PAGE FOUR SECTION ONE— *'■ lll -- - - ■ - * - The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, • partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. £J*IKASSOCIATICfiS) J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOIt LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year (Outside State). 52.50 One year (In North Carolina) ?3.00 Six Months --—, Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutioni of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955. A LIFT FOR TODAY if ... . When they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, the people took branches ot palm trees, and went forth to meet him. and cried, Hosanna; Blessed is the King of Israel that coipeth in the name of the Lord. -.John 12:12, 13. IT IS EASY to sing praises t" God. Init it is not so easy to do his will; it is easy to go with the crowd, but difficult, to go against it. Help IIS. O God, to ho loyal to Thee and our fellow man, and practice eyerv day «Ivat Thou hast taught us in Thv Holy Word. All Must Help Reports have it that the.rat situation in. Edenton is getting nut of control and that, despite individual efforts, mounting damage: is being done by these Cussed pests. Not only are the rats overrunning various establishinents. hut they now, in grea.t num bers, infest open ditches and fields. A counfy-wide :nit control campaign is scheduled to lie held during tile last, week of April under the direction of the county agents, arid Kdepton people are urged to join in the fight, buy the poison prepar ed and put. it.out in order to help reduce the rat population. The success of the campaign, of course, depends upon the number who participate, for any one per son can: place poison on their: premises and probably kill a few rats, but unless the same thing .is done bv neighbors, it only means that other rats will move, in from adjoining places. Town Council men at their meeting Tuesday night agreed to cooperate in that an effort will he made to kill rats in open ditches and other outdoor breeding places, and issuing an appeal to all residents to pur chase the required amount of poison bait and: place it where the rats will most likely eat .it. Rats are a general nuisance and a health menace, and while it is hard-to get rid of them altogether, by cooperating many can be disposed of, so. it is hoped many I'dehtoif people will join, in the cam paign against rats. The poison will cost SLOO and "ill hot affect do .mestic animals, and if placed out dir<’i'.- tions is said to be every:' effective in killing rats. It is worth trying, for. rats not- only destroy property 'out carry disease as well. Be Sure and Register With contests developing >i tile town, election oil Tuesday. May 3, attention is called t<».-voters who de sire to. cast a ballot for : their favorite, candidates that they are rt'quiivii to register in order to vote. This:'applies to '.-every,'voter regardless of how long he or she has voted or. how long their names have . been mi the present registration books, A new fog- \ istratio’; has been railed, so that all voters’ names must he on tlii' new books when they go to the polls to cast a ballot. Registration is now in progress and can be done Monday, through Friday at the homes of registrars and on Saturday, from 9 A. M, to sunset the regis trars will sit at the various polling places to enter, names on the hooks. The final, date to, register is at sunset Saturday. April 23, so that all voters are urged to get their names .op the books.before that time. By failing to do so. will deprive a voter the Opportunity and priv ilege .of east ing a .ballot for .the candidates he or she believes will best 1 serve the town for the next two years. It is a solemn duty to vote for nublicofficials so that every voter is urged to attend to the regis tration before it is too late. There's a Lot of I JOHNDEERE [| j PPk-. I TRACTORS The next lime you're in’town, stop at > our store and see how much of "YOU there is in John Deere "50,” "60, ' and , '7O” Tractors. Thanks to Duplex Garburetion, Cyclonic Fuel Intake and All-Weather Manifold, these great two-cylinder tractors bring you smoother, snappier, more economical ! power that means better work —and more of Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. EAST CHURCH STREET "Your John Deere Dealer” EDENTON, H. C. [Heard & Seen By “Buff” ~ JimmyOglesby on April 2nd became the grand pappy