Two-ton Peanut , - Contest Planned Aim of Contest to Pro duce 1,000 Pounds Per Acre "Tin* Bnnhl of Directors in tlu*ir inert ing on March Kith authorized tin sponsoring of a two-ton per aero poanut growing contest in «o* operation with the \. ('. Agrirul turo Kxpot intent Service," iiiimiiuic ed .100 S.}.;, I'Aevut ivo Sec re-j t ary of the \oith ('arolin;i I Van.tit Drawers Association. The prizes to! ho awarded consist of: Ist Prize (to highest producerl Engraved (Told \Vatili. 2nd Prize $50.00 Defense Rond. Bid Prize $25.00 Defense I’ond. I’or all persons producing more than 1,000 pounds per ai re -a (Vr tifioate a ill he issued, eei t ifvinii their membership in the North Enrol ilia 2-Ton Per Acre Peanut riuh. According to Mi . Sugg, it is hop ed that this contest will stimulate, int'“fest on th* part of peanut Vrowers to ini*reuse their yields by fed low ini! so u n «■(. recommended jivaetiees. as to fYDilizer, cidture. harvesting. etc., that have proven j.ractical in producing high yield : of peanuts. ‘Two tons per. acre) sounds like a lot of peanuts.” said Si leg, “luit it is heipvdone hvCei tain individual pi nducers, and the As-eeiation hopes thill through the contest many producers w ill he en-< con railed to tiv to increase theii yield heypnd the 1,000 pounds pci ncro mark.” The contest is open to any North Carolina: farmer Producing peatiuts ■ w ithin an ASC allotment. The Tin al date for entry is September It)’ 1855. Pale- and retraint ions ami : application forms f.n entering th. ' Ci'iitest may lie -e.aired from the ( mint\ A gent 's <>flie \ei hy writ ing to th ' Ninth.(’arolina Peanut (•rowei.- As-ociati'»ii. Rocky Mount..-' \. ('. t si KM»T dec keask in corn j\ ACREAGE IS INDIA WTED ( Reports from North (’aridilia f farmers ..a 1055 prospective plant ie'- indicate. I hat 2.055 |)0() net o~ ■ ■ oITi mu will l)-' planted. A crop of j. ( size would tie 1 per cent loss'] the 2..iT2,d!0() acres planted in I*tf» 1 and 7 pel »■« nr less tha n thi PHI : rev rage plantin'!- of: 2. 2:n.00n an. ■>, ('•Mil aiTi’Ml’l' :i 11«»1 Hunts ;i If ii < ITcrjL ill 2- ’• eastern N’wi th < :i-r<*l in:j count if--’ this Vo: i: . The 1P• > ■ agv allotment. in count i-s v it h :il lot frjout' iri hot h l!»'l :m«i UkVi. ■- nl»out in |u r rout ahoYt- last yoai:. *-- - - MAGNETIC SMILE - What makes these choppers different jsiit a matter of appearance. Their magnetic appeal for pros* pective we.lrers comes ■ from Miiall. U-shaped magnets buried in back portions of both plates. Magnets oppose each other in polarity, forcing plates to make a snugger tit with the jaws. Displayed before the Chicago Dental Society, they're de signed for mouths especially hard to fit. Beat The Heat This Summer With An Air Conditioning Unit ❖ JB (AI.l. I S TODAY FOR I FREE ESTIMATE! <£> ■ Standard Plumbing I & Heating Co. 1 PHONE 765-W-2 I edenton, n. c. \M>MI.\ AM) NMII.KI.S Your Automobile ami Your Income Tax Hy Mary lain Chapman Did you know that you can deduct from vour Federal incontc I tax certain expense items relating to your car'.' You can, and . dine of these things are worth checking into before you lile your return j for 1 !>!>4, whic h is due not later than April la, l!ijs. State Gasoline Taxes Ask your gas station attendant the amount of the tax in your state. It may be anywhere from three 1 to seven cents on a gallon. (Be ' sure to ask for Stale tax only, t as Federal tax \ is not deduct- \ ible from Fed eral income tax,) Then es timate the* nu in ber of l miles you .1 traveled init 1954. Divide j ' that by the ■ Mi*H.Clinpmaiv average number of miles your i car, goes per. gallon. Multiply '• total gallons by the tax. If you i use a lot of gasoline in a year, it j > might really be Worthwhile top deduct this. j ' I License Fees —Are deductible. I ;i This inc ludes city and state li- j , Cense fees, and even the cost of j , your driver's license. L Car Loan Interest lf you bought a ear on time payments. 