==^ ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXll.—Number $. Swimming Pool In Edenton \ Reaches Stage Of‘Do It Now Or Never'At Group Meeting . : ■ " - - -1 * Board of Trustees Hope “(Jo Ahead” Signal Will Materialize Following Another Meet ing Scheduled Friday Afternoon Further plans concerning: .thej proposed swimming pool for Edeti ton were discussed nt a meet ini' of the hoard of trustees and rep resentatives for various civic clubs at a meeting held Thursday alter- j noon in the Municipal |{uil«linjar. at j which time those present agreed that it was time to see some ac tion on the pool one way or an other. It was pointed out that the ! situation had developed into a pure ease of “do it now. or never.” It was the opinion of the group; that if construction of . the poof: 1 Could get started soon and let the public see that the machinery of | progress had hetually gone into • motion, local citizens would realize that the project had really taken roots and would, therefore, do their part financially in helping to com plete the pool. I’lans for the new swimming pool call for tin all steel construction in- j stead of concrete, which was first decided upon. It will come in sec- 1 tions and welded together. The siz.e of the proposed I will lie 7a feet long, .‘if) feet wide. (! feet at deep end, with maximum depth of 8 feet. t> inches, 8 feet at shallow end and 87,000 gallon capacity. The pool will he cipiippcd with one div ing hoard and will accommodate 77 : people at one time. It will cost in, ’55 Red Cross Drive ' «Vill Begin T uesday ■ _ ¥ Co-chairmen Will Be Gerald James and Frank Holmes I»r. A. F Downum. chairman of the Chowan County lo' 1 (tuss Chapter. announced this week tliat tlio iinnutil Roil Cross futul ra isms'i drive will lii'irin Tuesday. March 1 and continue throughout the entire month. Dr. .Downum annoum-i-d .that. Gertilil James ami Frank Holmes will serve as co-chairmen for the ; drive in the county and that this year's quota will ho .>L’.!'"o. Os the amount raised, in Chowiin. about half will remain in tile county for, local Red Cross activities, while the other half will lie sent to national headquarters. The two chairmen aIV’ hii.w jjivinjr thought to this year’s, drive and will soon announce their orir.iiii'/.a- i tion and plans in the hope that the county will meet its quota; Lions Club Names Chairmen For ’55 Easter Seal Drive Members of dub Now Rehearsing For An nual Minstrel At their Monday evening meet ing members of the Kdenton Finns dull reaffirmed their pledge to support the movement looking to the building of a swimming pool. Accordingly, the representatives of the club who are to meet in the ’unicipat Building at 5 o’clock >day afternoon, were authorized „roups to proceed with the plans as outlined by Jesse Harrell, gen eral chairmen of the swimming pool organization, which provides for a tank 30 by 75 feet at a cost of approximately $20,000. Harrell explained that the plans had been pared down to a mini mum, with no provision at present being made for hath houses, or apron. He stated that the tank contemplated will accommodate about 70 persons at one time W. J. Taylor, chairman of the (Continued on Rage Five) TEE CHOWAN HERALD j the neighborhood of ->2B,(Mill when ! completed. Jesse Harrell, president of Jlichs Memorial Swimming Tool. Inc., j ! stated that a representative of the ; t'. S. Steel Company who was in ! Edenton last week said that lpc;il j * Welders could a o-emble the steel | 'construction, or that bis ■ ompany 1 would do the work. Kdenton weld- | {ers assured Mr. liana II that, the 1 ‘ftis t **f ut'lrft.ng th < ■ pool wpiilH not cmvii $ 100.00. , JpbO A . I !<• hi"■ . ’ j 1m• ri? 1 1«• rmi iif ' I of city schools, tub! tlie group tli.it j lir hail n« « it cd a plat out linini; • propi rty in t lit*. .school*s na m< \ j I which will Im tea ecl •■ > ! 