of twins and its a result lie “paid up in full’ by handing out a cigar for the grandson and one for the granddaughter. His daughter, Mrs. Arthur [rvin Holleb, (the former Miss Carolyn Oglesby) gave birth to twins in New York City and was able to leave the hospital on Sunday. The daddy of the twins, Dr. Arthur Irvin Holleb, must have put out a lot of smiles after it was all over, hut I’ll bet the two stogies Jimmy passed (Alt (1 can bet only one, for I’ve smoked one) that the doctor was not much happier than Jimmy was to hear the news, for he’s a grandpappy sure ’nuff now. Well, if anybody had any new Easter togs to show (iff oh Sunday, they could hot have wished for a more perfect day to do it. In fact the weather was made to order, so. that, maybe somebody has a pull with the weather man.. As was expected, quite a few people made their annua! visit to the church of their choice and, no doubt, dropped in tile Collection plate a thin dit>le. also an annual contribution to the church. How many people' would like to live in Edenton if every ehtiTch .closed its..diiors ? And how long could any church continue to exist it it had to depend upon the atH'tidailee and i-ciitrihntlons of some of the peo pl(u liviim hViv ? These (juustioMs ure not so \ery hard to answer. If what I hear Is collect, I’ve learned a new meth od, to borfoVvc Money at the Rank of Edenton. As I get it. Kfnest Kijiayes asked Henry Gardner for a loan in order to buy a boat. "UH have to think over it," was Henry’s reply. But a few days later Henry accompanied Ernest iil the latter’s boat on a fish ing trip up the i reek. Henry was standing up when Ernest, started the and as the boat jerked for ward. Henry fell overboard. While Henry was scrambling tit the water Ernest veiled. “Now will you loan me the money to, buy a new boat?” I'm told Henry yelled back. ’•Hell. yes. get me out of here arid I’ll loan you all the money you want..” ■ ' ;. .. ) -'-r- ' Recently, the Tire siren- on the water tank was pjaccd on top of the, armory and the smaller one which .was oh the armory was stuck up in front of my home. I’m a poor tiremaiV. for I haven t heard the' thing shriek yets However, I ve .almost, starved to• death:a few times, for,now I can’t hear the siren when it sounds for tj .o’clock and as a result have been working o', rtinie-—-and 1 don’t get paid extra for it. Anyway, the change...was made: so that more of the volunteer firemen, most of whom live north of i’hureh Street, will hear the alarm, arid they’re the boys who should hear it. With the -basehall .. season.’ opening this week in . the major hCgties;. i : t should, not be long until the baseball bug hcins to crawl in Edenton. I under stand coriSid progress is being made on the diamond at Oho Wan H igh School and the diamond on Hicks Field is in good shape. All we need now is teams'-to use, the parks. Here’s one who rem<>iti.hi rs when Edenton had crackerjack teams and a- so fry ha! i park, but now we have a splendid ball park,, hut not much prospect: of a good baseball team. Speaking..about, the weather, man, lie threw a mon key wrench, ib the proposed annual flower siimv spon sored by the Edentoti Woman's Club, The show has been cancelled because Jack, Frost killed and damag ed.: many "f the flowers and Edenton and surround | ing territory iisua 1 ? y has a lot of. beautiful flowers. However, Edenton. wasn’t: the: only victim, for last week On a trip to Forest, City i noticed: many flow ers and . A crgrCi n ruined..-- Then, too, the peach crop is reported almost a total loss arid already I've heard about runs be: g made tin’canned peaches in antici pation of a IrooM: in price due to a short crop. Gosh, there’s always -something to worry about. - —e—M'———— - It now .looks as though, there’ll be some contests in the tow n, eloi-tiori Tuesday, May. 3, While riot all in cumbents of the Beard of 'Public Works have filed, twptne\v aspirants have thrown their hats in the ring, these being Jimmie Rick's and Horace White as well as W. ,1. Yatcis. J. H. Conger. Ralph Parrish, Dr. J. A. Powell and Thomas Byrum. present members, have not fib'd as vet. arid w itii. the deadline being Friday, April 22. not a lot of time remains. it —at lower cost. To meet your requests for easier farming the Models "50,” "60,” and "70” offer "live” hydraulic Powr-Trol, "live” power shaft, quick-change wheel tread, easier steering and many, many other features that save you time and muscle on every job. You bet there's a lot of "YOU” in John Deere Tractors. Come in and see for yourself. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, ABRIL M, 1955. [civic calendar] (Continued From Page One) flowers, the annual flower show sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club, which was to have been held Tuesday, May 3, has been cancelled. Sponsored by the Edenton Wo man's Club another pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside will be held Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. Chowan 4-H and FFA Fat Stock Show and Sale, sponsored by the Edenton Jaycees, will bo held at the American Legion Fairgrounds Wednesday, May 4. Sponsored by the Edenton PTA, Grass Roots Opera Company will present “Don Pasqtiale” in the Elementary School auditorium oil Wednesday night, April 20, at 8 o’clock. Shepard-Priiden Library will not be open for hook circulation Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. due) to the tour of Colonial Edenton and Countryside. Edenton Lions Club will present its annual minstrel in the Elemen tary School auditorium Thursday 1 1 night, April 28. Classified Ads TOOTH DECAY. See dentist reg ularly. Use sanitizing OI.AG Tooth Paste. At all drag stores. CROCHETING FOR SAI.K-BED spreads, dollies, potholders, ' etc. Will take orders. Call 20S-J or ■ call at 207 East Eden Street. . C. N. Ricks 427 S. Broad St, Edenton. N. (’. Watches - Diamonds Silverware - Jewelry DIAMOND JUBILEE SALE CONTINUES Extra Bargains for the Pilgrimage Free Balloons For the Kiddies LADIES: Have Your Diamonds Cleaned and Check 'd EREE! Expert Watch - Clock And Jewelry Repairing All Merchandise Sold By Us Engraved and Gift Wrapped Free! C. N. KK'KS “Edenton’s Newest Jewelry Store" ! 427 S.. Broad Street Next To Chowan Herald LOST SATURDAY -- MATTRESS on Route 17. Reward; Call 157. Aprl4,2lpd FURNISHED APARTMENT KOR rent. Electric kitchen. West Queen Street, next, to Bridge- Turn Service Station. Apply at Bridge-Turn Station. ltr FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISH ed apartment. Phone 201 -W. MarlTtfe FOR RENT—3-ROOM FURNISH ed apartment. Private hath, l.e rated .18 miles from Edenton on Highway 32. L. E. Twine. Ty ner, N. :C. •!. tfc FOR SALE—I9S3 4 DOOR FORD sedan. Fordomatic. Radio, heat er, white-wall tires. Reasonably priced. Phone 487, Western Au to Associate Store. tfc A BOOK—The Freedom Way. How to live better on less. A hook that can change your life. the. passport to freedom am! inde pendence. Face the future un afraid, Now you can beat in- , flation arid depression. Now you j can escape high taxes and food, j Only $1 a week, rent only $5- a j year. What others have done . | you can do! Only 81.75 post paid. Little Willie’s Order House j 2910 N. Rlvd., Tampa 2, Fla. Apr7,14,21,28c Straight YEARS' An election for Edenton officials will be held Tuesday, May 3. The Fidelis Club meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. The 25th District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs will be held today (Thursday) at Sandy Cross Church. Regional Training Union Con vention for the Chowan and West Chowan Associations will he held in the Cashie Baptist Church in Wind sor Friday afternoon and night, April 22. Oak Grove Home Demonstration Club will sponsor a chicken barbe cue supper Friday night, April 15, from 6:30 to 9:30 o’clock. Chowan County Fair will be held October 17 to 22. Drive for funds to fight cancer now in progress ill Chowan County and will rniitimie throughout the, month. Junior-Senior Prom will he held in the school gymnasium Friday right, April 15, at 8:30 o’clock, Edenton’s Rotary Club meets this (Thursday) afternoon at I o’clock in tlic Parish House, Ed Bond Post. No. 10, of the American Ecu inn is sponsoring dances at (lie Legion lint every Saturday night from 8 to 12 o’clock. ATTENTION WE MU’ Now cfpiippcd !■> !■■;>.;r nil types out- | hailed iriiiterq washing' machines find bicycles. Also sharpen lawn mower blades. Western Auto, Associate. Store. Phone 487. j'f*- 2. i . : 'M S.-Yl I SMEN W ANTED WOULD; you like to hr.w :t good. periiia-■ nent. ’ pr.p'ila'il,- business of your I owii. Yea ea n ,si'll ing'' R:t.wl l • igl?. Pfci.laris. Hundreds of; riien ar,■ aai nice : niotv than over before, supplying families with . Rmvfcish'severy day hyeeSsit iris. ’You can, . too. , Good locality . available in Ch ovv;i n Comity. Write R w h'jgh’s, Dept. NCD-j •'llO-216. R liniond. Yu. Apri17.14.21.28pd SALESMAN WANTED EVERY woinaiMi"! (Is an economical, ut.ili- : t v Saria-Tray Roast* I ]'. Fur, ik- 1 - tails' seivdj .23c.' Willie's j ' -C4ia|i r Hoiii(\ Willie U. Monds.] Owner. 