PAGE FOUR SECTION ONE- The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin llufftnp and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Ilroad Street, Kdenton, North Carolina. / miss ajsociatkkJ) ©.> J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Kdito'r HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside State) '.T,!'! One year (In North Carolina)——. ■*“•„_ Six Months - ' l _ ’ Entered as second-class matter August MO, 1934. at the Post Office at Kdenton, North Carolina, under the Aet of March ,‘i, 1879. Cards of I hanks, obituaries; resolutions of respect, etc., will he charged for at regular mlv rtT imt rates. THURSDAY. FEB-RU AliY IT. 1955 if ... They were all amazed it tin m.dity pow er of Cod. I uke !l: 12. WHO GUIDES below and rules.. ahoy. the. ::na.i | er disposer and the migldy kipg: than he none great j or; next him none Can ho, oi* is. •nr,.w:i<:. i :i ' | singly fills the thrdiir that is «>ni* (.»<><!, t. j We thank Thee, 0 (led, that Thou art* a I at lit r whose eye never sleeps, wiitchiiiit ever- us and ic"* our th( niglit Splendid Cooperation That ii man or woman serving nr who has 'served j their country is also interest, d .in seta inu then munity is reflected in what Marines stationed Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing i’dild d :: . done lately in connection with locuTaetiyities.. It is noted that a substantia! contribution .was j made by the Marines to the Chowan.County M e Os ;Dimes, the Marines ast week donate,! si) pfj.ilu ■ 144 pints of blood when the Red Cross binodmolnb was here and now this week ;tli*■ \ ha\e -i t ol! ! . Heart Fund drive in the county with a o , m j trihution. For such cooperation a community cannot hot .lie I grateful and it is .such evidences o I !Y i* 'M i 11' " -iv I; ; ■ 1 ■ j . has always bound the town of Kdenton- and the base closer together. Then hardly any kind of local wortluyhilivactiyitye is undertaken but that veterans of World Wars 1 and' llTake leading-parts, many times not.; only devoting their time and energy, hut financial outlay asywefl. . With such devotion to th,d r community many Hu citizens . should emulate wi.vat. they hove d,me anil are willing to do in Iho inti'r, sf of the community as a whole In reference to ih,- Heart Fulid. Me. A. I .St: - is chairman in Chowan (a,unty and -is rnqtet'ul ii -a county will make a substantial ibid on in fin- ; light to conquer heart disease. Mrs. 1, • \t - treasurer. Reputation At Stake For n long tirao effairt - * Kdenton an ptfractivp town an<| tHis; i been onjoypd with many ..••.oiivmVnt-s ming from. people who \is it town. Lately quite a few eo pi plain’t-s iv:i *h. .n. ’• ed concern i itg: ti;:isli >Jfp\vii >t* • ••■’v > ■" ha-go’- scnt.tered almut and. trash r:ins rue;;; iiane ; curbs all day and nigirt ruidmi Siimin\:>. ,1 ■ ■■-. j suiv, such cond and tidiness to the town-.‘.so. that .’■Te-vn < • 1 instructed Chief of fVliro (i <"-?•£■ I I’ -1 • to w : i that all citizens I’fu- 'v'e ;i copy of th‘* •• * •M-q.v*;. ■ <v ering trash and’ garbage. It is hoped that .when this : nfdr ri'bi, - '*• ha inis , i' . j and garbage, th< y will .coon* o ' ' ' • > (•<;[ ' ' ‘lv town will br lie ilifi- I.nd v. ,hi>: a little thought and uffei t tan ao a long-..way 1 *o: Ij> ing Kdenton to maintain i's • i;ia -ion of Ceifia-.Miif of the cleanest and att raufi'in\vli- ; e the Cnited States. A GREAT COMBINATION For Getting Things Done: The JOHN DEERE "40 "TRACTOR and Ouik-Tatch Working Tools -w... jHflfiE* You'll know what real farming satisfaction can be with a John Deere Model ”40" Two-Plow General-Purpose Tractor and 3-point Quik-latch ‘'*^*Sr* First of all, you'll be surprised how little it takes fjW to put a ”40" on your place this year. And ¥ you'll be pleased at the way this modern _.