SECTION T w O—l WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY ] This is tin* eleventh of a series of weekly summaries prepared by (he legislative stafl of the Institute of Government on tin* work of the North Carolina General Assembly of UI.VY. Ii is confined to discussions of matters of general interest and major importance. Spring arrived tin. week, a.iid talk of adjournment v\-1 - heard ir the House. I ,eg idit 'n s1 In hot .rri ously ronlcmplatr getting away front Raleigh for >r\ <1 a I more weeks at he . t. hut v\ : t h.'enrou 1;: Ig ing reventn* t-sl imjites. and an \n propria firms -aibcommif tee hard at work, then* is rnnm I'm outimi-m A party given on Tuesday by la five employer* -> for mein *er of llje General A- embly was tin- ,0 rial event of tIn■ I' 1 t event were recalled I»y e\ f.ral jn1 1:«»/111 *■ linns thi , wed, V hill t.o l<- ,r ali/« cap pistol can . 'he;t»* 1.1 ih'vn a proviovivS hgi -lafun- a. ~ foot m the ilnor attempt' t«» hr-ea k •It»w i. the f j row nrk . ha 1. a*d t lie S«*n . ate. Refusal of.the Ikiukmg < oin mission to cliarim- new ha nks iii eertclin in hf ju a House 101 l \\ liirdv \yonld |ihera!t'/» the la ws dll ut t ing up no w a .i.v and ehaiice; tin* eomjtosifi»*.n of Hu Ha id \iilg. fhmimis.sTnnV \ hill to. re duce hurley t-obac-co .\v ;i relimixe charges, recalls the' J:953 attemi.if to. joAv cr l>rigit.r loaf \Vcirchouse a’o'mniissions. l a yes The big ;VioWS of’ dc- week \\:iv good m*w h M .t i< to rs an'd to hard pres ><*d lug I ’ ■ mates of . io \ eiiiie • ; - for .. t i.iU . f i -cal year ahd tin* lb.. > biennium were hm>Sie<J almost • T.'sing this est ifnato. Tegisdat* w eoulcl reduce new s'•2 million to s.*»7 n IJ on! (hi Fri day afternoon, at a .special meet iliEf of the Fin. U-icy GapunittecS. Rep. Rodman :iml S" Wombm* presented ■ < ! 1 f of' 17 ; o w hich . would hying in. ai t <1 Siilfh 18,000 next bienii iu in . < Puit to, i ;>ni > > >1 iis list wen*\ th a lid soft drink. ’ - *■ •: •- ' by the Governor rul.tii.-- .Yd vi 1 ■'•!*•••-•- ■ M • urged ■ • s check with - the over tho Week c;.-l leady to., do,.id (M i'. Rml \vai;d May 1 das th. bate of sine die adjournment.."l Th-* .full': |i<f with estimated now r- vema-s from each for the biminiiini, fol lows: .(I ). . rowritc .4'c[.-s . , i;d. u>. tax art iclos jo larify tion ;ind <h let ■ • and jnerprd i- s ( ><; ooo,oon ) ; (2 ). |v tain present S If* -,T?-.>b- -,K; ■ d.i-pen -or ta x ( >2du.plMl) , >•", 1•.. turro,a.>o roitin.i !.-,pn'n t‘< , . • <>»',. . . . I'ii.j.fd'i.c and ,11” ( : >'J!•*)’! •■; .i j : co-.p era fi\ o asso : ; 1 ' ore Pi oiioso»I l|v Sit 2'15 f ->2t" 1000. nual I icon . 1 •)!,. '• n •• i 1:• -• ■ ;::ont> frrnn ' ' • o', - S2f>o,(jh()) . - (h) ,fi\ rat, o;- ! . Isd w.mi,-s' : a'f SOo per a- '. 1 a snp.tMMi j . ,T < n eroa>o liduor ta\ .’Von s'. • , ro ll'd I s.'l.noipoi 11, , (s j ,S nninat* Hoot ow m i :IOA : 1 (n. .i _ s.!M-)ti.(lO()): (tl.) ' riorc. oil - doc most io ins.urain , eon'panics r.nn.nnni. gle artielo limit at io?: • >2;ontM.M)t).); (II ) levy 2' - grosfro ipts hotels and U 1 s2.nud.niMi»; (12) roduoc I|t »n n (ddr. \ <>— hides to is, no ex< mptiims ($1,000,000) ; i 1.: > -yy ; ,■, gro,-.. adverts ng -of papers,; radio, .and P-i, \ ision sta tions (>$2,000,000.).; a ' la , iiuiina tc sales tax ex.tPnpt ahi <m tunaliiig mat orial> (.