SECTION ONE—I PAGE TWO Lions Briefed On j Reorganization Os Edenton Cub Pack (lub Rehearsing 1 For Annual Minstrel In April . An inspirational boost was given I the movement now under way by i tlir Edenton Lions ('lull before the, reorganization of a Cul> Rack. when motion pictures with sound tract Were shown at the Monday i veil inti meet in si of the club lay Hay Heck, field representative of Scout ing ill the Albemarle District. The pictures portrayed in a niost interesting manner the aefivities of both Boy Scouting and the Duh Pack (irotcram, including the 10 steps to he .taken in th<- organiza tion sis well as the fundamentals for which this great movement . stands. -" Explaining that Cub Scouting comprises primarily boys in the ago group of 8 to Ip years. Beck stated that the (Organization is bud! largely around adult volunteers such as Pack Leader, Den Mother and Scoutmaster. "It is designed as good citizenship sh. the making, Moreover, it brings back the youth-, ful attitude on the part of the mothers and dads of these boys,’’ said Heck. A| Phillips, chairman of the com mittee, stated that, his "organiza tion has a potential list of ll’l pros pective . members of the Cub Pack, of which Be. hoys reside :in Edep ton and TO from the outlying secs lion of the county. Program Chairman J. P. Partin thanked both Heck .and Phillips foi the splendid program, and express ed confidence that their efforts will achieve great success. . Rehearsals are. being held each Monday night for the projected Lions minstrel, which will lie stag ed during the latter part of April, it was announced by West Byrum. Jr., who is directing the show this year, The exact date for tin- show Will be released later. The proceeds from the sale of Easp>r Seals has now reached tin sum of $631.00. it was announced by Jesse Han ell. chairman of the canto ign. Chowan 4-H Club After New Members The Cross Bonds. Community 4-H Chill met last week with 11 - mem liera present. Assistant County, Agept Robert S. Marsh and Mrs. j Roland Evans and Mrs. J. B. Hollo, j well were also present. •"! It: was decided to choose two rap . tains and divide the group to 'see! which side could get. the. mopt new | members, with the losing side re quirjed to give a party forth.- win j hind side. ' Mb’. Marsh explained how -thisd < lul>) would go on and projects they conlfl take up. He ;dso showed a I'ilnti about 1-H activities. It, was decided to meet each first i Moiilay night in the month and it ; is hoped all hoys and girls in .the Cross Roads Community will soon ! Jfini After the meeting adjourned MrsJ Roland Evans served refresh- • ments and Peggy Perry delighted p the croup with piano music. filing forgotten isn’t very im- j portjmt if the ideals ami the thoughts that one was made of go b on and keep alive. j* —Caleb Milne, 'i : Ge-W J ! * SEVERT 5 l» STAR SIO 1*1*004! rSn f 2t® j SEVEN STAR I i I I *3»« 4 H ******* ■ ■ 90 PROOF . H »■■« «I9TTU* m MMCHUM I W«TI imiTf* ■ ■ ""“--“i"" J BLENDED WHISKEY • 37\i% STRAIGHT WHISKEY S YEARS OR MORE OLD • 62'/> T 5 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GOODERHAM 1 REHEARSING FOR ANNUAL SENIOR FLAY iw art&'C-'T. -f. ■ .f3£t» & ,. ■..> . N vj|' ' Jg| *li)BBB¥* BWL. J jwH|' x f - ~ - y *h4- j- * Jfl.- _ p I ,- Jtfci f j. s; 4 B|Hs ' *C : ■ K 1 ~ Wp eypjCj ’’’f ,^ •. a« '. ,• ■.S.- 'Acmb BBife - ~ r “ r«* - *««&*-* ■ r s-.« .vc- ’TZWBKrRm' • -.- ’’S . * ; -f? .JJSwHWSfaS^.“ ■ ’■»■' v ... . Pin tired above are lime member- of the ra-i rehearsing for Hie annual pla> presented by the Senior Class of the Edenton .l.i.iior-Senior j 110,1, <..|,o ( i| The id n “Our Hearts Were bums and tfav.” will he |.r.•seated in the Edenton Elementary M'hnol auditorium tonight ( I liurs flav) be*' pm in >f s:l6 o’clork. In the pietiir,. are. left to right. Mary Leggett Browning. Dolly kehayes and Betjy RoueH. ' J [Plans Progressing For Fat Stock Show I . (Continued from Paste One") and, FEA t Eit >'-• v < '».! Sale ■ ■ tiaiit o; ltd . : - h. A the art' -a.nd eave'nf. t• in. -fatten- j ins*, tit tine- and shi a • g fat stork. ' so til a i they will became , . Cii ]. Cft-! /tt ’ ■ ' ’> ■Ah i jinniiit!. ’ jiitiior Fat Stock-; t Show . d S.t 1 e t 1 ■ lie 11 - V | ■' because it should sf, : naila'e -niore-|, ter .hoof, anti hogs?. . V .the f d t-uuh shoiv ; wt sate, f, sitectii tdrs -:v'i 11 ho-givc»j. :tn oHT'on-. ; amity r'o .see ran.' ol’fi 1 id nidil" I licit t;fe - > -t steel - ;•-•:• t.h" -teefs ' 1 d - ■ judged. !.o-:o •». aw-.i.i c.-.i. - t.-. ; jthoff. nin !s- vlli he sold to-.tho 1 feb'i st . 1 odder; At- isn'ii - .»> .■; ■••••■■;'■ st ■• ■ . t • ' • i‘f‘l !>j' IvH 1 ■ r.'tl j.J:i\;cd : V > s tl-.h'• < ; "U.rit v.- ri£» v < -.rFt: ■ ■ j fICC. •' ... ; '/ ] I TV- m <»i>'.• •oi;. ( \v;i n . < Vnm ; y <*«>l ».B: I anil lu'ir**t An-J mini .Junior I'a r Sv-u'-k. a.n«l Sal. l -: it f \ if, -V i iU* i;.i ra rj - } a»n F: i!r trro.ll Mk tit- the. Advance Community - Building. A t.i • 1.1 -a' r un l-H Club members! wio-.- present. Robert .Si Marsh; as-; s stain i-o.ilnty ;;g,.-nt, 'ilise.nss.eii fu -1 "ar* l - li. eV’-t ! - -w; I'll* - :i>- -i.1 1 ;:». plan - nev i-iart i-uiar mph; - "a, itali Do You Believe In Insurance ? Edenton Tractor & Implement Co, Inc, Can Supply VOUR BEST INSURANCE Against DROUGHT With a Webster Irrigation SYSTEM Complete System for li Acres of Tobacco for Only $988.00 0 Including a Berkley Pump Mounted on Your Tractor SEE IIS TODAA FOR Complete Irrigation Information Edenton Tractor & Implement Co. Inc. PHONE 461 W. Water Street Edenton, N. C. . » "• THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 'IL tv.-idual and malt demonstrations, f.Several, .el : td> im-iiihefs plan to : enter {-the ; deniorsjration' .contest's' - this - {\ i ar. Siim.enf the boys who ar*-1 •;.i a.iu i-s "i this cliih have already [started \votking on their demon* j .t ft lit ti< inf. All demonstrations will j [1 m given .-.( the County Elimination .Day on Friday. June 17. After the business meeting was . 'tin-. ', .'■'nt it led, "The Towri T i • Iwas shown t*. i the. group. This is a very good tnovie which, shows vividly what .a j Ibical 1-H Cluh (••im do for a com- ! }inanity. Sherwood Harrell- and Dick. Lowe jmel with the assistant l agent after the movie and made [plans for their demonstrations. . No virtue is more universally ac cept*’*! as a test of good character ■than trus’,worthiness. I Harry Eiiieison i-'o.sdick, mmmmmammmmammmmmmmrntM Pre-School Clinics Will Begin April 4th Schedule Is Announc ed For Schools In Chowan County Tin- District Hcnlth I>cp:».Hmcnt ..niioi! jees tile s< lu-fliib’ of pr<‘- sclioor clinics f«’ jo (ho tnst' »»f triph* \'acchif- aiul i smallpox vaccination f«>r ch'ihlri n who have no scar*. At least one parent shmihl Im* pivsont at tht- Yxaniiriation. hut their* ph-senco is not cssontial. A two wi*ck int«*rvaT is allowed, April lioth t hroirpii May !»th, in or rh-r to Diet tht- polio \accinaf i <»11 starter} in < a si* il i- triea < d I»y the National Institute r»f Health. file schedule f«»r pr'e-sc.hfM»l din irs in Chowan County fellows: (-hpwan llielr School -April 1 ; 1 9. A. M. Ivdehton April - r * at 0 A. M. Rocky I lock April Cat!l A. M. St. Johns--Apia I fi at 10 A. M. White Oak- April 7 .at 5) A. Mi lalenton Colo red School (hoys) Apr!! 11 at f A. M. Edenton Colored School ("iris)- April 1-7 (it J A. M. Hevwood Ziegler, Jr. Hurt In Accident i .Huywood Ziegler, ,li., had the misfortune, to have his right wrist j broken and hi' left elbow eracked ! late Wodnesday afternoon of last week; ■ .