BECTIONjrwO—] PAGE FOUR Peanut Representatives Seek Increase In Acreage For 1955 — M Likely Thai Domestic Supplies Will Not Satisfy Demands Representatives of tlie Virginia and North Carolina Peanut Grow* , era Association, uloiik with repre sentatives of the shelters of the Vlrginia-Carolina area, appeared before J. K. Thigpen, United States Department of Agriculture, on March 23rd, in mi effort to secure an increase in the 1965 peanut acreage allotment, accordiriK to Joe S. Sugg, executive Secretary, North Carolina I’canut Growers Association, Mr. Sugg pointed out that in view of the short national supplies of peanuts that increased .imports from foreign countries had been authorized recently liy the Presi dent. It now appears that the available domestic supplies, plus the authorized, inere,-ise in imports, will not he enough (it satisfy the domestic needs. This.condition has been brought about, said Sugg, by an increased consurtiption of pen nuts and peanut prothuds within the last few months. He further peinted out that reports from the southeasteni and tlie southwestern peanut produt ing areas of tlie United States, indicated that March 20*h/ Kj^lALO NORMAL WL OILY as SHBh«B 0 * y HA>t ! I L*""” -I «»a>* !• 1 \ \ SERVICE BY THE FOOT —Pedi-cabs, half bicycle-half ricksha, j get servicing at garages such as this in Taipei, Formosa's capital j Popular because less expensive to operate and hire than auto taxis, J they supply^a _necessary portion of the capital"*^transportation^ j Trees Make Money From Poor Land Trees cult make money on land that wouldn't produce any other] '‘money crop". H. D Godfrey of the State ASC Office is stressing the fact that trees van .make money mi land Which now produces. little or noth ing. band that isn’t good enough to grow 'crop's will not grow enough grass to deserve the name of pas- Iture, can glow enough wood each ........... I All Makes... Models... And Colors I TO CHOOSE FROM! | i Kf.IVW.I/l/.r l‘RlClil> £l.,r ItiKMS | j CHAS. H. JENKINS MOTOR C 0„ INC. \ II 105-109. K: Queen Sstfecl Edenton, X. .C, | X ..... .♦.• •. • t f• • * F-y ♦ •iv*.• •* + » —rrer— : war t«» bring ennsidembb* income to tin* owner of the land, accord-* ing to (todfrey. (indfrey cites tin* experience of a farmer who divided bis lnOacre undeveloped woodlut into five-Wi acre units. He harvests tlie wood on one of these units each year' • when there is little other work. His jnilpwood thinnings from old stands for tin- first live years on ouch of the units have brought hint nearly $2,000. Eaeh unit looks like it will bring even more at the end of the second five year term. Not only will these woodlol plantings pay in money, but tiny help in tin* conservation of soil and water, (hi steep or shallow land, they will help slow down the flow of water oil' the land ami lead it ■ into the ground, thus reducing | erosion. The water is available for crop production or becomes a part of tin- underground .supply that maintains tin* flow of streams diir ing dry weather and furnishes wa ter for Wells. It is bceause trees are .• m !i u a\ail il*le t«»; farme'r>j to make ls«• planting • and to « arc for sue'h pi.iiit after tin > aro made... Coi)l.|»lete details ii-botil assistam i' » .mi be obtained 1 root tie County ASC < >ffnv. TRY A liKU \l l» W\M \|) T ' \ 7 1,000-Mile Lubrication! I You’ll enjoy longer “new-car" performance anJ x.ivc money on repairs... it you drive in regularly, every 1000 miles, lor our complete Sinclair Indexed Lubri-< cation Service. Sinclair Dealers follow latest recommendations for all cars. (s{&\ J. c. PARKS j Sinclair Service Station k rih >\ 1 i . 11>1 \m\ I El © Centu r.v ; ; 0«b | Vets* Question Box q I am going to seltuul under the hon an Cl Mill. As a member of (lie orgarii/.ed reserves, I am ■ culled to active training duty for ■brief periods of time. Will my til • allowance stop when I interrupt my schooling' lor training duty? A Your allowance w ill not bo | discontinued, so long as it is the! practice of your school to grant | exemptions for these periods with I out requiring formal interrupt ion of your training. C I rcc«*.ivod an udminist rati\e j • discharge from the armed forces jio give up my enlisted status and) 1 1 >• come an officer. On the basis ol that, discharge, would I lie eligible for Korean <0 hill training? A No. Korean Ol tiaining may 1 ibt' lie taken by persons on artive. di.ri\ . N "ii mil.' t be a Veteran out . r rt' i. r in order t" 1 1 .nil. Explained First Comedian I had the midi cure in tin* aisles last night. * Second Comic Speclcr- Yeah, on their way out. / ;l .'. '' '. * ' ‘^ ' - x\ Hi p fs? \ ?~+.M -&**£*£. irChetk the ' for j Long Lite of Service. *"* Edenton Ice Co., Inc. PHONE 47 EDENTON A iliiNltaml Spared M. *li.-—Do you ti ll your wife pverythinj?? Mr. / -It isn’t lioci'Ms.ii'.v. She known uvcrylhiiiK.