Major Bottleneck In Postal Operation IfNow Eliminated] —. j Many Problems Can I»e Solved at Local Level Ooii(ir<\sKi!inii Hrrlx'il ('. Roiim-m' has anmiuiii'i'il that, iimli-r tde centralization (murrain of the Lost Office Department, postmasters hereafter will report directly to a local district maii.-ipei- rather than to the Department ill VVashiiipton. ] On amt after March 7,, post masters in Beaufort, ( siipiteii, Clio wan, Gates, Currituck. Ihi to, licit, ford, Hyde, Martin, l’asqpotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell. :j i> .■ t] Washington counties will toport to the district ma natter in I’aleiph, North Carolina, Plans rail for. | eight district managers in a region | covering the States of Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Puerto ..Rico /and Hit- Vir gin Islands. .District managers it 1 -1 port to the regional manager at | Atlanta. “Tills eliminates one of the ma jor hot tie necks in postal opera tions," Ron tier said, “since it on allies local personnel to solve lorn! problems at the local level. The result will lit . 'letter service and greater economy." The success of tht> decentraliza tion program in ! eleven. other rep:; ions prompted the. decision to t \ tend the progrttm at once to He area. Three more regions will lie established to -.cover, the entire country. Fit-ltl personnel will '» delegated authority equal to -then responsibility.; Ronner pointed out that after this reorganization lias been in t f fect a rea.sonahlt- length of time, he would like tit have 1-01111111-11!. • from Post masters anil others at' fected. Peanut Recipe 1 Ambrosia Corn Bread kind of love is Ameri taste for peanuts, You don’t to convince your family tlud peanut dishes :uv always temptmg treats, packed with get Ml* and-ge power. Her* ’ one lunch y• urr youngsters will love dearly. It will keep thorn fueled up right thriiuvh t«> dinner time hot . peanut hutt«* corn broad in exciting variations: a brimming howl of mixed p«*amp blit tor am! bonny, to spread.; fresh fruit and a pitcherful of cold mill. 1 cup sifted flour 1 2 cup sugar •l teaspoons hakim* powder fl i teaspoon salt 1 cup yellow corn m< al • 2 cuc -1 cup milk 1 2 cup crunchy peanut butter Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir in corn meal. Add eggs, then add .milk blended with peanut butter. Beat only enough to mix. Bake in hx!k\2- inch pan in hot oven t 12.5 I’d to 2. r » minutes. Variations: Add 1 - clip seedless raisins, chopped dates or crumbled bacon. Bake as bread, muffins, oi corn sticks. Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any ma terial force; that thoughts rule the world. —Ralph Waldo Kmei on. JAMES (JORDON BENNETT. JR. “// is not published mis takes but hidden wrongs that makes for social mis ery; darkness is more to be feared than daylight." you will find not only la thorough understanding of our duties but a knowledge that equips us to serve —a spirit of fairness and a be havior of courtesy and tact. WILLIFORD /zmh c/zxz£ l _//(<»*(/ - 231 • EDENTON NC II ( fHL HOMO. Tut ALBttfAZLt I As IST UAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION [if \ [Hospital Patients | Patients admitted to Chowan Hospital during the week of Feh- Iruaiy liS through March (i were: Whit,. , Fdentoh: Mrs. Viola Bunch, Mrs. N’t-ltla .(ones, Mrs. Curtis By rum, Mrs. Horn ice Brooks. M-s, Elizabeth Flipped, Uoilney Rune'), jasper Wiggins, Mrs, Lillian Jack son, Mrs. Annie Spruill, Mrs, I,a vt-rm- Harrell, Mrs. Frances Mill lens, Mrs. Kunice ('arraway, Mary AI iet- Perry. Tyitt-I-: Mis. Fannie Chappe'l. David Hart-. I Hertford: Mrs. R.