SECTION oVU r *i neguwu rui Home Appraisals So ar In February >""> Kate t'xeeed-l “i -1&MO Seventh I Straigm Veterans Administration feceiv e(l requests for appraisal for more than 104,000 proposed and existing homes for veterans during •Feltr.ii.t i ary, the highest monthly total since October, 1950, VA announced. Tiie February total was OS per rent above tile 77,493 units for which VA received appraisal re quests in January :uid so per rent more than the 55,951 received in February, , the month tie rui rent surge in liOine-huddine artivi i . got undei way. VA -aid (It. I >. tofu , t■ * ,11 )■ tal of 119.791 units was artificially indueed in that many builders put in appraisal requests prior m the imppsition of e red it controls short ly aftei tin start of tin- Korean conflict. Os the MiI,IKK anils fie which appraisal requests were received last month, 91.192 we re from htiild. ers for proposed homes. This wa 17,988 above January and s7 per cent .allote the 91.107 received in February, 195). The remaining 59.990 mpiaisal requests received last month wen for existing homes, 10,707 above January and Bti per cent above the 111,547 received in February. 19.74. Home loan applications received by V*A during February.totaled 75.- , 021 making it the seventh straight ; ir. ittli the rate has topped 70,00(1 Ti.q February total was 5,701 ote.r that for January and more thnti i dr.idble the 26,805 received in Feb ruary. 1954. School Milk Program Now Well Underway * c Fiy mid-Jnnuarv, 12.000 schools wrre participating in the special school milk program provided by j Congress in the Agricultural Act of <954. The C. S. ftenartirnmt of Agrl.cul- . turn, general administratoi of the -c bool milk program, reports that' 10.000 more schools joined tile pro. I gram between the end ..f .\oVen,l,.-i 1 and mid-January. \lioiit on.- frtvirflt of tile schools eligible t” ibil) all llOhplotll v,-|;,|o|S Ot lligll grade or under- aie m.u pariici- 1 4 Mil): ronsmiipti«"*n in ipnl ‘itfcr schools inomasof) during V* ■ • nihf-r lv» lilorv than DU million l»Mf flints. which \v:is r.f» pm cent j *>' er thoir normal cnnsutnpfiun of 1 million half pint*?. Tho Department of Ayi i.ultuiv • tfmntov that i.wr hillinn pouwL of milk 'Would It*- ri* *«If 1 1 hi i y*• ai■ * io supply fVniy American child •wi'fc a half pint of milk ar school »ach day. Less than half of this amount i< now consumed in school. and it is hfin” consiirm*<t I»v far j loss than half of tin- school diil- * det-n. At present. nut «d‘ .14 mil lion children enrolled in school, it -eVWWN/WWWWWWVWWAAvWWW )| S'' B B V ■ H Parker Helms Says: I COMPLETE PROTECTION if Farm Bureau means *j;ji complete insurance service. J ' m Accident... pi Fire... jig 1% Theft... Medical.. M Automobile . .T> Pjfc Endowment.... ,SR M Retirement... ' fji , X Name your protection', ft| J problem. Your Farm i** ; Bureau representative sM can help you plan wisely and economically. tm PARKER HELMS 204 Bank of Eden ton Building PHONK IM-W I FARM BUREAU gMMM - r:re '-nmpames ~ m} life r PAGE TWO , A <• ,C ... I ' j ; ' ' i .A. . . A l jULii A jUIA. -j Jwßi A 4jl ~ .. ... 0,1. i 11* Citv I't.ih. is shrouded in early morning dark* ATOMIC DAWN— Mormon Temp c . - " ‘ ' ,j N - ov .-, ( | a proving Grounds. 370 miles away, ness. left, seconds bc.o, e exp os,o„ o a. e l«. fests , lts blast was felt turns night I.IU, day. right o-.v U.M.It luso mi i e ., trom the test sue. tn iiali Luke City, light seen us away us eunntnu »», is fsttmtitod that :th«nlt II «r 12* million drink some milk it s‘dujoJ.l Tin* Special School Milk I'm (Train operates through >iau* and I jli.i al < |i«Mil- ol'!i« i:d l , :irtu ip:P : lino schools purcha.-t ih»* milk local - 11v and sorvv it m a n> li m«* ! !»• ’ , « or. ui« i hi .