SECTION ONE- Masons Awarded Certificates For 25 Years As Members ) Lodge's Past Masters* Night Observed Last Thursday Night Unanimity Lodge, No. 7. A. F., , ,V A. M , observed Fast Masters’ | Night at • Thursday • night's meet ; ing, wlu'ii past, masters present , were railed upon to fill all stations iind pkiees nccording to seriority. | Tile various offices were filled ' as follows: Master, H. A. Cam- , pen: senior warden, H. W. Spires, junior warden, .1. Kdwin HufTlap; | secretary, Dr. W. S. Griffin: secre- < tary, .1. A Curran; senior deacon, , \V. M, Wilkins; junior, deacon, J. ; It. Ttyriiin; senior steward, W. J./, Ilaniels; junior steward, S . C. Mills: j’. 1! Williford tiler; W. O. Elliott, , dia plain, arid W. P. Goodwin, mar- i sluil. i A lealure of tile meeting was presentation of a past masters’ ( jewel to W. M. Rhoades, the im- I mediate past master and present- i ing 25-year membership rertifi- i Cates, The past masters’jewel vitas pro- , seated to Mrs. Rhoades by C. T. I Griffin arid Robert Spence of South , Mills presented the 25-year certifi cate.'! to the following-: J. Edwin I’ntTlan. .T. R. Bymm. J. A. Cur- ( rap, W. J. Daniels, W. O. Elliott, W, S. (I riff in. Ernest I’. Kehayes, R. E Leary., .John Ta>e Spruill, E W Spire,. W. M. Wilkins, T. B. Williford and Thomas J. Wood. Certificates were also made out for eight other members who were , not present at the meeting and in clude: W. C. Bunch, O. C. Davis, A. S. Holhiweli, W. E. Holmes, ,1. ' E. Jackson, I. .!. Moran. K. T. Raw- Vinson and fho Rt*v. K. L. Wells. Marvin Davenport 1-11 Peanut Champ (( out inued from Page One) .contest was ill }fls2 with 2,579 pouii'ls per acre. The contest this year was. sponsored by the Rotary Clnli arid' Chowan Storage Com pany. I 'ri/.es wi-re based on the follow in'.' : Yield, (iO points; quality, 30 points; following recommended piaetiei's. 11l points; proper stack ing, of crop, 20 points, arid project record. 1" points. Therefore, it was possible for one contestant to haw a higher yield than another cue, and not necessarily score more total points, as prizes were based 'lll the total number of points earned hv each contestant. The program was in charge of Roller: S. Marsh, who at the out let complimented the boys and their fathers for their interest and cooperation in .the contest. ‘‘Each hov is ji winner if he won a prize or not,” said Mr. Marsh. “Any time a project is completed you are a winner, for you are improving yourself to meet the problems which you must face in the pa til - way of life.” Each one of the lioys present introduced himself and his father, and Sherwood Harrell told the Rotarians briefly how he con ducted his project. | Jr.-Sr. H. S. Menu 1 Mentis for the week beginning Man'll I t at Edenton Junior-Senior High School lunchroom will he as I follows: Monday Weiners, pork & beans, cole slaw, pickle relish, home-made rolls, butter, rice pudding, milk. Tuesday—Beef vegetable soup, pimento cheese sandwiches, celery and carrot strips, crackers, block cake. milk. Wednesday ltalian spaghetti and meat hails, green beans, celery and carrot strips, rolls, butter, cookies, milk. Thursday—Sliced Imlogna, Span ish rice, apple sauce, rolls, butter, lime jeljo, milk. Friday Meat salad sandwiches, I,lack eye peas, cabbage-carrot slaw, bread, butter, sweet potato pie, milk. STANLEY PARTY Sponsored by the Women’s So ciety of Christian Service and the •Wesleyan Service Guild of the Methodist Church, a Stanley par | tv will be held at the church Tues ' day afternoon, March 15, at 3:30 o’clock. The public is invited and advance orders will lie taken by Mrs. Mattie Speight, phone 73-J, or Mrs. Edith Bufflap, phone 241. SUNBEAMS TO MEET The Sunbeams of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet Sunday morning during the 11 o’clock wor ship service. All members are urg ed to attend and prospective mem bers invited. PAGE FIVE civic calendar] X - } (Continued From Page One) American Legion ia aponsr-ing dance* at the Legion