1 1 the interest on your installment j ' Contract is deciuc tihko Also, you j can deduct all state or local sales j \ taxes cm purchase of a ear. Ask j I your dealer for information on: the* specific amount of the sales , tax you paid. i '■ Loss from Fire, Theft or Col- / lision— lf these were not c-ov- t ered by your auto insurance, I t Also any damage to youi ear > from lightning, storms., had or ( WASHINGTON REPORT Triu’li*. I ht- <»ld question 'of what tit do ahniit iV'it ivn trade, is one of! llm PMivhP'-M and mo>! contro-j vorsial i.-sims facing this stxssion of j ('ong iv-. A general tight«*ning of tin* do- j mestii- economy has thrown etmsid- j era hie siipjiorf hehiml the high-pO 4 - ■ iff school of thought. The so-calf ed * * |»i*»t« m• t ionists” atgue ; that high! tariffs a i • needed to keep eheap, J K*nvigi)-)i rod need product > off tlrej Ameiit in market ;it a time when j »umpet it ion is keen among dome--; tie product t>. S locks. Tiir - i lmi 111 * ■ 11 : ovtvr policy is taking’ under uniijuo ;oi i fiim.'t:iiiccs. Sentiment for high! ! tariffs is increasing at a time w.lien [surpluses are piling- ui» in all agri-j • cultural -products at a time when | * increased e\ imh ts ;iiv >o.fely ihmmU 1 t(| to I'OflU‘t* 111 (■ hacking of t'Olll t modi tics now '!«*ir«| in w.a rehouses. New Approach. In an effort to help break the logjam now choking world trade. Senator \V. Kerr Scott lias ptopoM’d what he calls a plan for a “World I’pod |cink". Under hi- plan. free countries of I the world would sit up a food I tank along tlie line- of tie InteriKitional | jjkank foa loaonstriic-tion and De- j | vdopment. I nder Senator Scott’s plan, coun tries w-iflt a.h.uirulan.Ces of food, fiher and oflitM* agricultural products i would loan needy count fie s. J 1 till ..Ill'll tile w Olid food hank, food i |and other raw materia] to fight I j hunger and famine. Such a plan. Scott said, would ; ( pel nit countfit's w ith over supplies ' "I - food to get it to areas who re PERCY SHELLEY “'Flt< trumpet of o proph ecy! OF, Wind, if Winter comes cun Spring he for behind O' TO aid another in his need, to bring one’* abilities to tin. carets king of another’s per plexing proldeins is a worthy aim. . WILLIFORD C/Aw.-251 • EDENTON, N C STV E HOME Y I Ft AiBEMARU mutual burial association ** - freezing is deductible, if, this was not covered hy niMiraiice. Not Deductible Expenses for travel between your home and,| your jiib, regular fitianee • C'iurrges, or tratlic: lilies. Business I'se If you use your car in your, business, you can deduct the. full cost of the car's upkeep. This includes, just, about .every-' thing: gasoline and oil (inelud- 1 •ng federal tax), repairs and maintenance, insurance, park ing and storage, toll charges, washes. ; If you use your car for busi ness occasionally, estimate the: miles used for business and cli- ' vide by total miles driven in 1954. This gives you a percent age. for computing the business ratio to the total ear expense. Deduc t this percentage of your cost in computing your tax. Yott still can deduct state gas taxes for all your driving, whether tor business or pleasure. Be sure to attach work sheets with vour tax report, showing how you figured it out. ; I (I'iisli ii'H vrtlri. nitisl, ttirrlTX /tirsinitil.Hl/. \fiss ( Ihijiiiit! it is ti inutifx til lit ttttti inis s/irnt ; till' : In it Sii'irttl iiiHtis nt>ri:i ,tt/ ti'ith.. tilitoitnibili 1 Slitlisls, iii sit/n~ iis tt.titi iitt/inti is iit ( h itfsia ( in fiuitit{tin.) hunger is running lamjiant. “And it wouldn’t he a give-;iwav Kidney Slow-Down May Bring Restless Nights When kidney function slows 'down, many folks l otnjiluitt of ha« l:a< lit.