Accidents On Farm And In Home Reach High Mark In 1954 2,45)2 Victims of All Types Accidents During Year North Carolin.i’s homo and farm) acrid**lit death toll mounted to a now high of 795 during the yoai j 1954, it is revealed !»v the* Accident'j Prevention Section of the North i Carolina State Hoard of Health, Aeeording to official death red ords on file with the'state health agency; all types: of accidciits yost the lives of 2,492 North Carolinians j in 1954 compared with a total of I 2,145 for 1952. In 195.1 motor ve hicle liccjdent deaths|iper. Charted M. <'.amet;p.n, .1 1 .. Ac ri*l**nt; epidemiologist with the , Slate lionrd oi' llealth, attrihuted over one-half, of the lota! increase:. ' -■ • - .--I in accident fh*aths to an increased of acrid* ? ' pCcuri tig the hotpe and On the fat rn. |, “ I lome and l .iriii- m < id.-a' . took-:- 729 lives in 195:5 .ml m 19.• I this; figure inei« .i>« d {«• 79'..“ hi ('ain eron said. "•rtlTi.-ial r'i«n«U show that One .*iit of i \ei \ ih • ■ •.»*• i'hd- n causing mmv d» at!e. tlr.U* ! I • - ne\‘i five leading causes o| deal h. iin'lud in** - motor whirl, t, nt “Aecidt lit nr Ih. (loin, m<• o'' :m portance to ! ill . . d rn Ml.- . !;i t, also.” the ptih)i«* health nl'V-i. inn . said. >|| . .•; 11 of - ability among In* senior citi/.eiis in opt "| al l • '*,. Hoard -if l|. ait!' ( s.t .a •, .. show, that iii i!>s;i 11)« 11* weia inUiimtih ot '■ >. .on j n * h<- home V h •’••!• la u! t d r r. MU•*M r: rA ,1 ini '- • M •• 1 1' • v V. point. .! •.; r * ay. 'll -a ty of - . :» •Os f" - i ot. ' *! • 'mat ..1 2.1 KM a 1 -Mm, d* •<■ e ; I - aCiiCvh.. ■ fill -11..,f-1 .ri • ■ ' \■- • 1 h c id i nr.’s tmtio! i; ,•• itUm.M ' • 'Vi Dr ' m* i n Stat Wide •! y !C ; '*!• S are e-\c,-|j»mt. In if Nm ' h C.a i.adina’s comr a • rmi -t !•'»«• gift \ a. :t\e .* • di» <■'•! ,'puhi :• ,1 tcr.n ..a til.- in • d less d. ath'. d -ami !m -. atul eco nomic |op. salt ■ 2 tsp, sage " 2 thsp.i-fhopped celet y 2 tsp. chopped pa r-ley ditsh of pepper; 9 t hsp. Inittet or* martra i ine 2 th.-p. chopped onion 1 slice Veal 1 1 inch thick. ; 1 1 , IDs. i'll weight 1 cup hot 'water ('•nhhine fir-: •» ingredients. Molt t tahlesi hs hut let ; 't skill* t. Add | . nion: ydok until tender? Stir in j. eriimh mixture; h*‘ai. Sfiir**ad this . ini\Jure oil \a*al, .redl up Veal tight ; iy. and: tie'w ith se i:o|o. ; ! Add water.' coyer, bake 1 hour at I [259 deg.. May bo s.-i v.a.l hot. or ,i for , 1 . as> -being, refrigerate .-overall ' hours a riel serve cohl. N.itn- Si ul fed NN itli Sausage Cl nil .hum sive. t poi-:ito« - t\ a ne. I l 1 . cup meltod btiflor ni L nr. i a a i i tie 2 •'! t'o .1 , up t"p imlk mi ci c i m } Salt and |topper t" la-l«- j C. -m ill link s.nj-. g« - ; VV 5 rid ifry yam Place on b ikih* t and b.ik, m mod.uatel b.v.m. deg. for about ! hour of I until i]>u:< K.-mova frorn o\Vn ar.d j ; ohice mi . , .ding l ack*. Cot . e:i« h | i yarn in has). Scop mit pulp, cere .if iijly •mo c| \ nr.* -hods, mash pulp; ; in! add opt ter- p I! LM r 111- M A | wi lb-. at|d croam a< tu - ■{. d i If yam ato ,\ e. \ drv. tin frill, ojo'iiul w ill Vbo S r.ast*- With.i • 1 • i nil: -pepPel : \ '•••.t»wn au-:iao-. (’hooj I .-au.-n-gv's in uinf«»rr*i tM«*cesi ar •: half of the -an l ur■ . Hit') til** pulp . l 'tlc V-aip-J ;ni\tii.r«* Ir;Ktly into -lulls. md j • plaV-e ,*n hakiitg. s - -li.-ot, K iko .m i uodei;r:«l»* •r'yeh 250 ((eg. ab«mt 2"! ovnull s fi*|i v. 