* ONLY N MSP A I'll It PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY *X . ulume XXll.—Number 10. Fire Commission Takes Steps To Pay For Fire Protection Petition Is Sought to Call Election to Levy 10-cent Tax Meeting jointly with tin* Chowan County Commissioners Monday, morning, the Chowan County Firej Commission voted unanimously to make an effort to secure at least ID per rent of tin* property owners outside tin* town of Kdenton to sign ;• petition requesting the County Commissioners to call an election to vote on whether or not a 10-ont levy on SIOO property valuation should he made to pay for fire pro tection in the rural section of the county. ' W. K. liond, ehaTrmen of the Kir** Commission, presuh^d'over tin joint meeting ami stated that some sort of a start, should he nunle nr else drop the matter of fin* protee tion. W. W. Ityrum. (’hairman of i the County Commissioners, said his j group was ready and willing to dd xvhat the county residents desire in I the way of fire protection, hut J pointed out that this service must he paid for by those affected. Mr. Byrum also stated that there | was absolutely no friction between the town and'county regarding fighting rural fires, hut that it was not right to expect taxpayers in Kdenton to pay tin* expense of a fire department and to use its men and equipment outside the town limits at no extra expense to those who might be benefit ted. After considering tin- matter if the opinion of the Fire Com tig- ion members that to start e sort of a program, the logjrnl tiling to do is, if the election is car ried to levy a tax, purchase a file truck to he ojierated by Fdenton firemen for use in fighting rural fires. It was pointed out that the 10-cent levy will bring in between' SII,OOO and $7,000, which could b<- used over a period of two years in paying for a fire truck and em ploying an extra man at the Fden ton Fire Station. If after this plan has been tried and some change deemed necessary by wav of estah lishing a fire fighting unit some where near tin* renter of tin* coun ty,-'-it was the opinion that th«* 10- cent levy might be sufficient after the truck is paid for- Members of the Fire Commission were urged by tin* Commissioners to present the petition at the April meeting so that if the election is called and carries, provision can lie made in the Ibudget to pro ceed with the plan. Members of the Fire Commis sion present at. the meeting were W. F. Bond, chairman, W. .1. Yates. J. Fdwin Butl'lap, J. A. Webb, dr., J. f. Boy eg, Clarence I'. Ilarn-11. Carey Fvans, T. D. Berryman, Mc- Coy Spivey and ,1. (I. Ferry. .John A. Kramer and A. M. Forehand, the other two members were not at the meeting. Mr. Forehand, due to his health, resigned from the Com mission and Norman Hollo well was appointed to succeed him. IH Open House Will Be Observed Friday Event Sponsored By Byrum Implement & Truck Co. Byrum Implement & Track Com pany will observe International Harvester open house Fri 4-H Club. The 4-H Club has 140,803 members enrolled in North Carolina and over a million and a half in the United States, Alaska, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Clubs have recently been founded in Japan, thus making it a truly cosmopolitan organization. Chowan County has 135 boys and 150 girls currently enrolled. > During the week of March 5-12, which has been designated as "Na- Fdenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 10, 1955. P CITIZENS OF TOMORROW Z)l Gwendolyn Ward .Marlin Fleetwood Jewell Karen Small Teddy Langley Danny Driver Ted Wallace I’eele Pamela D. Ashley Sharon Dunbar Barbara Dian Adams Above appears another installment of The Herald's feature, “Ci tizens of Tomorrow.” Pictured are, top row, left to right, Gwen dolyn Ward, 10 months old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ward: Charles Martin Fleetwood, 7 months old, son ol Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood, Jr.: Jewell Karen Small, 1 year old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Small: middle row, left to right, Teddy Langley, 11 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Langley; Danny Driver, fi years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Driver: Ted Wallace I’eele, 10 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pecle; bottom row, left to right, Pamela