«T . -,y* * J mSm J tractor turns out the work for so JL / Jj always get service, when you need it, at our well- Come in—ask for that jNjf'’ *' free demonstration. We --;a-Jp / Jr have the equipment for JnV / W ■ your exact needs. __p° H % Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. EAST CHURCH STREET “Fowr John Deere Dealer” EDENTON, N. C. J j r | Heard & Seen I By “Buff” t r> I if, reived a brief hut interesting letter the other day from the Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Gordon, who are now serving as missionaries in the Philippine Islands. Mr. Gordon is a former pastor of the Rocky Hock Baptist Chin,lt and in his letter, in part, had this to say: ••|), ar Mr. Buffl'ap-r- Someone has been guilty of affording us a good deal of pleasure by sending us Th,. Chowan Herald for these two years since we lefi Chow-ail County for the Philippines. We do not know whom to thank, hut we wish to thank someone ill. Chowan County for a gift that gladdens our hearts , aril week of the. year. We had been here j only a’ few weeks when The Chowan Herald started I coming and it has kept up for these two years, It I itoes our hearts good t>, have a regular channel by which We can keep up w ill) what is going o:tl iil Cho \\aii t'oiinty, .it- place.that is dear to our hearts. So uhoe\, r you are, thank you very much. We would | I ike Id thowa .who: is guilty of being so kind and I t llOllght fill; of us." i I happened to 1,,- present at .a birthday dinner the j~t l|,.|. ,j• y . upon ooeiiing her presents tlie honoree found a jar of hormone cream.- “I ga\e that to you, soiil one of .the ladies present. “I know yoti are on ,| 1 ,'lret; arVif that rri-ain svil 1 cover up tile w,ankles." " : a; ■. , —-m-c I Tiling, jiist didn't seem the same oyer at the fire ■a •;,.,} fer .at ral days. for Cap’ll Mick Hall wasn't hanging around. C.ap'n Mick has licet), quite ill. hut | l iie>,lay. manage,l to gei down to the place which, i lies 1. :<i his- IVome. lie loves-liest of alia Then 1... I . j Rawhsoii , hasn't i>eeii Up to pal for a long , time I " ! u,-day. for the first time since April. n*t, d from'- his |i>,in,■ down town. It's good til see , |i,cli Cop'it Mirk: and' K. T. getting around under own steam. ' -- j Mil i Perry.- commander dfthe.A'FW Post,says now 1 that ■•the Town Fathers, are putting teeth into the i garbage ordinance, his boys wall be selling 10 and 20 gallon. garbage cans as part of. a project started la st yea cv when they sold hut. .They will take orders, and .also deliver the cans: Anyone wanting to buy i a rail'should'piioho.,TUl. oT, t-,.". or 425-W. The Reid .Men staged all oyster roast Monday night at dacksoli's Radio am] TA’ Repair Shop, ft . (lev,'loped in a battle of (itises. for it was hard to di-fermine if Otis Punch’ er Cus Nixon ate the most ' oysters) (ills NiA.on left the table first, hut he .claim i Ip. '-started be sere (itis RunciiV At.any rate Gus lium-e -.. d he could have eaten: more, hut his “feel :iitigs"..Were Inivt when .the boys began to joke; him. ■ May!,e all of the town’s worries is affecting May or Leroy Haskett, for he must be getting ajisent miniied. The other day he went into Rhoades Shoe .Shp.p/.MTMk took; off his rid 'her nvorslioes: 1« Os ! ii, r re have ;sohie : work ’■ done , on: his leather shoe.. I \Vhei.i t'he shoe• Alias done he put ; it' on, hut walked out es the i, ice with one rtihlicf ,mo-shoe on and the ,liber ~I's: lie would have discovered sooner his for ge: -- ha,( hi-. 'gpn, with one of his leather shoes •a 1 r-. •. has cold as the dickens out,lours. ' g—O— — Here's oiie \vho ;.•,■ something for the first time : ,• TimiNii: y. A* the Rotary dinner a piece of fish v irt of the menu and some of the hoys said • vi as ' reck fish -and. others said it was haddock: 1 : j asked Mr-, .li.mmyi Hicks what it Was and she- in i' oieil me • ,va.y til,-fish. The first I ever heard of aie stiii:'. Put Webster says it is a large deep wa ■tec-:feed. fish . which was alnmdant in 1881 off the ’■ l-iasti-rn Unite,l Statesiand in 1882 was nearly ex-' iaf-minatial .by an- enyiroriment .change, hut.' is now ii.gajn jilt.oit.i l'ul, .Gosh, the . first thing I know I'll be eating chitteriings and not know it. tiif cnoiYAN nrnALn, edenton, north caroltna, tttursdav, February it, iods. WASHINGTON REPORT Ike. Several years ago—in the good old days when lie was just a five-star general—President Eisen hower took pride in showing friends the trophy room in his home. For those who like trophies, the room was a dandy. In here was an amazing collection of cups, guns, plaques, medals, and a number of other things the souvenirs and keepsakes of a brilliant 'military career. Because he had so many, tro phies anil souvenirs had heeome ra ther. routine for General Eisenhow er. They were nice. sure, hut he had so many