'Vli r. tna m.ipg. -aM •! o , im.i. i br .u!or f* . . 0.. ar- m■- « . • h\\•'h p. • h:\. Haked ''!ull«a! I gJpI.JMI 2 .a a ah.: : ( -:o. 7 • » ! CUP ' l l , • , fill'*.-. ' it t b-p . ’•ui.ato ea t -up sa.l: and aepp. • i . • ; . •■ •. • •" thwise. • !. ;i,.w p;.t it la, m a ’ 250 •o!. t .u 1 1. a av- or 1 1 ri 1 1 • ' tut,!*. K' f'io' from -op . *,d -« •*•*!• i i on* • M;\ p a'p w til: 1 • ilhei mi-i. ib-i-- and t ill, -hell - with mixtur* Replace ui ov**n at • 250 deg. for 50 minutes. THE CHOWAN HERALD. F DENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MARCH 2J. It*ss. IliH L1 *>■ 1L ■ E t'fViB&BB " I IJ7 | RATFSHR 100,000 POPDIAriON 1 | rir.URfS fstiWAffP' \ INFECTIVE ANO PARASITIC DISf AM 2 ! \ „ ! \ - \ Nl - J • "!■■■') I » ;*uO GIVE TO THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY U ' u-umiVVWUVTjxrL _n-r-ru-u- Pe;mut Bread Stuffing 2 2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup chopped' onion 1 cup chopped celery I 2 cpiarts soft hrt*:i*l crumbs 1 cup chopped salted peanuts 1 • tsp. salt 1 _• clip turkey or chicken broth Melt butter in skillet: add onion and celery and saute’ until teiidci Mix vsitli other ingredients. N" Id cups I’eatiut Dread Stuffing. Camellias Require (u eat Deal Os ( are During the last f> you’ll (eel. And there’s no better time than right now for you and the whole family to come look things oy er- because w e’rc holding a Spring Fashion Festival to display the stunning new buieks in gay new colors rich in Springtime freshness. A oil’ll Sec these sleek beauties dressed in new greens, new blues —in other strikingly vivid colors -and in ultra-smart two-tone and tri-tone combinations. CWM What’s more, these gay ney\ lutes are avail ~ QCJIA 0,1 *‘ n<> "* Ibiicks Sedans,j \ r iht otf r ! CO6«A ; tkflt ofj ( % Thiill of the year is ®uick. MILTON (ERIE STARS FOR IUICK J ' \ srr th* Buick-lUrl* Show All«Miot« Ibiisday Evening* WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Bl “ CHAS. H. JENKINS MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Phone 147 East Queen Street Edentor* N. C. ties; that is. how well they will wit list and eofil temper a tuiA's. This has been a g ! w inter t** find out about th, hai«jin* -s of different va- Vieties West of l lillt ( ; reeltsbnro t«> 11'hariott*» only the hardiest vari* - ti*- -hould be tn*d arid even they may need protection. There an* va net ic- that bloom ill the fall, -omc that Moo pi m the winter and iotIJ eI - that lumoMl 111 tile -plillg. I"i til, east central section of the j stale, the varieties that bloom in the fall atul -prrnc should be most 1 salisTae.torv. alt hough n mild w in- I *. . , . . jte r- the'Winter Pioornmg varieti-- . may produce fin*- flo'Wer-. In tli • coa-tal plain many «*f the w int* i : blooming and nior, t, nd pte- ' | maturely after severe w eather even (if the plant itself shows ho injury, j j Soils for ramllias should he WrlF ' ilia in* *1 an*l a*‘i«l rn reaction. A \ // // / 'rfn. ’ // J, / MATHIESOH / IRRIGATION : / / SYS^ M /'/ . j Engineered to your individual requirements and featuring the uniaue Mathieson positive lock coupler. For Ciiniftjitr Information I'llONi: 705 . . . KPKXTOX. XC. !j | H ( HAS. H. WOOD, JR. MATHIESOH— Convertibles, (.state Wagons, Rivieras „iul the newest of the new cars, the long• awoiteil 4-l)oor Riviera. best of all is the sheer thrill that’s yours when you take to the road in any one of these ’55 buieks-for here is yvalloping new VS power— and