2910 No. I liv'd,.- Tampa 2. Ela. Apr7,14,2J.28c Hill SI. FOR SAI,:K IN I’l .M h)-(ik,. cf( h\ Call Mrs; P, H. B' 11. phfine Plymouth 613-2. ( ApiT-1.21 pd jEi'TIC T A N K S PRE-CAST,’ concrete; Distriliution boxes, lire cast, concrete. Pre-cast concrete grease traps. Kcnnari <Xr Corey Ijtiriihmg Co.. 1111 North Oakum Street, J.in6tfe SUBSCRIPTIONS Reader’ Di • gest, s .aientli- Service ■ men, half price./only, 81.30 per .year. .McCall’s. v months Sl.ntl. Picture I’r.'g n a ('(llieat idial comic hook scrieswidely acclaini-: ed by parents arid; teachers. 9 months 81.110. Satisfied after 3- months issue, Mail .at orice for these off"rs. I 'tie Willie’s Ol der House,- 2910 N. lilvd., Tam pa 2. Fla. Apr7.11.21.28c i FOR .SALE TWO Ip3 | FORDS, low mileage. Inquire a I West ern/Gas Service., Api 7.1 lc , MONUMENTS where you SAVE the middle mail’s profit. 405 S. Road Street, Elizabeth , City, i N. C. Dial 5995. . J. Win!on Sawyer MONUMENTS Authorized Dealer For ROCK of AGES M O N UM ENTS The World's Finest 1 ■ - ... * VFW Post meets in VFW home i Tuesday night of next week. Fund raising drive for the Eden- 1 ton swimming pool still in progress. VFW Post home open every Fri- , day and Saturday nights for mem- . bers and guests, I Chowan Y ribe of Red Men meets Monday night at 8 o'clock. The Rev, Jack Hill of Roan Mountain, Tenn., w ill be guest min ister at the morning and evening services at the Baptist Church Sun day, April 17. VV 7 . P. Jones Speaker At Rotary Meeting William P. Jones, president of tlic Edenton Development Corpora tion, was the principal speaker at last week’s Rotary meeting, at -which time he told in a very inter esting and convincing manner why the organization was formed and some of the work which lias been done thus far in attempting to se cure industries for thiscommunity. During the course of his remarks Mr. Jones emphasized the import ance of a Chamber of Commerce in Edenton or Mime sort of an organi zation doing similar Work. The Wife Saver! i iPSpi Use kitchen walls for extra storage! MASONITE PEG-BOARD* PANELS ! [ Cramped for room? These sturdy ; perforated panels multiply your storage area, keep things in easy reach. Wide variety of metal hangers go on and off in a jiffy, j Come and see them! per sq. ft. 17c M. G. Brown Co., Inc. PHON ES o AND 493 Edenton, X. (\ l f - JA CK and JILL 1 SPRING CLEARANCE Vz to y 2 off ON Girls' Spring Toppers Boys’ And Girls’ Suits r BLOUSES HATS And BAGS DRESSES SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS All Sizes —1 Through Subteens • I JACK AND JILL, Inc. Edenton, North Carolina speaker, a former Rotarinn, was in troduced by H. A. Campen, who had charge of the program. Ray Rogerson and Roger Scheff er, two Edenton seniors, attended the meeting as Junior Rotarians of tlie week. SEED PEANUTS SHELLED AND HAND PICKED RKADY-TO-PLANT JOB WE HAVE A FEW SELECT LOTS OF FARMERS STOCK. JUMBO AND BUNCH TYPE PEANUTS FOR SALE! Ch owan Storage Co. L. E. BUNCH, M ffr . West Carteret St. Edenton, N. C. Thanks A Million Dear Friends and Voters; As another City Flection nears arid I am not a candi date for re-election to your ( ity (lovernment. may l take this opportunity of thanking you for the privilege of serv ing you for the past eight year.s. The experience to me has been something more than money can huv. Working with my fellow Board members and fine Clerk has made serving you a pleasure, as 1 think they have been as fair and conscientious to me and our town as possible. As for our Fourth Ward, I think we are fortunate in having a man of Mr. Luther Parks character in wanting to serve in our City Government, and I feel.that he will do his best for our town as a whole. In closing, may I again say that I shall always treasure the last eight years of serving as City Councilman of the Fourth Ward and 1 hope 1 can continue to be of some ser vice to my fellow citizens. CLYDE HOLLOWELL LEAVES HOSPITAL f FYicr.ds will be interested to loam that Emmett P. Jones is at 'home now following a three weeks’ stay at Riverside Hospital, New port News, Va„ following a back operation.

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