$(1,0.0.0,0001. ( fa) . - peal present small sales tax or 1 manti NOW! an EXIDE \ AS LOW AS frfglpl $10.95 I I with ion; oi.o itMTKKv: I A r«-:iI i:\icli- tlmxtsih r <>ul. Famous Fxid<* st.irUiiK |iower mill i i|i|:ility features at new, I r-i Virvr 1 • low pi-ires! Fully the LAIUL Guaranteed: STARTEX GENE PERRY’S Texaco Service PHONE 444 X. Broad Street EDENTON when it’s an Exide you start PAGE EIGHT lalturing machinery and f.arm eqili}Unont, and levy ,'t 'r sales tax cm parts and accessories ($4,000,- (M)0); (It!) levy I'd sales tax mi jterlili/ei, >er»ds, feeds, and inscCti* 'rules (*1,000,600); and (17) levy of I’t tax on real estate trans fer. I $1,000,000 ). Kdncatimi One of the most important hills I ~| tin . General A -cnihly wip* pas*-. c cal in the Semite on Thursday and sent to the House, where it was v immediately placed on thy calendar. Thi hill would place* in t ln* hands lof city and cam fit y hoards of cdu . j eat hm fulf responsibilit y and nil- , t it ln» city over enrollment and assign merit of. eliilcij'c*ii in public* schools | hiid on -cl).h,| tuisc's. The omnibus ; f c'diic.jt ifiii hill, w hich appoints edu-, c*nti«.m hoard niembc'ris for 01 epulis 1 pa -• d t In* IToiise; Tin* Him •' i I.K;ducaficui commit frepor ted fa\ 1 jorahly a eoinniit fc»e suhst ituta* f°r J [the hill croating a State HoarcJ »>fj| [ Higher l ahjcat ion. In aciditjon to | . ]minor changes in tile .original hill, 1 |t he vijhsf itnte pro\ ic|es ( hat t In- I Thy r<i 11, ghe'r Kilucat i<‘b 'Vill die i |*sJ:«*d with all higher cducatforr 1 i j new er ancl funct ions now in tin* 1 [State Hoard of Ivcjiicatien, eyeepf 1 : for- necessary collaboration between^ • I tin* State of Kducation and! I j m fit ut-ioii s of highc'r cduea t ion in | r •j t eaelu*»- training and ••ei*( ifieat ioii. i ' Motor Vehicles y ! J lle , Mouse cm Tuesday- debated, H amended, aml then defeated the'* , antj-vv hammy hill by a 71 to 2f> i 1 viife. Also killed ''during tin*, week II w ere bills to give legislators spe- * h< hr! iiyerfsc plat<--; -to provide fcir; I different ’coi-or<-d dri vers' licenses j' 1 to indicate driving recevrds: to niako nol'o conic tidere pleas *afi,n\a <■ .lent, to r»!• i - (>:' guilt> for license* 1 siisjiensioii fmrposes: :in<l to csfah.; 1 ■i.lisb Rfe'Siiniplicfhs of .<ol»fic'.ty andl | intoxication ha sect on chemical . j f.ests, , A new Se na t)* Ic l I w 011 M j ■ 1 a is* ■ the per-onal 1 nju vy Hmif> u.n- : - j de>\ tip- required financial respoii- 1 ■ • >■ eixigc* from $•»,!>()() and { S lii.OUM to Sin.tKMP ;ii)d *20.6(10. < If a> |«iw , (’!,i.ldren and marj h*<l women, ' 1 j- f a vori-(e "jihiccts of h*gisla.fif »n, n*- : •ived • erif)sid‘«*.» ; -a'h.h'- attention this 1 ' : ' •cl •. : ' n i tint ( I h<*n- 1 -j . um'ipr* >1 SOS -. hv. requiring that ' ;j ‘ •' y •; <i •- g.r ven'-(hwocify dll eoii'H' floe-' ' * • Vnp w nil (I -1 hang;-. *.! e (jivorc. sfa-I.Utds t-* pro- j' 1- cli* that a prior alimony award 1 - will terminate if the wife ! • qvuaitly receives an absolute* divorce ' •’•n any grounds other than the 1 j’duitery c»f- the* husband. A hill * - nroviding that an alimony judg-M - ! ’.nerrt calling for future* installments | : : <a> opposed to a. lump sum pay : :•?