»■ ■’ —■ Youth Award To : Be Given For Kind jt Deed To Animals Nominations Will lit* I {revived Until May 1 • Nal i.'ii.'il honors and a v;iIu;«I»l•' prize arc in ton- lor some hoy or girl who In - |• formed an out -Landing act of kindness to ani* nulls. Tin- hind do* d may ho a rescue, ;i s pee'a I-11 r• i Joi ■ t lor Iho benefit ol animal , or a written work, ac cording to Iho A indriran YYtcrT na* \ Moilh al A debit ion, \\lnch sponsor., the award each year, Vnyono who Know ol‘ a hoy or • •irl not over IS years old who (mitillt tpialilA i invited to suhn\it a nonuria! ion. I)ood> on Itohalf of don - and rati* ha'.o predominated in tJio winning column • nioo start ol’ tlnv award ill I!»I I. ifi.it the i Mininittoo in charge of tho project • in|dia i/.**.< that l>indlioss to 1 1\ <• tjM h and . wil. I’ri'vate pa>-enger ear resigtfa tionk <\< r> <|.-I one million for tho first lime in flic department's his tory and tin State olimhod to lath place innat ion.nl legist in t ion stand i it u Broker. down t lip yea r’s total rep- ; rosoivt - l.ti.’S, |sn passenger oars, ( ■:i:.ta,.‘ta I tint k . and trailers, ‘t0,2211 dealer... JP.L’Da public owned, 7,- Tat) hu < -. ind l .T.'va motorcycles. The ta I o’s fleet of 7,200 School buses i- included in the public ow ned or permanent Tag rlnssifi cat ion. Pr.iv at e vehicle i • -gist ra t ions ill Chowan County vynv o.KDi. 4» fIIWH I MM- 3 : ■**.. I? V^w - X . ■ M FRANKFORT DISTILLERS CO., N. Y. C. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOf. 72hA GRAIN NLUIRAL SITRITS. > \ I f" KWH STRIKES —LESS HOUR* IOST IN 1934 jj INI | (Mil Mntni Utt ThfavfS H dO ’f^'\ ) Imumi) ■ VV .^ i. a a•• ■: 'v 1 *' I l Km .10 S*n»istit» // St ri kos are a eoslly way of soft Ii 1 1 labor-ma nape mop I disputes since they involve a loss of earn | inps to the workers involved, a loss i of ppleirtial profits to their eni-j ployers, and a loss of product ion to | Ihe economy as a whole. .Some j satisfai tion ran lie taken from tliei fact, that in IDal the total mini-, hoi of man days lost Ihrouifh such work stoppages reached its lowest point siiiee World War 11. Ihirinp the entile year ID.hl a total of 22,000,000 man days of idleiK’Ss ri'sulted directly from la I »or- manage men ldispll I e s. Al i though this may scetu a suljstantial! loss, it is actually only two-tenths of one ]»er eent (if the total work ing time of all employers in Airier iean business, It does, not, how ( Ver, take aeeount of cessations of production which orriu as a sia - otidary result of strikes—for e\- ! ample, shutdowns in the plants ofj suppliers or customers of the strik- i ing plant. The record of comparative indus The School Custodian *£ j IK’ K. |. E\ ER. Sanitai i;m Schtml housing has become an i irnpurtant factor and, in fact, any integral part of the child’s cduc;f-|i lion. He live.- in the schtnd build-;I ing for many mouths throughout his youth. A sanitary environment in attractive seli o n I buildings 11 should help cliildn n hecome accus- j tonied to, and perhaps aid them ini developing ideals of sanitary en-L vrronmeiit that Will affect their la-I ter lives. Lecentlv and in some, instances in this Health District at: present-, pupils are assembled in buildings w hich do not provide ex-1 sential environment factors con j duei've to the protection -and preset*- i vat-ion of pupil health and sense of well being. The community or State which, reijiiires the presence of children 'in [ the classroom has the responsibility } of and an obligation to provide a I healthful environment for such I children % • i Schools generally provide for children initial experience in group! living outside the home. To them, the school room is a teaching de vice. Suitable sanitary environ ments' help a child develop ideas, patterns, and habits which will af fect his future living. The attrac-j 1 . t real pr.uc,. in l !»