1 - Mb- i | tnorial Swiimiiing I '<*<»!, The. jic present at i\ vs. attending the meet mg’ from the .va r.iotjs civic or ganizations v\eie asked to pi(*s(*nt the proposed, plans to their ivsim <•- live organi/ntioiis ami giuva rapor.t at a meeting {o lie held n» \t Fri j day afternoon. I'. bruai y at <**< luck in tlie Mtirii' ipal IJiiilding. If the reports are faxnralih*. tin ! hoard of trustees will give tlie **go ahead” .signal to purchase - quip- j ment with tin- funds now on hand I with the hope that hy the time fh«- pool arrives, which will he about 1 six weeks alter tlie ord«-r is placed., that ;rnother Sb.lop will h* avail-I ahjc so that excava; ion can get un- Iderway. BPW Card Party Is Scheduled Tonight 1 Affair Will Begin a I S t O’clock In Court House Plan have hi '-u eulnph'ted and a guild crowd is expei t' d at tii■ ■, Valent im- (’aid Party 1" I"- held .tonight l Thursday i in tile paii'-l j l'ui.m of tlie Court Hmi.se. The al' ' fair i- being spunsoreil by tile Kili'iiton Business and Pro I’* ssioiial ."'"null'.- Club and activities will get underway at 8 o'clock. Thus,: who hav ■■ reserved tables for the party are again reminded t" bring their own cards and seure pads, or any "tin r games tlu-y wash to play. Prizes will he award'd the win ners and rel'ri-limeills served. Edenton Bay Again Proves Good Means ITo Catch Offenders | Four Youths Plunge Overboard In Stolen Automobile Kdentoii Kay again provided (lie yioatis <if thwarting a get-away, uiii'ii aln nit •"> o'clock 1 ■ riilay ihorn ing four teenage lmv : from Sclien (•(■tally, N. V., ill a speuding aufii rnnliilc. ran overboard on South Broad Street, whoro the pursuing Kilonton police had little difficulty in arresting the youths. The four hoys, Joseph Barrett, 18, Ralph Bprone,, Hi. James Car vey, Hi. and William l.ourks, 15, were charged with stealing a 19a4 Mercury and were making their, way to Florida. The quartet was spotted hy Pa trolman K. R. Tolley and William 1 Miller at Bill Harris’ Service Sta- I tion, where they had broken a win-i 1 1 dow. in all probability planning to I enter the building. When they saw | the police they hurriedly entered' Continued on Page t-—Section 1 l Kdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 24, 1%."). Final Report On TB Sale Shows County $519.14 Over Quota Mrs. .1. A. Moore Ap preciative For Fine (oo Deration Mr.-. .1. A. Moore. wlui has been 1 < hairmari sis the Chowan County TuhbfcUlpsis Seal Saba reports that 1 the sale is at last finished and that '.the amount collected was >2.->RM 1. i whirl) is sbra.l I mere than the (im»ta for Chowan Count y, ' Mrs. Mof>re is deeply apprtria- Itjve of tlvc kindness, the* interest and the generosity of the people* i very where. She wants to express her thanks t• > all those who participated in this drive; to those places of busi ness which displayed posters in th-ir windows; to Mrs. Onnie Charlton, who conducted the sah* in tin- Negro ehools and church • to John Mitehener for li.andling tin- mmp-y collected; to Jimmy IFarnhardt for giving- time in his movif program for a ll* | trailer; to M »jor Ackerman and tin* 'Marines l«»r lohdinting a mp-iss I fill seal sab- at the base; to Philip iMcMullan and tip* Kdenton Cotf«»n. | Mills for their generous eh»-ek: to Jack llahit and tip- Roy Scouts for their work in distril»ut : ng and to Rrenda Mooney and In r c.mmittee of Virginia Jones, Cam 'lithe Perkins and Fay Cayton, who I volunteered to sell TR Inngles <»n the street, and on the cobles! Sat juid. y of tlie winter valiantly >ta 'tioneil themselves behind tabl- s on Rroad Street and suec< , s>fully sobj j bangles until chattering teeth, .icy I’ingers and premonitions of cp-tain i.pneumonia drove them indoors. Wry special thanks are due Col. M. K. Peyton of the Marine Rase, who a week ago summoned tip ‘chairman of tin- Seal Sale tp his of fire and there presented, to the •Clv»\\an County Tuberculosi- Mieiation a check for SJb’iU.OU. "I \ . tyone in Chowan County should Ilf grateful to Col. Peyton and tlu M. o im -for their friendly and goti . runs sift." said Mr- Mooc . Altogether tho S'-al Sal.