-, head . iU-hes, di/./.iiiHss and less of |»vf»-and enertg’ Dvi'n’l sutlt*r rest less :iv:lils with these de eomforts if redueed kidney fum'lino is ling you.dovue due tosueh comtnoh causes as Stress and strain, toe:-exert ion or rv {►osure to cold. Minor bladder irritations dm; to eold. dampness or wrong diet -may cause getting U|i nigiits or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if t hese cond* lions-bother you.'Try 1 *"un's fills a mild diutetie. ( sed success!ally i»y millions for over no years. \\ hile often otherwise caused, it’s aiua.’.iug bow rnany times Doan’s giv«- happy relief from I tiese di •ornforls help I ie* i;. miles c»f kidney tubes and biters tlush ou» vxastc. Gel Doan’s fills today! Doan s Pills . Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky S $4. -30 I • It 4/5 QT. CHI so-7o J' 1 . Itamn W •** wmsKH, MBk ■ & | ■■§ l ‘* > "wYSnuin jS*** ft / |% • 86 Proof EARLY TIMES DISTILLERY COMPANY ‘ ! Louisville 1, Kentucky THE mow an HERALD, LDENTON. NORTH CARDONA. THURSDAY. MARCH M i prog ram." he said. "That's wliat | like about the hank approach t.o | the prolilem, Jt would he a husi ' ness like way of getting wider dis trilmtion of the world’s locxl and filler produetion. The same, ap-i proaeli is working very well as tc»i I'inaiii'inl needs through the inter national hank. If it can work with dollars, it can work with food." Scott said a world food hank i j would go a long way toward turn-1 I ing hack the tide of Communism, ] | "Communism spreads like wildfire in areas where people are hungry, t Asia' is a perfect example. A world food hank would provide the ma ] rhinery for helping feed millions of hungry people and :give ccninfries With broken economies a real shot i in the arm," lie, said. Sports Afield 1 By TED KKSTINC. Editor Sports Afield Magazine j —^——■— Wlion a man’s fly or plujc casting is rolisistvntly bad, tborn’s a good jchainv that the trouble lies not with ' tlie taeklo but with himself —-that j he hasn’t learned the proper tech hiijiie of ciistinjr. Rut -spinning, is Imi intrinsieally simple that if as , tor your first eouple of hours at it yen re .-till having treul»le, it must ] lie the, fault «»f wioiia; tackle, not of :Iny l l l inU you're <l<>inv. ’Phe Unfortunate fact is that there are on t lie market sohie spja nim*' reels, and sohie ro<l-and-reel eomhinat ions, < f ei'i-oneous design. • Eorfunately. it is a simplematter to avoid huying a mishegotten cross l»et ween a spinning and easting reel. Jason Lucas, angling editor iof Spiri ts A field magazine, points ; oUt that with a properly design ed spinning reel the spool does not revolve in retrieving;, there is a de j vice to wrap the line hack around the spool in the exact opposite of how it came off. so when the line! iy all hack on it's as straight and UMtwfsted :i- before you cast. You just make sure, when selecting a] spinning- reel, that some pickup j gadget i- wrapping* the line hack i Lion and that the spool does not re- 1 ' : Vol ve. j In spinning reels Lucas prefers' »mato £ very body Wants! HYBRID Flower and Vegetable Seeds Come iii now *mi select ail vuur : favorite flowers anti vegciaidea. Complete Harden Supplied E. L. PEARCE [QXE ROCKY HOCK 123 WORKING DIPLOMAT -It'S a striped apron, not striped pants for Liberian Consul Wil liam H. Jones, as he makes up a form on a Chicago. 111., newspaper When not inking visas for his government, he's ; busy with printers' ink. which tells the world the doings of, j other diplomats. i manual pickup to automatic. He thinks one with manual pickup is much simpler and more pleasant to use after you get used to it. i i As for rods, most who are i-x --perienced with this type of fishing seem to prefer the seven-foot length, although many advocate shorter ones. The rod must !><• l flexible enough to betid well in easting lures from one eight to one quarter ounce. Bamboo and hoi-' low glass rods work about equally well for spinning. Solid glass rods ‘ are fine in lengths up to around . j six feet, but in longer lengths they 1 [j tend to become top heavy :md slow i j in action. Some experts maintain that it’s a 1 1 1 trifle easier to learn spinning with' Tbraided line, hut practically all that jl know use monofilament. For really good casting with fresh.