that he took them for granted. Exception, That is. they were routine except for one. At par ties and other occasions, the Gen eral would pick up a beautiful dia mond-studded dagger and tell his guests that this was his most treas- j tired memento. It was an odd gift, and it: came: from afi unusual and interesting man. There were many reasons. A than by the name of Georgi lx. Zhukov, the dashing; Russian field marshal who was the Soviet's biggest war hero, had given Ike tlio daggerwhen they had occasion to work together in the allied oc eupution of Berlin. Only last week, Zhukov was named head of all Communist Russia’s armed forces. Friends. To begin with, the two. generals had struck tip a sort of friendship during and after the battle of Berlin. Secondly. Ike had a deep curi osity about this man as an individ ual—a peasant .who . rose to .the head of the. Rod Army, a man of perplexing, moods and id,-as. Thirdly, lko likod to exchange w ; ar.. stories and talk military tac tics with Marshal Zhukov. To every Russian. Zhukov was what lko was to Aniericans. It was he who was given credit for saving M,,sc,,w from the 'Germans, and then, turning the ragged hut monstrous Red Army on to victory with the capture of Berlin. He Was a rough and tough army man who loved to fight, But, according to Ike, ho could also he a gentle man. He was a man who inter estia.l Ike in . a Way, and they got along well, because he liked Ike. Ideas, In Berlin, during theTeis- Air,dy hours between work, Ike and Zhukov exchanged a lot of war stories. To Zhukov, tho Americans were a strange, lot of fighters. They .maneuvered, planned and gave too much attention to detail, when in battle. They would go to almost any extreme, for example, to save the live.- of a thousand men. To a man iwho had been trained to have little regard for human life in bat tle, th,- American trait, of saving lives seemed a Waste of time. Ac cording to Zhukov, the ultimate, ruler of the world would lie the country that had plenty of lives to I expend at the drop of a hat. , fill GniMh \ }\ ,v PICK AND REGISTER YOUR TOWLE STERLING pattern here and now! We Jt.tve a complete* selection of patterns in this fine solid silver. You're sure to find your favorite. we register your choice so wedding guests can see just w hat you'd like ... no chance of gift-duplication. We will show you the important manv-purpose Towle Sterling serving pieces . . . several ways to build a collection later. We "ill quote the low prices that make this lifetime Sterling easy to give: teaspoons start at $3.70, place settings at $29.75, serving pieces from $4.00. J CAMPEN’S JEWELERS Edenton, North Carolina jJ Naturally, this kind of thinking , [intrigued Ike. It was fantastic to I see and hear a man talk of men , dying in war at wholesale rates as • iieing so much water over the (lain. On the one hand, Zhukov was a friendly, personable, nice sort of fellow. On the other, he could he 1 a bullish butcher. • During the time they were in Rerlin, Ike invited Zhukov to visit • America. The Russian general lik ed the idea and still hopes that he will lie able to do so one day. “Green Pastures Program” Is Now Creating Interest jC. W. Overman Says Program Will Add To Income On Tuesday afternoon of last week the .Agriculture Workers Council held the second meeting on the "Green Pastures Program’’. A ommittee previously selected had been contacted personally an <1 agreed to serve. Another meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon of this week at the Court House. Farm committees, civic leaders, farm machinery dealers, seed and fertilizer dealers and other inter fested persons attended. This meet ing was dex'oted to a more general discussion of the Green Pastures Program and working out a broad plan of action. "If farmers will participate in the Green Pastures Program it will mean thousands of dollars to them in Chowan County.” says County Agent G. W. Overman. “We have an ample amount of pasture area on many farms but many of these are not being managed properly to obtain greatest returns. We still have a large number of farms which do not have enough pasture to graze the livestock on them. It is hoped that our farmers will rea lize the importance and seed this year enough pasture to meet their Livestock needs." Agents Trained In 