hut every Saturday night from 8 to 12 o'clock. VFW Poat meeta in VFW (jnme Tueaday night of next week. Fund raising drive for the Eden ton swimming pool still in progress. VFW Pont home open every Fri day and Saturday nighta for mem bers and guests. Annual art show sponsored hv the Edenton Woman’s Club will be held Sunday and Monday, March 20 and 21, at the Penelope Bark er Houae. Clinic for expectant mothers will be held in the VFW home every Wednesday night in March at 8 o'clock. Special series of services at Bal lard's Bridge Baptist Church each Sunday morning in March, with re. rival services scheduled to he held Sunday, March 27, through Sun day, April 3. The annual Flower Show spon sored by the Edenton Woman’s Club will he held Tuesday, May 3, at the Penelope Barker House. Advance Home Demonstration Cluh will hold a hake sale at the P &. Q Super Market Saturday morning, March 12, beginning at 10 o'clock. New officers for the Edenton Chapter No. 302, Order of the East ern Star, will he installed Mon day night, March 21. Chowanoke Council No. 51, De gree of Pocahontas, will meet Fri day night at 8 o’clock in the Red Men hall. Wesleyan Service Guild of the Methodist Church will meet Tues day night. March 15. at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Parker Helms. Junior Class at Chowan High School will present the play, “For the LoTe of Pete” in the school au ditorium Friday night, March 25. at 8 o'clock. Annual Easter Seal Sale for crip pled children and adults begins to day (Thursday) and will continue through Easter Sunday. April 10. Bvrum Implement & Truck Com pany will observe International Harvester open house Friday, March 11, from 9 A. M., to 1:30 P. M. An emergent communication of Unanimity l.odge No. 7. A. I\, & A. M„ will he held tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. Edenton Rotarians will attend an inter-city Rotary meeting tonight (Thursday) to he lipid at Columbia. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon, March Hi. at 3:30 o'clock. Chowan County Fair will he held October 17 to 22. The Sunbeams of the Baptist Church will meet Sunday morning during the 11 o’clock worship ser vice at the church. The Royal Ambassadors of I lie Baptist Church will meet in the Junior Department of the church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Notice Os New Registration For Municipal Election Town Os Edenton Notice is hereby given that a new regidiation <>| all voters desiring to vote in municipal elections held in the Town of Edenton lets been ordered by the Hoard ol ( oim cilmen under the authority ol the (ieneral Statutes, Section 160-34. In order to l>c eligible to vote in the municipal election to be held on the 3rd day of May. I°3>. all quali fied electors residing within the I own ol lalenton tire re quired to register in the new registration books ol the Town of Edenton. Notice is further given that the registration books shall be opened for registration on the 9th day of April. 1955 and closed at sunset on the 23rd day ol April. 1955. Each day except Sunday during the registration period the registration books shall remain open tor registration until sunset at the home of the registrar and each Saturday dur ing registration the books shall be open from 9:00 AM., to sunset at the polling place. Saturday, the 23rd day of April. 195a, is hereby desig nated as challenge day. Notice is hereby further given that public notice of the names of the registrars, judges, and polling places will appear in The 'Chowan Herald on the 17th day of March, 1955. LEROY 11. HASKETT Mayor ATTEST: Ernest J. Ward, Jr. Clerk -- • j Eastern Star Elects i Mrs. L. K. Wilkins As Worthy Matron New Officers Fleeted At Meeting Monday Nitfid I M rmliiMv; of tliu* Ldciiton Ch.ip • Iri*. No. .'