- was a I glorious display of kindliness; ro o|n ration :iml of interest in our fol low man. which has warm'll the : hearts of all those who participat ed. I PR " i:U MEETING TOMCIIT A prayer meeting service will ho belli in the Methmli.s.t Church to night (Thursday! at 7:80 o'clock.. Mrs. (I. A. Helms will (oniluel (In meeting and the public is cordially ■ invited to attend. Revival Services Begin Sunday At Methodist Church Guest Speaker Will He The Rev. Kelly Ingram Beginning next Sunday night at 7:80 o'clock and continuing through Friday night, March 4, revival ser vices will he held in the Kdentoli Methodist Church. The guest speaker, for the revival will lie the Rev. Kelly Ingram, pas tor of tile First Methodist Church in F.lizahcth City. Services will begin each night at 1 7:30 o’clock and the pastor, the ! Rev. .1. Karl Richardson extends a ! cordial invitation to everybody to i attend as many services as possi i hie. CITIZENS OF TOMORROW ) 1 j Debbie Overton Linda Byrunt Neal Griffin Jimmy Vales, Jr. Patricia Byrum John E. Raines, Jr. Dorothy Griffin .1. *l. Fleetwood. 11l Vickie Allshrook Ahoxe apiMairs arolher installment of The Herald’s feature “Cili , /en- of Tomorrow." I’ictuled are: lop row. left lo right. Debbie (!\er ton. U months old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Overton. Jr.; I.inda By rum. :! years old. (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. .lames K. By rum: Neal Griffin, S', months old, son of Mr. and 'lts. Thomas I’. Griffin: middle : row. hit to tight. Jimmy 'ales, 17 months old, son of 'lf. and Mrs. .'.lames K. 'ales: I’atricia By rum. 7 years old. daughter ol Mr. and 'lts. T. ('. Byrunt, Jr.: John K. Baines, Jr., Is months old, son of Mr. and 'll'. John li. Baines; hollnm row. left to right. Dorothy Griffin. t> years 1 old, daughter ol 'lf. and 'lts. Lester Griffin: J. 'I. Fleetwood 111. 2 years old. son ol Mr. and Mrs. J. 'l. Fleetwood, Jr.: Vickie Allshrook, 7 , years old. daughter of Mr. and 'lts. J. 11. Allshrook. Drastic Change Is Ordered For Some Rural Mail Boxes Boxes Required to Be t On Right Side of Mail Carriers 1' • • in.. Y < ; ■ .1.1.. On, stnut! bast («:••!! •• iv. ';<!':»> tii*’ i ' t (MYif - • l>< I |»:< j:r m< n’r the;• < hung..’ in deliv<*ry : • r.f YnaiV }i,ii;js. '•)}( .r.ural rouh> - \virj : 11- * ft'iYcliv, ■ M •:‘ 1 1 1. I) u* • *■' -i i;.f«';vnt ruling'by Ats •. r- j • < , • i i Alu i f *!i.> Post Office I tepa] t nc-nt. My.-j ( '!.• a rue : >ay. t ha! ;Yf. r * . M ecu 1 ■ ‘Vi p;it mns mh rural .buitys- Jnv.y their moil boxes pkicd on tho lnir-l •ai mail carriers* right side in or- p (icf to. elinimote. the eccr.-sity (Tosxti -■ tbr rood; I f boxes arc* not j.] ■ Ifnlity. of not having mail » K*i i \ • •■■ i. The At-tpi n, y (i'.’Mi-Oil’s tvc'-nt j dpi Mien folio a.-; *• 1 1 f.blh t o other ' ino*HT ve;hi(Y’S'.YrpjVly ! to one (lt:i\;/’M hy. a mail 'i.-a prior it; ; . del ‘\ < rino‘ . t In* lY)it(*cj staff ' tr.aii: , 1 Sict ion “Jo- LIB Y’s flu• (icav ral StaO ut.i’s of North Carolina |»r«»%• i«l •.> a:- fol - ’A-’-"';’' . i / j.str-y Uv. t-l. ‘ driver us a ' < *Fii«*l»• shall . !<lri\ ■ the V:. up* upon Yin right half) I f . • t• \ I!■' : ■j■ : 1 1 .;. a slow-!fio\ i'ng ycb-irlo as ejosely as . I possible to tlio. rigli' lia-mt edge of' lihe curb of Michvhighv.ay. unless it-;] is imps i'Y if;ih!r to travel on- suvly' ! ;.!