“Don Pasquale” To -Be Presented In Edenton April 20 Amusing Comedy Will Be Sponsored By Edenton PTA North r.irolihji’s nutionully In mous <truss Boots Ojmth will pre sent an amusing comedy. “I>.»n 1 'as oualo,” by Dmii'/etti, Wednesday night, April 20 :it S o’clock in the F.leniehtary Sch oo I auditorium. This well known troupe- tourseach s.« a son from Manteo to Murphy bringing opera in Kngl.Mi to thous amis. Attention throughout the United States has hern directed to flu plan of integration of the (irnss Roots Opera Movement into the music appreciation courses of the public schools in tin- State. Well fiver 90,000 students have wit nested their first opera at a Grass Roots performance and their -'inter est is indicated by larger crowds at later pei formanc:*s. In addition, many -thousands of adults have.dis covered that in opera in lutglish, a ne\y medium of entertainment has hern introduced. The story of Don I'asipuile fs an amusing one. The wealthy, aging Don decides to marry and spend his fortune, instead of leaving, it to his nephew, with whom lie has quarrelled. Don Pasquale seeks the :iid oT a doctor friend in finding a wife, hut the doctor, feeling the rigors of matrimony might prove too much: for the old man, plots to cure him once and for all of such foolishness. He arranges with tin sweetheart of the nephew so irnper spiiate the doctor’s sister, a young beautiful girl just out of a convent. The young lady agrees to the plan, playing the demure beauty of per fection until a fake marriage cere, ninny is per for hied. Then the at nmspheie of the. household under goes a drastic change. She raises the wages of the servants, orders new horses and carriages, plans elaborate 'parties and insults the old man to the extent he is about to lose his mind, .lust how this all turns out tin- reader should see for '•Ji ini self. The performance of Don TV>s qniiTcV will he sponsored by the Tklenton Parent 'l’eacbei-s Associa t ion. Many members of the group to be seen in Kdenton recently com pleted :i iroiithk tour of >»\i*n Southern States, using Don Pas quale and School for Lovers. TIPs unit was called the National Grass Roots Opei’a Company. NOW... get a fMlPayTtuf/ | of any New McCormick' Farmall Tractor fIMYOUBOWH FARM Farmall Fast-llileh ihnl lots you switch implements 11 in seconds. tho now Formal! Cub—tho tractor that does more jobs I gwj per horsepower than any in its class. jf mM the 1-2 Plow Farmall 100 the tractor with famous Culti-Vision for faster, better-quality work. m the 2-Plow Farmall 200 with all of its years-ahead W»/iI income-earning features. I[3 \% n TWTTA Ask for the new Farmall 000 or 400 with TA (Torque Amplifier) Drive. Pick the steepest hill climb. Sock a plow down to the hilt in your toughest ground. Get the feel of instant when-heeded power you’ve never before experienced. I CALL US FOR A DATE TODAY! Prove to Yourself you’ll be ahead with Farmall Ask us about our liberal IH ©lncome Purchase Plan of Buy ing That Lets Your new Farmall Byrum Implement & Truck “Your International Harvester Dealer” (*[ PHONE 299 EDEXTOX, X. C. I I - The child shown above is rccciv inu |realmcnl in n hospital Ihroiiah fund < received from I lie sale of Hosier Seals. The Chowan County Society for Crippled Children and Adults is conducting the Raster Seal campaign for this county through Raster Sunday, April It). New Registration Called April 9 To 23 Every Voter In Eden ton Must Register to Cast a Ballot Attention is called to a new reg is t fat ion for Hdentnn votqi s, which will be in progress from April 9 to April 22; Between that .period* voters may register any day ex cept Sunday, at the home of regi strants in tile four wards until sun set. Ivach Saturday tile registrars will sit at tile vari nis polling place irom 9 A. M.. to sun.set. This w ill he a new registration. -O : Hat eVc • V vot* f 'A I'." (If-: ies to cast a ballot in tin* May election or any subsequent Town election will lie required to register in the w aril