-attic,• Riddick, [ Plymouth: Mrs. Virtnnia Fin ] lough. Negro Kdenton: Grady Sessons, Sophia Mt.lli'ii, A ,1,1 it - Morning. Merry Hill: Mahle Coffit-lil and <'anit- King. Columbia: James Rill. | Hertford: Clinton Nixon. Tyner: Marion I’livott. j Wiiiful!: Pearl Knight. Patients discharged from hos pital (luring the same week -were: W lute Kdenton: Mrs. Kathleen Ra<|,-, Mrs. Joan Arot-ha, Jerry Roiich t-r. Cliff Rond. Mrs, Nelila Jnm-s, Rodney Bunch, Mrs. I,miise Ash ley, Mi s. Rein ice Rrooks, Jasper iWiggins,' Mrs. FJizaheth T-jippen. Mrs. Annie Spruill, Mrs. I.averhe Hart. 11. Columbia: Mrs. Leona Raven port. Tyner: Mrs. Mamie Hare, Mrs! Fartnit-Cliappt-|l, Mrs. Doris Monds! Roper: Mrs. Jean Woolard. llttlthsvillt-: Mrs. Do r.ii t h y Blanchard. Hertford: Mrs, R.-atrice Riddick I’lyinoiitti: Mi-.s, Virginia Fur lough. Negro F.ileiiton: Grady Sessons. Merry Rill: Mahle Coffiehl ami Carrie King. Winfall: Pearl Knight. CotunVhia: James Hill. Almskie: James Chin-vis. Births -■ Births for the week of February iK through March fi were: Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard, a daughter: Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Lee Brooks, a Son; Mr. and Mrs. I ewis Monds. a "Hi; Mr, and Mrs. Roy Spruill, a daughter; Mr. and Mr.s. Thoo doic .lours, a son; Mr. anti Mrs. Mark Bvrunr. a son; Mr. ami M M*lviii Harrell, a daughter. Visiting ministers for tin* Week <*f March 7 through March 12 arc: White, the Rev. Bennie Crawford: Negro, the Rev. Harrison Valen tino. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED TAYLOR THEATRE KDENTON, N. C. Week Dav Shows Continuous From .1:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday, 2:15, 4:15 and 8:45 Thursday and Friday, March 10-11 Audio Murphy and Mari Blanchard in . "DESTRY” G. H. HARDING —— —O— —- Saturday, March 12— Phil ( arov in “THE OI'TFAW STAFFION” l.ate Show 11:15 Joan Fontaine and Ennis Jourdan in “DECAMERON NIGHTS” Regular Admission No Children Please On l.ate Show MRS MARY PAXTON Sunday and Monday, March 13-14 Dean Martin and Jerry l.ewis in “THREE RING CIRCUS” OHARLF.S PARKER . _■ ■■■■■—— -r> -——— - ■ - Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15-16 Double Feature Brod Crawford in “NEW YORK CONFIDENT! AF" —aIso— “AFRICA ADVENTURE” WILLIE C. LAMB . EDEN THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. LILLIE B. PARKS Friday and Saturday, March 11-12 Jan Sterling and Neville Brand in “RETURN FROM THE SEA” MRS. J. H. HOLMES NOTE: If your name appears in this ad, bring it to the Tay lor Theatre box office and re ceive a free pass to see one of the pictures. THK CHOWAN HERALD, EDF.N'TON. NORTH CARGIJHA. TrnTvfDA i| Typical Group of 4-H dub Members J | 00 j 13 a ZtT Jjo Above is pictured a typical group of 4-11 Gltth members in Cho wan County. In the group are: Sid While, Jr„ .1. R. Parrish, Ronald Perry, Carlton Perry, Dick Lowe, Lloyd White, Jr.; Larry Skinner, Hetty White, Hazel Williams, Raihara Whße, Kay Lowe, Mary Ann Ni von, Sherwood Harrell, Jack Perry, Robert Skinner, , Georgia Skinner, (Jail Skinner and Thurmond (ioodw in. AMERO America by 107a will btv a na tion li\ i n i n L r > ♦ ••• itly itb|rn> \« <1 houses as a result of industry'; ini provetnerds in pi odnct ion met hoik-. The Nat ional A- soeiation «»t : Mamrfactim is cites a report en titled “The Ameiican Knmnniy ' Prospects, for Growth 10a0 1!H»U --}070.” by the Departineot of Kco j iiomics. McGraw Hill kulilisliiiii’j ('ompanv. in this respect. | “'fhe ur ealest improvement inj the American standard of li\iuff . . .| is likely to he in housing stand-| ards. Mass production methods ■ whether factory prefalirication or la rue-scab* fabficat ion;'at t in* site will bring costs down. I “. . . With prefabricated see-| i t oms, it will be possible to . remodel.