PAGE SIX SfcCTTON TWO- State Has 20,000 Miles Highways Well Centerlinedi 14.231.1 Miles Painted Last Year, Engineer Reports The State Highway Cnnimissiuii j painted 14,237.1 miles us white centerline on North Carolina high ways last year, 'lYafl'ie KugrUeer • Robert A. Burch reports. Marti of ' the work Was 'repainting lines nth-j bed off by traffic or on roads j which had been resurfaced. At least 0,(100; miles of, itsa'.li'lei centerlines did not rei|uire repaint ing last year. So with tile 1 1.207.! miles painted last year, the State ( now has approximately 20,000 miles of weil-oeotorlined highways. Another 0, ni.jles of yellow warning or "no passing” lines worn placed along many miles of the 14.237.1 miles of white centerline*. Yellow lines are pliieed where the I, sight distance for a motorist is dOti feet or less. Hurrli stressed- that placing the yellow line is strictly for the driver’s safety. It warns the driver to stay in his light lam and that it’s dangerous to pul! m,-i into the left passing lane lie me. ed motorists to take advant .go of the yellow warning line and not lain the risk of an arridriit l>y rro ing it. Burch stlicl it takes allollt e,. I‘| gallons to paint one mil., of high way. Last year a total of |sn.x|7 gallons of paint were used in eon • terlining. The paint is manufae : tured in the paint plant of 111. 1 Prisons Industries at IV- . on. For greater night visibility, the paint is premixed with i.-fl.r torized beads which shine at night. A reflect orizeil center-line id.l .- safety to night driving. News About Clubs'] In Chowan County By HATTIE SINGLETARY I Home Demonstration \gent S A special training school will b conducted on Thursday. February 17, from 9:20 - 11:00 A. M., :o tin- Center Hill Community Budding for home management and ei:i:- a i ship leaders. The meeting will h. 1 conducted by Walter I'. .... N'orti’ < aroliiui Dii, i-t..r of •. I'nited States Saving Bond I' gram. I sincerely lien,- th: --i : ; percentage of our clltlis w ill ho r, |i resented at this tiaiidiu- A music training school is. being planned for Thm-sdav Fi-hfuarv 2 t j from 10:00 A. M to 1 nil IV M the Blackwell M ! ( a-in : Elizabeth City- :'. ■ r Jloine P< stration Club mii-i, leaders .e --church groups. This selnml d j , conducted l>v lit \r(i<»hl lioffm r and members of his spiff. \|| music leaders, club preside l is. me others interested irt group - ng • _ ar.e urged to attend this n..■< t• g . The Home IVinon.'ti r!.,n < ’■ i’.- throughout tin .otinty n, -o commended for the fine w ay tie v conducted the March of Dinies Drive. Bill Perry, drive chairman, indicated that lie was very nh with the splendid response roc. , from the various clubs. A total . f $2(18.10 was turned in from tin- f.a lowing clubs: Advance, $28,20; Chowan, $17.37 Enterprise. $33.(i5: Gum I’orid. $45.00; Center Hill. >25.11: I Fork. $28.00; Rocky lloek, s|*Mi2 Ward’s. $11.0(1. Club Schedule Thursday. February 17. 0:30 11:00 A. M-, Citizenship and Management leaders will meet at .the Center Hill Community Build ing. Friday, February 18, 7:00 P. M.. the Ward’s Joint Community Meet ing will he held at the Ward. Com munity Building, Monday. February 21. (1:80 P M., the Beech Fork Joint Meeting will lie held at Rocky Hock School. Tuesday, February 22, 7:00 P. M . the Rocky Hock Joint Meeting will be held at the Rocky Hock .School. Wednesday, February 23, (1:30 P. M.. the Oak Grove Community Meeting will he held at the Oak Grove Community Building. ENGAGEM ENT A N NOUNCEB Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Furlough of Creswell, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marie Fur lough, to Charles Douglas Spruill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Spruill of Edonton. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Must Have Been Something Blinks Doesn’t it make you laugh to think of the old horse and buggy days? Jinks—Yes, except when I re member that a tack in the road wouldn’t spoil a trip in those days. \i r \ .Vt / l vsm i /‘ - i •JR*® X *•* < / (■ I _ " '-/ 1 . ISC' -v / Sfi Ml. i SITE p( j ’6 \, TER OLYMPICS—Visitors attending the j I- ’ <■ may well ride this cable ear in the t • :*•- ’• 7: s m northern Italy. Hugged Cortina 1 A round . wh re games will he played. ■ |p ■ SUI| y Hi” - —«»»• —«»»• ** ««r . V""*-* t'Stcue Co he tfey HINTS TO HOM^KE^S Sftt.’< T>OK&ut*atc*t l.ojif, t i "t rnlr- .mil ( if.imrd Mivlu*-. I v V<j soups ill. !'!!<*:»; 1 •;:!* ■ . ,•>•'f ■ * * - m-.lln, 11 1.1 AN 111 !•'».»■ .*» <•!’ C.-I-. -y. I' 1 )- I”, arc otii.T t’M r; 11 * H ..-in '-n ihe ! mar ket itiaj *\ *!. -M '• nu -1 loaf. I-1 i. - '•}»-[ .v p. ,' mh pis up I<* v ini ;;v\ ; • •■.. .it, r.: in.rti>ui. N t.rrtl ftrul .• .'cl*' i i.i a -nap |m pi epa i v. Id r- \ .»•! ii * rtc\\ ni« , lh*"l "dli •-.«•»»«j.'lre <aucc. ■ I' < "*t| . '.' ,t -. i. i :*,!• !i >t aml fla\m* t<». c:t-. .•! «• 11 4 ar.c < bup|«c<l mils < phfSlmils. Ki 1 nuls. \\ ril ? 1111 s. :i I ii- 1 ). - i ■ ••••,.,( ~, |i_ |pi »'; 'li i p - 1 •' j t • i. ■ •, ; Kor U"'i'i • ;c--t • t.T i • i.,"m**- ii ! crunil/lpd • v « .» ■ ' : "i ci ushctl (•«.:.•!(. Vlvi ()!«l i ivtiritfs ", ; t ; - ( 11 i mad I i . k 11 u . : i■ ■ jluH'n'mfutf fin*i>; ... d -Onri i< uuiar ■ part of etc j, , nvi.. r; ... nc.’im mm! main disbas appeal i.« the xxlude j fymrl\\ Aml »!?••>*» •• - »•'' f \ nften jail the. inakimj- :m i iirlf <>e. the j Uitrlum she! f. Serxv rri .' m«-d nn,:: .li.Nlie< ever biscuits, toast r'liiii‘»i• n««e(|h i or Uoodh’S, 0)111 hit-ill, XX a f fh k S, XeiXetahh > s'lit* h .*;■» asfUl I'.J L: us, 'll roe'll in‘ai!'. or jM»t:i tnys (’roam tha Modmn W ay i For many V( ary ■■ • < • rri sallies I ( some! irile.’N i alh <•{ \x iii!i• saUaei fiav*. addl'd t- n> tiafV'toUrh •»«»' . x: .. -'ixv 1 FERGUSON^* I ■ A DR AM* TIC NEW W CONTROL TRANSMISSION V ' for I.iftcontrol, double- Provides six forward, ” acting Draft control, two reverse speeds; fits . - I k Response control and tractor speed exactly to M the work. wttm 0 v; «B» ■f " nv <* NEW "2-STAGE" THE NEW VARIAIII- : W CLUTCHING DRIVE PTO ' ■i.(Controls tractor move- Provides drives in ratio * : v i ment and live PTC) with to tractor ground speed, 5. one foot pedal. or to tractor engine m speed. - . .. .. See These and Many Other Control Convenience “Extras” in the New, the Sensationally Advanced FERGUSON “35" at Edenton Tractor & Implement Company / PHONE 461 West Water Street (Old Kramer Garage) EDENTON, N. C THE CHOW A N HERAI-D, F.DENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, lih.u. I family meals. Thasa ara hot sauc- j as made cd‘ thiakariad milk or aieam. T’iiey uarnish, Pxtand, or hind t»* • th« r the foods* xx ith xxhich th*■ y ' are svrxed. Thara’s a spaady rn-xx ; ■\;iy oi’ preparing craam s:'maas hy ii>iiiu aondeiisad t iram smip. Stir >dii|i xxall fn >auaapan. Slowly mix 1 m milk. Simmar about J nrimi-tas. Livestock Needs Dental Check-ups, I xe>toak. too, can liaxv a'tooth in axx htla, th+* Am« I'otitidatinn for Animal Haafth lias u.trued farm* its. "Like human Ikm’iirs, animals need their tenth axaniinad naaasion :»ll yif tlit* last of thair bodily fum*- ) ti«ms ara P> perform affiaiantly.” a; Foundation spokesman says. Quan tity and quality of rations are im portant. lmt it is equally vital for • the animal t«» nhoxv and shred this food so it < an he digested properly.” : Dental troubles in meat-produa iinr animals ar»* of three prim ipal types. They incliufe iliffiaultit s as • sos iafed xxith erupting or sht'ddin*j • "f teeth: injuries sustained fn»mjj hitiuir on liard objects; and aiiat-1 - i su< h as lyis- ‘ ■ It. inad jaw*, unopposed teeth, and i more teeth than norma!. Symptoms of denial dis: iciih i«-s include frequent diooliug; slow, de | liherate chewing, ind!. ’ing pain; ■and sudden drawing hat. "rum cold i water while drinking. “It should take a veterinarian on ■ Iv a short time to examine the teeth of animal- being placed in winter quarters.” Uound.itioti authorities 1 -ay "Sueh a check up can mean | better eating, lietter digestion, and better health f.>!