-t loi fJ.t'ou l 4«umg t xira j ennsumpt ion. School> ;ity nupi-j hursed for a portion of tin «••■>! i ♦•f all milk over and ;dw*vp the; anuMint served in th«* -amt >choo||l the previous vvar. Schools tliat j •have iiot invviously >orv»»d milk j arc reimbursed for part of 1 1 1 «* c»ki of tin* milk >old. Tin law pro j vidt-s that up to <:.u.nou.unn amnia! | ly of Comm«)dit\ < Y**dit t**»rpora- j t ion funds can l*e* u-»d f<u •■■Mo*- purpose. Honu* Demonstration Leaders Visit House And Senate Sessions One of the hig-hlivhts of flit two. day ex<cutiVo hoard inectiiii tip State Federation of Home in*m«»u stratiojti Cluh.v iiehl last w»-.-k a? State College was n visit to tin t apitol t«J see both tin n> , am! she senate in rcs-ton j There were , ■ 1 the club women of the lyin’* Counties - dot net est.-t i n .tit and!' state federation -dftc. ; i spent several hour- watchint- th» M J.egislature in action VVt.tnen from Currituck to Mur I phy met on th* Staff f ampus on Wednesday and lii o- ( day to map plor.> l’or their Staff ' Federation Meeting 1o he held mi 1 I Thursday. June’■'2‘Cin Wi ham \.ai • | Iteynolds Coliseum dunne the \n- * |Mual Karin and Ihui.f U-« . gram. The district cl'.tirifiae t ■ ' l ficei s. and - f atf-v. id* enm :'!«•.■ • chairmen al><* di-«‘ii>.-< »l i«t ( objeedivvs Uo the y- ac’s horn* -i-n. oiistration pi«cjrram. le p"it> \f!< ' iieaid by the His:i m« i «•:' *h ous state .wide .ommitf.-. • d l .• . , fif»n. mfernatioiial • •-l.ition-. (■. ..hh •' and -af.ty, e.»f !/*■ fish 'p. pui. licit y. lev is la 1 1 Vs fm: nr, . and tlie I Jane S. MrK'inuhon IvducytiohaJ t Loan Fund ('ominit.if Mi- .1 <'. 1/ittie. I n.ifi l urid ‘ • ' >i it t-e | Chilli man. It p'ot' d 'in- rltjh a • SAVES TIME * SAVES LABOR • EASILY APPLIED *NO LIFTING • 82% NITROGEN Increase your yields and your Protein content with Fall or Spring Application of Mathieson N-82 PHONE 705... EDENTON, N. C. n CHARLES H. WOOD, JR. Representative For Olin Mathieson Corporation MATHIESON ■PjB 60 -SECOND SERMONS v. TEXT: “It is much easier to he : critical than • ••rrect ” Di-iaeli. i., i . A i ountr> carpenter id’ consider- :|< able -kill v isitt d his >V»n in a btg j v [city, lb*• -on proudly showed hi- ,| father the j.«»ifits of miere-t wrlh- f out j-• i:v iiif a i■> c.-timifii’ Iji ai v ly, riu y uml* *i tin i-usucSt conn-r . u jin. the city Sky. era per.-. t.e\»i-fd|| [all around 'The <f*n could that <• [bir e. iio litei fatln i wa properly | v jaw.d. H* looked :t the buddiny> for ,-oMif tion-. then walked to the cui ’ . H:ii iui h ■ ' * .i ’’ . ' ill i *nvtii. , Imuldei hieb. he '-‘•|umte»| ‘ r intently dow n the r-.v ~f I;» . i ~j. * • a Filially . In- spuk* . f ‘’(i«Jt ’em Otetty Jillili.lj didn't ; 4 they?” t !• °• 1 - • that t •r • tit • 1 *: • on lid Kills 111 College Ls Cause »d l lie filial. She added that Jh .mi id 14 a pp»J.ica tious f* • i the y«-ac 1P‘...-a. were approved by the ci.mmitfre. Mr.-. 1.1 Bent hall •* f AhOskie, Route T. citizenship if-, ported to the group that North Carolina would be m.vitfd to s.-Md a 1 deb K ite from i ach of the *J7 Fed- j ♦ rated Districts to tie annual Citi-I z.eM'hin Conference ui Wasliihp'ton. 1 It. C. m Septernbt r. Jhe board ,to -end *J7 d* ifrites in |pf»r. M r-» I l< ifi of I.a tire I lid 1 , pres r« lent ~f Hie North Carolina i • • • tpui rd Hi ime I)empnstiotion (.'•|u.hs pV» sided < ? »lie t\\ O-day \t ki: \i;k I Nt h\\ (,F.i» M r,: I i f I"" ’ - tibin Ta I Ilf faitners hdicati iiit.ehtipns to p total of .:V».Utin ade> of Irish po ■laloes tli: year. If • tl»T«-nt :nt. t tioii- matt r.alize tin- I’‘ * • a' will i».- the ciihe a- • oian**.-»| hi I J -.*t •> p'-i ■- at - : a . • age. 'ft ATHI ESo^| N-82 Anhydrous Ammonia I Put your Nitrogen in the Soil I , at the Root Level-conveniently m A and economically. -TTE C7TCT7AN rTEEALP, EKENTQN, NOHTTI CAEOtTNA, '*‘ T T Tr V - T<~tt ?i, 1933. \,. inaU'i- bow little we know .: i ,1 lllnl.'!': I,ml. W. P.ltl fillll thil'V to 11 1: >!.