- 1 . illter or add to existing houses its the family uroWs or its style of • living chances. “ . . . Traile ins of housing se« i ions or cotnpb te houses may b made as wv now t-iade <-ars.” SPECIAL OFFER DURING National Peanut Week .MARCH <i THROUGH MARCH 12 _____ A 5-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Regular $320.00 Seller Iz $220.00 $20.00 Down ... $9.03 Monthly SI ()l l< WINno\V DISPLAY! * , . M f /**“-» . f y M, A* \ • WE URGE YOU TO USE AX I) TALK MORE I’EANTTS EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR' Quinn Furniture Co. EDENTON', N. C. i SOCIKTV MKKTING 1 The Women’s Society of C’llri tian Service of the Methodist ( liurch will meet at the We<lnesda> aft(Tiinoii, Maicli lb. al : I::: (i o:V*lock, I lot desses \v ill I"' Mrs. (died Browii alid Mr. . Ileriiiaa ; While. IN MKMOR I \ M In memory of u.\ deni Mot her, 1 I in*la I follow-ell: It was three months ai;o today, When God took my dear mb the.) | away; They laid her to n- I in a -bed ol clay, It wa so Ivin-! to i\ t you Up, f Mot he r I And yet we Know it had («► lie; but some day il hope t*» meet you and see your; smiling IV.ce. |The flowers oh .your grave.-. . Have all faded away But this IpMesoixieness in my In art | Will go on day by day. ! Your suffering davs are over,! Mother. , Your pain w ill be no more: ; We know your name is writ t«*n | Oil tile list at Heaven’s door. You will never hie forgottc)i ! Mother, Never will your memory fade. | Sweetest thoughts will always lin go V Because I loved you so. For those who have a mother. Greet her with tender care: For You never know her value. Fritil you see her vacant chair. HIvR I)AFGHTF.R. Mi.-. Rudy Tarks. Davit! Stick Speaks; At Woman’s Olttb, I ttpl Week 1 j t Mendi'vs 'e»v Prepar- 1 ing for Sc\ oral Out- ' stabdin.!* (’vents i .1* Oil via Stir-; .1 • ' , Ih-vil nil. ft aiitlmr of ‘ v i i i<l f. .f l \! :i hintic“ and “F •" I.’.m- • Was 1 guest sf« k' l; . I ' " i egid'a r. 1 monthly myH id \Vi»TnaiT; 1 ri.i! h.hl i. tin I-in i h Hii * WV-iiM (tr-v ■ : ■ Mg. Stic 1 WttS ■I i! I•• I 1 •■ I i , '-I - I :|l, fnn I gel', .11.. lr i it t l ■ jug tall :fui th ’< I ji,*« nk and ( iadeiitbp. J * Ml R 1 •;> i askod for n |ioi:• ; from the ’carious I i commit tco lo ad :aid \J r . d lilli-i m! I U I 11 • , I Spring Flo., ■ r Sbn j>oi o»*ed. by : tin Ibuue ;i.iid (i rd* >■ coiiimit fia . ; will be. bold "i dming th : Cirsl \yeel in. M ii 1 ( : It’s The “Expected” - ! That Happens _ in, 1,,, ji n tiiwiwMii Kvri> year we cm expert jn have! r*i **' nicl nut worry about the financial ltiss'j W jpBB nut look into the low cost of all-■ ‘t"' Mll< i "'"'ranee protection? .. . Justj HL 1 , rail 41 i or see the Twitldy Insurance & 1 'Mi' H**al Estate Company'at 115 King St. j K No wonder you see so rnttny 1?5.. Book on tlte hiqh - * ■ I wciy l . uitiii].' j Who says you carit have rr —— ) 7-cfe/L < £)^^j^cur/J as any automotive engineer will tell you, j\ i tie goal in automatic transmissions has long been a design that would give top ;iecc leration mid top gas mileage-and still he absolutely smooth. Well, it's easy to step up acceleration, or o;| S mileage—but tough to do both together unless a lot of gearshifting takes place, which cuts down on smoothness. So Buick engineers looked to aviation for the answer -and brother! what a won drous new magic they came up with! They took a leaf from today’s plane pro pellcr—which switches the pitch of its blades one way for quick take-off and another way for better gas mileage aloft. Thev brought the same principle to Dynaflow Drive*-to the twenty propel ler-like blades in the Dynaflow “stator.” They engineered these blades to swivel like the blades of the plane propeller-and with the same results. Thrill of the year is Buick « " la '* T “ ,;d ° y -—g- WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUUT "BUICK Will BUILD THEM CHAS. H. JENKINS MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. 