{o*2, On lor of tin* Kaslern ' St.'ir, flft tod officers for tile new yenr ;it ;i meHiritf held Mondny I in tin* M.isonic Tempi'’. r Mrs. I'Taiiccs Wilkins \v:i 'elect - I od worthy matron,■ succeeding." Mrs. Mary l.onry. The '.'other officers • elected .wore: Worthy pa toil, Louis i George Wilkins; associate worthy • matron. Mis. Edna "Reaves'; assoei- I a to' worthy patron, D.iniol I*, j ■ Uravfs; sccri't.ny, Mrs* Ruth Ovor man; lmi surer, Mrs. Iloloiu* Krun • <*is; conductress, Mrs. Ma.rga'irt • S t a n t on; associate conductress, , Mrs. I‘carl ILinvlL J Mrs. Wilkins announced tin* fol -1 low i tip: appointments: Chaplain, j Mrs. Sarah Boyce; marshal. Mi -. Margaret I*< II; warder, Mrs. Aui.ia j 'JlarkinKton; soY>tini*)> W. A. Hiu‘- l/rell; muanist. Mt-s. Vivian IVlndnoy; ‘j Adah, Mrs. Minnie ki-nnan: -Ruth,; ■ Mrs. Myda Ta yl'T; l\stln*r, Mrs. ■ I’anline Oi?h shy; Martha, Mrs. Kd ith Buiriap; Klvcta. Mrs. Sybil, . Adams. ■ Those m*w (dTicoi’s will ho in- I stalled at the .next mootin'*: of tin* chaptor tm Monday flight, March , 2.1. Ih(*-installat i*>n (’oroiriony wji-l . 1 bo in cha l,l Mrs. Aniilo Cauric* J Mullins of South Mills, who will lit* J assisted hv Robert Spfliri* id* Soilt'll i* Mills as chaplain, Mrs. Alnn • Spence of South Mills as conduc* . tross, Mi’s. Maude Reaves of Kden- J ton as mar>hal. Mrs. Lucille Wins |low -of Hertford as secretary, and I Mrs. Ruby White of llortford as 1 organist. »i MASONS MEET TONIGHT -1 (’. W. Ovennuu. on .tor of I ii.i --• i nimity Lodge. N". 7. A. I-’.. A •I A. M.. h:is railed :ni I'.miTgen* • commiiMH'.il Hui of ilio lodgi' tonight | (Thursday ) : 1 1 8 o'clock. I'lu- pur f : peso of ill,' ini ' ting - to confer L’ the seenfld decree, so that a l.'H’L’* - crowd is r« *|in stetl. r :,2 i \ll i:i> in i kbki \k> i» jj Jailer H' rman White reports { J that, during Io hrua ry >2 persons were plat < d in the Cl'iowan Colin j 11 y jail. wit* en/ifim imnts r.umiim OH, fit JS li.iys. 'l'he expense, j ineludinir ini and turnkey fees. I scouring the jail, telephone hill, j | soap and powder and some j*la>ses, lamouiitetl to I. To RfUeo* - tfIX -I *•*')wS :! C“^666 THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MARCH 10, 1955. k Commissioners ('ailed! i To Meet March 21 As Hoard Os equalization I Tin' ('liowiin County (jiinmission oio will moot in spociul ws.sion I Motitluy morning, Mnrcli 21, at . 1(1 • o’clock, iis u hoard of equalization! and review. I At llii.s meeting anyone will have | I In- oppoi tiiriity to i i'gistor roni plaint regarditig the valuation of proporly appearing on the tax hooks. Marietta Perry In Wake Forest Play Miss Marietta Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Perry has * one of the lead roles in the Wake Forest Uollege Theatre production : of “Time Out For Ginger.”, Tile play was staged Wednesday of this week and will again lie presented, tonight (Thursday). Miss Perry, who is prominent in campus activities at Wake Forest plays the role of one of three sis^ ■ ter,s in the thrce-uct comedy. ! Rotary Inter-City Meeting In Columbia Four ilotary ciiilis, Edenton, Erf-, j | gelhard, Plymouth and Columbia.' are scheduled to hold an inter-city j ; meeting-, in Coh.mliia toni g h t i (Thursday) at 7 o'clock. Gilliam Wood, president of the A Products ffm Made in the ssMmmiS * a-"i—<B» jMAh, CauqhL 1 j ROCK FISH Lb 33c m BUCK SHAD Lb. 27c mm KINGAN S RICHMOND BRAND SLICED BACON Lb. 39cl§|I sr °M reallytender and juicy round steak JUICY AND arretiiing-fully trimmed VEAL CUTLETS .... Lb. 89c VEAL CHOPS ffi 69c Sh «3c I TENDER—SWEET MEATED—RUMP OR SIRLOIN QUICK AND EASY TO PREPARE VEAL ROAST 53c VEAL PATTIES . . . . Lb 49c ECaJNOAUCAL ROASTING MEAT HOW A.OUT LIVER AND ONIONS TONIGHT BREAST O'VEAL ... Lb. 19c BEEF LIVER 29c ■ FANCY TENDER STRINGLESS green beans . . .2-29 c T y FINE FOR SALADS—LARGE CRISP GREEN s iMI SPASCAL CELERY .. 