-•-? 11 ) doi-s not create . a lien ' • jagaihst the; ihushatuTs realt v upon 1 •, '!•••■-. e;t inn .was clefcated in tin* ' - ; Mouse.*, as was .1 measure aiithori/.-i jiugyt St i f.e Uoa fd of Huhltc Web i ‘ • ’, re -1 <> ! ic.-ri>e day .••cap* facilities ■roval ag custodi..i j i- a r<* for chil- ‘ . -ir- • A hew hill would allow; the • nda 1 a :n a ha-tardy action toi - appeal an iiclvcrse detei minat ion of'.; , , a.-itcrni? v even though he was ;ir- j j quit ted of non-support . neons ! ! Again - this -c>.sion, a hill pr*»- - j.M.cses a preferential presidential' - primary, the results to. be adyisory ; only, I'atiici than htiiclirig chi con 1’ \*'.niirm deb : g;.ites. And that long ; -landing fight. Senate and Mouse . j-eapport ionnvent, was in the iicw s - again. hirst,, tin* Scmatc* C'omniis t >in 11 made it - report, rc*c*ommenc|in.g - more study and no action at this - time. N’e\t came a hill \vhieh • 1 Would -es up a !»-member c'.oinmis > j sinn Ito re port in 1 !♦•"»?) to study I\ he f*»)t ir**. theory of liifani(*ral rc*p - resent at i«> 11 ami the possibility of Wl. I ——" automatio reapporf ipiimcnt t*\ a non-lcgislativ** jig»*ney. A hill to s*»t up a HKSO deadline* on tin* ch an up of the Haw River, deserihed by Senator Scott of Alamance as an open sewer, has been received in the' House* following its passage in tile Senate. file l»il| re sash inning the Kastern and Western .judicial divisions into four new rii-vi ion was ratified this week. Two-thinl retiremont pay foi superi«»r court, solicitors was reported unfavoi a |*l y in Mm Senate. (The* solicitor r* main under the Teachers and Slat* 1 hanployccs Retiroriient System.) With the need for Special judge h* sen eel by the increase in t he* nll n I bc*r of judicial districts and r<*!*,u lar iue!gc*s, identical hills introduced i in the and Senate would r* due** tin* autliori/.caL riuniher of spe ; wi ll jiiclges from twelve to -four..-.; [ A ruiifi'ivi-’X ivpnrxuri tlir nvilk Ipi.ll j I (siibsta ntially ajiprov passed by t:hc* I louse') W 1 . q{o - < jby the Senate ITiiirsda>. J Weekly Devotional! Column i By JAMBS VIa.HKNZIi: j Whih* w alki|ig ' lu’oilg.h l’« ” 1 • Circle tile 1 cdllcM clay I mp ccd x\ * ti* interest that S!-v**!al hi a i|e of grass had actually managed to pokey their way up. flirough (lie ,-i i*!A:tlf pav iuucnt. At fir-t i.f occiirrc*d |.i.»; me* that here is a reinarkaht«* dem oust i*a tin it of tip’ 4 Tori, givam will t'o'.< I i vc, :1m I. ** f the (Vo nst r i ivf >tia i■ • :*|i * j for existence., which iy-' .>•> ■niuch : ;a, pa r| of all . life. I l<v\V inig.lit v i- , man., with domiuiu.n o.v-i*r.- all ' Hm-i' • •ai'.t.h;. hut pnvv < 'less :** c**mj.ue:'i few hi ii Jo si of gr*, We M.I • ill sorts «>f machine! v •-v - -.r flia* grays, ppiireil. liot as'pb;iit upon a , and packed the asphalt dmv'u.. •• \ . I with an Inst • known \ t (. •!. ; tha> gras- - j'-irid- piistuyl.