<!■■ f*f t'h«> highway ami *• v<•«• j»t , ; when overtaking aml passing an- *.; 1 otlu I Vf’hirh* suhY'f to the fimita- ; I lion, applicable in o\, |*?aking and ipas-ing, -ot forth nr Sections jo l id an.l ::o lot)’ * Th. nuTo fact tin: the* if;.’."? ho\ which yoif vmh to. m i-vc isa,n 1 ’ j tho loft sitlo of the highway docs ; j not; make it impract irahio for you f jto drive on tho right si do of tho, jyoad. T!ms. if tho highway of 1 j suffioi.-nt width you may not drivo •] to tho loft of tho oontof of tin | road. Th('ro is no distinction in this rospoet hotw<>on a pjha-d high- I way and a dirt road.** Tho Tost Office p. pa tYmon.t has 1 notified Mr. Ghost nut t that in viow of the aliovo ruling, it is a vio l lation of Xorth Carolina law to > drivo to tho loft to servo a rural i box on any state maintained high - » way, and also oroates a dangerous - traffic condition. The Post master Continued on. Page 4—Section 1 Conference Games Begin Tonight For Title In Basketball Tournament Will Fnd Saturday Night In Local Gym Beginning tonight (Thursday) and rontinuing through Friday and Saturday, the first Albemarle < 'mr fe ivnco Basket hall tournh blent : will •'he played in the Kdenton Junior- Senior ...High School aiidit-oriu.nl.! Four schools will take part in the j tou rna mc»nt, Fdenton, Hert ford. I Ahosk ie and I'ly mouth. \\ ill in ni- 1 •hi aid Tail horr) \V ithd;r( iho tournament in ordei* f«? pkiv in eou:u\ tournament,s in their respec tive enufities.. The first four gani<-> "Y tin* tournament will he held tmiight. .it B o’clock when the* Ahoskie* girls, play IVffpiimaim g'irls.' At 7 ; T. » flier I’identon iiovs will nlay Plyhiortfh.j At, X:M() I‘idento.n and Plymouth; nlay and at Aivoskn and | Perquimans hoys wind up the first : Tap of the tournam>*nt. At 7;BB l-Y’ida\ fright tin- girls’, .championship will-he played, with! a hoy.s* consol;i j ion game scheduled. 1 ;it -9 o’cloc k . j On Saturday flight as X ot lock a ) girls* consolation game will bp played, with tin; hoys’ champion-! ship game schedulml to got under way at 9:‘10 o’clock. Exchange Student Interesting Sneaker At Rotary Meeting Miss A tin \’:in Amiri, :l Rotary rxi-hanpr studrnt at Fast Carolina Ciillrtfi', (irri'iivilli-. was a ilrlicht fut spenkrr at last week’s Rotary nieetinpf, when the Dutch jrirl spoke on her liativo country. Holland. So interesting w<-re her remarks and so many questions were asked by the Rotarians that practically ev ery Rotarian present remained more, than half an hour beyond the actual adjournment of the club. Edenton f s Rotary Club Will Observe 50th Anniversary At Parish House Tonight Application Made | To Build Long Pier In Chowan River Permit Is Sought By United Piece Rye Works 1 Not jci* is given tl t * : •• C» b*l J-IMorc* I)y Works Ni v> Vbi has | maib- application for a permit 1" cons? ruct a pin* in the* « ; -u »b* of the Chowan River ab«ci» lb 1 mile- upstn-am of Ib.«-| v y lb- k Lamling. Plans submit S c .-lio\v a pier ex • S tending chaneclw -.id l.'iou fee! | yond tin- np-an b»w water I'lp pier will 1m ]i» f•• t • ? wide xv it It- a 40-foot tie at tin outer end. Pi nt showing the prop. d work may !»•• seen at the--office of thealist ri.t eii-.j ginee’r of the U. S. Army Corps of i Fngineers at Wilmingtot .N. orj at the Kdcnton Post (M’fice. Any ol»jt-t j iohs to the propo .•! , work* if any. will !