2 -25 c l t -AojUL load*, * - * P LEMOINADE 2 c.V. 33c p j Edenton Club, has assigned mcm- I tiers of tlw cluh to six drivers nnd lie hopes every member of the cluh | will bn aide to attend. Zoning Plan Given To Town Council j (Continned from Page One) jjeetion until li suhsequent meeting |of Town Gnuneil, when tlinse who 'approve or oppose the ordinance will have an opportunity to pre sent tlieir opinions. Due notice will lie given of tills particular meet ing, so that, anybody will lie given an opportunity to he heard. Another important matter con sidered at the meeting was legis lation authorizing either the Town | or school trustees to convey title' In Hicks Field property to the oth er. The Town' has heretofore, agreed to give title to all of Hicks Field lo the school trustees for fu ture school expansion except the baseball park, aiiiiory property arid a trip of land for a swimming poo! and that portion now occupied liy a veneer mill and Spedic Food Products. However, at Tuesday night’s meeting- some question de veloped as to tlie advisability of giving up the portion next to Hen ry Gut hi-olj’S home. The belief was expressed .that, the Town might ‘ need this land for future expan sion. j School: trustees met with Town Council and both groups voted to -request Representative John F. White to introduce a bill , in the J General Assembly which will cn- I able either group to give a title , ( to the land. Another matter to claim atten tion was calling for a new regi stration in Edenton. ‘lt was point ed out that the registration Iwoks in the four wards are in deplorable i condition. A motion was sub- I sequently made and carried to call i for a new registration. Machinery 1 will lie put into motion to complete the new registration in time for the town election. The Couneilmcn of ficially called the town election to lie held Tuesday, May 3. | Under the Hew registration regu lations, il will lie necessary for ev ery voter to register in the ward jin which lie or she resides in order 'lo cast a ballot in the election. Another item to consume some time was a previous motion to in crease the salaries of Town Coun (•ilmi'ti and Board of Public Works members to $25 per month. The motion was rescinded and another substituted calling for tin increase from the present $4.00 per month to $lO per month. It was reported that no little criticism had been heard about the boost to $25 per month. Representative John F. White will lie requested to intro duce a local bill in the General As serribly authorizing the increase to become effective July 1. j Clerk Ernest Ward reported on the proposition of amending the Town Charter and recodifying the [ town’s ordinances, J An amendment was adopted to SPECIAL LOW PRICE! CS BRAND SWEET G FRUIT JUICE 5 SIOO SPECIAL LOW PRICE! KRISP PAK CUT GREEN BEANS .. 3 25c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! OLD VIRGINIA STRAWBERRY PRESERVES .... 2 -53 c A SATISFYING LUNCH TIME TREAT—PHILLIP'S VEGETABLE SOUP 2 P 25c JUST HEAT AND SERVE—PHILLIP'S TASTY §1“ TOMATO SOUP . . . p 9c R RICH IN PROTEIN—GOOD ANYTIME—COCKEY Jf ROASTED PEANUTS tS 29c l»\} SERVE AS A MAIN DISH—PHILLIP'S HII. BEANS wth FRANKS 2 oT 35c an ordinance which will the parking of certain trucks on the streets for long periods of time and on Sundays. Following recent accidents at the foot of Broad Street, Chief id' Po lice George Dail was authorized In erect reflectors at the foot of Broad and Court Streets to servo as a warning. It was reported that the large fire siren was changed from tin-1 water tunk at the police station to the armory and that the. smaller one on the armory was placed on Fast Church Street to aid firemen in hearing alarms. Fire Chief R. K. Hall reported that there were seven fires in the county and eight in Hdenton din ing February. Henry Allen Bunch made a iV quest to remove a tree from in ( toHeApmm*. fsktpo 1 E. L. I’EAItCE I ffigMgSeedsl You'll find the fineßl vegetable and flower needs in town at ... front of his home, but action wag delayed until the next meeting. Kneed with many matters for consideration, tho Councilman ware held in .session until the midnight hour. For Sale J 2-Hud room Hrick House UM\Vm> IX CK.VI RAL I’AR I OR LDK.X’TON —< outact— CAMDRN - SMITH RKAL KSTATB - AIK TIONS Fdenton, N. C.

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