- ‘hrougn ih.e '. a -phah in a I if* br-d* . jto find the sun • ah<l : now ..g.»>»’vv- - ’.la• ] j «• r-is<. t-i ill m i *li;» iff and i e,\ : uc: h.j» : in j I the st rec»t>Of IPlenJon ! Then then* came to '■ ' ' ■ ord i of .Tesns wit h rrfr rence c). . Illy f ; t 'riiei fix ion find IH-su nrct i-m "1- v j ; cel • :'i c.s»rn. <> f vv h••a t- . f:i M.f- <►; !h * • • r r"urul an.d <li«* it abalefh a-- but if it «lie. if. Os uge*b; forth .r? aich fryfit" (Joh? 12:24 ) l> a beautiful. 111 ust,' - •• !.’• > -,- urrcict 'On ? 1 )11, a; vain ■ • p]ac<* the .dead Ivody of-' ; > • Our iii the .tomb; in vaP; did ’ " -cal the. enfrauc 1 *, and i-tr •. air: •. P they set a' wa tc h . f >i* I n'an. 'v,- j * yen y**t cxinnht am prison • >!?■':•! hlad** r»f grass. eX]>rvt s<* t» coiPa f: flio eternal Son of Com I’! \Ver»> : death and hell actually deem . * ■! in to thinking thev had g:cinc*d tli«* yir tori' over Him who is the R«*sui’rec tion and the* lase ? And wive? c. get right <|own t*>.. it . doe-; Sa ’a n. who has power only to k any re a sou to h'*pe for victory- -wef , (»<*d who has povv* r fn g • 1 : ' to the>-*- w !'*, a;v * lcxid ? It takes n<» great' 11 ' ; death , out .of life.. Man ra- k'.i! vvit hout g r* a t .* • f fn y f . a f:< 1 it -w.. man who put. th.- Saviour i«> 'deaf h. 1 Kerituckw Spuunht 'Bowdfon, llj~j$&jl s 2?.° mi ,4E /&&**?// QEO. A. DICKEL DISTILLING COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY . 86 PROOF THE CHOV'AV HEEALT), yo?l' nrT CAROLIVA. TVER?EAT. MARCH 21, 1055. Hi. ' a: A i cop’ll ('lmrcli in llurham. N 11. which won I for its architec t a;. I pri/c in the award** armuallv conferred by the j iat( rcieja aon.ila:*ri.• I ( liuic h Architeetiiral (niild of America I ill t ( »p! V ( , .'** TCM * •!> ,1* Pi ;• \v- 1 . *l** .1 it eV‘| to . ‘ I1 ■ Sc*n id (Om| " dll pipycr- h\' II mr* * IJ» * * hr*»n .-.ii;* o-.ii .the. >!> a-.;I 'i H* *uia U.s., I.: I). y for 11 in) . Ip- i 11* - i--'u the >.fii's ; f p-l'.ice ? • Thy a n lie i.-vo.n. -c *-i.i(-. .I i lif*-*;i ha!.. iuan i liow 11 Ays. pi-.■ -• !'!*>ti. ss. n.p:. I.d'.d .'ii irt o'. ( -i> •< I • i..M.i t' 'iift•• ■u ii {i i.' S; i t.a r.l'. ■ In , of « iod h*'“ jiiu.-t (jav .ap(.l' : iu*.-horn J a.!T;o'\ vc Trga'fu ;■ -l.e •ky-f ;«l-.i* * t*» ' | ;ir id • 1 tea•('•(ii.i, a I ilv-y t;. iri'j U'tMf Ru t . i CAN LIGHTNING STRIKE YOUR LIFE SAVINGS? its , ' 1 1’ ~,•'■•• ,V I i •■; 11, i m ill ..e - . .r. -« TELEVISION REPAIR AND SERVICE 1 Also All Kinds of Appliances jK |By A. W. Wright I | HI W)\ MM,I K\ I l.s |l [ \( I (»HV (,l \R.\X l i-a.l) I’ARTs, 1 1 CALL 51a |ij i;; . .. |j Kennan & Corey Plumbing Co., Inc. f I I 1! Xiirili Oakum Street Sj //of// s/A' l HI. .1 s/’/.( 7 I 1.1 1 / f|j: r.-i | ... i.