4-H Club Activities A 4-11 training school for Farm and Home Agents in the Albemarle area was held on Thursdey, Febru ary 10, at the Virginia Dare Hotel in Elizabeth City. Present enroll ment and activities were reviewed and new methods of doing a better job in 4-H work were discussed. All the agents in the counties were present to receive information and : build enthusiasm. • You have not fulfilled every duty • unless you have fulfilled that of bp i ing cheerful and pleasant, —Charles Buxton. Colored USO Club Joins In Celebration The Colored USO joined in the celebration of the 14th anniversary of the USO at the Brown-Carver Library Thursday night, February 2, at 8 o'clock. Thomas Shar|ie, vice president of the local USO and Miss H. Jerklrts, staff aide, greeted the guests upon arrival. Quite a few civilians joined the service men in the celebration of the affair. Refreshments were ser ved and games wore played. Music for the occasion was furnished by leading hand recordings. Love of hustle is not industry. —Seneca. Classified Ads EASE THROAT! Buy Soothing, sanitizing, OLAG Tooth Paste at the drug store. FOR SALE .FEMALE DACH shund puppy. Seven weeks old. Call 307. Richard Baer. Ito ELECTRO FREEZE, the famous direct draw, continuous soft ice cream-custard and milkshake freezers. No franchise or royal ty. We train you and can fi nance equipment. Set up your own drive in or store. Electro Freeze Distributors, 1305 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. ('. Phone 03980. Feb 17,24 ,M:i r3,10.17p FOR RENT—4-ROOM FURNISH ed garage apartment, Eden Mo tel. Phone (180. ltpd FO U N D LADDER. OWNER may secure same by identifying I and paying for this ad. See Leon Halsey at Halsey Feed & Seed Store. Feh10,17,24,Mar3e ! PEPTIC TANKS PRF-CAST. 1 concrete. Distribution boxes, pre- j cast, concrete. Pre-cast concrete j grease traps. Keenan & Corey Plumbing Co, 1111 North Oakum Street. .lanGtfc[ Straight Kentucky Bourbon y witAdpem tli "V atg&S&U iSP^ Hindis (SatepdCtt diUiCted OCCOUUnf .HCHTSSVSSt""” CO. j * FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY 4T| » i (Straight Kentucky bourbon whiskey, 86 proof 11 ANCIENT AGE DISTILLING CO,' FRANKFORT, KY. BOAT WANTED—GOOD 14 TO 1(1 foot fishing skiff. Must lie in I good condition, and well built. Reply to B. O, Box 21(1, Green ville, N. C. Fei)10.17,24pd WANTED —AMBITIOUS WOMAN preferably with car to train ns Spencer Corset iere for Kdenton area. Apply to Box 165, Eden ton. FehlO, 17p HELP WANTED BOO MING business makes opening available for responsible man or woman with car to call on farm women in Chowan County. Full or part time. Opportunity to make up to S4O a day. Write McNFSS COM PANY, Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Mil. FehlO,l7pd WOMEN WANTED—MAKE FX tra money. Address, Mail post cards spare time every week. Write Box Fourteen, Belmont, Mass, Feti3,10,17,24 pd TAD IKS TO SELL NEW SPRING j line, Nationally Famous Real Silk | apparel. No delivering, sample case furnished. About $3 hourly commission. Write .1. lx. Whiir-j ton, lit. Take Boone Trail, Ra- j loigh. Me | S><«xSks><4><SkshS><vV4 1 •••( j BARGAIN BUY i 6-ROOM DWELLING. .. 1025 N.Broad St U t !; Household Furnishing's Included ;; I i: * j; | Duplex Apartments \ | ' | Included in Sale Price :: % * > v Contact ! ! I R. Elton Forehand, Jr. it f PHONE 607 OR 37 CITIZENS BANK BLDG. J [ I BEAT ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE SALESMEN WANTED —WOULD you like to have a good, perman ent, profitable business of your own. You can hax’e selling Hawleigh Products. Hundreds of men are enrning more thnn ever j before, supplying families Rtnvleigh’s every day necessities. You can, too. Good locality available in Chowan County: Write Rnwleigh’s Dept. NCB-310- 216, Richmond, Vn. Feb3,10,17,24pd WANTED Why Worry About Athlete’s Foot, Boils, Burts, Itch, Eczema, Impetigo, Dimples, Psoriassis, Ringworm or any known skin disease. Ask your druggist about V-J-0 Feh20,1955pd MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle man’s profit. 405 S. Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dial 5995. I J. Winton Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorized Dealer Far ROCK of AGES MONUMENTS The World’s Finest j exp 3-18-55

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