-wa-.j ;*ter spinning lures, one shouldn’t use line nwr foil i imiind t« >f. Put j when it’s necessary !<• hold largei fish from dense Weeds, snag* and ; boulders, a six pound t-xst works! quite well, and an eight-pound rani be used. Anything heavier i.- just! begging for >hoit. difficult easts.; snarls and other troubles. One more important point proper adjustment of the drag. Set ! the drag when y* u have line way out in the water and-Tire retriev ing. This way V".i allow both for guide friction and Tor a small di ameter of line on ill,, spool. Set the drag at what you consider safely below the test of the line. You can .get a good idea of wliat that is by I'm s( iu ealving a piece j from the end with you/ hands. EPISCOPAL! WS RESETTLE kill UK I- EG EE I' VM I LIES | i New York, X. Y. kDhiliiS' iho.j past yeai (>4O refugee families haveu beep resettled ill ’he I ’l.tited' Slates 1 by Episcopal intis, '('he figure is the largest I’m any ehiircli part ici|i;it- j ling in Church. World ••Service, the! | international relief hg'enry of the I Nat uin a I t ’oiiiu il ( ’hiirches oi' I ('ln ist. j Klfl’llE\ KOMMLNT Brighten lip yoiii kilclien \vlth j gay case curtain-, ’l in y are sim . plo to make, hut tj'.ey can add a great deal of.charm to a k'tchen.j (\>lo)-full\ pi int>-<L cot ton- eliint z is f ‘ideal for these at t r.-ietivc- cut’a ins. } .- ■' Home e(‘o»v.oiiiists rejioi t that fab rics t fixated Willy crease-resistant 1 finishes retain, their qualities ihest.j when washed ;n w arni not HOT i '---watei. laxcessive|y f 1 <>t water j i may remove some of i the fiaish af ] ter a tium'lM r » 1 tshing tl \ Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline 1 (non-acid) powder, holds false teeth I more firmly To eat and talk in more comfort, just .sprinkle a little FAS -1 TEETH on your plates. No ifumniy. gooev. pasty taste or feeling. Checks -plate odor" -identure breath): Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. SINCLAIR ! Patented Anti-Rust contains the amazing | Sinclair Rust Inhibitor RD-119® No Extra Cost EDKNTON OIL CO. sixer air prodi'cts I’noNE :.ot; kdknton I I \bur Best Why to Switch to Tubeless Tires IIS.ROVAL Don't settle for less than U. S. fA, K Royal as you switch to tubeless - j tires! Come in right now —find out N lip- how easily you own these great new J ZC" Mfm jjSS||Ptubeless tires. Jglp .JjßßhlP 1. We have them in all sizes—to fit « HP 2. We are paying highest trade-in present tires, ' j old or new. ifi 3. We are offering the easiest ot PERRY’S TIRE SERVICE North Broad Street PHONE 761 EDENTON | W.l I'll link liblo ink .stnius ('rum :i Drill i' |iiiint. |mu I'lin l«‘ ri'iiuiviul hy s|ionir. | itin' Mi; the .'|iiil With cotton which ’ )l;l- I«f«-ll so.'lkcll ill l lltlliiflli IllcUhol.J Biisiivefis "I alWiiys ciii'mii'uffc my hukhnnrl tii lPclim* in tin htisy-chiiii' anti put I hi' I'cct mi tile mantelpiece.” "Why?” "When he (foes to heii there is ; usually some small ehaiijfe left in | the chair.” 1 i Teu’»e T 9»I 1 t the world I I W on the wire J; { Your telephone con bring anyone f in the world right into your home, i Whenever you want to make a local or long distance call— business or social call to your l W&W A grocer, your telephone is at; j ■ your service. Truly you've \ 7 got the world on the wire., Norf. & Car. Tel. & Tel. Co. / ELIZ A BETH CITY EDENTON HEUTFORD MANTEO SUXBITRY MR. FARMER We Are Now Prepared to Serve You With M athieson STANDARD ertilizers I and —— Seeds F r All Crops I r- nrvKßs or - CORN SOY BEANS PEANUTS AM) PRODCOP ❖ _ M. J. Tynch & Co. Phone: Edenton- Rocky Hock 102 PAGE THREE TWO— Wtiilc llif cijfht t" talk mny he the licainninp «>l’ fivciloln, the ne iccssity of listeniair is "hat makes I'the i ittht important. « -Walter l.ippmnnn. TITrTI?IT7LrrCLA^ To Rthtv* { Misery 666: UQUIO OK TABLETS - SAMI FAST KBUCF

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