I). Ashley, 7 years old, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ashley; Sharon Dunbar, J years old, daugli ler of Mrs. L. T. Dunbar; Barbara Dian Adams, « years old, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Adams. Group On Zoning Presents Plan To Town Councilmen Town Council Author-; ! izes New (legistra ' tion of Voters Fdontnn's Zoning ('omimssiin piv entrd ils recommendations for a zoning ordinance to Town ( nun j cil at its meeting Tuesday night i i and after considering some change ■ I suggested at a previous public , bearing, some of which were made I and others not. Town Couiicilmeii tentatively accepted the report. Maps were distributed among tbe Coui.icil.men which specified .what, sections of the town arc proposed for residential, business find indus trial purposes and S. Leigh Wilson (if the North Carolina League of • Municipalities ; and Geddes Potter, , ebairman of tile Zoning Coillinis • I siiin, answered many questions ask •j ed by tbe Councilmen. j While tile Council men appeared | in accord with the proposed /.oiling I plan, lie definite action Will lie tak ) Jon as to final acceptance or re ( out Mined oil Page.s—-Section I tionai t-II Week” Chowan 4-lf’ers join with other club members throughout the United States in ob servance of this important event. Club members will have radio pro grams, school chapel programs, . demonstrations, and will decorate store windows with suitable post . ers. Club members will take stock f of their past accomplishments and | achievements, and study how to im , prove in 1955. Some of the highlights of Cho wan 4-H Club work in 1954 were: t County Elimination Day, June 22; 4-H Dress Revue; 4-H Health Pageant; 4-H Church Sunday; 4-H r Week at State College; Achieve ] ment Day; 4-H Camp at Manteo: , Wildlife Camp at Millstone; For , estry Camp at White Lake: Dis , trict Elimination Day; District Recognition Day: local, school and j County 4-H meetings, and of course, the 4-H Project Work by boys and girls. The 4-H Corn and Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Heart Fund Total I Stands At $711.50 (Vi in mill oe Expresses | Appreciation For Cooperation Dr. A. M. Stiiritmi, chairman <>f the Chmy.in County IP'art Com mittee, ic|>nrtih.il the'citizens'of tin- county have matched tile gen erous sill of llii' Marinos to tho l lleurt Kuikl. As of Monday morning, the total union nt deposit od was s7l 1.50, $350 from the Ma rines, andV s.d(il.i)o from 101 oon triljulors. This is particularly gratifying la‘cause it. represents an increase of 25 per emit ill the fuun lief (O' persons who have thus far l j shown' their interest, in the Work. lof the Heart Association, doth in I the state and, iii the country at Haute. Ur. Stanton asks that any further contrihutloiis lie made hy Saturday at tile latest. The I leal ! 1 loinni.ittee wishes to express its gratitude to Mrs. J. R. Dulaney, Mrs. W. P; Jones and Mrs. ,1. (1. Wood, Jr., who helped Continued on Pace H—Section 1 [civic calendar] National Peanut Week is be- I ing observed this week. Red Cross 1955 fund raising drive is now in progress. Sponsored by the Kdonloii Wo man’s Club another pilgrimage of Colonial Kdenton and Countryside will he held Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. Chowan Council No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, w ill sponsor an Eas ter dance in the Kdenton, armory Saturday night, April 9, starting at 9 o’clock. Turkey School will he held this (Thursday) morning at 9 o’clock at the Chowan Community Building. Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night at 7 o’clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men meets Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. I Ed Rond Post, No. 40, of the (Continued on Page s—Section 1) 50 Chosen For Jury Duty In April Term Os Superior Court Presiding Judge Has Not Yet Been j Assigned With the April term of Chowan County Superior Court scheduled to begin Monday morning, April J, the Chowan County Commissioners on Monday morning drew from the jury box 50 names, who will be summoned by Sheriff J. A. Bunch to be on hand for jury duty. Judge John J. Burney was sched uled to preside, but lie has retired, so that up until this week Clerk of Court, R. W. Spires had not been in formed which judge will be assign ed to preside. It