- • :I) tile Other fob 1,.' Thougli we nt:iy not under ■ ■,| Imt w.i - built, how it was ~i wh\ \ve i ;it> qraise the r.e'i is. t tb. building is— plumb”. \\ b. ii w< not Ire :i follow ni:ill’s ,t jioims. tiie things ui' do net like i,|* understand about him be -11, i, - in 1I»> rt:tlit. Maybe if we v, i. niei,. v. i-e. if we had a great - tinderstn tiding ourselves, we ~.ujd -it many more good tilings amnll li:m ,'rilirism of others titer, ly turns the spotlight on our Tv. . k of understanding. Be t,ii*t nit look for the good oi,int' liw world will love you tot it. BPMf BEFORE FEEL IT WORK! * tee sh« AFTFR MILKY MASQUE SJ *nf in J «i!id-k»r ntun I Wii mu f n clennsinq action on blacL heoJy and o y Artv# condition. Ti ed and fa*.ted formula. iMitchener’s F II A It M A C V l.dnilun, \. C. Health For All — Atomic Energy Works For Health The world of the future! ears with ’atomic engines, houses .auto matically heated. We think of things like this when people talk of the peaceful uses of the atom. Hut atomic energy is already at Work for 'us in the laboratories of medical researchers seeking even better ways to run- and prevent di , -ease. Scientists have found tliat by “labeling’- a substance they ate .studying; with radioactive isotopes they can follow its behavior more accurately (ball ever before. These isotopes are by products of tbo' manufacture of atomic energy and j are allocated fur research by tile j ! y, A leiuir 1 ei gy f.’onirniM-ioit. { A group of investigators at tin- j 1 1 ’niver' ity of , h.i ago bar been | rfudying the action of isoniazid. a i drug.used in the treatment of tu berculosis. They first discovered that tuberculosis germs susceptible f to the drug became radioactive' \ 86 PROOF \ Th ’ whiskey in this product u KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON B/ended Whiskey. Straight Whiskey, 60% Grom Neutral Spirits HOCKY fOKD DISTIIIIRY CO., IN C. - HANtfORT, KY. I WE BUY STANDING TIMBER AND LOGS HIGHEST PRICES Washington Lumber Co. TELEPHONE COLUMBIA, N. C. - 2163 OR R. H. SH A VENDER, ransomville, n. c. j • / "‘ /talUfl A tHm, HU | ► RESPECT TRAFFIC tAWS, SIGNS, SIGNALS AND ROAD MARKINGS and keep your cor in safe-driving condition nt all timet* when (lie dingrwas lab' I,' d with an. isotope named Carbon 14. whereas resistant germs did not become ra dioactive. Mow; they are able to study just how isoniazid attacks tile, susceptible. 11l gel Ills. With 'ibis v.fnunr. ion, ooctovs is-' I'lis, j CB will know better how and wh.-n i |to use the drug to help TH pat-I Meats. This is only one of many medi cal research projects in which ra dioactive isotopes help the scien tist to “see” things beyond the power of tiny microscope yet in i vented. These test tube experi ments may seem far removed from the problem of the tuberculosis pa- Itient lying in his hospital bed. Hut because of thorn, tile doctor knows more about his disease, the genii that Causes it, and the means of j ..••tiring- it. A grain of gaiety seasons every thing. -Graeiao. YOUR COFFEe'^BII" SWITCH (UZIANNE NEW WHITE LABEL ■ICR GRADE PURE COFFEE Improved with a Sprinkling of Chicory / *AJU THIS TEST: ( v • pwt ms fH— I P 1 f wMi At Ahm 4 ym are B If • pat at emtteo witk B ps—( l«tiMN-«iiio «aly ■ V | MVM ME me mcL Luzioha* H \ ! I \l, 1 I me y ms «m #f yaw prat- V J . I | m. Ift amt brand of coffee. Ex- ■ I JtL 1 I —1 I portoaca wiM taoch you t j \ tbaP luziaana't tprink- V » ling of thitocy doat two R \ things: it impravat tha W ] ORDINARY LUZIANMi corf t E T: . i ,di ni.'i lints, • : i-i> ’. I all points, and he must, have con- I quo red himself before he can con quer others. — Mary Baker Kddy. - WOMEN'S FEATURES HEM*HOMEMAKERS Decorating your home? lake to make things to furnish your home yourself? Every Sunday he sure to look for helpful home hints in the Dottie Decorates and Do % lt Yourself columns of the Baltimore A nierienn. Read The tin i dea Corn er and Bridge, The Blackwood Way. Get these and many nthei lite features every week in the BA I TIMOR K SI'MIAV AMERICAN Order From Vmu laical Newsdealer

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