion and Auxiliary members. Mrs. Chestnutt points out that . the dinner will not tie confined to j Legionnaires and Auxiliary mem bers? but others may also attend if they contact her in time to re serve a plate. Among the distinguished guests expected to attend the dinner are: I Department Commander, the Rev, Milton B. Faust of Salisbury; De partment Adjutant, Nash T). McKee of Raleigh; National Executive Committeeman, It. "C. Godwin of Raleigh; Department Judge Advo cate Charles Daniel of Raleigh; De- I partment vice commanders from the six divisions: J. Edward Weeks of Elizabeth City. EC. Gatling of Windsor, R. 1.. Tetterson of Ply mouth. Tom Sparrow of Aurora, Milton J. Ugiphlett of Littleton and Dr, Coyle R. Minges of Rocky Mount, all district Commanders and tho following district vice com manders, including E. J. Hobbs, Jr., of Edenton: Herbert Brett of Win ton. H. S. Woodley of Creswell, Jack Collins of Ayden, Fred Har rison of Scotland Neck and Wade R. Brooks. Jr., of Wilson. Among the Auxiliary members who will lie in attendance will lie Mrs, W. S. Carawan of Columbia and Raleigh, State Auxiliary presi dent. Mr. Holmes will be presented us a candidate for Commander of the Department of North Carolina, American Legion, by Edward G. Bond Post, No. 40, of Edenton. Members of the Post are proud of the qualifications of their can didate, who has been a member of the Post 25 years, during which he served as adjutant for six years, was Post Commander for five years, District Commander for two years and Divisian Commander for one year. He. is a charter member of the Edenton Rotary Club and was its second president. He served nine years as secretary and made an en viable record as Governor of the 189th Rotary district. He has tak en ah active part in the community as well as his profession of teach - ing, so that Ed Bond Post mem bers feel that he is ably qualified to serve as Department Command er. To this end they are working | hard in the hope that Legionnaires I of the State will see fit to elect hint to the position. Hospital Auxiliary Will Meet Friday The regular meeting of the Cho wan Hospital Auxiliary will lie held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the Nurses’ Home with Mrs, A1 Phil lips presiding. Roll call for 1955 is underway and the chairmen, Mrs. Scott Har rell. and Mrs. Graham White, Jr., request a good response on renew als and new memberships. Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, Jr., has planned the program, a talk by Miss Audrey Rowell on her experi ences in Europe with the recrea tion in the armed forces. Tea will be served. BANK CLOSED FEB. 22 Next Tuesday, February 22, the Bank of Edenton will be closed all day in observance of George Washington’s birthday, a national holiday. Important banking busi ness -should, therefore, be transact ed uveordingjy.

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