will lie a mixed term. Those drawn to serve as jurors are: H. D. Hobbs, Hubert P. Dai!, .1. Wallari* Goodwin, Ralph K. Hol lowed. Daniel P. Reaves, Thomas L. Ashley. M. S. Bass, F. M. Costelloe, Emmett E. Bail, Albert G. By rum, j W. R. West, C. H. Davis, Jr., John! R. Brabble, John 1.. Parrish, W. H > Saunders, Ward G. Blanchard, T, L. | Evans, Jr., M. 1,. Flynn, Sherill | Boyce, T. C. Bunch, W. O. Elliott, j Jr., Erie V. Bass, Ralph Dail, V. D. j Hare, R. C. Privott, A. Sidney Smith, Jr., E. J. Hobbs, Jr„ I. V. Bunch, Western K. White, Norman C. Hollowed, R. P. Chappell, J. R. bail, Gilbert R. Hare, Gilbert By rum, Ralph E. Saunders, John Par rish, J. I*. McNider, Thomas f> Harrell, Jamfes M. Bond, Janies E. Cozzens, J. Ep Debnam, Thomas Brabble, David Goodwin, John L. Goodwin, W. V. By rum, W. E. Jor dan. Thomas J. Hoskins, Jr.. Thom as Roy Goodwin, George Reid Lane, H. E. Bunch. Workers Named For ’55 Red Cross Drive Concentrated Effort Is Scheduled From March 10 to 25 i _____ Gerald James and Frank Holmes, co-chairmen of the Chowan County Red Cross fund raising drive, this week announced the corps of work ers who will make an effort to raise the county’s quota of $2,910. j The chairmen announced that a concentrated drive will begin to day (Thursday) and conti nu e through Friday, March 25, and that from March 25 to the end of the month will be devoted to winding up the year’s cam pa i gn. Os the money raised in tile coun ty, 50.7 per cent will lie retained for Red Cross work in the county and the remainder will be sent to the area office. The drive chairmen believe they have an interested and aggressive group of workers and feel somo- Continued on Page B—Section 1 Easter Seal Sale Will Begin Today Drive Is Scheduled to Continue Through Easter The Chowan County Society for Crippled Children and Adults will begin its annual Easter Seal cam paigns today (Thursday) and will continue the campaign through F,aster Sunday, April 10. G. B. Potter, chairman of the So ciety, stated that .55% of the funds raised in Chowan County remain for use in assisting crippled chil dren and adults in Chowan County and 45?; goes to State and national aid. Mr, Potter urges all Chowan County residents to participate in the campaign in an effort to, as sist those who cannot help them selves. The Chowan County Society op erates for the purpose of improv ing the health, welfare, education, rehabilitation, recreation facilities and opportunities for all crippled children and adults so that they i may take their rightful place in society. Hand Writing Now Points To New Chowan County Jail In Not Too Distant Future | Marines Make Substantial Contributions ”] —^— r ! lIL, -r: '’■wniW ag--. I . JtjJgm. - | i Hp Seated in the above picture is Col. M- K. Peyton, commanding of-' j ficer of the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field, who j recently called to his office chairmen of four local drives for funds and presented checks in the amount of 85511 to each. Dr. A. M. Stanton, left, represented the Heart Fund. Mrs. J. A. .Moore, next, represented the Christinas Seal Sale, Mrs. Daniel P. Reaves, the Cancer Drive and West By rum. Jr., the Boy Scout drive. Chaplain I). K. Veit man. at right, headed up the drive lor contributions from the Marines at llu- base,—(Official Marine Corps Photograph). Mrs. W. D. Holmes Jr. Elected Vice Regent Os State D.A.R. Seven Resolutions Are Adopted at Winston- Salem Convention ] Mrs. W. I). Holmes w;is hon«ir»*fl | ■at, Winsto!i-S;il<*m \W«lm\ '!•'> J hist, week when sin- w.i . elerleil Vice Ueyenf; of tin* North Frirniiivi Society of the Daughters of tie . American Revolution ;»t if - h- : »i!i annual convention. Mrs. Roy II ■ of Ash-ville was ehrted re cent. At. tlie tneolintc tin I>A R idopfr'l » seven resolutions as |o|lov\s: Reaffinninc: siqinor-l in effort 1 4 • i insun* l»y (*«»fist itiit ional inn-lid-; ment that no treaty < an -upen *-d«* | the F. S. Const ituti'Oi; support in« j national society in its opposition fo.j any form of “supm or world unv cniment." or any in * uit'-q Nations charter which mieivt aliol ish or limit any of tie* immunities now enjoy-d hy I uited j States citizens when tin* scheduled revision of tin* I idled Nation: charter is considered in Hr... ; ap proving congressional inv'-st i;*at inii; committees and ade