in which he dr -bo lives; In the Kirs! Ward Mrs. Sadie Hoskins is registrar ami the poll ing place i< the Municipal Building. In tile Second Ward Mrs. Ruth St ok ley is registrar and the poll ing place is tile store on tile cornel <>f Queen and. Oakum Streets. In the Third Ward Mrs. J. B. Harrison is registrar ami tlie poll ing place-, is tile Ivloctric and Water Plant. In the Fourth Ward Mrs. W. W. Porter is registrar and the polling place is the armory. Re me ill her? Sandy Was feeling ill -very very ill. lit* staggered off to j find a doctor. At last a sign • -aught his eye: “J. M. .lories, j M.D.” A fid below it was tile leg-] end. “First visit. SpiiM. Subse • • jircnt .visits-, Into the .office |. w« nt Sandy, and with nut-s try tolled [ hand moaned, “Well, wel, Doctor I .Jones here I am again.” Chowan Thanked For Support In Heart Fund Drive State Campaign Man ager Writes Mrs. C. P. Wales Mi.-. Clum-Ics Wales, treasurer of til.. Heart Fund drive in Chowan County, received. a jotter from h ll lin m Mail-head. State ('umpaiifii Chair matt, thankihir Chowan (’min ty for its part in the drive. "Now that February is past and with it the 11)55 Heart Fund. I want to personally thank von for your assistance to this ffreat cause in making this year the best ever,” wrote Mr, Mail-head. “When people are as kind and generous as ypli iiave lieen to the cause of Heart, elicit of us oil the lit",s Campaign Committee or on the State staff would want to thank vou personally. As that does not .com possible, please let this brief note Inina' to you on behalf of all of us, out yratitudo and warm ap preciation to you and to those who worked with you and for your in terest add support. “Your generosity and your belief m what we are trying toacooni- COUNTRY 1! GENTLEMAN STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 6 YEARS OLD 86 PROOF Bottled By J. A. DOUGHERTY'S SONS. Inc. Distillers ! Philadelphia, P 3. j THE CHOW \v IIFFM n. KDENTON NORTH C4POI.TX A. TTTT T T»?D VY, MARCH 111 id" plish nu .ms more to us than you can possjoiy realize.” Donald B. Bunch Now In Germany Army Pvt. Donald 41. Bunch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hunch. Kdcnton. recently arrived in tier many and is now a member of the ■_'<;.|th Field Artillery Battalion at Had K reiizuarh. Private Hunch is a personnel clerk ill the battalion's ■hendquar tersand 'Service - Battery, A 195:* graduate of Kdenton High' .School, Hunch attended Wake For est College before entering thei Army' in September, 4954, He com-: pleted basic tr:iininji at . Fort Jack-1 son, S. ('. .. 3 lbs! 89c <;\\ ALTNEVS COI’NTKY BRAND LB | HAMS 69 c I IU.SH SHOULDER t IR. | ROAST 29 i 16 OZ. RITTER’S Tomato can Juice 25< ■ NEW LIQUID WAX | AEROWAX ix- 25< | CAN OF Ift BORDEN’S _ BISCUITS 3 25c ———————— l —'———^————^^ BUSH'S l.l OZ. CAN YOUR CHOICE Pork & Beans Speckled Butter Beans 3 c<llia Pinto Beans Black Eye Peas Large Limas * J 1 ,B VA< pac ffeMV) Coffee lb. OOc IK. * ■ [ .'/. •■ ■ ">.■*■'*; •• ;'Y-:;}V';' 15 Oz. Cl.of Boy*Ar-Dee SPAGHETTI & CAN Meat Balls 25 c 7 OZ. CEREAL PKG. Cherrios 15 c Hi HHHHHHHHHi jpfPET, MILK s§fj| February Sales Tax Ahead Os Last Year Sales and use tax collected for , the. month of February as compiled by the Noi-th Carolina Merchants j. Association show that business Con- I 1 ijitions in Chowan County were better in February of this year' than February a year ago. Gross collections in February of this year amounted to SIII,K 11.5 I . compared with s9,2H(>.t>B for Feb-j ruary, 11)54, a gain of $4.5774)1. j ! The February col lect ions for l-’ele | I r'uitry. however, woie below Janu ]ary, when they amounted to, $17,-; 582.41. t Alt I ivps should he simply step-.j j | ping-stor.es to tin. ve of Hod. --Plato. ' 2» OZ. WHITE HOUSE Apple jar Butter2t | All 5,- :t Pkgs. Chewing Gum Iftc Cracker 0 I‘kirs. Jacks ..... 2.vc Frozen Foods 12 Oz. Sunshine ORANGE CAN Juice 25° 4 Oz. Rica's CHOCOLATE PKG. Eclairs 25j B}4 Oz. Morton's CHICKEN POT PIES ea 23° administrator's notice Having qualified as Administnu iter of till ' 'ate of Alonzo H. I'npolaud, die. . ei|, late of ('ho wan ('. i|, 'y, N'orfli • 'arolina. 'this IS (II notify all persons having i laims ayainst Ihe estate of said I deceased to i-xiiitiit them to the un- Idersiuiied at Tyner, North Caro lina.on'or before tit" l llh day of March. J'• 5< 1 . this notice will he pleaded in liar of lli»• ir reenvei'y. All person- indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, This Maielt lllh, 11)55. 'LFSTKjt T. Col'lil.ANr), A.dmini - frafoi' of Ab.iiz.i 11. i Vipcland Fstate. .. M> rl 7.21,:i I.A pr7,l4 J 2l(- NOTICR OF ADM IMS TK ATION Havii ij. i:i 1 i )'i •M T is ; 11 1 i'll iri i.-st i;i - tor of ‘lie kaiafe of Myra 1.. Hrink -4t y. llei'ea -ed. tdl of <'howa.ii Coum ty. Nort h 4.'a ln| ilia, tlp is is to. ii"ti-. •fy all persons haviliy claims, against I ROST MORN ÜB. | Pure Pork Q 1 n j Sausage JIU .'. 4 illllW—■■■———l -ill iif j SI RICTI V EKESH UR. Small Pork 1 Q c i LIVER 'y's.AvniHmaHHHmmmMmHmmmmmmii T- I—^——■ Iregmak iildson [Table pkg |!apkinsll' i NO. .iftl EBERWINE CAN j Spinach 10 c ■nepK: tf* •- •■* I w**r*srMaaoww New Slrit lm.:nit's LB. Choc. Inside Sandwich Me w&immm Cheese Tomato Pie 2 teaspoons grated 1 2 cup Per onion Fyaporaiicd Milk 2 vt-ps d.rcd. 2 . c,;ps. gratcvl i tanned luncheon Autrriv.ifit Weese nu.it or cooked teaspoon dry J ham mustard: 2 Tablespoons 1-ih. c.trt tomatoes, flour drained Have ready a 9 in. {*»:e pan lined with unbaked pastry. Mix in a 1 1 : qr. bowl the i . : * m chitse and- dry-mul\u;_r into lined pie pan. Spoon forfeit->e<.-over top. Bake on tenter rack o: ■» Jb oven (very hfbt) .about 25'. minutes, or until pastry is li.cht brown. ( :r into wedees to serve. Makes 4 <erv;ne<. Save At P & Q , Pints Buhlting • Alcohol . 19c | the estate of said deceasod to ev- 1 hiliit them to the undersigned at | ■Ldenton, North (‘arolina, on or lie-, fore the 17th day of March, I!I5(5, or this notice will In- pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment, i This 14th dav of March. 1055. I It. C. HOI.I.ANI). I Administrator, CTA •>f Ivstate of Mvrn L. Brinkley ' Mar17.24,41,Apt-7,14,21e | ADMINISTRATOR CTA NOTICE llaviiiy: qualified as Administixe . tor C.T.A., of the estate nf C. K. | Nixon, deceased, late of Chowaa County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims amtinst the estatt- of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned ,at l-Menton. North . Carolina;, on oi , before the 4th day of March. 105(1. m- this notice will be pleaded in hat of: their recovery. All persons ill-1 debted to said estate will please WITH PXO ril MILK SUPPLIES EXTRA VITAMIN O I NEW I LOBIDA BED BEISS 1 I BS. Potatoes 19 c CELLO BAG. CALIF. BAG Carrotts 10° CELLO BAG BAG Radishes 2-15 c .11 ICY FLORIDA ORANGES lbs* 27 c FREE! - FREE! FREE! n«™bng 2 —l4 Lb. Double Breast GOME IN AND REGISTER BRONZE TURKEYS Numbers Will Be Posted Saturday [Sight We 100% SELF Deliver Wm II s ™vice Every ar. I I Phone Friday fw I I 511 Super ■ SECTION ONE ; make immediate payment. This March 4. 11)55. C. (’. NIXON, Administ tutor C.T.A. of ('. F. Nixon. Mar1D.47.21-.3J Api-7. Me, wts.y, ADMINISTRATOR'S" NOTICR Having (jualifi«*<l as Ailminishn- Jtor o f tile estate of Margaret Flte alieth C. Dail, deceased, latt; of Chowan County, North Carolina, .this is to notify all persons having claims .against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un ! ilersigned at Flizabeth City, North Carolina, on or before the 2fltbida.y iof February, 195t>, or this notice ! will In- pleaded in bar of their rc- Ic.over.y. All persons indebted to said estatewill please niilke im meiilate payment. This Feliruarv 2(1, 1955. .1. F. HOWELL. Administrator of Margaret Elizabeth ('. Dail Estate. Mch3, 10.17.244 l.Api-Tpd NO. 2C. STOKELY GAN Sliced or Halves Peaches27 c 6 OZ. I BENCH'S 2 JABS MUSTARD jar 2 Jor 17« PAGE THREE New rorned Herrings doz. 29c

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