■> I i*« ui 1 . Ii pill ' , . 'combinat ion of Pv < > ill I'airioi (First*, there wa re fewer -trikes in* I ID.M lliMJi m ah\ otlier po.-l wai j year < veep! III C in \Vhirh the ’ uundier was "oiil\ sljehtly lower.’!; 1 1 Second there wa r* . on the a\"t.ige. | • fewer worker- involved in each |st rike than in the. ehrlie'r yeai Filially. the I I 1 1 ikes we.r« <>r j comparali\e|\ s’liott duration a\ eragin.u only 11.7 days lost peej worker involved. Tim peak year for work fop | pages were IP Hi and ll' i'.f hi both yea rs the totals vy.eiv w ojlcii l»y j J projongeil strikes in ’basic indii: | j | ries. I|> cmiii cast. most of i In- j .--t rikes m I !>•» I v. ei e l | good one. This suggests that pie , II a ho. r part isaiishi|i by the gov.'in |mcnt forme fits nunc* disputes than] it spT.Yes. | five, sanitary school room-can help j create an orivii onuierd which a : [child Will Jong H Mirmbfi. .1 , 1 pleasant school home. School building ..mi lib ip 11, j volves various custodial pndvlem - ; dil'ferefit from 1 hose in m<» * l.»iiild i iugs. Tli- «•' < upaticv to ..I pfb ii ! higli. These «M-cupa|it arc. m tn;n \ jea . y• at« ioltcn cairele.NS m habits and in.;. K TenMiTes kWARMINGTI t CALL j THE ORKIN MAN E. FREE INSPECTION jJ Call Elizabeth City 6783 Coll. I I I C T TOWAN T T 7 EEA T T) ETJEVTOV VOP.TH CAEOLTN T A. THURSDAY. l lie pl'olie I" plead IllU'i and W a t.e throughout I lie Ini ildi n At liim . | these yoiingstei oin 1 1 1 j iToh va l ions hpiiie.,. ina V l-e cll lea ar. icr. or potential vid i in- ol • hi.l.dh««"d di. ea e Ch anlitM i 1 I • 1 »i in i|ie • onli"| .t - i C i«,( dol • oil Juunit able di. * a«• lit • I mol It; i the re oo 11 .• iI» 1 1 1 1 , tie ■ chool cu-.lodian lit i irrv "lit a at ( i. f.e Ini \ anitat i.m pro" »mi in tin 1 ■ clhm'l pt i lit. I lie 1 ■*' • 1 ' I *aiic\ |»>ad of .e\« 1a I I* VIII d!* i| pupil pel* « ln>o| i: I'igln t Iba n lor ot her 1v pc ol custodial empe •> • > Snell cj'v 11 e < ,i|'e fin air rict i\«■ yoirl h who prol.ahlv will ie(pnre moie t lenfion thanwould adu.lt . Anolh t r importaid f a t«»r in rustodiiil loading is that ih . in.tjiv of tin mall school Imiih I in'g lie is ; tin*, only co todial oiiiployet and. a i. m li. In- ni iy hn Vi? 1•• he r« in»ii .ihle • fi"• I ii i-. in y ;11•,i i c , 11 < •Ii a , i (teating, cariu", so? Ip plumhing, j‘ floor I 11 land, '.aiiif :U ion. fn oV:i-« eoiiim.uii.i I||.. hr ■I n It. ill ■ iHi.i ' . I Kit’. I hi' hnildiii" ix foi- clmm I- ej»t i; and remains in tic • ■ eniie 'ii.d il every | body- el St i. ad tin 1 1. ehnol* ph'lld I: iinilMtioii op. MILLION? J Aii Army sergcai'! ..t.a.Mi.- to in ileril .el.dse to. million oollir.s ll he gives ,uj.». hi Anc • riea ii. citizen \\ ' Lead i lvis; Ulilis.U 1 i .-• ! i i • "i. • foi renia inin; - »l tl jCfiited St at n V]- i lOt ij iSSUe of Till: \ML!’’ S \ V\ LI Ivl 7 i Magazine in < 010 < vote " till The li.VLTI dOHi: SI \|) \\ \ J KIMi v \ Older I * <*lll \ i n I.m al Sew Put yoursell /?= «’\ in / S~] #** \ -IAI i / j / -W • ipp 7 I / (>"' X this jj i \ ft: I I\ L J motoramic Chevrolet \i*ai» in 1954 - lor Ilu- l () tli ~l l . ll u 1 1 1 vran MORI IIHI'I.K IKH’GHT CHEVROEETS THAN ANY OTHER ('AH’ m B. B. H. Motor Company, Inc. “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER” N. Broad and Oakum Streets Kdenton, N. C, » S TV. 11 ’ 4 geal. We must conform to the j progress of sanitation which is so meessury in a modern school sys l< in, and W(* must hold the gains already made as we plan lulu re • o||<|Ue,tS. LKOSLLt I IVL At KL VLL LOU SOV UFA NS IS l!N( li\N(.ll> ! The IT*.I prospective acreage for | i .nybonus grown along l'«>r all pur pose.