■ ■ ■■ ■ Mr. Ziegler was riding a horse .ne;ir his homo on Route 2. when the aeeiilen’ occurred. Tin* horse became frightened and slipped on the highway, throwing Mr. Ziegler violently to the. highway; "tVJeYre Chevrolet UERE Task-Force — TRUCKS THE HANDSOMEST WORKERS ON WHEELS: THE NEWEST TRUCKS ON THE ROAD! THEY’RE New FROM THE DRAWING BOARD ON OUT! NEW STYLING! NEW CABS! NEW ENGINES! NEW CHASSIS! NEW FRAMES, SPRINGS, AND AXLES! NEW 18,000 LB. G.V.W. ( CAPACITY! NEW WHEELBASES! NEW 12-VOLT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM! NEW OVERDRIVE-NEW POWER STEERING!* 8.8. H. Motor Company, Inc. “Your Friendly Chevrolet Dealer” N. BROAD STREET EDENTON, N. C. I Treble Clef Hub On I>l*W Program (Continued from Past* Omo after the budget is completed. Tile national project was also tabled until the next meeting. Appointed to assist the Woman’s | Club in decorating the |Vnelnpe| Parker House fur it< tour on Am il 17 and Hi wet • Mi s. I vdin I ):tni« I . chairman, Miss Inc/. lA'lton and j Mrs. I.ala Smith. Mrs. I.eary reported that the recently pureluistd activity bus| is now being oveidiauhd in \.or- | I folk and that Kdeninti eoncern are, donating things for the bus. He upholstering will he dope in I7i/,a 1 ieth City and half way from the 1111 ) of tile hits NV.ill Id- whttf ' |! the lower half in blue with gold lot tors. When completed the bus will cost around $2,000. It will acconn iiiiMlate 7u passengers and v ill 1 i ry .prop(*r insiirunco k 'Che president appointed the fed j lowing to diaw up a new -late "f* • if.firers t»» be presented at the next meeting: Miss |,ena Joiie . chair man, Mrs. \him• Jenkins arid Mi Ma re ain I‘lit hisic. TJle La ."< •. | ! I nt« aaiational Kid at ions a.iid 11« a.lfli and Safety (’onYmittiM-s will, I"- a. charge «»f the dinner at jnstallation. of offic« rs. Those ihteic.d* d i n taking the »«»ri» t«» New Ymk.w, >, ;isl»i *l ’ln ,•nut;;,u M, - A.I, l.ibi. C|h*ssoii for. i n I«»»mint ion. Mrs Opal Wood, and 1 Safety UhnirninM. v. ill .(•• in • I»t• • of the program next month, ,\LunS A s WA 4/5 QUART i^x $ 4 15 pints jSy s 2 6 ° STRAIGHT i APPLE BRANDY 84 Proof U|RD and 1 COMPANY V North Gorden, Vo \(r Scobeyville, H J. | baby shower j \ layette .-mower honoring Mrs. .liihniiic Howe was given at the I home of Mi s. Ellen Smith at 20 Strntfercl Rond, After the gifts were opened, games wei-e played. Refreshments | Were -el’Ved lo th*- following: Mis. Rita Hestii-k, Verily Dor l '*tr» Vir.ginia Driver, Mary \ elt !man. Alary l!*Uve, Marie Leech, i Ib-ien : Drasser. Marge MeGlothin, || , i;i Duprey, i.orrniite Nystrom, • I.'iedb* Rice, .Mary Ward, Ellen ! Smith and Maude Smith. EASTERN STAR MEETING ('luijper. No. 302,. Order ■!,i.|- tjie Kastenl Star, willmeet Mon day nighs. Api-il I. at K o'clock in the Masonic I • 'nph-. Mrs, Louis tidurge W'ilku.s. m-w worthy ma ti'"i:, luges all Ilierubers lo ho pres ent UA,M PEN’S 1 Has Perfect / GRADUATION 1 GIHS J CHOICI _^^i’35 75 j CREDIT TERMS j CANIPEN’S _ JEWELERS “ EDENTON