• SENATOR { SAM ERVIN (f»od Southerner II i.; of!cm said that an honest (•o.lifiwdoii is good for tin* soul. On of last week my wife, Har ry CiaUon, and I were traveling! from Washington to Morgjinton. j North Carolina. As we neared North Carolina. Marry, who was driving the automobile in whieh we were riding, suddenly turnedi on tin* radio. When the radio tie i rame audible. I found myself lis-j fening to the unfamiliar voire ofj • one speaker who was in the midst i of a discussion of the tax hid re-j eently before the Senate. I there-1 upon made this remark to my wife; and Harry: “I wonder who isl speaking* I ran (ell hv his voire j that, lie is a good Southerner/ r j Marry laughed and said. “That' , you. Senator.” I then realized for! the first tipie that I was listening j to my own radio program! - I might j add in this connection that one’ I own voice on a radio broadcast or- j dinarilv sounds strange to himself.! Since f did not recognize my own ! voire when I referred to myself as-; a “good Southerner”. I do hot fall j in this particular instance under the condemnation of tin* adage that self praise is half scandal. M isf ake^ I returned to Washington from| Morganton on sue day of last week ; and found the remainder of the' week an extremely busy one. I’he Permanent Subcommittee on | Investigations of the Senate Com-! mittee on (iovernment Operation.*! spent Tuesday. Wednesday and! Thursday taking evidence in tin* in | vestigation of the circumstances I surrounding the promotion and honorable discharge* of Major IV re.ss, >the DeJltid Officer, who tbok the Fifth Amendment when he was called Upon to subscribe to his ley ally oath as an Army Officer ami when he was subsequently inter rogated by Senator McCarthy M has been asserted that tin* pro motion and honorable discharge- of Major Peres s resulted from the pre-oner of some master-mind in „tjie Department of Defense vvork- X in the interest of Communism. tin* Permanent Subcommit tee on Investigations has not made any findings of fact up to tit is time in respect to this matter, I deem it not amiss to state that in my opinion the evidence by us shows | j| pj)' ———- l Corby’s Reserve Blended """* Whiskey is distilled from ( carefully selected, choice I Vp/ graiiis only. I e.- t The base whiskey ig ?*,. ,J • brought to maturity in |§ ||| ||j charred wlute-onk barrels, £§; aMM ,Stored in temperature' B controlled warehouses. lOTp' ftofore it irs hot til'd nod f sold, it is rigidly mid ' urienl itieally ins|MTted to |Hb' # t Mr: £r _•) '-.j-JIMBJ-' t insure full quality. s3^o ' K ' AND BSnitli BY JAT BARCIAY * ! ■ESERVf BLENDED WHISKEY—B 6 PROOE-316% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. lOIJR YEARS OR MORE I ff-MH GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS—JAS. BARCLAY & CO. LIMIIEO, PLURIA, ILLINOIS' 1 that there is no basis whatever for this charge. According to the evidence, the | promotion and honorable discharge iof Major Per. - resulted from a | misinterpi eiat fen which the legal staff of the Department.’’of Defense put upon ah A«t of Congress, tlv lahsetne of if.v nd' quato regulation |in tlie Department of Defense or 11he Depai tment of flu* Army deal | ini; wj tli se< liritV risk - piffl suhver* jsives. ami an incredible amount of! • hiingling am! poor administrative j work in fll * * !) pfirtmeiii of th.n j (Army. In o4li*/i' words, the pro J {lliotifill and ;i"P'r»L:ibt<* discharge ofj ; M i i i *t«t • re ml ted from ini - ; fnk< iii "I- hv iis ii vvho.se loyally | id A "!■ rjca •‘aptiot he tjue> t ioiiml. Imporfanl Hills In add it it Oi '• • n\ " • *ioil the. ; Pi»rniam i ht Sno-- rmm t U <• on lavs I , i igat i' ll I • • ''•'. In niv judg ! l ••' . ear* . : "tl grower sllOllUl !>•» granted a legal t ight to an all'ot ; meat of at least 1 acres. . THE CHOWAN HERAI/P, EDEtJTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1958. THERf S ONLY ONE 6t INSUR ANCE POLICY that CAN'T RE CONVERTED TO ANY OTHER TVPF that's The SPECIAL Fi\/f- 1 vearTERM policy issuable TO POST-KOREA VETS WITHIN 120 PAYS AFTER SEPARATION. < V— j tot lull infoi malion roiilAii t«u r ite.irst ‘LitHANS AUMIMbIKATIU.N »lln. CH^ News! i I have been telling you about I 'Sonic of the interesting demojistra-» it ions which you can give. Now. Ij plan to have a meeting to teach you i how you '.rim give them. There will b«* a demonstration class held at the Chowan Com munity Building on Saturday morn-| mg. April 2. from A. M., un- j til around 11 :20 A. M. You will he shown how to work up a demonstration, necessary nia-! terials, definite plans for the dem- 1 • mstjation, and materials to help you perform a demonstration will In* available for you to take home.' You will see a Vegetable Dem-j jonstration given by the Assistant Home Agent and Ida Ann Blanch ard will give a Dairy Foods Dem onstration. T here will be an inter esting discussion led by Mary Sin lvlliott on her previous experiences in giving demonstrations. We hope ( to answer all your questions. If you are interested, we urge you to attend. I Mease make spe-1 rial efforts to come. Mothers and j local leaders are also urged to at- j tend, so bring them with you, girls! Following the demonstrations, | light; refreshments' and a social I hour will be enjoyed by all. Cannon’s berry Focal 4-H Cliihj will meet on Thursday, April 7. at I 7:Mi> I\ MY, at the home of Barbara] Ann Jordan. TTie Rocky Hock Junior and Cho wan 4-H Clubs will [earn how t.o use more vegetable and dairy tiro duets at their regular monthly | f aamm g-e automatic U WASHER ■ H deans and recleans H the wash water to give uM B| you cleaner clothes! ONir s [ - WEEK Ntw F,LTC *- WASHIMG STSTIM SfcwV J /In ( f■ mil of your wadi right h'fnte Yost nr., The C K washbasket is always .filled to o»rr flowing i oiitinuously carrying away tin', soao Joiiih nnumont sum and light partirlrs. >and and sil' antomati atter small aown paymem tß n y cjca cd from the um ora of the wa.hh.Ad. fea> I raßKii I I fSW» 1 •16 CAPACITY Over 50% WATER SAVER CONTROL Wsikiftg TUHiIE CmfTßtL^'d^H more clothes capacity Saves gallons of hot water. »««•»■ V “ r ''***, s LT»*«tlod» Z than many other automatic you simply soled any .nOw.diually Oeansed « *»• water l«wcl desired. though washed to A*«d- P««t e*c**- Come in today to see the new G-E FILTER-FLO ® Washing System IKUUtjJJiMJ wuinn r urniture v^o. E DENTON, X. C. School meetings on April 15. Tli Kdi.'iilun Juniur mid Kdciiton Senior 1 II Clubs will incut on : April 7tli. Wntch next week’s column for . Klisier .sujJKestions. r* Why? ] i “Why i.s it that citizeiis who obey other lows often slrow |>rcut eon tenipt for tniffie laws?” The question is asked by Col. Janies 11. Smith, cqniniunder of the "State llinliwuy Patrol, as he com niented on the importance of know- MiK and obeying state traffic laws, t'ol. Smith said people who would SBM Chowan and Edenton Graduates! T I CHOOSE A r REEO & BARTON u.* r&mm vmsmzzmmimmmmgmmm** High school senior girls! - By registering a Reed & Barton sterling pattern with us now you will ' receive a free gift in the \ design of your choice PLUS eligibility to wm * complete set of Reed & i Barton sterling, or one of N ' other valuable prizes!) K to be awarded nationally 'xvS&f s - this Spring Remember. all you need do to be w V eligible is register a N.Reed & Barton pattern \ at our store. TOP TO BOTTOM TjV J oyrum s Silver Whoot c"°L gift shop PHONE 800 EDENTON, N. C. 'be critical of sharp practices in business, who are strictly honest in their personal relationships and who am highly respected in the community, will frequently brag about "getting away” with some in fraction of traffic laws. “This attitude is difficult to un derstand when you consider the I seriousness of our traffic problem,” lm said. “Department of Motor Vehicles records show there were 9!tl people killed in motor vehicle accidents in 1954. It is significant that department records show 87 per cent of the fatal traffic acci dents involved violations of traffic laws by one or more drivers. The conclusion is obvious—violations of traffic laws lead to traffic acci-1 dents.” Tho colonel declared that, in the faco of these facts, no person can consider himself a responsible citi zen if he doesn’t have the same re spect for traffic laws as he has for laws prohibiting such crimes as robbery and murder. “The fatal traffic accident victim ' loses his life as surely as a rnur ■ dcr victim loses his,” Gol. .Smith said, “and the deliberate traffic vi olator who causes tho accident is! responsible for this death.” Col. Smith urged all drivers to! r ' We are headquarters for those smartly styled, smooth fitting, long-wearing... SHOES FOR CHILDREN l U- — ‘ I —^ for EASTER young Americans 10ve.... “RED RIDING HOOD SHOES” from BELK - TYLER’S ' YOUNGSTERS GO iOR RED RIDING HOOD X SHOES. THEY LIKE THEIR SMART STYLING AND SMOOTH COMFORTABLE FIT! MOTHERS LIKE THEM, TOO, FOR THEIR STURDY. DURABLE LEATHERS AND LONG WEAR. LET US FIT YOUR CHILD IN A FAIR TODAY. % l ,R IIRE4S OK [lav I,A v ' Brown and white Xylonairy ,lr hl'll l ,' 1, , , I, ,11 J White buc k with black or red ~,lr s j n B-C-D widths, sizet; Vi Lite ki(| and black pa 10 to big 3. tent |» nrn [i in A-b ( c. j ipf i widths, sizes l/j to r 7 *' 9 *Jr ' ’V;, blown and winti' o\tonl in all widths, io JaMF BELK -T YLER’S - edenton k J accept their responsibility for their own safety and the safety of oth ers and to muko it a point to ob serve traffic laws at all times. Sara Shane Will Be Azalea Queen i Sara Shane, lovely Hollywood a