* in North ('arolina is 111,000 • l aere . according to reports released i| by the North Carolina Crop lie y porting Service. If this acreage i i reali/.ed it will he the sanip ns wa.- ' planted m Itifi I, hut 12 per cent I'shove the 1 0 yea r (1011 fid) aver . | age plantings of .'WO,OOO acres I im i:m ions snow v, iikiii' l\ r I.IJK-CrKKl> ACKK.Af.i'i | Kepprts- received through a »e ' cent, sample .-iir\«• y ol' toliaceo pro oncer, indicate that had,ooo am „ . .T W . y yw (GULF) Atitomaiic Delivery ?-res rffr-. (’OAS’IhAM) OIL H). miAM'MN liiom: tioo iiummn \. <. ™** < histrihntfu- ot heating oil 01 LI oil I'UOIM * IS el Ihe line fill *- d croft vvdlltr plaid rt| in Norlli i arolina in !!» •.• .\ n , > acreage this . i/e vvoiild he imarFv per cepl ana.llei than the 080. 000 acn- • ha iv < t• * I l/ l vea i ilid 1 lie.i rly < pel I eld mallei I hall tie |lO ! | :i vi I I OOP,lion am* The iiidi« ate‘l deci« <<■ in the IP.. < i acri age eh• • i paialh l 1 lie i;ut m 1 allot thfiil t hie Niileil IV , ■ I "| unilei laud v o*i lia • a very j ecoiifilnical w ile." •(pi i \\ * ha (i to g(i w;ii liont praett*-ally t v < i ytiimg; I iiei d.” “King of Swine” use OIC Boars, for (piict,es| {(ippnrH . ... 1)1 1' 1 /'■//’ J V/" f)/(/ MLIiliV II 111 , VC. Minton’s OK ’ f aun COLONIAL UIiKK/Kli LOCKER " Ol’ KDMNTON A NNttl N< K I 111 ttei' VlNfi fil l 111 111 Slaughter House IOK M 1.1.1 NI. \NI» IIIIKSSINC MOOS AND CATTLL J'ho iii I'.ili iiloii l»i.S /'<»;• /■ hi tlii i I iijoi million 808 POOLE, popular radio star ol WBIG says, "My wife has always used light Karo for cooking , and on the table — it's dark Karo for me, the best-tasting y, eating syrup of ’em all" fy.*.. jy| >■■<•». in.l>•<- ilk/- tint rakes when >•><> I>.>nr on jile.nl(iellri.o!' (lark Karo... (heri's nothing like ti h»r -■ikhl i ai Satis- AN in'.llavnr- So rirh.lV n indn l ijjliL Ml> tilt top I j . oi hi" nil In ■p.. 'i’ll’ in.l I and llnlly). Keep Kani <'ii \ at .1 !• noniinij;, noun and night Ask your grocer for DARK Karo in r.'r;} and quart bottles j . - •'. . /■ ;;..■:. / - ■■-._■:• ;.- A demonstration drive, can help you I-/ one of 102 new f{ ( I IKY ROM 71 s plus a " 1,000 U. S. Savings Bond in our big VI I RAC l A <3 MI RK ( I ()NTKSr ~. and you’ll have the driving time of your life! .-.■■■ ■ ' '' : .'. .‘ ■’ ■ •• ■ ...'■’ •" . • ’■••>'.•' .■ • .•' ; ..,-.. ;4 ;••• ,: ’ ;•••■ ;'■ i. '••'•• ■•' ./' V- ■• ..> •; ; ■,’ ■’.: ’• ’.; \" ' - ■•/■’.'••'. ■••■' :' V .:•• :' ..' . . It • Well wot 111 VOW w llilc til COMIC ill .Mill chive the Motoi'iiinic' Chcviolet iiisl loi ilic Ihii ol it; . And when you do, you'll make discoveries that : ian help you he ;i winner in mil' Miracle Mile < oiliest. lor example, 'you'll uolieo how t hex ! lolei ' new Outrigger- rear springs bring you wonderful new stability on curves. > mill see how new .Glide Ride front su pen sion mils the humps smooth. And sou'll tingle to the peppery response you get w hen your toe nudges the accelerator. You'll liud this (rue ; whether you drive the new I (Clip "lurho- I ire VS” (with the shortest stroke in its field for longer life!), or one of the two new "Itlue I lame" (is (highest powered sixes in the low price field!). Come in and have the driving lime of your life al Ihc wheel of :i new Chevrolet! I liter, our lug Miracle Mile Contest, without cml oi obli gation, and you may win one ofVIO2 new < hcv j rolels given away. It’s easy it’s fun! MI'AI.ING THi; nil MM It lIIOM TIIE HK.Ii I’KICI n t AHS! /4Tr|^Tiy i PAGE FIVE SECTION TWO—: