MICTION ONE—I PAGE EIGHT LOCAL Saturday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Rltea 1.1 >< <>!' (lock Hill, S. G., and Mr. and Mrs, Kd Watson of Wusliingtnn, N vyt-re guo.sts of Mr. and Mrs. Is 1 win Griffin Saturday. Visit In Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. I’ri.voU visited their soil-indaw and daiigli ter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Rudie Tayloi in Raleigh Sunday. Visits In Giecm die Miss Jesse McMutlaii s|m■ nt sei - • eral days in Greemille, \ i .. visit ing Mr. and Mrs. 1). M Jones. Classified Ads HUNDREDS OF Id \ I'lSl\4 ree oniniend OLAG Tonlh I’a-le. Tit;; at the drug store. FOR RENT HrRHOM FI I:\lSH ed apartment. I’hom- 2d) W MarlTtfe FOR SALE IIT)iu11; Fnßl> sedan. Fordom. ' II ■ er, white-uall l :e- P priced. I’hone is W to Associate Slni. FOR SAII ! Jnll\Sii\ Horse out lieu n I small oil Inn i ■ • outside tank foi i and office l'a in; ’ I' 180-J. CROCHETING Fill: VI I Id I > spreads, dolla--. i Will tak - 1 s call at JnT Ea-t I > ATTENTION WF \'; I \ equipped to i n hoard motors. \\ tind bicycles. \ mower blade-. W Associate 5t.. 11 . 1 1 i' _ tfc FOR RENT- :. Riui.M I ed apa i t mei.r. I etited Is Highway 82. 1.. I f T ner, N. i VI :\■■ 7■■ | 1 :<)() Ml\ (; m S4YI opening ;i\ i man or «.... ■ on farm vv l 1 .:i: ‘ County Full ■ (>■. [ portunity p. .. day. Writ- M \ Dept < moire M ‘i riCK l I* PA\MI ' Piano. T*nn>:; - j pi * i)! • to-tu Spinet l‘ Direct M _ ■ ! finish. U -I•• i ■ • rrspon>i!»|.- who can pay small c( 1 • • • ' Writ I **: I Instalin. - • i • i > I * l»o\ 1 J(l», > \ ' . MaivhLM.:;h SKITIU T A \ K S liil ‘ \SI, concrete. I)i.»ti- .* pr Cast, Cniicn tc. I * . ! i n grease trap !\< • A ' "i\ > Plumbing (*'• Mil \ ••• I' () . • .rt*i% Street. .Luibtfv! MONUMENTS V . SAVE the middle man' to.” S. i Road St re. F. ,:;»bcth City, I N. C. 1) d i;r. J. Winton Sawyer MOM MENTS Authorized healer l or KOCK of AGES M ONI M E N I S The World's Finest exp.!-18-55 DANIEL 1 WEBSTER STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY f BOTTLED IN BOND ; • I°o_Pß°OF_ j j Bottled By I J. A DOUGHERTY S SONS, Inc. Distillers Philadelphia, Pa. NEWS Raleigh Visitors Mr. and Mrs. David HoltOii and children of Raleigh spent the week end in i'.denton v isiting friends aiul relatives. Visiting Parents Miss Ruth Rae Elliott of St. Mary's College is spending the spiting holidays With her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Elliott. I ——o— V isit In Norfolk Mr, and Mrs. Jesstv Harrell and . family, spent Sunday in Norfolk I visit tug relat iVes. . Visit's Parents M - . . Lillian Leary, who, is nt ;tell.ling-.Mcreditll College, spent fI).; I eeeiv-cad visiting lief pa rents, Mr. and Mrs, ,1. C. I.eary. Sr. o t.reenshoro V isitors Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Swindell of I tiiv. nsl.ioi'.. spoilt a few days visit *ig Mr. SwiiideH’s parents. Mr.'aiid.’| Mrs, J. I). Swindell. Sunday (incsts M: and Mrs. Johnnie Forehand, nid I i.uighis Allen of Greein i11...' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fes* I t- r Forehand Sunday. o Returns Home Vli-. 11. W Dale ivturued home Sir; iIV after visiting her daugli- VI ■ \ 1.. 11l iggs. ti Norfolk. ( ondiiclii'g Revival I lo ' It. \. ( amdl is spend :■. w i■<■ is m A -h<■ v ;|i-. c-mduet - - : ■ ■ VIV 111 services. Vllend Rotary Convention 1 ' • Overman. John \ il" es, Gilliam Wood and Gerald; • I - at tv lld-'-l t il-t |li.-t riet J7B Ri't try Coiiietition’held in Durban; Washing urn Duke Hotel Sunday and Monday. Sunday In Raleigh VI rid M;- I nn- George VV" 1 1 - 1 > - -oei’t S inlay in Raleigh visit-! V| : aiul Mi s. Rudie Taylor. SOCIALS I H Alt BULL'S SMOKED PICNICS I 111 ti PDt Nils \\ Eli At. F. lb. 33c CHEER Giant Size 69c ! ! ( IP Hi F BONELESS I Round Steak, lb. 79u SLICED Bologna, lb. 39c IMLLSBI in «rton. I> ('.. and Mr. aiul Mrs. (Jus Harrell' of lE*urm 1 Mil V’;i.. Kpoiit thf Wfdv-oijd in lalpn- I'tnii’ visilihjLj. fplativcs. \N »*ck-oml (iuolv Or. and Mrs. W. 11. Hi>ln«ji and tlnldivn. I'aiit .mvrrnrt*vdl<\ \ a., spent tin* uci-k- ; In Norfolk Mrs \\ . II S pard d M 1/cna Jones spent Saturday in Nor- i folk. ! i Craddock Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Uudiard Hoskins of (haddock. \’ . . k sited M: Ho.ski'n>’ I parents. Mr. .and Mr-. T. J. Hos kins over the Week-elld. LITER’S PURE PORK Sausage Meat l-1.8. It \G 33c FROZEN FOODS I ESSIE JEW ELS Chicken Pot Pies . 27c I ESS IE JEW ELS Beef Pot Pies . .. ..27c GDRTEVS Fish Sticks l()-oz. pkg. 47c lil-OZ. PKG. DULANEY Brussells Sprouts 39c DULANEY WHOLE Baby Okra _ _lO-oz. pkg. 29c DULANEY Broccoli 10-oz. pkg. 33c LIBBY’S Pineapple Juice Iti-OZ. CAN 33c LOCAL GROWN SPRING Onions ... 2 bunches 19c RUFFLED Kale 3 lbs. 25c THE rnoWAN HERAT n. EDENTDN. NORTH t AROLTNA. THURGD \Y. MARCH 31, 1055. ! 0 * F I ~N . I F- ~ j I ' ■ x*- —,»v. , . I lfc ********** l,ll ' ■ . ••• ss»., ..v. 9 I < MASTER -CARVER"-Stan (The Man) Mitsial poses with his favorite "carving" tools at the Cards’ spring training i camp in St, Petersburg, Fla.. where he's polishing up his f "woodworking" technique for the coming season. Six times the batting champ of the Na j tional League, he's carved a t ■ career average of 344, batted 330 in 1954. I’orfsmoulh Visitors M • Robert I Very and sons of I’oi tstirmith. Va.. : wcjc visitors ill Edciiton iast week. u Week-end At Nag- Head VI r Kale W'n/.i'lku and Mrs. K. S MiteliHl "f W indsor spent the seck-< i"l .;t Nags Head. V isits Mother VI -- Eula Gairctt returnril to Smith Norfolk Sunday after spend ing a few day- a- guest of her lllo \ tiler. M rs. John < iarrett. V i-ii In Greensboro Mr and Mis. Nurman Leonard apd daughter. Frail, spent last week m (irii'iishi.t'o visiting Mr. LeuUard's piirents. .. . . —» Returns From Kinston Mrs. J. E. Richardson returned home late last week from Kinston, where she represented the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Edcnton Methodist Church at the State meeting of the society. Attends District Meeting Mrs. Harry Ciummcy returned home Sunday from Concord, where she attended the Eighth District meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men and Degree of Pocahon tas, She was accompanied by Mrs. Minnie Davis and Mrs. Hettie Ames of Elizabeth City. Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Pete Everett and J daughter of Washington, N. C., visited relatives in Edcnton Sun ,h,y. LONG AWAITED... the SCOTSWOMAN —by INGLIS FLETCHER AVTOGKAPfJED . . . LIMITED EDIT/()X now *0 qe . AVAILABLE LEGGETT & DAVIS DRUGGISTS PHONE f>7 EDE.VKIX v-Aia/w-'vnts \ •v. . a Just does not seem like °( >0 ft km) ' Easter unless your outfit 0^ Ss:: \ comes from the Betty Shoppe | A siinviiativo (•.ill(vtio(i <>l Eastvi' 1A Gay New Hat Something New Under i For Easter! / % Your New Spring Suit | And what could be more fascinal- . /Jr S jug lha.i wuc of our straw lovels 1 lie. HilIK bag Alld ' or straw sailors . . . for ;i lovelier I he vilOVeS. y° u ' Some bedecked with flow- y/re handbag ... spring’s own pas- I < * ers, some femininely tailored in t( .| ta |f cane handle. The Gloves The bowed blouse ... of miracle delightful colors to punctuate any _ _ soft-as-doe suds-loving nylon Dacron ... so new in a bright , | costume! a ll hand detailed. print. I • HOSIERY • COSTUME JEWELRY • LINGERIE t » USE OCR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PLAN! 1 THE BETTY SHOPPE ~ Edenton, N. C. i Visits Son M-Sgt. and Mrs. Merrill Smith have tis their guest. Sgt. Smith's 'mother, Mrs. Maude Smith of Glen Falls, New York. While here, Mrs. Smith visited another son, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Smith of Morehcud City, N. C. ——v— — Improving In Hospital Friends of Mrs. 11. I*. Ilines, daughter of Mrs. N. J. llollowi'll, will lie interested to learn that she j is now improving after an illness of several weeks. She is a pa tient in the Onslow County Hospi tal. Jacksonville. N. C. Week-end Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee of Eh* gel ha rd spent the week-end in Edcnton visiting relatives and friends. Passion Play Planned At White Oak School Thursday, April 7th The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, a Lenten passion play, will he presented nt White Oak Consolidated School on Maundy Thursday night, April 7, tit 8 oY'loi'k. This is the second presen tation of this stirring pageant by j tlii* creative dramatics group of I White Oak Consolidated School with Hilda Privott as narrator. The oientivc dramatics group is directed by Mrs. 11. F. Creecy and Miss I, M. Nixon. The public is invited to see this, pageant. * FOR SALE Six Room House And Duplex Apartments 1025 NORTH BROAI) STREET FOR RENT Two Apartments CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CONTACT R. Elton Forehand, Jr. 307. CI TIZENS BANK BUILDING . . - PHONE 607 - It is proverbial that dishonesty retards spiritual growth and strikes at the hourt of truth. —Mary Baker Eddy. NOW! BALTIMORE AMERICAN BRINGS YOU M LATE NEWS. SPORTS W EVERY SUNDAY The FINAL edition of the Balti more Sunday American is now available to YOU on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It's sped YOUR way with LATE news and sports hot off the presses. Every Sunday lie sure to get the FINAL edition of the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your ' Local Newsdealer