• tin- animals all I through the winter.” So. even though old “Dobbin may cot need t<> visit hi> dentist twice a year, it’s a good idea to give his teeth tiie . . i e ever now and then. The C innliy Guide ‘•Can you'i, II in,- the way to the* church’.’” a-1,.d tin tiy.nge* ill tile village. "Cei la inly-. - i." r. lied the oldest I inliahitant. ohligingly. "Go up tin*! down, ki-ep straight along the erooki d lane, tin e . i ’Old the square I and when you in., left you’re l 1 right.” * —- AM thii.l’s hri»»hi must fiidf- Tlif r.iii’litfst Still tju* llci’test; All th: 1 1 *< sue. t \\; I - m;nle f Dll! t<) h. h»>l when >\\eetest! t -Thomjis Munro. |, Legal Notices i:\i:« t 11 it;’-- \<u it E I lav mg’ ■i- i.: I■f - Kx.n'utor of j 1 llw .-star- ■■! S rah (limhJw ill Skin-I' ner, . i. laic of Chowan : [ Colin' \ \." ’ I 111 : . t his is to I notify :. ! i p. i "ii- hat ing claims j' i against lb, « -a :ai deceased * to exhil 1 -in ir a. ih, undhrsigned 1 lat Tym i. North t a roi ina. on or lie | lore tin 10th day of February. Iti.'iii. oi ilii- iioti. " will be pleaded | ill bar a r the: iv. every. All pel- 1 sons indehteM t<‘ said estate will please make immediate payment. ; This Fehr'itirv t". I!I55. .1, W. SKINN'KB. !, I ix.-ealor of the Estate , . • S iali t i I win Sk i inter ( l-’ehlll, 17.2 I Marlo.l 7pd NOTICE ui \DMIN4STR VTION Having qu.ilifieil as .idministra- . tl ix of tiie list.ite of Robert !’. Mor ris. deceased, late of Chowan Conn-j ty. North Carolina, this is til noti fy all persons having claims i against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them t,. the undersigned j at K.I. r.t.m. North Carolina on <ir i before ill. 3rd day of February. I 1!,.',1t, ,I| lllis notiee will iie pleaded ii hiir of their i. eovery. All per son- indebted to -aid estate will please make ioi mod at e nayment. Tit's 2>*th dqv .lamtnrv. 1P",5. I \ \ .1 MORRIS. \ilministiatriv "! li-iat, e licit ! ’ Me - Fi h.'i. (it, 17.24.Maf3,1.0cRC 111 ' KM . -VfHIH flHy yS* A -Mv , PERK *N* BEANS - *£»» Mara Corday adds a little glamor to the famous bean soup in kitchens of the Senate Res taurant, Washington, D. C., as the attractive actress visits the- Capitol during a film-promo tion tour. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of W. C, Bimch, i|eeeas cd. late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this .is to notify all per-i -ons having claims against the • state of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvi deie. North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of January. 1P5I!. or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of their recovery. All persons in debted to saiil estate will pleasu make immediate payment. This Januarv 28th. 1P55. ROY (’. BUNCH. Executor of \Y. ('. Bunch’s Estate. FE83,in.17.24.M:ir3.1ne NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as executors of the Estate of S. E. Morris, deceas ed. late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at lideii- Cabbage Plants Noxv Ready EARLY JERSEY W \KEFIELD CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD FERRY’S ROUND I>DTCIi E. L. PEARCE Rocky Hock PHONE 123 _ ( •-••• •• •••••• • • • • • • f.J-~> ■’■ "■■■—— !i! ” 11 ” • ANNOUNCING The Change Os Ownership Albemarle Motor Co. FORMERLY OPERATED BY T. W. JONES NOW OPERATED BY BRUCE F. JONES - and WILLIAM BRUCE JONES - H We will continue to serve you efficiently and courteously as in the past. We have a full line of FORD MOTOR CARS and TRUCKS. Also offering to the public A-l Used Cars, due to the popularity of the 1955 Ford Cars and Trucks. We have several excep tionally good buys to offer the public at a premium. The Albemarle Motor Company invites you to come in and make the acquaintance of the new manager, BRUCE F. JONES. \ ~T 1 "T ■ rv 1 ..I ton, North Carolina on or before 1 the 13th day of January, 195(1, or j this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please, make immediate payment. This 10th day of Janual-y, 1905. j V IRC IE G, MORRIS AND WILLIAM S. MORRIS. Executors of Estate of S. J:.. Morris, Deceased. Jan 13,20,27. Feb 2 10.17RCH North Carolina Chowan County The undersigned, having quali fied as Executrix of the Estate of George I’. Byrum, deceased, late of I Chowan County, this is t<> notify fall' persons having claims against Isnid Estate to present them to the 1 undersigned on or. before the 24th jday of January, 195(1, or this notice j will lie pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said list ate willplease make im mediate payment to the undersign ed. This 24th (lav of JumiurV. 