10r> to 109 East Queen Street Phone 147 Edenton, N, C. Gross, made a motion that a l ake sale lie held in connection with 1 the flower show which motion was carried. Mrs. .1. H. Conger, Jr., asked that all entries for tin* Art Kxhihit to lie held at the IVnelopc Barker House on March 20 and 21 be in by March 14. Mrs Dank) Reaves, chairman of the Welfare Committee, announced, that (’c|. M. K. I 'ey ton, Command- j ing Officer, C. S. Marine Corps An ' viliary Landing Field, Kdenton. has presented her with a cheek for t») be applied to Chowan Coun ty’- quota for the Cancer Drive j and Miss Klizaheth Moore ;eport-{ ed that the Marine Corps had al. o made a very generous contribution! to the Hear t Fund. Mrs. Frank ' Holmes, chairman of “Help A 1 Home”, announced that a white| family in the county is- in dire need of furniture and especially a'baby crib ami asked that anyone who has otic to please contact her. Mrs. A. F. Downum reported that plans are shaping up for- the I 'il grimage of Kdenton and Country side, to be held April Fa ahd 10 and that Mrs. W. J. j*. Karnliardt and Grayson Harding have been asked to appear ori television from the Raleigh station on April 12 in connection with the forthcoming 1 Pilgrimage. The club went on record as being in favor.of the establishment of sewage disposal plant for tin to\ i of Kdento: Mrs. C. B. Mconey. Jr., arid M Richard Goodwin wen na'iuetl d« I gates to the annual state ron.von 'tion of* tin* Ke<|er:itioii «•! Wprue j (’I ill is to be held ill (in iir I mu'* di I April 2c, 2''. and 27. FOLK FI NER \l m:i D l ,, unei*al ser\ i'ees w«• i ( Id i-| |Thursday afternoon at 'lie [side in Beaver Hill Cemet-*rry I’oi '(leOree P. Folk, 8(1, who dud in a KMMUvm.^i«v>luh</.-il - - v' 'W '\y \y w 'W' a I ► 4 * SEVEN \ 111 STAR 1 a ' rowf ' 1 G&W *2 Iff 4 ! SEVEN STAR 4 ir. pi. " ***it ** * Ak>.j^.J^.j±.Ak.Ak>^.^^. ovoutniHt , Hu»!S HOH* UIIIHiiS ■j -- BLtNUtD WHISKTY • 3%N- STRAIGHT E? - :- “3 WHISKEY 6 YEARS OK MORE OLD • !i?i* GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GOUDERHAM S WORTS LIMIT*). PEORIA, ILLINOIS In cruising and all normal driving, the blades are angled lor economy and you get a lot more miles from a tankful of gas. Hut when you have to move instantly when you need quick getaway. or a sudden burst of safety-surge power to get out of a tight spot yon just press down that 'das pedal, and you're off in a split second. Ym've never fell anything like it before because there's never been anything like it before in an automobile. It’s action that’s sheer thrill-action that’s backed by the highest V 8 horsepowers in Buick history—action that’s sending Buick sales soaring to record-high levels. (Aline in and try it, at the wheel of a Buick Special, Century, Super or Ro vdmaster. You have nothing to lose— and the year’s most thrilling buy to meet. ■ Donation Drue /» standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. PAGE SEVEN 'TCTION ONF h-i.-tiitiil at Cohimliiii, S. G. Tin ITi-v. Gordon Hi-iim-tt, f*c- I oi- df St. I ’aul’.s K|iisi-o|i:d Chun 11, r• ('l'i( i:11--(i. I’aHFii'Oi-i-i'rt Wi-i-t- J. W, I I • .1.1!. t 'otißi-i-, <4 l -o im'-(- I. Rail, i>:i- 111 \\ ani-i.l, Gialiam Whitt', Joint U ... I-, U. \. Iliti'-; anil K|' D<4>- oa Hi, . (. AIM* Ol 111 INKS W. \\ i> 1 1 lo c\|)i-oss out* s ill ("pro th i i - to oili- in-i((hlioi>- ami t'l-ionds t'i*|- tip in, oy a.-ts oT kindriPSß ,'liiuvii ,-!!,d jTo- lit" i.tatty rti tils and Tl-r,«(.ia- -»iait ifiitiTif! tilt- jllm-ss. - and il- ih ol (inr will- and m(ith*-iv \\ M \\ . FORPRI-.'W \ \i» d\i <;lei’Kit. “

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