here is the spectacular performance of Variable Pitch I )ynaflovv, * which is very definitely the “must try” thrill of the year. So—come he our guest —at our Spring Fashion Festival - and at the wheel of the “hottest” bttick in history. T/ti n.i\luu /Jr// r t, \lin./.ii.t <-'i Kh.iiJin.ntit at t'otta ,«tit um I * iriiotl il mriv («> I>|,ill l>v mi\iiig > , I ( • < phi li t iiijl*' ramellius they should lie set ;it the sattle depth or even • sliahtly sludlower than 'hey were 1 (orittitiully. then thoroughly water- i I’d, and mulrhed with tltrei*. inches jof pine needles. For more eOtti- Iplete informution. write the Kx ! tension Cnrdeti Specialist. Depart ment of Horticulture, N, C State ('olletfe, llaleiuh, N. All who would win joy must share it; happiness was horn a twin. —1,0r,1 Hymn, »VWWVWWW«/^/V>/VWWXAA Notice Os New Registration For Municipal Election TOWN OF EDENTON Notice is hi'.rchy f'ivcn that a m-w rr«ist rat ion of all voters desiring to vote in municipal fleet ions lielil in tlie Town of Kdenton has been ordered l>y the hoard ol ( ttun cilmen under the authority of the (ieneral Statutes. Section 100-.14. In order to l>c elinihle to vote in the municipal election to he held on the 3rd day of May. I'hSa. all .|iiali- lied electors residing within the I own of hdcr.lon are re elin’red to register in the new registration hook- oi the Town of Kdenton. Notice is further »iven that the registration hooks shall he opened for registration on the f) th day of Aptil. 1055 and closed at sunset on the 23rd day of April. latch day except Sunday il.uring the registration period the registration hooks shall remain open lor registration until sunset at the home ol the registrar and eat It Saturday dm ini, registration the hook- shall he open Irom ‘hOO V ■ to sunset at the pollitig plane. Saturday, the 23rd day of April. 1 (| 55. i- hereby, de.-if* nated as ehalletit'e day. Notice is further fjiven that the pollimj shall he as follow.- and that the followini' are hereby appointed Registrars and (tidges for ilte k.let lion to he held the aid day of May. 1055’ MKS I WARM: That, portion of -aid Idwiv homul cd on the north hy the center line ol ( hnr. It Street, oh the past by the eenler line ol broad Street, and south and west hv the miter boundaries of tile town. Registrar. Mrs. Sadie Hoskins. 510 South .Mosley Street, judges of Kleetion, J. Frank White. Si ~ and CO, l.eteher. Polling I’laee. .Municipal Rtiililing. SIvCOND W ARM: That portion of [lie -aid town hounded on the north by site center line oi ( atieivt Street, east and south hv the outer boundaries enter line of broad Street and broad Street extended, south by the center line of Carteret Street, and north and east by the outer houndarit— of the town. Registrar. Mr-. W W Porter, ops Xotih broad Street, bulges of Flection. W I . I atigdale and Mrs James F ( o/./eti- Polling I ’la e. Nat ional ( ittatd \t nioi von \oi tli bloail Sheet. LKKOY 11. lIASKKTT Mayor ATTEST: Ernest -J. Ward, Jr. Clerk frW Private Stock , Straight BOURBON B ! Whiskey 5 YEARS OLD JK3I * $065 ' ■ CJ4/SQT. G(W j ; ' SO3O P c r ; vd !7 J l i pint Stock *»«* BOURBON i«w> \ ■ t©t • 90 PROOF . A WOlilS. HO., PEORIA, 111. I - - PAGE SIX STATION’ TWO- |, as t year atmut T.X.tIOO Ameri >’aus • w’*Ht‘ sttvert Irom ,tying ol ettncpr. Tltis figure emit,l Imv, lieeit ,lout,lP,l if every ease lltul |,celt |>ro|ierlv treuteil in time, lit,' Amerietin Oaneer Society says.