1955. I’EART, m. by-rum Executrix JaU27,Feli3,lo,l7,2l.Mar.’icmw ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having (jUalified as Administra | tor of the estate of Mrs. Kate W. i Folk, deceased, late of Chowan j County, North Carolina, this is to ■ notify all persons having claims | against the estate of said deceased Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTRETH. n pleasant alkaline (non-acid) powder, holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk In more comfort, just sprinkle, a little FAS TEETH on your plates No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling Checks “plate odor” identure breath). Get FASTEETH at any counter. SINCLAIR ; Patented ! Anti-Rust FUEL OIL contains the amazing Sinclair Rust Inhibitor RD-119® j No Extra Cost EDENTON OIL GO. i j S/XCL.UR PRODI'CTS j I’IIONK 5011 , EDENTON j !to exhibit them to the undersigned nit Edenton, North Curolina, on or ■ I before the 27th day of January, 195(1, or this notice will he pleaded iin bar of their recovery. All per | sons indebted to said estate will i please make immediate payment. I This January 27th, 1955. BANK OF EDENTON, Administrator of Mrs. Kate W. Folk, Jan27.F0b3.10.17.24, Mar.’lr ADMINI SIR A TOR’S NOTH ’ E Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Louisa 1\ Out land, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton. North Carolina, on or before the 14th day of January, i 195(1, or this notice will he pleaded in liar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said’ estate will please make immediate payment. This January 14th, 1955. WELDON A. HOLLOW ELL, Administrator of Louisa I*. (Jutland. Jan20,27,Feb3,10,17,24c NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAI, PROPERTY By virtue of the authority eon- • I'erfed upon the undersigned, hav- ] ing qualified as Administrator of the Estate of the.-fate Louisa P. Outland ((f (’hovve.ii: County, North Carolina, the undersigned will .of fer for sale at ;milli liiililings, for ! \ 86 PROOF 4 7K. The whiskey in this product is 5 YEAR ° l )> KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON M Blended Whiskey: 40% Straight Whiskey, 60% Crain Neutral Spirits ROCKY TOKO DlSTllllltr CO., INC. - FRANKFORT, KY. cash, to the highest bidder at the Louisa I’. (Jutland Homeplnee lo cated in Third Township, Chowan County, Nortli Carolina at 12:00 noon on Saturday, March nth, 1955, th* following personal property, to wit: All household and kitchen of any and every Also all chickens, corn and implements of any and every de scription. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Dated and posted this 10th day of February, 1955. •Estate of Louisa P. Outland By: Weldon A. Hollovvell Administrator FelilO,l7.24,Miir3c VWVWVVA'VVWVVVVVVV'^WVVVWWVA^ -JIM SWIMs JIM Bo the most sensational invention in the history of fistmip—the artificial iii.npiuw that swims. No more live hait to buy. the lure sensation of ftie 20th century IT SWIMS— no springs, uses no fuel, it swims as long as you leave it in H e water Swims by unique process ol balance and gravity Fish any desired depth—m lake, stream, gulf. hay. Any h:.h that will 1 strike a minnow will strike IIM B 0 this is p.o gad get. Looks and swims like a live minnow this is the lure ot all lutes—beautiful silver leaf ! plastic Buy ode for your friends also Satisfaction I guaranteed Send >IOO only, for each lure Send Check or cash We pay postage Sold by mad only. J. AFt IACKII CO P 0 80X741 largo. Fla.

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