>*• rcceii ed at (lie office'.of Cot K. L. Iliil. district engii for the Corps of Kngi. | neers. I CIVIC CA I,EX DAI? \lh«-mai'b- ( onlerence ha^kdhall ! tournament will he played in I lie) Kdenton Junior-Senior High School tonight (rhmxlax). I’riday and Sat ii relay. Sponsored hy the Kdenton NN o I man’' Club another pilgrimage o* Colonial Kdenton and Countrywide will hr held I’riday and >atcirda>'. , April I’> and l»>. I Kdenton’s Kolary Club will join in celebrating the oOlh amii\er fsarv of Kolar> International at a , ladies* night hamjiiet tonight I j (Thursday) in the Parish House at 7 o’clock. Public hearing on zoning ordi- I nance for Kdenton will he held ! Monday night, I ebruary L' s . at s I o’clfM’k in the Court House. Red ( loss fund raising dri\e will begin Tuesday, March I and con ! tiniie throughout the month. Revival services will be held ii the Kdenton Methodist ( lunch starling Sunday. February 27. and cant inning through Friday night. March t. j Royal Xmhassadois of Kdenton . i Baptist Church will meet Sunday 1 afternoon at o'clock. CliOwanoke Council, No. '• I. He gree of Pocahontas, will meet I ti ( onlinued on Page I Section I Public Hearing Will Be Held On Monday Relative To Zoning (Idea Will lie Consid | ered Pro and Con In Court House !, ■ ■j- Nt’xf M '?w|:iy ni*»bk,l '*•!• r*i *r\ :' v ;it X o'clock iiv t in: Court Hon - :i : .mooting' is srhpfluh'xi 'it which:'. ; m •• J;i public he;i rinq; will lie hoM io | ronnr'ftion with u pm post d yvynin.y j oi-tlrriancc for I\<l<mton. j A t‘this mf'otir ff tht> ttr flinanrc will Go on flisplny ns well a •as n hini) dosiy:na.tin.ir tin various ! restriction-: hi compliance with zyii ; ting. Anybody who is interested in zoning in Kdentoii i- urgently re quested to lie present by Gedde.- | Potter, chairman of the Kdentoii Zoning Commission. It will lie recalled that several years ago zoning in Kdervton Was seriously considered, blit for some j reason the. matter, was dropped.> Since that, time a number’of prob- ■ lems have arisen .which would easi- ' iv have been Solved had a zoning j ordinance been ill effect. The purpose of Monday night’s j meeting is to hear the advantages j of zoning explained as well as hear aruments for or against the idea. $2.00 Per Year In North Carolina I Revival Speaker J Kl \ . KKI.I.V IN'.i:AM I l-naching fur revival services hegiueiug iu the Methodist Church uest Suuiliiy night will he the Ivev. Kelly Ingiiim, pastor of the First: Methodist Church. Kli/.abeth City. Base Contribution Stimulates Drive For Heart Fund Letters Sent to Hund reds of Citizens This i Week Hr. A. M. Stanton, chairman of (ho t l"' .n County Heart Coin mil!.,. -was presented, last week with a ele • k for 88.7(1 from the M.i n. ' • the Edenton base. This 1 ""■g. a. ■ rims check gives the 1877 ]|, in l*’ii iii I diive a wonderful start. This w.-.-k letters have been sent • to liundr.'ds us 'itizens of the . ..uiily l" ask their help. Any l ■ aitr >•:* n. no matter what its 1 sjye; W. • welcome. .'Hid till Con- ' ti ihnf "T - re deductihle from in ."•i>" lav - Anyone who fails I" 1 l.r, I hut would like t" . or■, '■ ■ ■•' ihe 187.'. Heart Fund ■ mi - ."I irihution in an ep v. -.1 i.alid to the Heart Fund. * lid": T name and address of •he 'i- i-"idd he written on the i ’ :;,i. s -i'. envelope so that the j gift 11 y !>■■ lekliowte'dgod. . !:: N'.e •It i 'arutina 2’>' : of file •• i 1 ,o -oil hy the 1877 Heart Fund drive will go t• > the .American ) I: A ' ui. i>f this amount :' ,• t I f'. is used for research. ' • ( oiilinued on Page t— 'section 1— Kick-off Dinner Is Held For Holmes As Legion Commander ’. ’■ j Support Is Promised From Many Sections Os State Ai • >.t.hit.si ist.i'• kick-off dinner ■i ii : tit"i-est of John A. Holmes' ■ and lacy for Department Com mander iif .the. American Legion was staged in the Legion hut Tues, day might by members of Ed Bond iPosf No, to and Auxiliary mem ■ hers. The . ladies served a delici •pus turkey dinner. Guests were present from the i surrounding area and the principal (address was made by John A. Wil- Ikinson of Washington, D. C. Ro j land Garrett of Elizabeth City was unable to attend as toastmaster ( due to illness, so that. William S. (Continued on Page Five) FIGHT POLIO/ • I JOIN THE , MARCH OF DIMES | John A. Holmes Will Be Principal Speak er For Occasion Kdenton'.-; Rotarians this week join Botury Clubs all over tin: world in (•elebrating the 50th an niversary of the service club I founded by Paul Harris in Chicago February 28, 11)0.7. To eelehrate the event, a ladies’ I night hitnquet will he held in the Darlrh House, tonight. (Thursday) at 7 o'eluek. when Rotary Annes will he guests of Rotarians. The principal, speaker for the occasion will he .John A. Holmes, one of the j two remaining charter members Still a member of the club. The . Kdenton Club was organized February 1!!. l!>2fi, with 28 mem j hers, including James B. Alderman, Richard I’. Badham; Millard F. ! Bond, Jr., Thomas 0. By rum. Jo i seph. G. Campen. Joseph H. Con g- ". Jutiiu- W Davis, Minton If. Divott. Richard I). Dixon, B. Warn ■ r Kvans. R. Klton Forehand, Lloyd K. Griffin, Ravenel C. Holland, Charles T. Hollewelf, John A. Holmes. Carroll K. Kramer, Dr. J. A. I’owell, V. K. Rowell, R. G. Shackel, D. M. Warren, Jack Wa- Charh s H. Wood and George i ('. Wood. Os this number there are only 'wo. Charles 11. Wood and John A. Holmes, who are still members of 'lie club. Klevrn have died and !'wo now live elsewhere, Minton If. •I 1 ton in Norfolk and Charles T. Holhiwetl a' Guilford College. Th" present membership of 87 • i e! u l l■ s: .1. Kdwin Bufflap, Floyd I Bunch. George A. Byrum, Thom. - C. Byrum. Jr.. H. A. Campon, •I. 1.. Ghes'nutt. William M. Co zarr Jin-mie Karnhardt, Richard F KIMntK R. Klton Forehand, Jr., John W. Graham. William I. Hart, " I. Harry, Riehtird N. Hines, William Holmes, Frank M. Holmes, John A. Holmes. Gerald James, Bohi'i t K' nr,an. John A. Kramer, [Roller! Mtirsh, Rhilip S. MeMullan, G 11. Mooney. Klwuod Nixon, Charles \\ Overman. Maynard I’erry Alon'y I’eyton, Robert l’mv. '■II, James Ricks. William B. Rose v' fjeerge S. Twiddy, Warren rwi'i'ly. Hubert Williford. Marvin I' Wilson, Charles H. Wood, Jr., (,:!i am "'ed and James K. Wood. At the nuts-t the Kdenton Club was i’leluded in the 87th District, hut in H'2o it was placed in the new '7th District. There was SI new redistricting in 11)87 when the ' lull Via, placed ill the IX7tli Dis tret which embraced the eastern [s. : Gen of Virginia, hut after a per. i"d of three years the chib was | "'.iiisferred to the 18!lth District. The last redist rioting took place in ' 1818. when the 188th became the 27'tli District, of which the Eden ton Club is now a part. During the first year the (dub on. *on Rota ry Cl ub estahl ished a stu dent loan fund which has been used i hy a targe, number of graduates of ('he Kdenton High School and Cho !van High School. The loan is i made without interest and is paid I hack after the student finishes col lege and starts earning an income. Idlecluh also started the prac ; tied of awarding a silver loving cup j on eh year to the high school gradu ate who excels in scholarship, citi jzensliip. and extra curricular ac tivities. Separate'cups are award ed to the Kdenton High School and [the Chowan High School. These I awards are among the most prized |at each commencement. From the beginning the Kdenton Continued on Page I—Section 1 Fidelis Flub Will Meet Tuesday NifirTff The Fidelis Chili will meet Tues day night, March 1. at 8 o’clock in the game room of the Staff Club. All waves of NCO’s are invited to attend. The nursery wall he open witH I Miss Morgan in charge. Col. M. K. Peyton will speak td the group. t BAKE SALE The Wesleyan Service Guild and the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Edenton Methodist Church will sponsor a bake sale, Saturday, February' 28th, ail Hughes-thuker Hardware Co. jj

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