-;r iilTiTt l SJSfcdudcLTrxUrlfcii^lcUoir^J! 11l * i • **: . hl'CrUghl to pasS ? When ; Isis faith in Jesus 1 * l ;t tru ting Urn implicitly fol alv at ion anc| cl** the Holy es J hat man into th«- body of Ch' ist ;a , (’lli ist died upon The' pro . nun’-, sinful natmv dies; as 'Christ arose from tin* deyid,man becoiik is horn into the* fam ed < ibd; Tha t j> w hat Raid when ii, • -aid. ” I ain eiTiei fled wit h (’llfist; llev er't lleless i live; yet not I. hiil (\hnbd livc-th in me; and the Itfe winch I now livo in the flesh I live by the faith of J tin* Son id' God. who loved me*, and | gave* Himself lor me.” (Galatians , 2:20). And that is what Jesus 1 means when He said, “I am the* i resurrection and tho life*; In* that j believed! in me, though In* ware dead, yet shall In* live*: ami whoso ever liveth and l»elic*\ at Ii in me shall m*va*r cln*” (John II; 2f»-20) What must you do to he horn | again? Simply trust, Him as your Saviour, rc*eeive Mini, and enthrone* Mini as your Lord. '‘For as many' as received Him, to them gave lie*;' power (authority) to become tin* Sons of God, oven to Hvem that. I believe can llis name” (John 1:12), ■ If \ posed i “Why arc* you fidgeting about, ! I).-( ar ? ” the I <-adn i steftlfj . Oscar didn’t answer, hut tlic: class i ! l-'Mlc tab* did. “M** *-> not a pm. j tearlier,” lie cried. “Take it away from him . and j | bring it here*,” commaiicb'd tin* teacher. A Tittle latc*r Oscar was calh'd cm i lb read. lie remained . silting. I "Stand lip,” said tin teaclwr harp b I.v- Osear got i*»*il, hut clidn'l. budge, i “I c-fm'l. !c*aehc*r,” li« gulpeil, “I’ve had enough of (Ins fooiish : iless,” c’xcdaiinyd the tcxudier. “Wliy can't you stand up?” Oscar fidgetc*d some more and blurted out: ‘‘Because that pin you took away from me hold my pans h |i, * ( ART) OF THANKS V ~ i• ■ -L.• I would like to express my :m,0..f : s 6li'ere a pj»rec*iat ion q, my many I rlends vv lie sen t, ca rds or fjcnyci * <u v isited me during niyuc nt ill i Mess. .- fi Mir RufUs ft 'arravvay; n Notice Os Town Election ! A Resolution by the Board of Councilmen of the Town of Edenton calling' a Regular Flection for the fair pose of electing a Mayor 1 and six members of’ the Town Council, a Treasurer and three 1 members of the Board of Public Works. I;K I I Kl>< )1 A 1.1) ‘>\ iiir Board .of Councilmen of the Towii of ,l*j,(iei»toi» that, in • ;n i < >i:< ia net- with. the (Icneral Law-, of the State of North Carol ilia, the Hoard of Council man hereby .call- to; an election to lie held in the Town of Lalenton on Tuesday. May 5, loss, the - line being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the tittle establish i(| by (lie law for -aid election. Said election shall be conducted for tile purpose of electing I a Max nr and -i\ Couiu ilnien one < ouncilman to he elected Iroin each vvtrrd of the town j and two to lie elected in at large, a Treasurer, and three member- of the Hoard { of Public Work-: by the colei- of the town Ihe Mayor, each Councilman, the I reasttrer and each member of the Bonn) ot Public Work- shall be elected to hold office for a term of two year-, and until their -ni t e.-sot- are elected and qualified. UK IT I F'RTIIKR RFSOI.VFD that the polling places shall he a- billow.- and that | the following are herein appointed Rcgi-trar- and bulges of -aid election: i ' ;... ' . Wv; : ., ' ■ ■ FIRST WARD: Regi-trar. Mrs. Sadie Moskins. Sit) South Mosley Street, Judges of I'.lec! it hi. I Franl. White. M . aiul C. O. Letcher. Polling Plate. Municipal Building. SECOND W ARD: Registrar. Mr-. Kill'll Sinkley. 2OS South Oakum Street, judges of Flection, 0. If ( tillijilit r ami K. M Phillip-. Polling Place. Building at eornei of Oakum \ and Fast Oueen Street-, formerly otcupicd by Spruill's Soda Simp. ' j ■ e "y ' THIRD WARD: Registrar. Mr-. I IT I larri-on. 200 North (iraiiyille Street. Judge | of Flection, I Frank Miller and Mrs. S. S. ( ainpen. Polling Plate. Fleet.rie and Water j Plant on West Freemason Street. | . • . \ ■ ' . ’ ; ' ' Ft )l RI 11 WAR D: Mr- W W I'm lei. 90K North Bio,•id Street Judges c) f F.lec | tion. W I. i.angdale and Mis, James Ft<'o/.2en-. Rolling I’lace, National Ciiiartl Aimoiy | mi Ninth Broad Street,: BF IT I FRIIIFR Rl ,S( II.VIvD that .ill pet on- eligible to vote in the I own ol lalenton. 'as lie lined by geueial jaw. shall be eligible to regiter aiul vote in the eln I i«>n here in c ailed. BF I I I FRIIIFR RESOLVED that a new registration of all voters desiring to vote in municipal clet lions held in the I own of lalenton is hereby ordered by the Board of C'oiiin ilnien imde.r the authority of the (iencral Statute.-. Section 160-.14. In order to be eligible to vole in the miiiiit election to be held, on the srd tlay of May I V.i.s. all quali - fied electors residing within lire Town of lalenton are required I" register in the new regis j frafion books of the Town of Edentun. Ilk. IT H;RTU.FR RESOLVED dial the icgistratiou books shall he opened for reg istration mi the 9th flay of Ypril, 1955. ami closed at sunset on the 2 vial day of April, 1955, j Each day except Sunday during (lie registration period the -registration books shall remain open for registration until sunset at the home of the registrar and each Saturday during j registration the liook- shall be, open from 9:00 A: M. to sunset at the polling place. ITE I I I I'kTHFK RESOLVED that Saturday. April 25, 19.55, shall lie designated J as Challenge Day. ami that any person desjiing to challenge any name included in said | registration book- .-hall oir tin's day advise the Registrar and Judges of the fact, 'lira j Registrar and Judges shall thereupon -et a date and time tor the hearing of (lie challenge, j but siiid (kite shall be prior to Monday. May 2, 1955. • s': '.v : BF IT FI’KTIIFR RESOLVED that this resolution shall'he published in a newspa) rat having general tin illation in the Town of Filenton ;md ii copy posted in each ward. BF IT FI'RTIIFR RESOLVED that all candidates for any of the offices above named shall notify the Town Clerk on or before the 22nd day of April, 1955, in order that their names may be printed upon the ballots. Flic foregoing,resolution was* unanimously adopted by The Hoard of ( ountiiiueft of the Town of Kdcnton. I his the Nth day of Mart h. I"v>. j LEROY II HASKETT. Mayor, f j Attest: ERNEST J. WARD, JR . Clerk. ’~A II' YOU LIVE IN ERENTON /fAIWHY NOT BUY PRODUCTS MADE m IN ERENTON? SUCH AS OLAG TOOTH PASTE! ,\>k ,-my dentist Dentists by the hundred have written us: "nmndrrjul" .. . "none oilier tike it” .. . “ you ain't hail il” . . . "lies! I've ever used” . . . ‘'best on the market," etc. DON’T LAG. . buy OLAG At |>rii|* Stores everywhere f mmmTPi, '

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